inputType = $inputType; } /** * @return string */ public function getInputType() { return $this->inputType; } public function __construct( $tex = '', $params = array() ) { global $wgMathMathMLUrl; parent::__construct( $tex, $params ); $this->setMode( MW_MATH_MATHML ); $this->hosts = $wgMathMathMLUrl; if ( isset( $params['type'] ) ) { if ( $params['type'] == 'pmml' ) { $this->inputType = 'pmml'; $this->setMathml( '' . $tex . '' ); } elseif ( $params['type'] == 'ascii' ) { $this->inputType = 'ascii'; } } } /** * Gets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have. * * @return array */ public function getAllowedRootElements() { if ( $this->allowedRootElements ) { return $this->allowedRootElements; } else { return $this->defaultAllowedRootElements; } } /** * Sets the XML validation. * If set to false the output of MathML is not validated. * @param boolean $validation */ public function setXMLValidation( $validation = true ) { $this->XMLValidation = $validation; } /** * Sets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have. * An empty value indicates to use the default settings. * @param array $settings */ public function setAllowedRootElements( $settings ) { $this->allowedRootElements = $settings; } /* (non-PHPdoc) * @see MathRenderer::render() */ public function render( $forceReRendering = false ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); if ( $forceReRendering ) { $this->setPurge( true ); } if ( $this->renderingRequired() ) { wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $this->doRender( ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return true; } /** * Helper function to checks if the math tag must be rendered. * @return boolean */ private function renderingRequired() { if ( $this->isPurge() ) { wfDebugLog( "Math", "Rerendering was requested." ); return true; } else { $dbres = $this->isInDatabase(); if ( $dbres ) { if ( $this->isValidMathML( $this->getMathml() ) ) { wfDebugLog( "Math", "Valid MathML entry found in database." ); if ( $this->getSvg() ) { wfDebugLog( "Math", "SVG-fallback found in database." ); return false; } else { wfDebugLog( "Math", "SVG-fallback missing." ); return true; } } else { wfDebugLog( "Math", "Malformatted entry found in database" ); return true; } } else { wfDebugLog( "Math", "No entry found in database." ); return true; } } } /** * Performs a HTTP Post request to the given host. * Uses $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout as timeout. * Generates error messages on failure * @see Http::post() * * @global int $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout * @param string $host * @param string $post the encoded post request * @param mixed $res the result * @param mixed $error the formatted error message or null * @param String $httpRequestClass class name of MWHttpRequest (needed for testing only) * @return boolean success */ public function makeRequest( $host, $post, &$res, &$error = '', $httpRequestClass = 'MWHttpRequest' ) { // TODO: Change the timeout mechanism. global $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout; wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $error = ''; $res = null; if ( !$host ) { $host = self::pickHost(); } if ( !$post ) { $this->getPostData(); } $options = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'postData' => $post, 'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout ); /** @var $req (CurlHttpRequest|PhpHttpRequest) the request object */ $req = $httpRequestClass::factory( $host, $options ); /** @var Status the request status */ $status = $req->execute(); if ( $status->isGood() ) { $res = $req->getContent(); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return true; } else { if ( $status->hasMessage( 'http-timed-out' ) ) { $error = $this->getError( 'math_timeout', $this->getModeStr(), $host ); $res = false; wfDebugLog( "Math", "\nTimeout:" . var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host , 'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout ), true ) . "\n\n" ); } else { // for any other unkonwn http error $errormsg = $status->getHtml(); $error = $this->getError( 'math_invalidresponse', $this->getModeStr(), $host, $errormsg, $this->getModeStr( MW_MATH_MATHML ) ); wfDebugLog( "Math", "\nNoResponse:" . var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host , 'errormsg' => $errormsg ), true ) . "\n\n" ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return false; } } /** * Picks a MathML daemon. * If more than one demon are available one is chosen from