assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS ); $this->repoLinker = $repoLinker; $this->languageFactory = $languageFactory; $this->languageNameUtils = $languageNameUtils; $this->entityRevisionLookup = $entityRevisionLookup; $this->labelDescriptionLookupFactory = $labelDescriptionLookupFactory; $this->site = $site; $this->idParser = $entityIdParser; $this->mathFormatter = $mathFormatter; $this->logger = $logger; $this->propertyIdHasPart = $this->loadPropertyId( $options->get( "MathWikibasePropertyIdHasPart" ) ); $this->propertyIdDefiningFormula = $this->loadPropertyId( $options->get( "MathWikibasePropertyIdDefiningFormula" ) ); $this->propertyIdInDefiningFormula = $this->loadPropertyId( $options->get( "MathWikibasePropertyIdInDefiningFormula" ) ); $this->propertyIdQuantitySymbol = $this->loadPropertyId( $options->get( "MathWikibasePropertyIdQuantitySymbol" ) ); $this->propertyIdSymbolRepresents = $this->loadPropertyId( $options->get( "MathWikibasePropertyIdSymbolRepresents" ) ); } /** * Returns the given PropertyId if available. * @param string $propertyId the string of the Wikibase property * @return EntityId|null the property object or null if unavailable */ private function loadPropertyId( string $propertyId ): ?EntityId { try { return $this->idParser->parse( $propertyId ); } catch ( \ConfigException $e ) { return null; } } /** * Returns the inner statements from given statements for a given property ID or an empty list if the given ID * not exists. * @param StatementList $statements * @param PropertyId|null $id * @return StatementList might be empty */ private function getStatements( StatementList $statements, ?PropertyId $id ): StatementList { if ( $id === null ) { return new StatementList(); } return $statements->getByPropertyId( $id ); } /** * @param string $qid * @param string $langCode the language to fetch data * (may fallback if requested language does not exist) * * @return MathWikibaseInfo the object may be empty if no information can be fetched. * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the language code does not exist or the given * id does not exist */ public function fetchWikibaseFromId( string $qid, string $langCode ): MathWikibaseInfo { if ( $this->languageNameUtils->isValidCode( $langCode ) ) { $lang = $this->languageFactory->getLanguage( $langCode ); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid language code specified." ); } $langLookup = $this->labelDescriptionLookupFactory->newLabelDescriptionLookup( $lang ); try { $entityId = $this->idParser->parse( $qid ); // exception if the given ID is invalid $entityRevision = $this->entityRevisionLookup->getEntityRevision( $entityId ); } catch ( EntityIdParsingException $e ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid Wikibase ID." ); } catch ( RevisionedUnresolvedRedirectException | StorageException $e ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Non-existing Wikibase ID." ); } if ( !$entityId || !$entityRevision ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Non-existing Wikibase ID." ); } $entity = $entityRevision->getEntity(); $output = new MathWikibaseInfo( $entityId, $this->mathFormatter ); if ( $entity instanceof Item ) { $this->fetchLabelDescription( $output, $langLookup ); $this->fetchStatements( $output, $entity, $langLookup ); return $output; } else { // we only allow Wikibase items throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The specified Wikibase ID does not represented an item." ); } } /** * Fetches only label and description from an entity. * @param MathWikibaseInfo $output the entity id of the entity * @param LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup a lookup handler to fetch right languages * @return MathWikibaseInfo filled up with label and description */ private function fetchLabelDescription( MathWikibaseInfo $output, LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup ) { $label = $langLookup->getLabel( $output->getId() ); $desc = $langLookup->getDescription( $output->getId() ); if ( $label ) { $output->setLabel( $label->getText() ); } if ( $desc ) { $output->setDescription( $desc->getText() ); } return $output; } /** * Fetches 'has part' statements from a given item element with a defined lookup object for * the languages. * @param MathWikibaseInfo $output the output element * @param Item $item item to fetch statements from * @param LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup * @return MathWikibaseInfo