"name": "decimal comma",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "1,234+1{,}234",
"id": "017edc9e4583c9b0fd2ee3169c126446"
"name": "grouping comma",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "1,234; 1,234; 1,234,000",
"id": "db40da704aa8d8c5c9b2a5d07c1e3b85"
"name": "mn -3",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "-3",
"id": "683ba0a3b399a6196311c3ade0827964"
"name": "mrow mo -3",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "-3",
"id": "602a20326c8bb860f1f368368ccaacab"
"name": "squared",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x^2",
"id": "2907599147d0a81ecd2e18411188ffda"
"name": "cubed",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x^3",
"id": "adfc266fea5eee8d882487a3c469d23d"
"name": "2nd Cohomology",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\mathrm{H}^2",
"id": "e6ce43e9b0b6830ba38e7b9ccc26dd4b"
"name": "R 2",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\mathbb{R}^2",
"id": "1048532acb9cbb0f36557eeb3923da3b"
"name": "x to nth",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x^n",
"id": "9d0c7001d7d17c1787d876b94f0e0c5c"
"name": "dagger",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x^\\dagger",
"id": "bf4860ed94f13787fe5a13567c9b924d"
"name": "x transpose",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x^{\\mathrm{T}}",
"id": "f69c0d6dc093dc36c9269a6561038bb5"
"name": "x transpose pre-sup",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "{}^{\\mathrm{T}}x",
"id": "ede527b5e0f611c91277a93e11476a02"
"name": "x sub transpose",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x_{ij}^{\\mathrm{T}}",
"id": "6f08481aad490542112793a2f05fc507"
"name": "ordinal 4th",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "4{\\mathrm{th}",
"id": "13e8ce1d50a50fb0cf729ecc396e462e"
"name": "formal power series",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "A=\\sum_0^\\infty a_n X^n \\in R\\lBrack X \\rBrack",
"id": "24d51362b56f6123ce1c1c5a8872ceba"
"name": "sin squared plus cos squared",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\sin^2\\theta + \\cos^2\\theta=1",
"id": "152f0c6492f7e179a08bcebe6c63ddca"
"name": "binom n k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\binom{n}{k}",
"id": "e527352e28a43e6583fbbaa4418e50d1"
"name": " binom sup n C sub k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "{}^n C_k",
"id": "66ed419d09924ec6e86b6fa6192a5ac5"
"name": " binom C sup n sub k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "C^n_k",
"id": "89001a40638a748b95e5885b771d9a57"
"name": " binom C n k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "C(n,k)",
"id": "64545c92aa1c6e86dd7e9d8781d51443"
"name": " permutations sup n P sub k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "{}^n P_k",
"id": "479195ddf56ff4c6f095b8999439eae0"
"name": " permutations P sup n sub k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "P^n_k",
"id": "700e9e1c59044c764b0d3b6fcaff446d"
"name": " permutations P n k",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "P(n,k)",
"id": "293789944389185c3b756bef34978108"
"name": "subset",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x \\subset y",
"id": "a3c7ec1076255080060573e304ad19fa"
"name": " parallel ",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x \\parallel y",
"id": "28cc9ebf3685b177e68ed192a529baad"
"name": "Ackerman or A",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "A(m,n)",
"id": "e1c0d92825fe91e6496ba18632787fc7"
"name": "low (g∘h)′(x)",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(g∘h)′(x)",
"id": "fb69a6813c7d5db626fe030aa4a285d0"
"name": "high (g∘h)′(x)",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(g∘h)′(x)",
"id": "dcfe1db97432ea0244c32bf4052e12f7"
"name": "apply (g∘h)′(x)",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(g∘h)′(x)",
"id": "99c071dbf49e1ca438434dc4b82aac35"
"name": "leaf (g∘h)′(x)",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(g∘h)′(x)",
"id": "c3e77c30ccf21d4eaec512ba6db42579"
"name": "hof convex conjugate",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "f^*(p)",
"id": "fb3f57e2f442a3674fda7159a3b92229"
"name": "intent on prefix mo",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "🐇 X",
"id": "a44c0d69dd03eec9ca3b2ad816893e9d"
"name": "intent on mrow of prefix mo",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "🐇 X",
"id": "000ef44ac98c1bf35301c50ef7580af7"
"name": "vectimes hints",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x \\vectimes y",
"id": "0fc48295fd811e6b1488687b21c650f2"
"name": "x foo/boxplus y",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x \\boxplus y",
"id": "847441a4fb59f830796a988837647e4c"
"name": "vert x abs",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\lvert x\\rvert",
"id": "6cb782e8d1dc1ff1670af488b5f565f1"
"name": "l2 norm x",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\lvert x\\rvert_2",
"id": "7e6435549105d86d5843fd7daa24ac07"
"name": "vert M determinant",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\lvert M\\rvert",
"id": "46be8bdf7945165451836ec6f9ae82ab"
"name": "vert abcd determinant",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\\\c&d\\end{vmatrix}",
"id": "06dfe7acbde9b5efd540d5b311ece76f"
"name": "Vert x magnitude",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\lVert x\\rVert",
"id": "92513434f7bc7fe4c9ae0c82c88c96e1"
"name": "open-open inverted bracket",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\mathopen] x,y\\mathclose[\\rVert",
"id": "b14792603f091e1cf28e3dd132815f4a"
"name": "open-open",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(x,y)",
"id": "27bfe4359a3cb1b137874cb6f177f82d"
"name": "open-closed",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(x,y]",
"id": "c0f15cfea235dae42494b5a6136b03e3"
"name": "closed-open",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "[x,y)",
"id": "89c82842a6c245fbe4771146a19b0583"
"name": "closed-closed",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "[x,y]",
"id": "f857e87ac030876a5f7afe6d29adc52c"
"name": "cycle thin space",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "(a\\,b\\,c\\,d)",
