{ "texvcbugs": [ [ "possible bug, operatorname Literal see Literal.php", { "input": "\\sgn r, \\left\\vert s \\right\\vert \\!", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "no uq elements for f', f'' and f'' has to have squashed literals", { "input": "f^\\prime, f', f''", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" } ] ], "texvctreebugs": [ [ "Color with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\color{red}{red}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Color #2 with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\color{Orange}\\text{Orange}", "output": "tbd", "type": "tex" }, "Pagecolor with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\pagecolor{red}{red}'", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Definecolor with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\definecolor{ultramarine}{RGB}{0,32,96}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Sideset with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\sideset{_1^2}{_3^4}\\sum", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Lim with elements not in related tree element", { "input": "\\lim\\limits_{x \\to 2}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Displaystyle with elements not in related tree element, currently solved with custom rendering in TexArray ", { "input": "\\frac{\\displaystyle \\sum_{k=1}^N k^2}{a}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Scriptscriptstyle with elements not in related tree element, currently solved with custom rendering in TexArray ", { "input": "\\frac ab + \\scriptscriptstyle{\\frac cd + \\frac ef} + \\frac gh", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Scriptstyle with elements not in related tree element, currently solved with custom rendering in TexArray ", { "input": "{\\scriptstyle \\partial \\Omega}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Textstyle with elements not in related tree element, currently solved with custom rendering in TexArray ", { "input": "\\textstyle \\sum_{k=1}^N k^2", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" }, "Literals in array elements are not squashed but each literal is parsed on its own Lit(n) Lit(o) ... ", { "input": "\\mathfrak{nopqrstuvwxyz}", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" } ] ], "literalnums": [ [ "two literal numbers before superscript", { "input": "\\exp_a b = a^b, \\exp b = e^b, 10^m \\!", "output": "tbd", "type":"tex" } ], [ "two literals within an fun1 element", { "input": "\\ln c, \\lg d = \\log e, \\log_{10} f \\!", "output": "tbd", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Grouping 1 a and b should be dedicated elements here", { "input": "\\bf ab", "output": "{\\bf {ab}}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Grouping 2 a and b should be dedicated elements here", { "input": "{\\bf ab}cd", "output": "{\\bf {ab}}cd", "type": "tex" } ] ], "basic" : [ [ "Superscript", { "input": "r^2", "output": "r^{2}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Subscript", { "input": "x_3", "output": "x_{3}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Subscript Superscript", { "input": "x_1^2", "output": "x_{1}^{2}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Fraction Simple", { "input": "\\frac{x}{y}", "output": "{\\frac {x}{y}}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Square Root Simple", { "input": "\\sqrt{x}", "output": "{\\sqrt {x}}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Other Root (Cube) Simple", { "input": "\\sqrt[3]{x}", "output": "{\\sqrt[{3}]{x}}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Special Characters", { "input": "\\pi \\Gamma \\infty", "output": "\\pi \\Gamma \\infty ", "type": "tex", "skipped": false } ], [ "Delimiters", { "input": "\\left(\\frac{x}{y}\\right )^2", "output": "\\left({\\frac {x}{y}}\\right)^{2}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Accents Simple", { "input": "\\hat{A}", "output": "{\\hat {A}}", "description": "Hat accent places a hat over the A, i.e. Â ", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Text in Math Mode", { "input": "\\mathbf{AbC}", "output": "\\mathbf {AbC} ", "description": "Enter bold text in MathMode", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Matrix Simple", { "input": "\\begin{array}{c}a & b \\\\ c & d\\end{array}", "output": "{\\begin{array}{c}a&b\\\\c&d\\end{array}}", "description": "Matrix with a b over c d", "remarks": "\\array{a & b \\\\ c & d} is erroneous for TexVC-PHP", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Matrix Brackets", { "input": "\\left(\\begin{array}{c}a & b \\\\ c & d\\end{array}\\right )", "output": "\\left({\\begin{array}{c}a&b\\\\c&d\\end{array}}\\right)", "description": "Matrix with a b over c d encapsulated by brackets", "type": "tex", "skipped": false } ], [ "Grouping 1", { "input": "\\bf ab", "output": "{\\bf {ab}}", "type": "tex" } ], [ "Grouping 2", { "input": "{\\bf ab}cd", "output": "{\\bf {ab}}cd", "type": "tex" } ] ] }