Siebrand Mazeland 7b2b7301e0 Maintenance for Math extension.
* Replace deprecated wfMsg* calls with alternatives.
* Add FIXME for occurrence I don't know how to replace.
* Update some docs.
* Sprinkle a few semi-colons over the JavaScript.

Change-Id: I755a95f8bba48a23ef8c432e232adfaef4caae70
2012-08-31 01:25:48 +02:00

388 lines
11 KiB

* MediaWiki math extension
* (c) 2002-2012 Tomasz Wegrzanowski, Brion Vibber, and other MediaWiki contributors
* GPLv2 license; info in main package.
* Contains everything related to <math> </math> parsing
* @file
* @ingroup Parser
if ( !function_exists('wfEscapeSingleQuotes') ) {
* Escapes a string with single quotes for a UNIX shell.
* It's equivalent to escapeshellarg() in UNIX, but also
* working in Windows, where we need it for cygwin shell.
function wfEscapeSingleQuotes( $str ) {
return "'" . str_replace( "'", "'\\''", $str ) . "'";
* Takes LaTeX fragments, sends them to a helper program (texvc) for rendering
* to rasterized PNG and HTML and MathML approximations. An appropriate
* rendering form is picked and returned.
* @author Tomasz Wegrzanowski, with additions by Brion Vibber (2003, 2004)
* @ingroup Parser
class MathRenderer {
var $mode = MW_MATH_PNG;
var $tex = '';
var $inputhash = '';
var $hash = '';
var $html = '';
var $mathml = '';
var $conservativeness = 0;
public function __construct( $tex, $params = array() ) {
$this->tex = $tex;
$this->params = $params;
* @return FileBackend
protected function getBackend() {
global $wgMathFileBackend, $wgMathDirectory;
if ( $wgMathFileBackend ) {
return FileBackendGroup::singleton()->get( $wgMathFileBackend );
} else {
static $backend = null;
if ( !$backend ) {
$backend = new FSFileBackend( array(
'name' => 'math-backend',
'lockManager' => 'nullLockManager',
'containerPaths' => array( 'math-render' => $wgMathDirectory ),
'fileMode' => 777
) );
return $backend;
function setOutputMode( $mode ) {
if ( in_array( $mode, $validModes ) ) {
$this->mode = $mode;
} else {
// Several mixed modes have been phased out.
$this->mode = MW_MATH_PNG;
function render() {
global $wgTexvc, $wgTexvcBackgroundColor, $wgUseSquid;
if( $this->mode == MW_MATH_SOURCE || $this->mode == MW_MATH_MATHJAX ) {
# No need to render or parse anything more!
# New lines are replaced with spaces, which avoids confusing our parser (bugs 23190, 22818)
return Xml::element( 'span',
'class' => 'tex',
'dir' => 'ltr'
'$ ' . str_replace( "\n", " ", $this->tex ) . ' $'
if( $this->tex == '' ) {
return; # bug 8372
$tmpDir = wfTempDir();
if( !$this->_recall() ) { // cache miss
if( !is_executable( $wgTexvc ) ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_notexvc' );
$cmd = $wgTexvc . ' ' .
wfEscapeSingleQuotes( $tmpDir ) . ' '.
wfEscapeSingleQuotes( $tmpDir ) . ' '.
wfEscapeSingleQuotes( $this->tex ) . ' '.
wfEscapeSingleQuotes( 'UTF-8' ) . ' '.
wfEscapeSingleQuotes( $wgTexvcBackgroundColor );
if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
# Invoke it within cygwin sh, because texvc expects sh features in its default shell
$cmd = 'sh -c ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $cmd );
wfDebug( "TeX: $cmd\n" );
$contents = wfShellExec( $cmd );
wfDebug( "TeX output:\n $contents\n---\n" );
if ( strlen( $contents ) == 0 ) {
if ( !file_exists( $tmpDir ) || !is_writable( $tmpDir ) ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_bad_tmpdir' );
} else {
return $this->_error( 'math_unknown_error' );
$tempFsFile = new TempFSFile( "$tmpDir/{$this->hash}.png" );
$tempFsFile->autocollect(); // destroy file when $tempFsFile leaves scope
$retval = substr( $contents, 0, 1 );
$errmsg = '';
if ( ( $retval == 'C' ) || ( $retval == 'M' ) || ( $retval == 'L' ) ) {
if ( $retval == 'C' ) {
$this->conservativeness = 2;
} elseif ( $retval == 'M' ) {
$this->conservativeness = 1;
} else {
$this->conservativeness = 0;
$outdata = substr( $contents, 33 );
$i = strpos( $outdata, "\000" );
$this->html = substr( $outdata, 0, $i );
$this->mathml = substr( $outdata, $i + 1 );
} elseif ( ( $retval == 'c' ) || ( $retval == 'm' ) || ( $retval == 'l' ) ) {
$this->html = substr( $contents, 33 );
if ( $retval == 'c' ) {
$this->conservativeness = 2;
} elseif ( $retval == 'm' ) {
$this->conservativeness = 1;
} else {
$this->conservativeness = 0;
$this->mathml = null;
} elseif ( $retval == 'X' ) {
$this->html = null;
$this->mathml = substr( $contents, 33 );
$this->conservativeness = 0;
} elseif ( $retval == '+' ) {
$this->html = null;
$this->mathml = null;
$this->conservativeness = 0;
} else {
$errbit = htmlspecialchars( substr( $contents, 1 ) );
switch( $retval ) {
case 'E':
$errmsg = $this->_error( 'math_lexing_error', $errbit );
case 'S':
$errmsg = $this->_error( 'math_syntax_error', $errbit );
case 'F':
$errmsg = $this->_error( 'math_unknown_function', $errbit );
$errmsg = $this->_error( 'math_unknown_error', $errbit );
if ( !$errmsg ) {
$this->hash = substr( $contents, 1, 32 );
wfRunHooks( 'MathAfterTexvc', array( &$this, &$errmsg ) );
