It is good practice to have a folder in the root for all sql files.
Also use the engine folder to store the patches
Change-Id: Ic26c042f0a5a8ca6e0568b38c4b4b2b4f0686efb
* mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer: 34.0.0 → 35.0.0
The following sniffs are failing and were disabled:
* MediaWiki.Commenting.PropertyDocumentation.MissingDocumentationPrivate
* MediaWiki.Commenting.PropertyDocumentation.MissingDocumentationProtected
* MediaWiki.Commenting.PropertyDocumentation.MissingDocumentationPublic
* MediaWiki.Commenting.PropertyDocumentation.WrongStyle
* mediawiki/minus-x: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1
* eslint-config-wikimedia: 0.17.0 → 0.18.1
The following rules are failing and were disabled:
* no-useless-escape
Additional changes:
* Added the "composer phan" command to conveniently run phan.
Change-Id: I1c641a4945f94337ca22763920601400ee9ab691