the * $wgMathMathMLUrl array. * @return string */ protected function pickHost() { if ( is_array( $this->hosts ) ) { $host = array_rand( $this->hosts ); } else { $host = $this->hosts; } wfDebugLog( "Math", "picking host " . $host ); return $host; } /** * Calculates the HTTP POST Data for the request. Depends on the settings * and the input string only. * @return string HTTP POST data */ public function getPostData() { $input = $this->getTex(); if ( $this->inputType == 'pmml' || $this->getMode() == MW_MATH_LATEXML && $this->getMathml() ) { $out = 'type=mml&q=' . rawurlencode( $this->getMathml() ); } elseif ( $this->inputType == 'ascii' ) { $out = 'type=asciimath&q=' . rawurlencode( $input ); } else { if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_INLINE_DISPLAYSTYLE ) { // default preserve the (broken) layout as it was $out = 'type=inline-TeX&q=' .rawurlencode( '{\\displaystyle ' . $input . '}' ); } else { $out = 'type=tex&q=' . rawurlencode( $input ); } } wfDebugLog( "Math", 'Get post data: ' . $out ); return $out; } /** * Does the actual web request to convert TeX to MathML. * @return boolean */ protected function doRender() { global $wgMathDebug; if ( $this->getTex() === '' ) { wfDebugLog( 'Math', 'Rendering was requested, but no TeX string is specified.' ); $this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_empty_tex' ); return false; } $res = ''; $host = self::pickHost(); $post = $this->getPostData(); $this->lastError = ''; $requestResult = $this->makeRequest( $host, $post, $res, $this->lastError ); if ( $requestResult ) { $jsonResult = json_decode( $res ); if ( $jsonResult && json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { if ( $jsonResult->success ) { if ( $this->getMode() == MW_MATH_LATEXML || $this->inputType == 'pmml' || $this->isValidMathML( $jsonResult->mml ) ) { $xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $jsonResult->svg, null, false ); if ( ! $xmlObject->wellFormed ) { $this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_invalidxml', $host ); return false; } else { $this->setSvg( $jsonResult->svg ); } if ( $wgMathDebug ) { $this->setLog( $jsonResult->log ); } if ( $this->getMode() != MW_MATH_LATEXML && $this->inputType != 'pmml') { $this->setMathml( $jsonResult->mml ); } return true; } else { $this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_unknown_error', $host ); return false; } } else { if ( property_exists( $jsonResult, 'log' ) ) { $log = $jsonResult->log; } else { $log = wfMessage( 'math_unknown_error' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped(); } $this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_mathoid_error', $host, $log ); wfDebugLog( 'Math', "Mathoid conversion error:" . var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host , 'result' => $res ), true ) . "\n\n" ); return false; } } else { $this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_invalidjson', $host ); wfDebugLog( 'Math', "\nMathML InvalidJSON:" . var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host , 'res' => $res ), true ) . "\n\n" ); return false; } } else { // Error message has already been set. return false; } } /** * Checks if the input is valid MathML, * and if the root element has the name math * @param string $XML * @return boolean */ public function isValidMathML( $XML ) { $out = false; if ( !$this->XMLValidation ) { return true; } // depends on if ( !is_callable( 'XmlTypeCheck::newFromString' ) ) { $msg = wfMessage( 'math_xmlversion' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped(); trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_NOTICE ); wfDebugLog( 'Math', $msg ); return true; } $xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $XML, null, false ); if ( !$xmlObject->wellFormed ) { wfDebugLog( "Math", "XML validation error:\n " . var_export( $XML, true ) . "\n" ); } else { $name = $xmlObject->getRootElement(); $elementSplit = explode( ':', $name ); if ( is_array($elementSplit) ) { $localName = end( $elementSplit ); } else { $localName = $name; } if ( in_array( $localName , $this->getAllowedRootElements() ) ) { $out = true; } else { wfDebugLog( "Math", "got wrong root element : $name" ); } } return $out; } /** * @param int $mode * @param boolean $noRender * @return type */ private function getFallbackImageUrl( $mode = MW_MATH_MATHML, $noRender = false ) { return SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MathShowImage' )->getLocalURL( array( 'hash' => $this->getMd5(), 'mode' => $mode, 'noRender' => $noRender ) ); } /** * Helper function to correct the style information for a * linked SVG image. * @param string $svg SVG-image data * @param string $style current style information to be updated */ public function correctSvgStyle( $svg, &$style ) { if ( preg_match( '/style="([^"]*)"/', $svg, $styles ) ) { $style .