Umherirrender e599afa6db Use assertStringContainsString in unit tests
Using assertContains() with string haystacks is deprecated and will not
be supported in PHPUnit 9. Refactor your test to use
assertStringContainsString() or assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()

Change-Id: Ic35f3c60a7f49dfe244b87192d7f161c117b37e1
2020-04-05 13:46:04 +02:00

116 lines
4.1 KiB

* Test the interface to access Restbase paths
* /media/math/check/{type}
* /media/math/render/{format}/{hash}
* @covers \MathRestbaseInterface
* @group Math
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
class MathRestbaseInterfaceTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
protected static $hasRestbase;
public static function setUpBeforeClass() : void {
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface();
self::$hasRestbase = $rbi->checkBackend( true );
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp() : void {
if ( !self::$hasRestbase ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( "Can not connect to Restbase Math interface." );
public function testConfig() {
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface();
$this->assertTrue( $rbi->checkBackend() );
public function testSuccess() {
$input = '\\sin x^2';
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $input );
$this->assertTrue( $rbi->getSuccess(), "Assuming that $input is valid input." );
$this->assertEquals( '\\sin x^{2}', $rbi->getCheckedTex() );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '<mi>sin</mi>', $rbi->getMathML() );
$url = $rbi->getFullSvgUrl();
$req = MWHttpRequest::factory( $url );
$status = $req->execute();
$this->assertTrue( $status->isOK() );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '</svg>', $req->getContent() );
public function testFail() {
$input = '\\sin\\newcommand';
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $input );
$this->assertFalse( $rbi->getSuccess(), "Assuming that $input is invalid input." );
$this->assertNull( $rbi->getCheckedTex() );
$this->assertEquals( 'Illegal TeX function', $rbi->getError()->error->message );
public function testChem() {
$input = '\ce{H2O}';
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $input, 'chem' );
$this->assertTrue( $rbi->checkTeX(), "Assuming that $input is valid input." );
$this->assertTrue( $rbi->getSuccess(), "Assuming that $input is valid input." );
$this->assertEquals( '{\ce {H2O}}', $rbi->getCheckedTex() );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '<msubsup>', $rbi->getMathML() );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '<mtext>H</mtext>', $rbi->getMathML() );
public function testException() {
$input = '\\newcommand';
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $input );
$this->expectException( MWException::class );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'TeX input is invalid.' );
public function testExceptionSvg() {
$input = '\\newcommand';
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $input );
$this->expectException( MWException::class );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'TeX input is invalid.' );
* Incorporate the "details" in the error message, if the check requests passes, but the
* mml/svg/complete endpoints returns an error
public function testLateError() {
// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
$input = '{"type":"","title":"Bad Request","method":"POST","detail":["TeX parse error: Missing close brace"],"uri":"/complete"}';
$this->expectException( MWException::class );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Cannot get mml. TeX parse error: Missing close brace' );
MathRestbaseInterface::throwContentError( 'mml', $input );
* Incorporate the "details" in the error message, if the check requests passes, but the
* mml/svg/complete endpoints returns an error
public function testLateErrorString() {
// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
$input = '{"type":"","title":"Bad Request","method":"POST","detail": "TeX parse error: Missing close brace","uri":"/complete"}';
$this->expectException( MWException::class );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Cannot get mml. TeX parse error: Missing close brace' );
MathRestbaseInterface::throwContentError( 'mml', $input );
public function testLateErrorNoDetail() {
$input = '';
$this->expectException( MWException::class );
$this->expectExceptionMessage( 'Cannot get mml. Server problem.' );
MathRestbaseInterface::throwContentError( 'mml', $input );