Frédéric Wang bfa7f5112f Remove the "best for most browsers" comment for the MathJax mode.
This is a subjective comment that was not true for everybody (trade-off
between speed & quality). Moreover, this is now an orthogonal option to enable
MathJax client-side rather than a separate rendering mode per se, so it is
confusing to compare it against the other modes. The "recommended" mode in the
future is likely to become MathML + SVG fallback (which instead uses MathJax
server-side) ; but it's probably best to keep neutral regarding the user's

Change-Id: I5c6ff7c95cded4f06f6bfdef43dbe190e42a2968
2014-08-24 14:29:03 +02:00

32 lines
1.7 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"math-desc": "Inderprete le formule matemateche 'mbrà le tag <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> ... <code>&lt;/math&gt;</code>",
"math_sample": "Mitte 'a formule aqquà",
"math_tip": "Formula matemateche (LaTeX)",
"prefs-math": "Math",
"mw_math_png": "Fà sembre 'u render de le PNG",
"mw_math_source": "Lassele cumme a 'nu TeX (pe le browser de teste)",
"mw_math_mathjax": "MathJax (sperimendale)",
"mw_math_mathml": "MathML ce possibbile (sperimendele)",
"mw_math_latexml": "LaTeXML (sperimendale; ause MathML)",
"math_failure": "Analisi fallite",
"math_unknown_error": "errore scanusciute",
"math_unknown_function": "funziona scanusciute '$1'",
"math_lexing_error": "errore de lessiche",
"math_syntax_error": "errore de sintassi",
"math_image_error": "'A conversione d'u PNG ha fallite;\ncondrolle ce l'installazione de latex e dvips (o dvipg + gs + convertitore) jè corrette",
"math_bad_tmpdir": "Non ge puè scrivere o ccrejà 'na cartelle temboranea de math",
"math_bad_output": "Non ge puè scrivere o ccrejà 'na cartelle de destinazzione de math",
"math_notexvc": "<code>texvc</code> eseguibbele perdute;\npe piacere vide math/README pe configurà.",
"math_output_error": "Non ge pozze memorizzà immaggine sus a 'u file system.",
"math_invalidresponse": "$1: resposte invalide ('$3') da 'u server '$2':",
"math_invalidxml": " MathML tène 'n'XML invalide.",
"math_invalidjson": "'U server $1 ave resposte cu 'nu JSON invalide.",
"math_xmlversion": "Attenziò: 'A verifiche de le tipe XML ha state zumbate! Verifiche ce l'installazione d'a MediaUicchi toje jè 'a versione wmf/1.22wmf7 o cchiù nuève.",
"math-preference-mwmathinspector-label": "Cangiamende de le formule de VisualEditor"