requireExtension( 'Math' ); $this->addDescription( 'Test Mathoid CLI' ); $this->addArg( 'page', "The page used for the testset generation.", false ); $this->addOption( 'offset', "If set the first n equations on the page are skipped", false, true, "o" ); $this->addOption( 'length', "If set the only n equations were processed", false, true, "l" ); $this->addOption( 'user', "User with rights to view the page", false, true, "u" ); } private static function getMathTagsFromPage( $titleString ) { global $wgEnableScaryTranscluding; $title = Title::newFromText( $titleString ); if ( $title->exists() ) { $article = new Article( $title ); /** @var TextContent $content */ '@phan-var TextContent $content'; $content = $article->getPage()->getContent(); $wikiText = $content->getText(); } else { if ( $title == self::REFERENCE_PAGE ) { $wgEnableScaryTranscluding = true; $parser = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParserFactory()->create(); $wikiText = $parser->interwikiTransclude( $title, 'raw' ); } else { return 'Page does not exist'; } } $wikiText = Sanitizer::removeHTMLcomments( $wikiText ); $wikiText = preg_replace( '#(.*)#', '', $wikiText ); $math = []; Parser::extractTagsAndParams( [ 'math' ], $wikiText, $math ); return $math; } public function execute() { echo "This test accesses the Mathoid CLI.\n"; $page = $this->getArg( 0, self::REFERENCE_PAGE ); $offset = $this->getOption( 'offset', 0 ); $length = $this->getOption( 'length', PHP_INT_MAX ); $userName = $this->getOption( 'user', 'Maintenance script' ); $allEquations = self::getMathTagsFromPage( $page ); if ( !is_array( $allEquations ) ) { echo "Could not get equations from page '$page'\n"; echo $allEquations . PHP_EOL; return; } else { echo 'got ' . count( $allEquations ) . " math tags. Start processing."; } $i = 0; $rend = []; $rendererFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->get( 'Math.RendererFactory' ); foreach ( array_slice( $allEquations, $offset, $length, true ) as $input ) { $renderer = $rendererFactory->getRenderer( $input[1], $input[2], MathConfig::MODE_MATHML ); if ( $renderer->render() ) { $output = $renderer->getHtmlOutput(); } else { $output = $renderer->getLastError(); } $rend[] = [ $renderer, $input ]; $parserTests[] = [ (string)$input[1], $output ]; $i++; echo '.'; } echo "Generated $i tests\n"; MathMathMLCli::batchEvaluate( $rend ); $retval = null; $stdout = "[ { \"query\": { \"q\": \"E=mc^{2}\" }}]"; // $f = TempFSFile::factory( 'mathoid', 'json', wfTempDir() ); // $f->autocollect(); // $fhandle = fopen( $f->getPath(), 'w' ); // if ( $fhandle ) { // fwrite( $fhandle, $stdout ); // fclose( $fhandle ); // } // $contents = // wfShellExec( '/tmp/mathoid/cli.js -c /tmp/mathoid/ ' . $f->getPath(), // $retval ); // $contents = // wfShellExecMath( '/tmp/mathoid/cli.js -c /tmp/mathoid/ ', // $retval, [], [], [], $stdout ); // if ( $retval == 0 ) { // $res = json_decode( $contents, true ); // echo "JSON result" . var_export( $res, false ) . "\n"; // } } } $maintClass = WfTest::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;