2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math\Tests\TexVC;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\TexVC;
use MediaWikiUnitTestCase;
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\TexVC
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\Parser
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\TexUtil
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Math\TexVC\ParserUtil
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
class AllTest extends MediaWikiUnitTestCase {
private $testCases;
private $texVC;
private $DELIMITERS1;
private $DELIMITERS2;
private $DELIMITERS3;
protected function setUp(): void {
$this->texVC = new TexVC();
public static function provideTestCases() {
$DELIMITERS1 = [ '(', ')', '[', ']', '\\{', '\\}', '|' ];
$delim2 = '\\backslash\\downarrow\\Downarrow\\langle\\lbrace\\lceil\\lfloor' .
'\\llcorner\\lrcorner\\rangle\\rbrace\\rceil\\rfloor\\rightleftharpoons' .
'\\twoheadleftarrow\\twoheadrightarrow\\ulcorner\\uparrow\\Uparrow' .
$DELIMITERS2 = array_map( static function ( $f ) { return '\\' . $f;
}, explode( '\\', $delim2 ) );
array_shift( $DELIMITERS2 );
$delim3 = '\\darr\\dArr\\Darr\\lang\\rang\\uarr\\uArr\\Uarr';
$DELIMITERS3 = array_map( static function ( $f ) { return '\\' . $f;
}, explode( '\\', $delim3 ) );
array_shift( $DELIMITERS3 );
return [
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Box functions' =>
[ [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
"input" =>
"\\text {-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}} " .
"\\mbox {-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}} " .
"\\hbox {-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}} " .
"\\vbox {-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}} ",
"output" =>
"{\\text{-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}}}" .
"{\\mbox{-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}}}" .
"{\\hbox{-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}}}" .
"{\\vbox{-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():/;?.!'` \u{0080}-\u{00FF}}}"
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
] ],
'Box functions (2)' =>
[ [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '{\\text{ABC}}{\\mbox{ABC}}{\\hbox{ABC}}{\\vbox{ABC}}',
'skipOcaml' => true /* extra braces in ocaml version */
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'LaTeX functions' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\arccos \\arcsin \\arctan \\arg \\cosh \\cos \\cot \\coth ' .
'\\csc \\deg \\det \\dim \\exp \\gcd \\hom \\inf \\ker \\lg ' .
'\\lim \\liminf \\limsup \\ln \\log \\max \\min \\Pr \\sec ' .
'\\sin \\sinh \\sup \\tan \\tanh '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Mediawiki functions' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\arccot\\arcsec\\arccsc\\sgn\\sen',
'output' =>
'\\operatorname {arccot} \\operatorname {arcsec} ' .
'\\operatorname {arccsc} \\operatorname {sgn} ' .
'\\operatorname {sen} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (1)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\aleph \\alpha \\amalg \\And \\angle \\approx ' .
'\\approxeq \\ast \\asymp \\backepsilon \\backprime ' .
'\\backsim \\backsimeq \\barwedge \\Bbbk \\because \\beta ' .
'\\beth \\between \\bigcap \\bigcirc \\bigcup \\bigodot ' .
'\\bigoplus \\bigotimes \\bigsqcup \\bigstar ' .
'\\bigtriangledown \\bigtriangleup \\biguplus \\bigvee ' .
'\\bigwedge \\blacklozenge \\blacksquare \\blacktriangle ' .
'\\blacktriangledown \\blacktriangleleft \\blacktriangleright ' .
'\\bot \\bowtie \\Box \\boxdot \\boxminus \\boxplus ' .
'\\boxtimes \\bullet \\bumpeq \\Bumpeq \\cap \\Cap \\cdot ' .
'\\cdots \\centerdot \\checkmark \\chi \\circ \\circeq ' .
'\\circlearrowleft \\circlearrowright \\circledast ' .
'\\circledcirc \\circleddash \\circledS \\clubsuit \\colon ' .
'\\complement \\cong \\coprod \\cup \\Cup ' .
'\\curlyeqprec \\curlyeqsucc \\curlyvee \\curlywedge ' .
'\\curvearrowleft \\curvearrowright \\dagger \\daleth ' .
'\\dashv \\ddagger \\ddots \\delta \\Delta ' .
'\\diagdown \\diagup \\diamond \\Diamond \\diamondsuit ' .
