Physikerwelt 4c9dc2f08e Breakdown of texvc
texvc had several tasks in the past:

1 checking the input
2 convert MediaWiki custom syntax to standard LaTeX
3 run LaTeX
4 convert dvi2png

This change provides a simplified version that performs
only steps 1+2. This is required to avoid security problems
with tools like MathJax, especially if these tools are
run at the server-side.

Bug: 54624
Change-Id: I1650e6ec2ccefff6335fbc36bbe8ca8f59db0faa
2013-12-14 18:34:15 +00:00

120 lines
5.9 KiB

open Parser
open Tex
let space = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r']
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let literal_id = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let literal_mn = ['0'-'9']
let literal_uf_lt = [',' ':' ';' '?' '!' '\'']
let delimiter_uf_lt = ['(' ')' '.']
let literal_uf_op = ['+' '-' '*' '=']
let delimiter_uf_op = ['/' '|']
let boxchars = ['0'-'9' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '+' '-' '*' ',' '=' '(' ')' ':' '/' ';' '?' '.' '!' '\'' '`' ' ' '\128'-'\255']
let aboxchars = ['0'-'9' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '+' '-' '*' ',' '=' '(' ')' ':' '/' ';' '?' '.' '!' '\'' '`' ' ']
let latex_function_names = "arccos" | "arcsin" | "arctan" | "arg" | "cos" | "cosh" | "cot" | "coth" | "csc"| "deg" | "det" | "dim" | "exp" | "gcd" | "hom" | "inf" | "ker" | "lg" | "lim" | "liminf" | "limsup" | "ln" | "log" | "max" | "min" | "Pr" | "sec" | "sin" | "sinh" | "sup" | "tan" | "tanh"
let mediawiki_function_names = "arccot" | "arcsec" | "arccsc" | "sgn" | "sen"
rule token = parse
space + { token lexbuf }
| "\\text" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\text", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\mbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\mbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\hbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\hbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\vbox" space * '{' aboxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\vbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\text" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\text", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\mbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\mbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\hbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\hbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| "\\vbox" space * '{' boxchars + '}'
{ let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let n = String.index str '{' + 1 in
BOX ("\\vbox", String.sub str n (String.length str - n - 1)) }
| literal_id { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (TEX_ONLY str) }
| literal_mn { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (TEX_ONLY str) }
| literal_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (TEX_ONLY str) }
| delimiter_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY str) }
| "-" { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (TEX_ONLY str)}
| literal_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (TEX_ONLY str) }
| delimiter_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY str) }
| "\\operatorname" { FUN_AR1nb "\\operatorname" }
| "\\sqrt" space * "[" { FUN_AR1opt "\\sqrt" }
| "\\xleftarrow" space * "[" { FUN_AR1opt "\\xleftarrow" }
| "\\xrightarrow" space * "[" { FUN_AR1opt "\\xrightarrow" }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "(" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\" ^ name ^ "(")) }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "[" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\" ^ name ^ "[") )}
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * "\\{" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\" ^ name ^ "\\{")) }
| "\\" (latex_function_names as name) space * { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY("\\" ^ name ^ " ")) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "(" { ( LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}("))) }
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "[" { ( LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}[")))}
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * "\\{" { ( LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "}\\{")))}
| "\\" (mediawiki_function_names as name) space * { ( LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ("\\operatorname{" ^ name ^ "} "))) }
| "\\" alpha + { Texutil.find (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| "\\," { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\,") }
| "\\ " { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\ ") }
| "\\;" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\;") }
| "\\!" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\!") }
| "\\{" { DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY "\\{") }
| "\\}" { DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY "\\}") }
| "\\|" { DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY "\\|") }
| "\\_" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\_") }
| "\\#" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\#") }
| "\\%" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\%") }
| "\\$" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\$") }
| "\\&" { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\&") }
| "&" { NEXT_CELL }
| "\\\\" { NEXT_ROW }
| "\\begin{matrix}" { BEGIN__MATRIX }
| "\\end{matrix}" { END__MATRIX }
| "\\begin{pmatrix}" { BEGIN_PMATRIX }
| "\\end{pmatrix}" { END_PMATRIX }
| "\\begin{bmatrix}" { BEGIN_BMATRIX }
| "\\end{bmatrix}" { END_BMATRIX }
| "\\begin{Bmatrix}" { BEGIN_BBMATRIX }
| "\\end{Bmatrix}" { END_BBMATRIX }
| "\\begin{vmatrix}" { BEGIN_VMATRIX }
| "\\end{vmatrix}" { END_VMATRIX }
| "\\begin{Vmatrix}" { BEGIN_VVMATRIX }
| "\\end{Vmatrix}" { END_VVMATRIX }
| "\\begin{array}" { BEGIN_ARRAY }
| "\\end{array}" { END_ARRAY }
| "\\begin{align}" { BEGIN_ALIGN }
| "\\end{align}" { END_ALIGN }
| "\\begin{alignat}" { BEGIN_ALIGNAT }
| "\\end{alignat}" { END_ALIGNAT }
| "\\begin{smallmatrix}" { BEGIN_SMALLMATRIX }
| "\\end{smallmatrix}" { END_SMALLMATRIX }
| "\\begin{cases}" { BEGIN_CASES }
| "\\end{cases}" { END_CASES }
| '>' { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY ">") }
| '<' { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "<") }
| '%' { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\%") }
| '$' { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "\\$") }
| '~' { LITERAL (TEX_ONLY "~") }
| '[' { DELIMITER (TEX_ONLY "[") }
| ']' { SQ_CLOSE }
| '{' { CURLY_OPEN }
| '}' { CURLY_CLOSE }
| '^' { SUP }
| '_' { SUB }
| eof { EOF }