"id": "d0a5d6a1ff64a1c04fe4646297736087"
"name": "bmatrix",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{bmatrix} a&b\\\\ x&y \\end{bmatrix}",
"id": "40b8ecf2d091af0e003b076d2eed9a39"
"name": "pmatrix",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{pmatrix} a&b\\\\ x&y \\end{pmatrix}",
"id": "b0326ed98970ae5b4d13976dda3bd0b5"
"name": "braced system of equations",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\left\\{\\begin{aligned} x+y &= 2 \\\\ x-y &=0 \\end{aligned}\\right.",
"id": "7aa03d6dec1bce2ead484a65161df1cd"
"name": "align 1",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{align}...",
"id": "8b12da51c6b5482c95bb54ccdc5605fc"
"name": " alignment with wrapped line",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{aligned}... wrapped",
"id": "3a54aa6dad9db715c87af045bfd5fcde"
"name": "aligned derivation",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\begin{align}...",
"id": "6f65c4b23ee07e2568a04a53b30c795f"
"name": "dot x",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\dot{x}",
"id": "c25f1dbedb5de810c420d5fd07dcfd86"
"name": "ddot x",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\ddot{x}",
"id": "450e30edd13ef3fa12569bf48dfa30be"
"name": "dx by dt",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\frac{dx}{dt}",
"id": "54afe7628ceac40ee391f52e48b2bac8"
"name": "d by dt f of t",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\frac{d}{dt}f(t)",
"id": "165432696535dbe9f054fd44b9bd6309"
"name": "dx2 by dt2",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}",
"id": "c0bd9c7ca999bd5978e605557ce21b51"
"name": "partial df by dx dy",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\frac{\\partial^2 f}{\\partial x \\partial y}",
"id": "0aad0e564c4ec2de1122900012952f11"
"name": "int f(x) dx",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\int f(x) dx",
"id": "b8f7ff33d564efef25b990dd2a6ee6b7"
"name": "defint 0 to 1 x squared",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\int_0^1 x^2 dx",
"id": "301d3c2e7eac784da0300a8b36c1b2a9"
"name": "evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 bracket",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "[2x]_0^1",
"id": "c9e745d476ab9bfc8e2d4f044179afb7"
"name": "evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 bracket expression in base ",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "[2x]_0^1",
"id": "43692ab32dcbb00415649ba18d231c32"
"name": "evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 vertical bar",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "2x|_0^1",
"id": "0c63769fb597b4cbd7924e9cba937ca3"
"name": "evaluate 2x at 1 and 0 vertical bar expression in base",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "2x|_0^1",
"id": "074437988ce3e238298e9b105d6ecfbe"
"name": "oint 1 over z dz",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\oint \\frac{1}{z} dz",
"id": "8dbb651bc0d2382993192f6310305db9"
"name": " NFC v dot and w dot",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\dot{v}**2+\\dot{w}**2",
"id": "8a1ff742386c9d95be2bfe85af9c98b3"
"name": "x with string",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x",
"id": "c91d1449db85d1186fcce402dbfae26b"
"name": "a plus b factorial unary plus intent",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "a+b!",
"id": "6b99f97897a5b53ddce315859d526f45"
"name": "Properties on argref",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "a+b",
"id": "5b3972811b305dc6b5d742bd7e5e0288"
"name": "free r-algebra on x",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "R\\langle X\\rangle",
"id": "dc9d1a5f6cdc19647066e7237b22c2d2"
"name": "x plus 2 times the absolute-value of y minus z",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x+2\\lvert y-z\\rvert",
"id": "8f3e17276b76efbac0ac1e647b220eb1"
"name": "NCR x28 and x24",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\log x",
"id": "b8b11e21469bd78e360b91de46fc7c4c"
"name": "nested html b",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x+\\text{a \\textbf{bold} word",
"id": "099561ee187976f9a2786b9f2f343664"
"name": "H20",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\ce{H20}",
"id": "eafded0189cc86f7e73ddbb61fb80645"
"name": "2 H2O → 2 H2 + O",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\ce{2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2}",
"id": "aa6dda9e5698b378c6c6ae6e945f7d2d"
"name": "0-ary divides",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "6d0253b60611a4d376e6ac673a58c157"
"name": "1-ary divides",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "e3e958b5e0acaf9e6bf2269b03696d99"
"name": "3-ary divides",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "772c48cd62a4c9959232305fd0340551"
"name": "1-ary ray",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "c3d4d52ea59ec3b3cbece1627193d227"
"name": "content mathml sin x",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "\\sin x",
"id": "7414316c7cc37d6bc58aeb42eb638ca9"
"name": "bad intent paren",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "75ac73906d50d6469149b617243b7228"
"name": "bad intent argref",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "6a2d39eea4ff1322559cc1afb8171bb1"
"name": "bad intent arg names",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "2cd5988f19d5c8b2a81e6430f07706c5"
"name": "multiple identifiers",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "1e0c633b76e9a128d2b6f36f9daa4a97"
"name": "bad number",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "b07028f8b3ae58a97256a8fd2f155955"
"name": "bad intent subexpression",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": " - ",
"id": "61548e17b2ce0e75fb1a9561a78fb1ea"
"name": "Free text just say this",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x",
"id": "a5c7258818eeb3d4b1a0894eaae79731"
"name": "Free text with argref",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "x",
"id": "5061d310d6113d9e83d296469b8b8518"
"name": "intent 🐇",
"mathML": "",
"mathML_default": "",
"mathML_explicit": "",
"latex": "🐇 X",
"id": "2756c5ae3e9e284d3369e4818c818553"