physikerwelt db3026d5e1 Error reporting for Mathoid
Currently the error reporting in MathML mode is

The old error message suggested that the MathML
produced is not well formed.
This change displays the actual error
message occurred during the conversion process.

Change-Id: I6a8201107f9280f0cba97509f19b97d8e248c99f
2014-08-28 13:16:35 -04:00

36 lines
2.4 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"math-desc": "Render mathematical formulas between <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> ... <code>&lt;/math&gt;</code> tags",
"math_sample": "Insert formula here",
"math_tip": "Mathematical formula (LaTeX)",
"prefs-math": "Math",
"mw_math_png": "Always render PNG",
"mw_math_source": "Leave it as TeX (for text browsers)",
"mw_math_mathjax": "MathJax (experimental)",
"mw_math_mathml": "MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (experimental)",
"mw_math_latexml": "LaTeXML (experimental; uses MathML)",
"math_failure": "Failed to parse",
"math_unknown_error": "unknown error",
"math_unknown_function": "unknown function \"$1\"",
"math_lexing_error": "lexing error",
"math_syntax_error": "syntax error",
"math_image_error": "PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex and dvipng (or dvips + gs + convert)",
"math_bad_tmpdir": "Cannot write to or create math temp directory",
"math_bad_output": "Cannot write to or create math output directory",
"math_notexvc": "Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.",
"math_notexvccheck": "Missing <code>texvccheck</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.",
"math_output_error": "Cannot store math image on filesystem.",
"math_timeout": "$1 timeout from \"$2\".",
"math_invalidresponse": "$1: Invalid response (\"$3\") from server \"$2\":",
"math_invalidxml": "MathML or SVG is invalid XML.",
"math_invalidjson": "$1 server response is invalid JSON.",
"math_mathoid_error": "Conversion error. Server (\"$1\") reported: \"$2\"",
"math_xmlversion": "Warning: XML type check skipped! Check if your MediaWiki installation is version wmf/1.22wmf7 or newer.",
"math-visualeditor-mwmathinspector-title": "Formula",
"math-preference-mwmathinspector-description": "Add experimental support to VisualEditor for creating and editing of mathematical formulae for testing, ahead of general release. Please remember to always review your changes before saving when using experimental features.",
"math-preference-mwmathinspector-discussion-link": "",
"math-preference-mwmathinspector-info-link": "",
"math-preference-mwmathinspector-label": "VisualEditor formulae editing"