if ( $errmsg ) {
return $errmsg;
} elseif ( !preg_match( "/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/", $this->hash ) ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_unknown_error' );
} elseif( !file_exists( "$tmpDir/{$this->hash}.png" ) ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_image_error' );
} elseif( filesize( "$tmpDir/{$this->hash}.png" ) == 0 ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_image_error' );
$hashpath = $this->_getHashPath(); // final storage directory
$backend = $this->getBackend();
# Create any containers/directories as needed...
if ( !$backend->prepare( array( 'dir' => $hashpath ) )->isOK() ) {
return $this->_error( 'math_output_error' );
// Store the file at the final storage path...
if ( !$backend->quickStore( array(
'src' => "$tmpDir/{$this->hash}.png", 'dst' => "$hashpath/{$this->hash}.png"
) )->isOK()
) {
return $this->_error( 'math_output_error' );
# Now save it back to the DB:
if ( !wfReadOnly() ) {
$outmd5_sql = pack( 'H32', $this->hash );
$md5_sql = pack( 'H32', $this->md5 ); # Binary packed, not hex
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
array( 'math_inputhash' ),
'math_inputhash' => $dbw->encodeBlob( $md5_sql ),
'math_outputhash' => $dbw->encodeBlob( $outmd5_sql ),
'math_html_conservativeness' => $this->conservativeness,
'math_html' => $this->html,
'math_mathml' => $this->mathml,
// If we're replacing an older version of the image, make sure it's current.
if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
$urls = array( $this->_mathImageUrl() );
$u = new SquidUpdate( $urls );
return $this->_doRender();
function _error( $msg, $append = '' ) {
$mf = wfMessage( 'math_failure' )->escaped();
$errmsg = wfMessage( $msg )->escaped();
$source = htmlspecialchars( str_replace( "\n", ' ', $this->tex ) );
return "<strong class='error'>$mf ($errmsg$append): $source</strong>\n";
function _recall() {
global $wgMathCheckFiles;
$this->md5 = md5( $this->tex );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$rpage = $dbr->selectRow(
'math_outputhash', 'math_html_conservativeness', 'math_html',
'math_inputhash' => $dbr->encodeBlob( pack( "H32", $this->md5 ) ) # Binary packed, not hex
if( $rpage !== false ) {
# Trailing 0x20s can get dropped by the database, add it back on if necessary:
$xhash = unpack( 'H32md5', $dbr->decodeBlob( $rpage->math_outputhash ) . " " );
$this->hash = $xhash['md5'];
$this->conservativeness = $rpage->math_html_conservativeness;
$this->html = $rpage->math_html;
$this->mathml = $rpage->math_mathml;
if( !$wgMathCheckFiles ) {
// Short-circuit the file existence & migration checks
return true;
$filename = $this->_getHashPath() . "/{$this->hash}.png"; // final storage path
$backend = $this->getBackend();
if( $backend->fileExists( array( 'src' => $filename ) ) ) {
if( $backend->getFileSize( array( 'src' => $filename ) ) == 0 ) {
// Some horrible error corrupted stuff :(
$backend->quickDelete( array( 'src' => $filename ) );
} else {
return true; // cache hit
# Missing from the database and/or the render cache
return false;
* Select among PNG, HTML, or MathML output depending on
function _doRender() {
if( $this->mode == MW_MATH_MATHML && $this->mathml != '' ) {
return Xml::tags( 'math',
$this->_attribs( 'math',
array( 'xmlns' => '' ) ),
$this->mathml );
if ( ( $this->mode == MW_MATH_PNG ) || ( $this->html == '' ) ||
( ( $this->mode == MW_MATH_SIMPLE ) && ( $this->conservativeness != 2 ) ) ||
( ( $this->mode == MW_MATH_MODERN || $this->mode == MW_MATH_MATHML ) && ( $this->conservativeness == 0 ) )
return $this->_linkToMathImage();
} else {
return Xml::tags( 'span',
$this->_attribs( 'span',
array( 'class' => 'texhtml',
'dir' => 'ltr'
) ),
function _attribs( $tag, $defaults = array(), $overrides = array() ) {
$attribs = Sanitizer::validateTagAttributes( $this->params, $tag );
$attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $defaults, $attribs );
$attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $attribs, $overrides );
return $attribs;
function _linkToMathImage() {
$url = $this->_mathImageUrl();
return Xml::element( 'img',
'class' => 'tex',
'alt' => $this->tex
'src' => $url
function _mathImageUrl() {
global $wgMathPath;
$dir = $this->_getHashSubPath();
return "$wgMathPath/$dir/{$this->hash}.png";
* @return string Storage directory
function _getHashPath() {
$path = $this->getBackend()->getRootStoragePath() .
'/math-render/' . $this->_getHashSubPath();
wfDebug( "TeX: getHashPath, hash is: $this->hash, path is: $path\n" );
return $path;
* @return string Relative directory
function _getHashSubPath() {
return substr( $this->hash, 0, 1)
. '/' . substr( $this->hash, 1, 1 )
. '/' . substr( $this->hash, 2, 1 );
public static function renderMath( $tex, $params = array(), ParserOptions $parserOptions = null ) {
if( trim( $tex ) == "" ) {
return "";
$math = new MathRenderer( $tex, $params );
if ( $parserOptions ) {
$math->setOutputMode( $parserOptions->getMath() );
return $math->render();