addDescription( 'From a JSON file containing (La)TeX math inputs, create a JSON file with LaTeX and ' . 'corresponding MathML.' ); $this->addArg( 'input-path', "Path (with filename) of the json file read by this script.", true ); $this->addArg( 'output-path', "Path (with filename) of the output json file created by this script.", true ); $this->addOption( 'inputformat', 'Custom parsing how to format the input-json ( see formatInput function)', false, true, 'i' ); $this->addOption( 'chem-fallback', 'If the json read does not define input-type (tex or chem), check ' . 'expressions as Tex and then as chem', false, true, 'c' ); $this->requireExtension( 'Math' ); } public function execute() { $this->inputFormat = $this->getOption( "inputformat", 0 ); $this->inputPath = $this->getArg( 0 ); $this->outputPath = $this->getArg( 1 ); $this->readJsonAndGenerateMML(); } public function readJsonAndGenerateMML() { $inputTex = $this->getJSON( $this->inputPath ); if ( $inputTex == null ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Provide a json file as input which has content" ); } $inputTexF = $this->formatInput( $inputTex ); $allEntries = []; foreach ( $inputTexF as $entry ) { try { $mmlMathoid = $this->fetchMathML( $entry['tex'], $entry['type'], 'mathml' ); if ( $this->getOption( "chem-fallback", 0 ) && !( $mmlMathoid ) || $mmlMathoid == "" ) { $mmlMathoid = $this->fetchMathML( $entry['tex'], "chem", 'mathml' ); if ( $mmlMathoid && $mmlMathoid != "" ) { $entry['type'] = "chem"; } } $mmlLaTeXML = $this->fetchMathML( $entry['tex'], $entry['type'], 'latexml' ); $allEntries[] = [ "tex" => $entry['tex'], "type" => $entry['type'], "mmlMathoid" => $mmlMathoid, "mmlLaTeXML" => $mmlLaTeXML ]; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $allEntries[] = [ "tex" => $entry['tex'], "type" => $entry['type'], "mmlMathoid" => "skipped (Exception)", "mmlLaTeXML" => "skipped (Exception)", "skipped" => true, ]; $this->output( "Exception occurred during rendering:" . $entry['tex'] . " render:" . $e . "\n" ); } } $this->writeToFile( $this->outputPath, $allEntries ); } /** * Creates a uniform array of data from files for more convenient parsing. * @param array $fileData input read from json, format can differ * @return array uniform array */ private function formatInput( $fileData ) { $inputF = []; switch ( $this->inputFormat ) { case 0: // Example file ParserTest135.json foreach ( $fileData as $entry ) { $inputF[] = [ "tex" => $entry['input'], "type" => "tex", ]; } break; case 1: // Example file TexUtilMMLLookup.json foreach ( $fileData as $tex => $mml ) { $inputF[] = [ "tex" => $tex, "type" => "tex", ]; } break; case 2: // Example file ExportedTexUtilKeys.json foreach ( $fileData as $tex => $type ) { $inputF[] = [ "tex" => $tex, "type" => $type, ]; } break; } return $inputF; } /** * Reads the json file to an object * @param string $filePath filepath to the json-file * @return array */ private function getJSON( string $filePath ) { $file = file_get_contents( $filePath ); $json = json_decode( $file, true ); return $json; } public function writeToFile( string $fullPath, array $allEntries ): void { $jsonData = json_encode( $allEntries, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); file_put_contents( $fullPath, $jsonData ); } /** * Creates a renderer and fetches the generated MathML * @param string $tex input tex * @param string $type input type ('tex' or 'chem') * @param string $renderingMode mode for rendering (latexml, mathml) * @return string MathML as string */ public function fetchMathML( string $tex, string $type, string $renderingMode ): string { /** @var MathRenderer $renderer */ $renderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->get( 'Math.RendererFactory' ) ->getRenderer( $tex, [ "type" => $type ], $renderingMode ); $renderer->render(); $mml = $renderer->getMathml(); return $mml; } } $maintClass = JsonToMathML::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;