the updated $output object */ private function fetchStatements( MathWikibaseInfo $output, Item $item, LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup ) { $statements = $item->getStatements(); $formulaComponentStatements = $this->getStatements( $statements, $this->propertyIdHasPart ); if ( $formulaComponentStatements->isEmpty() ) { $formulaComponentStatements = $this->getStatements( $statements, $this->propertyIdInDefiningFormula ); } $this->fetchHasPartSnaks( $output, $formulaComponentStatements, $langLookup ); $symbolStatement = $this->getStatements( $statements, $this->propertyIdDefiningFormula ); if ( $symbolStatement->count() < 1 ) { // if it's not a formula, it might be a symbol $symbolStatement = $this->getStatements( $statements, $this->propertyIdQuantitySymbol ); } $this->fetchSymbol( $output, $symbolStatement ); return $output; } /** * Fetches the symbol or defining formula from a statement list and adds the symbol to the * given info object * @param MathWikibaseInfo $output * @param StatementList $statements * @return MathWikibaseInfo updated object */ private function fetchSymbol( MathWikibaseInfo $output, StatementList $statements ) { foreach ( $statements as $statement ) { $snak = $statement->getMainSnak(); if ( $snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak && $this->isSymbolSnak( $snak ) ) { $dataVal = $snak->getDataValue(); $symbol = new StringValue( $dataVal->getValue() ); $output->setSymbol( $symbol ); return $output; } } return $output; } /** * Fetches single snaks from 'has part' statements * * @param MathWikibaseInfo $output * @param StatementList $statements the 'has part' statements * @param LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup * @return MathWikibaseInfo * @todo refactor this method once Wikibase has a more convenient way to handle snaks */ private function fetchHasPartSnaks( MathWikibaseInfo $output, StatementList $statements, LabelDescriptionLookup $langLookup ) { foreach ( $statements as $statement ) { $snaks = $statement->getAllSnaks(); $innerInfo = null; $symbol = null; foreach ( $snaks as $snak ) { if ( $snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak ) { if ( $this->isSymbolSnak( $snak ) ) { $dataVal = $snak->getDataValue(); $symbol = new StringValue( $dataVal->getValue() ); } elseif ( $this->isFormulaItemSnak( $snak ) ) { $dataVal = $snak->getDataValue(); $entityIdValue = $dataVal->getValue(); if ( $entityIdValue instanceof EntityIdValue ) { $innerEntityId = $entityIdValue->getEntityId(); $innerInfo = new MathWikibaseInfo( $innerEntityId, $output->getFormatter() ); $this->fetchLabelDescription( $innerInfo, $langLookup ); $url = $this->fetchPageUrl( $innerEntityId ); if ( $url ) { $innerInfo->setUrl( $url ); } } } } } if ( $innerInfo && $symbol ) { $innerInfo->setSymbol( $symbol ); $output->addHasPartElement( $innerInfo ); } } return $output; } /** * Fetch the page url for a given entity id. * @param EntityId $entityId * @return string|false */ private function fetchPageUrl( EntityId $entityId ) { try { $entityRevision = $this->entityRevisionLookup->getEntityRevision( $entityId ); $innerEntity = $entityRevision->getEntity(); if ( $innerEntity instanceof Item ) { $globalID = $this->site->getGlobalId(); if ( $innerEntity->hasLinkToSite( $globalID ) ) { $siteLink = $innerEntity->getSiteLink( $globalID ); return $this->site->getPageUrl( $siteLink->getPageName() ); } } } catch ( StorageException $e ) { $this->logger->warning( "Cannot fetch URL for EntityId " . $entityId . ". Reason: " . $e->getMessage() ); } return false; } /** * @param Snak $snak * @return bool true if the given snak is either a defining formula, a quantity symbol, or a 'in defining formula' */ private function isSymbolSnak( Snak $snak ) { return $snak->getPropertyId()->equals( $this->propertyIdQuantitySymbol ) || $snak->getPropertyId()->equals( $this->propertyIdDefiningFormula ) || $snak->getPropertyId()->equals( $this->propertyIdInDefiningFormula ); } /** * @param Snak $snak * @return bool true if the given snak is either the 'has part or parts' or the 'symbol represents' property */ private function isFormulaItemSnak( Snak $snak ) { return $snak->getPropertyId()->equals( $this->propertyIdHasPart ) || $snak->getPropertyId()->equals( $this->propertyIdSymbolRepresents ); } /** * @param string $qID * @return string */ public function buildURL( string $qID ): string { return $this->repoLinker->getEntityUrl( new ItemId( $qID ) ); } }