<?php namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math\Tests\WikiTexVC\Nodes; use ArgumentCountError; use MediaWiki\Extension\Math\WikiTexVC\Nodes\Fun2; use MediaWiki\Extension\Math\WikiTexVC\Nodes\Literal; use MediaWikiUnitTestCase; use RuntimeException; use TypeError; /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\WikiTexVC\Nodes\Fun2 */ class Fun2Test extends MediaWikiUnitTestCase { public function testEmptyFun2() { $this->expectException( ArgumentCountError::class ); new Fun2(); throw new ArgumentCountError( 'Should not create an empty fun2' ); } public function testOneArgumentFun2() { $this->expectException( ArgumentCountError::class ); new Fun2( '\\f' ); throw new ArgumentCountError( 'Should not create a fun2 with one argument' ); } public function testIncorrectTypeFun2() { $this->expectException( TypeError::class ); new Fun2( '\\f', 'x', 'y' ); throw new RuntimeException( 'Should not create a fun2 with incorrect types' ); } public function testBasicFunctionFun2() { $f = new Fun2( '\\f', new Literal( 'a' ), new Literal( 'b' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '{\\f {a}{b}}', $f->render(), 'Should create a basic function' ); } public function testGetters() { $f = new Fun2( '\\f', new Literal( 'a' ), new Literal( 'b' ) ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $f->getFname() ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $f->getArg1() ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $f->getArg2() ); } public function testCurliesFun2() { $f = new Fun2( '\\f', new Literal( 'a' ), new Literal( 'b' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '{\\f {a}{b}}', $f->inCurlies(), 'Should create exactly one set of curlies' ); } public function testExtractIdentifiersFun2() { $f = new Fun2( '\\f', new Literal( 'a' ), new Literal( 'b' ) ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'a', 'b' ], $f->extractIdentifiers(), 'Should extract identifiers' ); } }