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synced 2024-12-18 18:40:39 +00:00
mathematical function names when translating to HTML; adds support for the sen, the Spanish name for sin; and corrects a bug that eliminates spacing around \operatorname{...} in the resulting png. More specifically, texvc now dectect whether or not a standard function such as is followed by a delimitier such as (, {, [ etc. and adds a space or not as appropriate. This issue The code has been reorganized to include a list of standard LaTeX commands whose spacing rules are the same, and treates them all on an equal footing. It similarly treats functions defined for mediawiki in the same way it treats standard latex functions. One addition function is added, \sen, and others can be added easily if necessary. Finally LaTeX generated by texvc contained to many braces which altered the spacing created by the command \operatorname, this has now been corrected. These last two changes address the issues raised in bug 18912 and the chaning in translation to HTML address most, but not all, of the issues raised in bug 6722 .
119 lines
6.8 KiB
119 lines
6.8 KiB
open Parser
open Render_info
open Tex
let space = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r']
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let literal_id = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let literal_mn = ['0'-'9']
let literal_uf_lt = [',' ':' ';' '?' '!' '\'']
let delimiter_uf_lt = ['(' ')' '.']
let literal_uf_op = ['+' '-' '*' '=']
let delimiter_uf_op = ['/' '|']
let boxchars = ['0'-'9' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '+' '-' '*' ',' '=' '(' ')' ':' '/' ';' '?' '.' '!' ' ' '\128'-'\255']
let aboxchars = ['0'-'9' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '+' '-' '*' ',' '=' '(' ')' ':' '/' ';' '?' '.' '!' ' ']
let latex_function_names = "arccos"| "arcsin" | "arctan" | "arg" | "cos" | "cosh" | "cot" | "coth" | "csc"| "deg" | "det" | "dim" | "exp" | "gcd" | "hom" | "inf" | "ker" | "lg" | "lim" | "liminf" | "limsup" | "ln" | "log" | "max" | "min" | "Pr" | "sec" | "sin" | "sinh" | "sup" | "tan" | "tanh"
let mediawiki_function_names = "arccot" | "arcsec" | "arccsc" | "sgn" | "sen"
rule token = parse
space + { token lexbuf }
| "\\text" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ Texutil.tex_use_ams (); let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\text", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\mbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\mbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\hbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\hbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\vbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\vbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\mbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\mbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\hbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\hbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\vbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\vbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| literal_id { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_IT, str,str,MI,str)) }
| literal_mn { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_RM, str,str,MN,str)) }
| literal_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (HTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str,str)) }
| delimiter_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (HTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str,str)) }
| "-" { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH,"-"," − ",MO,str))}
| literal_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str," "^str^" ",MO,str)) }
| delimiter_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str," "^str^" ",MO,str)) }
| "\\" alpha + { Texutil.find (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| "\\sqrt" space * "[" { FUN_AR1opt "\\sqrt" }
| "\\xleftarrow" space * "[" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); FUN_AR1opt "\\xleftarrow" }
| "\\xrightarrow" space * "[" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); FUN_AR1opt "\\xrightarrow" }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "(" { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\" ^ name ^ "(", name ^ "(")) }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "[" { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\" ^ name ^ "[", name ^ "[")) }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "\\{" { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\" ^ name ^ "\\{", name ^ "{")) }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\" ^ name, name ^ " ")) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "(" { (Texutil.tex_use_ams(); LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}(", name^ "("))) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "[" { (Texutil.tex_use_ams(); LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}[", name^ "["))) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "\\{" { (Texutil.tex_use_ams(); LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}\\{", name^ "{"))) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * { (Texutil.tex_use_ams(); LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}", name ^ " "))) }
| "\\," { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UF, "\\,"," ")) }
| "\\ " { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UF, "\\ "," ")) }
| "\\;" { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UF, "\\;"," ")) }
| "\\!" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\!") }
| "\\{" { DELIMITER (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\{","{")) }
| "\\}" { DELIMITER (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\}","}")) }
| "\\|" { DELIMITER (HTMLABLE (FONT_UFH,"\\|","||")) }
| "\\_" { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\_","_")) }
| "\\#" { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UFH,"\\#","#")) }
| "\\%" { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UFH,"\\%","%")) }
| "\\$" { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UFH,"\\$","$")) }
| "\\&" { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC (FONT_RM,"\\&","&")) }
| "&" { NEXT_CELL }
| "\\\\" { NEXT_ROW }
| "\\begin{matrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN__MATRIX }
| "\\end{matrix}" { END__MATRIX }
| "\\begin{pmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_PMATRIX }
| "\\end{pmatrix}" { END_PMATRIX }
| "\\begin{bmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_BMATRIX }
| "\\end{bmatrix}" { END_BMATRIX }
| "\\begin{Bmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_BBMATRIX }
| "\\end{Bmatrix}" { END_BBMATRIX }
| "\\begin{vmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_VMATRIX }
| "\\end{vmatrix}" { END_VMATRIX }
| "\\begin{Vmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_VVMATRIX }
| "\\end{Vmatrix}" { END_VVMATRIX }
| "\\begin{array}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_ARRAY }
| "\\end{array}" { END_ARRAY }
| "\\begin{align}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_ALIGN }
| "\\end{align}" { END_ALIGN }
| "\\begin{alignat}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_ALIGNAT }
| "\\end{alignat}" { END_ALIGNAT }
| "\\begin{smallmatrix}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_SMALLMATRIX }
| "\\end{smallmatrix}" { END_SMALLMATRIX }
| "\\begin{cases}" { Texutil.tex_use_ams(); BEGIN_CASES }
| "\\end{cases}" { END_CASES }
| '>' { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,">"," > ")) }
| '<' { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"<"," < ")) }
| '%' { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\%","%")) }
| '$' { LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(FONT_UFH,"\\$","$")) }
| '~' { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UF, "~"," ")) }
| ']' { SQ_CLOSE }
| '{' { CURLY_OPEN }
| '}' { CURLY_CLOSE }
| '^' { SUP }
| '_' { SUB }
| eof { EOF }