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synced 2024-12-18 10:30:51 +00:00
* Uses the MediaWiki resource modules to load MathJax Change-Id: I9471b1baf41d2bcc4fdc64a26e7d806e92b9b17f
240 lines
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240 lines
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/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
* MathJax/extensions/asciimath2jax.js
* Implements the AsciiMath to Jax preprocessor that locates AsciiMath
* code within the text of a document and replaces it with SCRIPT tags for
* processing by MathJax.
* Modified by David Lippman, based on tex2jax.js.
* Additional work by Davide P. Cervone.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
MathJax.Extension.asciimath2jax = {
version: "2.3",
config: {
delimiters: [['`','`']], // The star/stop delimiter pairs for asciimath code
skipTags: ["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code","annotation","annotation-xml"],
// The names of the tags whose contents will not be
// scanned for math delimiters
ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore", // the class name of elements whose contents should
// NOT be processed by asciimath2jax. Note that this
// is a regular expression, so be sure to quote any
// regexp special characters
processClass: "asciimath2jax_process", // the class name of elements whose contents SHOULD
// be processed when they appear inside ones that
// are ignored. Note that this is a regular expression,
// so be sure to quote any regexp special characters
preview: "AsciiMath" // set to "none" to not insert MathJax_Preview spans
// or set to an array specifying an HTML snippet
// to use the same preview for every equation.
PreProcess: function (element) {
if (!this.configured) {
this.config = MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("asciimath2jax",this.config);
if (this.config.Augment) {MathJax.Hub.Insert(this,this.config.Augment)}
this.configured = true;
if (typeof(element) === "string") {element = document.getElementById(element)}
if (!element) {element = document.body}
if (this.createPatterns()) {this.scanElement(element,element.nextSibling)}
createPatterns: function () {
var starts = [], i, m, config = this.config; this.match = {};
if (config.delimiters.length === 0) {return false}
for (i = 0, m = config.delimiters.length; i < m; i++) {
this.match[config.delimiters[i][0]] = {
mode: "",
end: config.delimiters[i][1],
pattern: this.endPattern(config.delimiters[i][1])
this.start = new RegExp(starts.sort(this.sortLength).join("|"),"g");
this.skipTags = new RegExp("^("+config.skipTags.join("|")+")$","i");
var ignore = [];
if (MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass) {ignore.push(MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass)}
if (config.ignoreClass) {ignore.push(config.ignoreClass)}
this.ignoreClass = (ignore.length ? new RegExp("(^| )("+ignore.join("|")+")( |$)") : /^$/);
this.processClass = new RegExp("(^| )("+config.processClass+")( |$)");
return true;
patternQuote: function (s) {return s.replace(/([\^$(){}+*?\-|\[\]\:\\])/g,'\\$1')},
endPattern: function (end) {
return new RegExp(this.patternQuote(end)+"|\\\\.","g");
sortLength: function (a,b) {
if (a.length !== b.length) {return b.length - a.length}
return (a == b ? 0 : (a < b ? -1 : 1));
scanElement: function (element,stop,ignore) {
var cname, tname, ignoreChild, process;
while (element && element != stop) {
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text') {
if (!ignore) {element = this.scanText(element)}
} else {
cname = (typeof(element.className) === "undefined" ? "" : element.className);
tname = (typeof(element.tagName) === "undefined" ? "" : element.tagName);
if (typeof(cname) !== "string") {cname = String(cname)} // jsxgraph uses non-string class names!
process = this.processClass.exec(cname);
if (element.firstChild && !cname.match(/(^| )MathJax/) &&
(process || !this.skipTags.exec(tname))) {
ignoreChild = (ignore || this.ignoreClass.exec(cname)) && !process;
if (element) {element = element.nextSibling}
scanText: function (element) {
if (element.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/,'') == '') {return element}
var match, prev;
this.search = {start: true};
this.pattern = this.start;
while (element) {
this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
while (element && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text' &&
(match = this.pattern.exec(element.nodeValue))) {
if (this.search.start) {element = this.startMatch(match,element)}
else {element = this.endMatch(match,element)}
if (this.search.matched) {element = this.encloseMath(element)}
if (element) {
do {prev = element; element = element.nextSibling}
while (element && (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br' ||
element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#comment'));
if (!element || element.nodeName !== '#text') {return prev}
return element;
startMatch: function (match,element) {
var delim = this.match[match[0]];
if (delim != null) {
this.search = {
end: delim.end, mode: delim.mode,
open: element, olen: match[0].length,
opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length
return element;
endMatch: function (match,element) {
if (match[0] == this.search.end) {
this.search.close = element;
this.search.cpos = this.pattern.lastIndex;
this.search.clen = (this.search.isBeginEnd ? 0 : match[0].length);
this.search.matched = true;
element = this.encloseMath(element);
return element;
switchPattern: function (pattern) {
pattern.lastIndex = this.pattern.lastIndex;
this.pattern = pattern;
this.search.start = (pattern === this.start);
encloseMath: function (element) {
var search = this.search, close = search.close, CLOSE, math;
if (search.cpos === close.length) {close = close.nextSibling}
else {close = close.splitText(search.cpos)}
if (!close) {CLOSE = close = MathJax.HTML.addText(search.close.parentNode,"")}
search.close = close;
math = (search.opos ? search.open.splitText(search.opos) : search.open);
while (math.nextSibling && math.nextSibling !== close) {
if (math.nextSibling.nodeValue !== null) {
if (math.nextSibling.nodeName === "#comment") {
math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue.replace(/^\[CDATA\[((.|\n|\r)*)\]\]$/,"$1");
} else {
math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue;
} else if (this.msieNewlineBug) {
math.nodeValue += (math.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "br" ? "\n" : " ");
} else {
math.nodeValue += " ";
var AM = math.nodeValue.substr(search.olen,math.nodeValue.length-search.olen-search.clen);
if (this.config.preview !== "none") {this.createPreview(search.mode,AM)}
math = this.createMathTag(search.mode,AM);
this.search = {}; this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
if (CLOSE) {CLOSE.parentNode.removeChild(CLOSE)}
return math;
insertNode: function (node) {
var search = this.search;
createPreview: function (mode,asciimath) {
var preview = this.config.preview;
if (preview === "none") return;
if (preview === "AsciiMath") {preview = [this.filterPreview(asciimath)]}
if (preview) {
preview = MathJax.HTML.Element("span",{className:MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass},preview);
createMathTag: function (mode,asciimath) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "math/asciimath" + mode;
return script;
filterPreview: function (asciimath) {return asciimath},
msieNewlineBug: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE && (document.documentMode||0) < 9)
// We register the preprocessors with the following priorities:
// - mml2jax.js: 5
// - jsMath2jax.js: 8
// - asciimath2jax.js, tex2jax.js: 10 (default)
// See issues 18 and 484 and the other *2jax.js files.