markTestSkipped( "Bug in LaTeXML" );
$renderer = MathRenderer::getRenderer( '0', array( ), MW_MATH_MATHML );
$expected = '0';
$this->assertTrue( $renderer->render() );
$this->assertContains( $expected, $renderer->getHtmlOutput(), 'Rendering the String "0"' );
* Test rendering the string '0' see
public function testSpecialCaseText() {
global $wgMathFastDisplay;
if ( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER )->getType() === 'sqlite' ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( "SQLite has global indices. We cannot " .
"create the `unitest_math` table, its math_inputhash index " .
"would conflict with the one from the real `math` table."
$wgMathFastDisplay = false;
$renderer = MathRenderer::getRenderer( 'x^2+\text{a sample Text}', array( ), MW_MATH_MATHML );
$expected = 'a sample Text';
$this->assertTrue( $renderer->render() );
$this->assertContains( $expected, $renderer->getHtmlOutput(), 'Rendering the String "\text{CR}"' );
* Tests behavior of makeRequest() that communicates with the host.
* Testcase: Invalid request.
* @covers MathTexvc::makeRequest
public function testMakeRequestInvalid() {
self::setMockValues( false, false, false );
$url = '';
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathMathML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$requestReturn = $renderer->makeRequest( $url, 'a+b', $res, $error
, 'LaTeXMLHttpRequestTester' );
$this->assertEquals( false, $requestReturn
, "requestReturn is false if HTTP::post returns false." );
$this->assertEquals( false, $res
, "res is false if HTTP:post returns false." );
$errmsg = wfMessage( 'math_latexml_invalidresponse', $url, '' )
$this->assertContains( $errmsg, $error
, "return an error if HTTP::post returns false" );
* Tests behavior of makeRequest() that communicates with the host.
* Testcase: Valid request.
* @covers MathTexvc::makeRequest
public function testMakeRequestSuccess() {
self::setMockValues( true, true, false );
$url = '';
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathMathML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$requestReturn = $renderer->makeRequest( $url, 'a+b', $res, $error
, 'LaTeXMLHttpRequestTester' );
$this->assertEquals( true, $requestReturn, "successful call return" );
$this->isTrue( $res, "successfull call" );
$this->assertEquals( $error, '', "successfull call errormessage" );
* Tests behavior of makeRequest() that communicates with the host.
* Testcase: Timeout.
* @covers MathMathML::makeRequest
public function testMakeRequestTimeout() {
self::setMockValues( false, true, true );
$url = '';
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathMathML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$requestReturn = $renderer->makeRequest( $url, '$\longcommand$', $res
, $error, 'LaTeXMLHttpRequestTester' );
$this->assertEquals( false, $requestReturn, "timeout call return" );
$this->assertEquals( false, $res, "timeout call return" );
$errmsg = wfMessage( 'math_latexml_timeout', $url )
$this->assertContains( $errmsg, $error, "timeout call errormessage" );
// public function testisValidXML() {
// $validSample = '';
// $invalidSample = '';
// $this->assertTrue( MathMathML::isValidMathML( $validSample ), 'test if math expression is valid mathml sample' );
// $this->assertFalse( MathMathML::isValidMathML( $invalidSample ), 'test if math expression is invalid mathml sample' );
// }
* Checks if a String is a valid MathML element
* @covers MathMathML::isValidXML
public function testisValidXML() {
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathMathML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$validSample = '';
$invalidSample = '';
$this->assertTrue( $renderer->isValidMathML( $validSample ), 'test if math expression is valid mathml sample' );
$this->assertFalse( $renderer->isValidMathML( $invalidSample ), 'test if math expression is invalid mathml sample' );
* Tests the serialiazation of the LaTeXML settings
* @covers MathMathML::serializeSettings
public function testSerializeSettings() {
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathMathML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$sampleSettings = array(
'k1' => 'v1',
'k2&=' => 'v2 + & *üö',
'k3' => array(
'v3A', 'v3b'
) );
$expected = 'k1=v1&k2%26%3D=v2+%2B+%26+%2A%C3%BC%C3%B6&k3=v3A&k3=v3b';
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $renderer->serializeSettings( $sampleSettings ), 'test serialization of array settings' );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $renderer->serializeSettings( $expected ), 'test serialization of a string setting' );
* Checks the basic functionallity
* i.e. if the span element is generated right.
public function testIntegration() {
global $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout;
global $wgMathFastDisplay;
$wgMathFastDisplay = false;
$wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout = 20;
$renderer = MathRenderer::getRenderer( "a+b", array( ), MW_MATH_MATHML );
$this->assertTrue( $renderer->render( true ) );
$real = str_replace( "\n", '', $renderer->getHtmlOutput() );
$expected = 'assertContains( $expected, $real
, "Rendering of a+b in plain Text mode" );
* Helper class for testing
* @author physikerwelt
* @see MWHttpRequestTester
class LaTeXMLHttpRequestTester {
public static function factory() {
return new LaTeXMLHttpRequestTester();
public static function execute() {
return new LaTeXMLTestStatus();
public static function getContent() {
return MathMathMLTest::$content;
* Helper class for testing
* @author physikerwelt
* @see Status
class LaTeXMLTestStatus {
static function isGood() {
return MathMathMLTest::$good;
static function hasMessage( $s ) {
if ( $s == 'http-timed-out' ) {
return MathMathMLTest::$timeout;
} else {
return false;
static function getHtml() {
return MathMathMLTest::$html;