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synced 2024-12-01 02:36:47 +00:00
This commit separates the files wiki2jax.js and texvc.js from the MathJax modules. This allows for MathJax updates without affecting MediaWiki files. It also defines the MediaWiki path configuration, although this will really only be usable in MathJax 2.4. Finally, it fixes jshint errors in texvc.js and wiki2jax.js Moved texvc.js and wiki2jax.js to extensions/Math/modules/mediawiki-extensions directory Change-Id: I97d68c0555bc9fbdd6bf42912aa249d57b3d9359
137 lines
5.4 KiB
137 lines
5.4 KiB
* From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Nageh/mathJax/config/TeX-AMS-texvc_HTML.js
/* global MathJax:true */
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('TeX Jax Ready',function () {
var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
mathchar0mi: {
// Lowercase Greek letters
thetasym: '03B8', // theta
koppa: '03DF',
stigma: '03DB',
coppa: '03D9', // archaic koppa
// Ord symbols
C: ['0043',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
cnums: ['0043',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
Complex: ['0043',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
H: ['210D',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
N: ['004E',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
natnums: ['004E',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
Q: ['0051',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
R: ['0052',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
reals: ['0052',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
Reals: ['0052',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
Z: ['005A',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.DOUBLESTRUCK}],
sect: '00A7', // S
P: '00B6',
AA: ['00C5',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // Å, used for Angstrom
alef: ['2135',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // aleph
alefsym: ['2135',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // aleph
weierp: ['2118',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // wp
real: ['211C',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // Re
part: ['2202',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // partial
infin: ['221E',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // infty
empty: ['2205',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // emptyset
O: ['2205',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // emptyset (but should probably be Swedish O)
ang: ['2220',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // angle
exist: ['2203',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // exists
clubs: ['2663',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // clubsuit
diamonds: ['2662',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // diamondsuit
hearts: ['2661',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // heartsuit
spades: ['2660',{mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL}], // spadesuit
textvisiblespace: '2423'
mathchar0mo: {
// Binary operators
and: '2227', // land
or: '2228', // lor
bull: '2219', // bullet
plusmn: '00B1', // pm
sdot: '22C5', // cdot
// Binary relations
sup: '2283', // supset
sub: '2282', // subset
supe: '2287', // supseteq
sube: '2286', // subseteq
isin: '2208', // in
hAar: '21D4', // Leftrightarrow [sic]
hArr: '21D4', // Leftrightarrow
Harr: '21D4', // Leftrightarrow
Lrarr: '21D4', // Leftrightarrow
lrArr: '21D4', // Leftrightarrow
lArr: '21D0', // Leftarrow
Larr: '21D0', // Leftarrow
rArr: '21D2', // Rightarrow
Rarr: '21D2', // Rightarrow
harr: '2194', // leftrightarrow
lrarr: '2194', // leftrightarrow
larr: '2190', // leftarrow
gets: '2190', // leftarrow
rarr: '2192', // rightarrow
// big ops
oiint: ['222F',{texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP}], // not part of texvc but nice to have
oiiint: ['2230',{texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP}]
mathchar7: {
// Uppercase Greek letters
Alpha: '0391',
Beta: '0392',
Epsilon: '0395',
Zeta: '0396',
Eta: '0397',
Iota: '0399',
Kappa: '039A',
Mu: '039C',
Nu: '039D',
Omicron: '039F',
Rho: '03A1',
Tau: '03A4',
Chi: '03A7',
Koppa: '03DE',
Stigma: '03DA',
Coppa: '03D8' // archaic Koppa
delimiter: {
'\\uarr': '2191', // uparrow
'\\darr': '2193', // downarrow
'\\Uarr': '21D1', // Uparrow
'\\uArr': '21D1', // Uparrow
'\\Darr': '21D3', // Downarrow
'\\dArr': '21D3', // Downarrow
'\\rang': '27E9', // rangle
'\\lang': '27E8' // langle
macros: {
sgn: 'NamedFn',
arccot: 'NamedFn',
arcsec: 'NamedFn',
arccsc: 'NamedFn',
bold: ['Macro','\\mathbf{#1}',1], // boldsymbol
href: 'NamedFn', // disable dangerous command
style: 'NamedFn', // disable dangerous command
pagecolor: ['Macro','',1], // ignore \pagecolor{}
vline: ['Macro','\\smash{\\large\\lvert}',0],
image: ['Macro','\\Im']
MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post('TeX texvc Ready');
MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.Ajax.config.path.MediaWiki + '/texvc.js');