= " ".$styles[1]; // merge styles if ( $this->getMathStyle() === MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) { // TODO: Improve style cleaning $style = preg_replace( '/margin\-(left|right)\:\s*\d+(\%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\;/', '', $style ); } $style = preg_replace( '/position:\s*absolute;\s*left:\s*0px;/', '', $style ); } // TODO: Figure out if there is a way to construct // a SVGReader from a string that represents the SVG // content if ( preg_match( "/height=\"(.*?)\"/" , $this->getSvg(), $matches ) ) { $style .= "height: " . $matches[1] . "; "; } if ( preg_match( "/width=\"(.*?)\"/", $this->getSvg(), $matches ) ) { $style .= "width: " . $matches[1] . ";"; } } /** * Gets img tag for math image * @param int $mode if MW_MATH_PNG a png is used instead of an svg image * @param boolean $noRender if true no rendering will be performed if the image is not stored in the database * @param boolean|string $classOverride if classOverride is false the class name will be calculated by getClassName * @return string XML the image html tag */ public function getFallbackImage( $mode = MW_MATH_MATHML, $noRender = false, $classOverride = false ) { $url = $this->getFallbackImageUrl( $mode , $noRender ); if ( $mode == MW_MATH_PNG ) { $png = true; } else { $png = false; } $attribs = array(); if ( $classOverride === false ) { // $class = '' suppresses class attribute $class = $this->getClassName( true, $png ); } else { $class = $classOverride; } $style = ''; if ( !$png ) { $this->correctSvgStyle( $this->getSvg(), $style ); } if ( $class ) { $attribs['class'] = $class; } if ( $style ) { $attribs['style'] = $style; } // an alternative for svg might be an object with type="image/svg+xml" return Xml::element( 'img', $this->getAttributes( 'img', $attribs , array( 'src' => $url, 'aria-hidden' => 'true' ) ) ); } protected function getMathTableName() { return 'mathoid'; } /** * Calculates the default class name for a math element * @param boolean $fallback * @param boolean $png * @return string the class name */ protected function getClassName( $fallback = false, $png = false ) { $class = "mwe-math-"; if ( $fallback ) { $class .= 'fallback-'; if ( $png ) { $class .= 'png-'; } else { $class .= 'svg-'; } } else { $class .= 'mathml-'; } if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) { $class .= 'display'; } else { $class .= 'inline'; } if ( !$fallback) { $class .= ' mwe-math-mathml-a11y'; } return $class; } /** * @return string Html output that is embedded in the page */ public function getHtmlOutput() { if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) { $element = 'div'; } else { $element = 'span'; } $attribs = array(); if ( $this->getID() !== '' ) { $attribs['id'] = $this->getID(); } $output = HTML::openElement( $element, $attribs ); // MathML has to be wrapped into a div or span in order to be able to hide it. // Remove displayStyle attributes set by the MathML converter // (Beginning from Mathoid 0.2.5 block is the default layout.) $mml = preg_replace( '/(]*)(display|mode)=["\'](inline|block)["\']/', '$1', $this->getMathml() ); if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) { $mml = preg_replace( '/ $this->getClassName(), 'style' => 'display: none;' ), $mml ); $output .= $this->getFallbackImage( $this->getMode() ) . "\n"; $output .= HTML::closeElement( $element ); return $output; } protected function dbOutArray() { $out = parent::dbOutArray(); if ($this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) { $out['math_input'] = $out['math_inputtex']; unset($out['math_inputtex']); } return $out; } protected function dbInArray() { $out = parent::dbInArray(); if ($this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) { $out = array_diff( $out, array( 'math_inputtex' ) ); $out[] = 'math_input'; } return $out; } protected function initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ) { // mathoid allows different input formats // therefore the column name math_inputtex was changed to math_input if ( $this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' && ! empty( $rpage->math_input ) ) { $this->userInputTex = $rpage->math_input; } parent::initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ); } }