expectException( ArgumentCountError::class ); new Literal(); throw new ArgumentCountError( 'Should not create an empty literal' ); } public function testOneArgument() { $this->expectException( ArgumentCountError::class ); new Literal( 'a', 'b' ); throw new ArgumentCountError( 'Should not create a literal with more than one argument' ); } public function testArgumentType() { $this->expectException( TypeError::class ); new Literal( new Texnode() ); throw new TypeError( 'Should not create a literal with incorrect type' ); } public function testOnlyOneArgument() { $lit = new Literal( 'hello world' ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello world', $lit->render(), 'Should create an literal with only one argument' ); } public function testRenderNodeBase() { $lit = new Literal( 'hello world' ); $node = new TexNode( $lit ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello world', $node->render(), 'Should render within node base class' ); } public function testNode() { $lit = new Literal( 'hello world' ); $node = new TexNode( $lit ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello world', $node->render(), 'Should render within node base class' ); } public function testExtractIdentifierModifications() { $n = new Literal( 'a' ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'a' ], $n->getModIdent(), 'Should extract identifier modifications' ); } public function testExtraSpace() { $n = new Literal( '\\ ' ); $this->assertEquals( [ '\\ ' ], $n->getModIdent(), 'Identifier modifications should report extra space' ); } public function testGetters() { $lit = new Literal( 'hello world' ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $lit->getExtendedLiterals() ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $lit->getLiterals() ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $lit->getArg() ); } public function testExtractSubscripts() { $n = new Literal( '\\beta' ); $this->assertEquals( [ '\\beta' ], $n->extractSubscripts(), 'Should extract subscripts' ); } }