// this script will set up a HTTP server on this port (local connections only) // and will receive POST requests (not urlencoded) var PORT = 16000; var server = require('webserver').create(); var page = require('webpage').create(); var args = require('system').args; var activeRequests = {}; var service = null; if (args.length > 1) { PORT = args[1]; } // thanks to: // stackoverflow.com/questions/5515869/string-length-in-bytes-in-javascript function utf8Strlen(str) { var m = encodeURIComponent(str).match(/%[89ABab]/g); return str.length + (m ? m.length : 0); } page.onCallback = function(data) { var out, log = '', record = activeRequests[data[0]], resp = record[0], t = ', took ' + (((new Date()).getTime() - record[1])) + 'ms.'; if ((typeof data[1]) === 'string') { resp.statusCode = 200; log = data[0].substr(0, 30) + '.. ' + data[0].length + 'B query, OK ' + data[1].length + '/' + data[2].length + 'B result' + t; out = JSON.stringify({tex:data[0],svg:data[1],mml:data[2],'log':log, 'sucess':true}); resp.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); resp.setHeader('Content-Length', utf8Strlen(out).toString() ); resp.write(out); //console.log(log); } else { resp.statusCode = 400; log = data[0].substr(0, 30) + '.. ' + data[0].length + 'B query, ERR ' + data[1][0] + t; out = JSON.stringify({err:data[1][0],svg:data[1],mml:data[2],'log':log,'sucess':false}); resp.write(out); //console.log(log); } resp.close(); }; console.log('loading bench page'); page.open('index.html', function ( ) { service = server.listen('' + PORT, function(req, resp) { var query; if (req.method === 'GET') { // URL starts with /? and is urlencoded. query = decodeURI(req.url.substr(2)); } else { query = req.post.tex; } if (query === undefined) { return resp.close(); } activeRequests[query] = [resp, (new Date()).getTime()]; // this is just queueing call, it will return at once. page.evaluate(function(q) { window.engine.process(q, window.callPhantom); }, query); }); if (!service) { console.log('server failed to start on port ' + PORT); phantom.exit(1); }/* else { console.log("server started on port " + PORT); console.log("you can hit server with http://localhost:" + PORT + "/?2^n"); console.log(".. or by sending tex source in POST (not url encoded)"); }*/ });