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Expecting E_ERROR and E_USER_ERROR is deprecated and will no longer be possible in PHPUnit 10. Bug: T342110 Change-Id: I713460ef62f1dbdf1332916965e833e7f9074e3c
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math\Tests;
use DataValues\StringValue;
use MediaWiki\Config\ConfigException;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageNameUtils;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\BasicEntityIdParser;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityIdParsingException;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\Item;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\ItemId;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\NumericPropertyId;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Snak\PropertyValueSnak;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Statement\Statement;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Statement\StatementList;
use Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRevision;
use Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRevisionLookup;
use Wikibase\Lib\Store\StorageException;
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\MathWikibaseConnector
class MathWikibaseConnectorTest extends MathWikibaseConnectorTestFactory {
public function testGetUrl() {
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector();
$this->assertEquals( self::EXAMPLE_URL . 'wiki/Special:EntityPage/Q42',
$mathWikibase->buildURL( 'Q42' ) );
public function testFetchInvalidLanguage() {
$languageNameUtils = $this->createMock( LanguageNameUtils::class );
$languageNameUtils->method( 'isValidCode' )
->willReturn( false );
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector( null, $languageNameUtils );
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Invalid language code specified.' );
$mathWikibase->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', '&' );
public function testFetchWithStorageIssue() {
$entityRevisionLookup = $this->createMock( EntityRevisionLookup::class );
$entityRevisionLookup->method( 'getEntityRevision' )
->willThrowException( new StorageException( 'Invalid code' ) );
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector( null, null, null, $entityRevisionLookup );
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Non-existing Wikibase ID.' );
$mathWikibase->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', '&' );
public function testFetchNonExistingId() {
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector();
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Non-existing Wikibase ID.' );
$mathWikibase->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
public function testFailSafeFaultyPropertySetup() {
$dummyItemId = new ItemId( 'Q1' );
$parserMock = $this->createMock( BasicEntityIdParser::class );
$parserMock->method( 'parse' )
static function ( string $id ) {
if ( $id === 'Q1' ) {
return new ItemId( 'Q1' );
} else {
throw new ConfigException();
} );
$revisionLookupMock = $this->createMock( EntityRevisionLookup::class );
$revisionLookupMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getEntityRevision' )
->with( $dummyItemId )
->willReturn( null );
// non-existing properties should not result in errors on initialization
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector(
// but obviously on non-existing errors when trying to fetch information
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Non-existing Wikibase ID.' );
$mathWikibase->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
public function testFetchMalformedId() {
$parserMock = $this->createMock( BasicEntityIdParser::class );
$parserMock->method( 'parse' )
static function ( string $id ) {
if ( $id === '1' ) {
throw new EntityIdParsingException();
} else {
return null;
} );
$mathWikibase = $this->getWikibaseConnector( null, null, null, null, null, $parserMock );
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Invalid Wikibase ID.' );
$mathWikibase->fetchWikibaseFromId( '1', 'en' );
public function testFetchNonItem() {
// a mocked Item does not pass instanceof, hence the InvalidArgumentException
$entityRevisionMock = $this->createMock( EntityRevision::class );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems( $entityRevisionMock );
$this->expectException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'The specified Wikibase ID does not represented an item.' );
$wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
public function testFetchEmptyItem() {
$itemId = new ItemId( 'Q1' );
$item = new Item( $itemId );
$revision = new EntityRevision( $item );
$parserMock = $this->createMock( BasicEntityIdParser::class );
$parserMock->method( 'parse' )
static function ( string $id ) {
if ( str_starts_with( $id, 'Q' ) ) {
return new ItemId( $id );
} else {
throw new ConfigException();
} );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems(
$wikibaseInfo = $wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
$this->assertEquals( $itemId, $wikibaseInfo->getId() );
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][0], $wikibaseInfo->getLabel() );
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][1], $wikibaseInfo->getDescription() );
$this->assertCount( 0, $wikibaseInfo->getParts() );
$this->assertFalse( $wikibaseInfo->hasParts() );
$this->assertNull( $wikibaseInfo->getSymbol() );
$this->assertNull( $wikibaseInfo->getFormattedSymbol() );
public function testFetchItemWithFormula() {
$itemId = new ItemId( 'Q1' );
$item = new Item( $itemId );
$revision = new EntityRevision( $item );
$formulaValue = new StringValue( self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][2] );
$definingFormulaStatement = new Statement( new PropertyValueSnak(
new NumericPropertyId( 'P2' ),
) );
$item->setStatements( new StatementList( $definingFormulaStatement ) );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems( $revision );
$wikibaseInfo = $wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
$this->assertFalse( $wikibaseInfo->hasParts() );
$this->assertEquals( $formulaValue, $wikibaseInfo->getSymbol() );
$this->getExpectedMathML( $formulaValue->getValue() ),
* @dataProvider provideItemSetups
public function testFetchMassEnergyEquivalenceHasPartsItem( bool $hasPart ) {
$item = $this->setupMassEnergyEquivalenceItem( $hasPart );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems( new EntityRevision( $item ) );
$wikibaseInfo = $wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
$this->assertEquals( $item->getId(), $wikibaseInfo->getId() );
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][0], $wikibaseInfo->getLabel() );
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][1], $wikibaseInfo->getDescription() );
$mathFormula = self::TEST_ITEMS[ 'Q1' ][2];
$this->assertEquals( $mathFormula, $wikibaseInfo->getSymbol()->getValue() );
$this->assertEquals( $this->getExpectedMathML( $mathFormula ), $wikibaseInfo->getFormattedSymbol() );
$this->assertTrue( $wikibaseInfo->hasParts() );
$parts = $wikibaseInfo->getParts();
$this->assertCount( 3, $parts );
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$key = $part->getId()->getSerialization();
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ $key ][0], $part->getLabel() );
$this->assertEquals( self::TEST_ITEMS[ $key ][1], $part->getDescription() );
$mathFormula = self::TEST_ITEMS[ $key ][2];
$this->assertEquals( $mathFormula, $part->getSymbol()->getValue() );
$this->assertEquals( $this->getExpectedMathML( $mathFormula ), $part->getFormattedSymbol() );
$this->assertEquals( self::EXAMPLE_URL, $part->getUrl() );
* @dataProvider provideItemSetups
public function testFetchMassEnergyWithStorageExceptionLogging( bool $hasPart ) {
$logger = $this->createMock( LoggerInterface::class );
$logger->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'warning' )
->with( 'Cannot fetch URL for EntityId Q3. Reason: Test Exception' );
$item = $this->setupMassEnergyEquivalenceItem( $hasPart );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems(
new EntityRevision( $item ),
$wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
* @dataProvider provideItemSetups
public function testFetchMassEnergyWithStorageException( bool $hasPart ) {
$item = $this->setupMassEnergyEquivalenceItem( $hasPart );
$wikibaseConnector = $this->getWikibaseConnectorWithExistingItems(
new EntityRevision( $item ),
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )
$wikibaseInfo = $wikibaseConnector->fetchWikibaseFromId( 'Q1', 'en' );
$this->assertTrue( $wikibaseInfo->hasParts() );
$parts = $wikibaseInfo->getParts();
$this->assertCount( 3, $parts );
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$key = $part->getId()->getSerialization();
if ( $key === 'Q3' ) {
$this->assertNull( $part->getUrl() );
} else {
$this->assertEquals( self::EXAMPLE_URL, $part->getUrl() );
public static function provideItemSetups(): array {
return [
[ true ],
[ false ],