2022-08-17 13:23:19 +00:00
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math\Tests\TexVC\Nodes;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\Nodes\TexNode;
use MediaWikiUnitTestCase;
use RuntimeException;
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\Nodes\TexNode
class TexNodeTest extends MediaWikiUnitTestCase {
public function testEmptyNode() {
$n = new TexNode();
$this->assertSame( '', $n->render(), 'Should create an empty node' );
public function testEmptyStringNode() {
$n = new TexNode( '' );
$this->assertSame( '', $n->render(), 'Should create a node with am empty string' );
public function testHelloWorldNode() {
$n = new TexNode( 'hello', ' ', 'world' );
$this->assertEquals( 'hello world', $n->render(), 'Should create a hello world node' );
public function testNestedNode() {
$n = new TexNode( 'hello', new TexNode( ' ' ), new TexNode( new TexNode( 'world' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'hello world', $n->render(), 'Should create a nested hello world node' );
public function testIntegerArgs() {
$this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class );
( new TexNode( 1 ) )->render();
throw new RuntimeException( 'Should not accept integers as arguments' );
public function testAddCurlies() {
$n = new TexNode( 'a' );
$this->assertEquals( '{a}', $n->inCurlies(), 'Should add curlies' );
public function testNotNestCurlies() {
$n = new TexNode( new TexNode( 'a' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '{a}', $n->inCurlies(), 'Should not nest curlies' );
public function testProduceEmptyCurlies() {
$n = new TexNode( '' );
$this->assertEquals( '{}', $n->inCurlies(), 'Should produce empty curlies' );
public function testExtractIdentifiers() {
$n = new TexNode( new TexNode( 'a' ) );
$this->assertEquals( [ 'a' ], $n->extractIdentifiers(), 'Should extract identifiers' );
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public function testGetters() {
$n = new TexNode( new TexNode( 'a' ) );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $n->getArgs() );
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public function testIdentiferMods() {
$n = new TexNode( '' );
$this->assertEquals( [], $n->getModIdent(),
'Should contain a method stub for extracting identifier modifications' );
public function testExtractSubscripts() {
$n = new TexNode( '' );
$this->assertEquals( [], $n->extractSubscripts(),
'Should contain a method stub for extracting subscripts' );
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public function providNegativeMatches() {
return [
[ 'asd', 'sda' ],
[ [ 'asd', 'ert' ], 'sda' ],
[ [ 0 => 'not a string key' ], '0' ],
* @dataProvider providNegativeMatches
public function testMatchFails( $target, string $str ) {
$this->assertFalse( TexNode::match( $target, $str ) );
public function providPositiveMatches() {
return [
[ '', '' ],
[ 'asd', 'asd' ],
[ [ 'ert', 'asd' ], 'asd' ],
[ [ 'asd' => 'key should match' ], 'asd' ],
[ '0', '0' ],
[ [ '0' ], '0' ],
[ [ [ '0' ] ], '0' ],
* @dataProvider providPositiveMatches
public function testMatchSucceeds( $target, string $str ) {
$this->assertSame( $str, TexNode::match( $target, $str ) );
2022-08-17 13:23:19 +00:00
public function testSpecialCase1() {
$res = TexNode::texContainsFunc( '\\operatorname', '\\operatorname {someword}' );
$this->assertEquals( '\\operatorname', $res,
'should return matching operator for operatorname with someword' );
public function testSpecialCase1Array() {
$res = TexNode::texContainsFunc( [ '\\operatorname', '\\nonexistingooperator' ], '\\operatorname {someword}' );
$this->assertEquals( '\\operatorname', $res,
'should return matching operator for operatorname with someword as array' );
public function testSpecialCase2() {
$res = TexNode::texContainsFunc( '\\mbox', '\\mbox{\\somefunc}' );
$this->assertEquals( '\\mbox', $res,
'should return matching operator for mbox with somefunc' );