tex = $tex; $this->type = $type; $this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' ); } /** * Bundles several requests for fetching MathML. * Does not send requests, if the input TeX is invalid. * @param MathRestbaseInterface[] $rbis * @param \MultiHttpClient $multiHttpClient */ private static function batchGetMathML( array $rbis, \MultiHttpClient $multiHttpClient ) { $requests = []; $skips = []; $i = 0; foreach ( $rbis as $rbi ) { /** @var MathRestbaseInterface $rbi */ if ( $rbi->getSuccess() ) { $requests[] = $rbi->getContentRequest( 'mml' ); } else { $skips[] = $i; } $i++; } $results = $multiHttpClient->runMulti( $requests ); $lenRbis = count( $rbis ); $j = 0; for ( $i = 0; $i < $lenRbis; $i++ ) { if ( !in_array( $i, $skips, true ) ) { /** @var MathRestbaseInterface $rbi */ $rbi = $rbis[$i]; try { $response = $results[ $j ][ 'response' ]; $mml = $rbi->evaluateContentResponse( 'mml', $response, $requests[$j] ); $rbi->mml = $mml; } catch ( Exception $e ) { // FIXME: Why is this silenced? Doesn't this leave invalid data behind? } $j++; } } } /** * Lets this instance know if this is a purge request. When set to true, * it will cause the object to issue the first content request with a * 'Cache-Control: no-cache' header to prompt the regeneration of the * renders. * * @param bool $purge whether this is a purge request */ public function setPurge( $purge = true ) { $this->purge = $purge; } /** * @return string MathML code * @throws MathRestbaseException */ public function getMathML() { if ( !$this->mml ) { $this->mml = $this->getContent( 'mml' ); } return $this->mml; } /** * @param string $type * @return string * @throws MathRestbaseException */ private function getContent( $type ) { $request = $this->getContentRequest( $type ); $multiHttpClient = $this->getMultiHttpClient(); $response = $multiHttpClient->run( $request ); return $this->evaluateContentResponse( $type, $response, $request ); } /** * @throws InvalidTeXException */ private function calculateHash() { if ( !$this->hash ) { if ( !$this->checkTeX() ) { throw new InvalidTeXException( "TeX input is invalid." ); } } } public function checkTeX() { $request = $this->getCheckRequest(); $requestResult = $this->executeRestbaseCheckRequest( $request ); return $this->evaluateRestbaseCheckResponse( $requestResult ); } /** * Performs a service request * Generates error messages on failure * @see MediaWiki\Http\HttpRequestFactory::post() * * @param array $request * @return array */ private function executeRestbaseCheckRequest( $request ) { $res = null; $multiHttpClient = $this->getMultiHttpClient(); $response = $multiHttpClient->run( $request ); if ( $response['code'] !== 200 ) { $this->log()->info( 'Tex check failed', [ 'post' => $request['body'], 'error' => $response['error'], 'urlparams' => $request['url'] ] ); } return $response; } /** * @param MathRestbaseInterface[] $rbis */ public static function batchEvaluate( array $rbis ) { if ( count( $rbis ) == 0 ) { return; } $requests = []; /** @var MathRestbaseInterface $first */ $first = $rbis[0]; $multiHttpClient = $first->getMultiHttpClient(); foreach ( $rbis as $rbi ) { /** @var MathRestbaseInterface $rbi */ $requests[] = $rbi->getCheckRequest(); } $results = $multiHttpClient->runMulti( $requests ); $i = 0; foreach ( $results as $requestResponse ) { /** @var MathRestbaseInterface $rbi */ $rbi = $rbis[$i++]; try { $response = $requestResponse[ 'response' ]; $rbi->evaluateRestbaseCheckResponse( $response ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { } } self::batchGetMathML( $rbis, $multiHttpClient ); } private function getMultiHttpClient() { global $wgMathConcurrentReqs; $multiHttpClient = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHttpRequestFactory()->createMultiClient( [ 'maxConnsPerHost' => $wgMathConcurrentReqs ] ); return $multiHttpClient; } /** * The URL is generated according to the following logic: * * Case A: $internal = false, which means one needs a URL that is accessible from * outside: * * --> If $wgMathFullRestbaseURL is configured use it, otherwise fall back try to * $wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL. (Note, that this is not be worse than failing * immediately.) * * Case B: $internal= true, which means one needs to access content from Restbase * which does not need to be accessible from outside: * * --> Use the mount point when it is available and $wgMathUseInternalRestbasePath= * true. If not, use $wgMathFullRestbaseURL with fallback to * wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL * * @param string $path * @param bool|true $internal * @return string */ public function getUrl( $path, $internal = true ) { global $wgMathInternalRestbaseURL, $wgMathFullRestbaseURL; if ( $internal ) { return "{$wgMathInternalRestbaseURL}v1/$path"; } else { return "{$wgMathFullRestbaseURL}v1/$path"; } } /** * @return \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface */ private function log() { return $this->logger; } /** * @return string * @throws MathRestbaseException */ public function getSvg() { return $this->getContent( 'svg' ); } /** * Generates a unique TeX string, renders it and gets it via a public URL. * The method fails, if the public URL does not point to the same server, who did render * the unique TeX input in the first place. * @return bool */ private function checkConfig() { // Generates a TeX string that probably has not been generated before $uniqueTeX = uniqid( 't=', true ); $testInterface = new MathRestbaseInterface( $uniqueTeX ); if ( !