mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 20:18:35 +00:00
Having greedy .* matchers in these regular expressions is quite scary, and a possible source of hard to track errors. For example, a string like "height:8px;left:3ex" will make these regular expressions succeed, even if they shouldn't. The substring "8px;left;3" will be fetched, and most probably turned into something unexpected like "8ex" for the calculations below. Change-Id: Ia6753a58802fb3f3c5df4d2b35a6d8e616835f20
217 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
217 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint-env node */
/* eslint-disable no-console, no-use-before-define */
( function () {
function generateCSS( symbolsFile, cssFile, inputType ) {
var i, count, currentClassName, group, symbol, symbols, symbolObject,
symbolsData, cssData, cssLines, alignBaseline,
unmodifiedClasses = {},
cssRules = [], // Whole CSS rules
cssClasses = {}, // Unique part of class name and whether baseline is shifted
currentRule = [],
symbolList = [], // Symbols whose CSS rules need to be added or adjusted
cssPrefix = '.ve-ui-mwLatexSymbol-',
fs = require( 'fs' ),
http = require( 'http' ),
querystring = require( 'querystring' ),
mathoidMaxConnections = 20,
// If symbol.alignBaseline is true, a background-position property will be added to the
// CSS rule to shift the baseline of the SVG to be a certain proportion of the way up the
// button.
singleButtonHeight = 1.8, // Height of the single-height math dialog buttons in em
baseline = 0.65; // Proportion of the way down the button the baseline should be
symbolsData = fs.readFileSync( symbolsFile ).toString();
try {
cssData = fs.readFileSync( cssFile ).toString();
} catch ( e ) {}
function encodeURIComponentForCSS( str ) {
return encodeURIComponent( str )
.replace( /[!'\(\)\*]/g, function ( chr ) {
return '%' + chr.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 );
} );
* Make the className, replacing any non-alphanumerics with their character code
* The reverse of function would look like this, although we have no use for it yet:
* return className.replace( /_([0-9]+)_/g, function () {
* return String.fromCharCode( +arguments[ 1 ] );
* } );
* @param {string} tex TeX input
* @return {string} Class name
function texToClass( tex ) {
return tex.replace( /[^\w]/g, function ( c ) {
return '_' + c.charCodeAt( 0 ) + '_';
} );
function makeRequest( symbol ) {
var request,
tex = symbol.tex || symbol.insert,
data = querystring.stringify( {
q: inputType === 'chem' ? '\\ce{' + tex + '}' : tex,
type: inputType
} ),
// API call to mathoid
options = {
host: 'localhost',
port: '10044',
path: '/',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength( data )
// Populate and make the API call
request = http.request( options, function ( res ) {
var body = '';
res.setEncoding( 'utf8' );
res.on( 'data', function ( data ) {
body += data;
} );
res.on( 'end', function () {
var cssRule, buttonHeight, height, verticalAlign, heightDifference, offset,
className = texToClass( tex ),
data = JSON.parse( body ),
svg = data.svg;
if ( !svg ) {
console.log( tex + ' FAILED: ' + body );
cssRule = cssPrefix + className + ' {\n' +
'\tbackground-image: url( data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeURIComponentForCSS( svg ) + ' );\n';
if ( symbol.alignBaseline ) {
// Convert buttonHeight from em to ex, because SVG height is given in ex. (This is an
// approximation, since the em:ex ratio differs from font to font.)
buttonHeight = symbol.largeLayout ? singleButtonHeight * 4 : singleButtonHeight * 1.9931;
// height and verticalAlign rely on the format of the SVG parameters
// HACK: Adjust these by a factor of 0.8 to match VE's default font size of 0.8em
height = parseFloat( data.mathoidStyle.match( /height:\s*([\d.]+)ex/ )[ 1 ] ) * 0.8;
verticalAlign = -parseFloat( data.mathoidStyle.match( /vertical-align:\s*([\d.]+)ex/ )[ 1 ] ) * 0.8;
// CSS percentage positioning is based on the difference between the image and container sizes
heightDifference = buttonHeight - height;
offset = 100 * ( verticalAlign - height + ( baseline * buttonHeight ) ) / heightDifference;
cssRule += '\tbackground-position: 50% ' + offset + '%;\n' +
cssRules.push( cssRule );
console.log( tex + ' -> ' + className );
} else {
cssRule += '}';
cssRules.push( cssRule );
console.log( tex + ' -> ' + className );
} );
} );
request.setTimeout( 10000 );
request.write( data );
function onEnd() {
function runNext() {
if ( count < mathoidMaxConnections && symbolList.length ) {
makeRequest( symbolList.shift() );
if ( !symbolList.length && !count ) {
'/*!\n' +
' * This file is GENERATED by tools/makeSvgsAndCss.js\n' +
' * DO NOT EDIT\n' +
' */\n' +
'\n' +
cssRules.join( '\n\n' ) +
if ( cssData ) {
cssLines = cssData.split( '\n' );
for ( i = 0; i < cssLines.length; i++ ) {
if ( cssLines[ i ].indexOf( cssPrefix ) === 0 ) {
currentClassName = cssLines[ i ].slice( cssPrefix.length, -2 );
currentRule.push( cssLines[ i ] );
cssClasses[ currentClassName ] = false; // Default to false
} else if ( currentRule.length ) {
currentRule.push( cssLines[ i ] );
if ( cssLines[ i ].indexOf( '\tbackground-position' ) === 0 ) {
cssClasses[ currentClassName ] = true;
if ( cssLines[ i ].indexOf( '}' ) === 0 ) {
cssRules.push( currentRule.join( '\n' ) );
currentRule.splice( 0, currentRule.length );
symbolObject = JSON.parse( symbolsData );
for ( group in symbolObject ) {
symbols = symbolObject[ group ];
for ( i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++ ) {
symbol = symbols[ i ];
if ( symbol.duplicate || symbol.notWorking ) {
currentClassName = texToClass( symbol.tex || symbol.insert );
alignBaseline = !symbol.alignBaseline;
// If symbol is not in the old CSS file, or its alignBaseline status has changed,
// add it to symbolList. Check to make sure it hasn't already been added.
if ( cssClasses[ currentClassName ] === undefined ||
( unmodifiedClasses[ currentClassName ] !== true &&
cssClasses[ currentClassName ] === alignBaseline ) ) {
symbolList.push( symbol );
} else {
// At the end of this loop, any CSS class names that aren't in unmodifiedClasses
// will be deleted from cssRules. cssRules will then only contain rules that will
// stay unmodified.
unmodifiedClasses[ currentClassName ] = true;
// Keep only classes that will stay the same. Remove classes that are being adjusted and
// classes of symbols that have been deleted from the JSON.
cssRules = cssRules.filter( function ( rule ) {
currentClassName = rule.split( '\n' )[ 0 ].slice( cssPrefix.length, -2 );
if ( unmodifiedClasses[ currentClassName ] ) {
return true;
console.log( 'Removing or adjusting: ' + currentClassName );
return false;
} );
count = 0;
generateCSS( '../mathSymbols.json', '../ve.ui.MWMathSymbols.css', 'tex' );
generateCSS( '../chemSymbols.json', '../ve.ui.MWChemSymbols.css', 'chem' );
}() );