$testInterface->checkTeX() ) { $this->log()->warning( 'Config check failed, since test expression was considered as invalid.', [ 'uniqueTeX' => $uniqueTeX ] ); return false; } try { $url = $testInterface->getFullSvgUrl(); $req = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHttpRequestFactory()->create( $url, [], __METHOD__ ); $status = $req->execute(); if ( $status->isOK() ) { return true; } $this->log()->warning( 'Config check failed, due to an invalid response code.', [ 'responseCode' => $status ] ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->log()->warning( 'Config check failed, due to an exception.', [ $e ] ); } return false; } /** * Gets a publicly accessible link to the generated SVG image. * @return string * @throws InvalidTeXException */ public function getFullSvgUrl() { $this->calculateHash(); return $this->getUrl( "media/math/render/svg/{$this->hash}", false ); } /** * Gets a publicly accessible link to the generated SVG image. * @return string * @throws InvalidTeXException */ public function getFullPngUrl() { $this->calculateHash(); return $this->getUrl( "media/math/render/png/{$this->hash}", false ); } /** * @return string */ public function getCheckedTex() { return $this->checkedTex; } /** * @return bool */ public function getSuccess() { if ( $this->success === null ) { $this->checkTeX(); } return $this->success; } /** * @return array */ public function getIdentifiers() { return $this->identifiers; } /** * @return stdClass */ public function getError() { return $this->error; } /** * @return string */ public function getTex() { return $this->tex; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } private function setErrorMessage( $msg ) { $this->error = (object)[ 'error' => (object)[ 'message' => $msg ] ]; } /** * @return array */ public function getWarnings() { return $this->warnings; } /** * @return array */ public function getCheckRequest() { return [ 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => [ 'type' => $this->type, 'q' => $this->tex ], 'url' => $this->getUrl( "media/math/check/{$this->type}" ) ]; } /** * @param array $response * @return bool */ public function evaluateRestbaseCheckResponse( $response ) { $json = json_decode( $response['body'] ); if ( $response['code'] === 200 ) { $headers = $response['headers']; $this->hash = $headers['x-resource-location']; $this->success = $json->success; $this->checkedTex = $json->checked; $this->identifiers = $json->identifiers; if ( isset( $json->warnings ) ) { $this->warnings = $json->warnings; } return true; } else { if ( isset( $json->detail ) && isset( $json->detail->success ) ) { $this->success = $json->detail->success; $this->error = $json->detail; } else { $this->success = false; $this->setErrorMessage( 'Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.' ); } return false; } } /** * @return string */ public function getMathoidStyle() { return $this->mathoidStyle; } /** * @param string $type * @return array * @throws InvalidTeXException */ private function getContentRequest( $type ) { $this->calculateHash(); $request = [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => $this->getUrl( "media/math/render/$type/{$this->hash}" ) ]; if ( $this->purge ) { $request['headers'] = [ 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' ]; $this->purge = false; } return $request; } /** * @param string $type * @param array $response * @param array $request * @return string * @throws MathRestbaseException */ private function evaluateContentResponse( $type, array $response, array $request ) { if ( $response['code'] === 200 ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'x-mathoid-style', $response['headers'] ) ) { $this->mathoidStyle = $response['headers']['x-mathoid-style']; } return $response['body']; } // Remove "convenience" duplicate keys put in place by MultiHttpClient unset( $response[0], $response[1], $response[2], $response[3], $response[4] ); $this->log()->error( 'Restbase math server problem', [ 'urlparams' => $request['url'], 'response' => [ 'code' => $response['code'], 'body' => $response['body'] ], 'math_type' => $type, 'tex' => $this->tex ] ); self::throwContentError( $type, $response['body'] ); } /** * @param string $type * @param string $body * @throws MathRestbaseException * @return never */ public static function throwContentError( $type, $body ) { $detail = 'Server problem.'; $json = json_decode( $body ); if ( isset( $json->detail ) ) { if ( is_array( $json->detail ) ) { $detail = $json->detail[0]; } elseif ( is_string( $json->detail ) ) { $detail = $json->detail; } } throw new MathRestbaseException( "Cannot get $type. $detail" ); } }