'\\digamma \\displaystyle \\div \\divideontimes \\doteq ' .
'\\doteqdot \\dotplus \\dots \\dotsb \\dotsc \\dotsi \\dotsm ' .
'\\dotso \\doublebarwedge \\downdownarrows \\downharpoonleft ' .
'\\downharpoonright \\ell \\emptyset \\epsilon \\eqcirc ' .
'\\eqsim \\eqslantgtr \\eqslantless \\equiv \\eta \\eth ' .
'\\exists \\fallingdotseq \\Finv \\flat \\forall \\frown ' .
'\\Game \\gamma \\Gamma \\geq \\geqq \\geqslant \\gets \\gg ' .
'\\ggg \\gimel \\gnapprox \\gneq \\gneqq \\gnsim \\gtrapprox ' .
'\\gtrdot \\gtreqless \\gtreqqless \\gtrless \\gtrsim ' .
'\\gvertneqq \\hbar \\heartsuit \\hookleftarrow ' .
'\\hookrightarrow \\hslash \\iff \\iiiint \\iiint \\iint ' .
'\\Im \\imath \\implies \\in \\infty \\injlim \\int ' .
'\\intercal \\iota \\jmath \\kappa \\lambda \\Lambda \\land ' .
'\\ldots \\leftarrow \\Leftarrow \\leftarrowtail ' .
'\\leftharpoondown \\leftharpoonup \\leftleftarrows ' .
'\\leftrightarrow \\Leftrightarrow \\leftrightarrows ' .
'\\leftrightharpoons \\leftrightsquigarrow \\leftthreetimes ' .
'\\leq \\leqq \\leqslant \\lessapprox \\lessdot ' .
'\\lesseqgtr \\lesseqqgtr \\lessgtr \\lesssim \\limits \\ll ' .
'\\Lleftarrow \\lll \\lnapprox \\lneq \\lneqq \\lnot \\lnsim ' .
'\\longleftarrow \\Longleftarrow \\longleftrightarrow ' .
'\\Longleftrightarrow \\longmapsto \\longrightarrow ' .
'\\Longrightarrow \\looparrowleft \\looparrowright \\lor ' .
'\\lozenge \\Lsh \\ltimes \\lVert \\lvertneqq \\mapsto ' .
'\\measuredangle \\mho \\mid \\mod \\models \\mp \\mu ' .
'\\multimap \\nabla \\natural \\ncong \\nearrow \\neg \\neq ' .
'\\nexists \\ngeq \\ngeqq \\ngeqslant \\ngtr \\ni ' .
'\\nleftarrow \\nLeftarrow \\nleftrightarrow ' .
'\\nLeftrightarrow \\nleq \\nleqq \\nleqslant \\nless \\nmid ' .
'\\nolimits \\not \\notin \\nparallel \\nprec \\npreceq ' .
'\\nrightarrow \\nRightarrow \\nshortmid \\nshortparallel ' .
'\\nsim \\nsubseteq \\nsubseteqq \\nsucc \\nsucceq ' .
'\\nsupseteq \\nsupseteqq \\ntriangleleft \\ntrianglelefteq ' .
'\\ntriangleright \\ntrianglerighteq \\nu \\nvdash \\nVdash ' .
'\\nvDash \\nVDash \\nwarrow \\odot \\oint \\omega \\Omega ' .
'\\ominus \\oplus \\oslash \\otimes ' .
'\\P \\parallel \\partial ' .
'\\perp \\phi \\Phi \\pi \\Pi \\pitchfork \\pm \\prec ' .
'\\precapprox \\preccurlyeq \\preceq \\precnapprox ' .
'\\precneqq \\precnsim \\precsim \\prime \\prod \\projlim ' .
'\\propto \\psi \\Psi \\qquad \\quad \\Re \\rho \\rightarrow ' .
'\\Rightarrow \\rightarrowtail \\rightharpoondown ' .
'\\rightharpoonup \\rightleftarrows \\rightrightarrows ' .
'\\rightsquigarrow \\rightthreetimes \\risingdotseq ' .
'\\Rrightarrow \\Rsh \\rtimes \\rVert \\S ' .
'\\scriptscriptstyle \\scriptstyle \\searrow \\setminus ' .
'\\sharp \\shortmid \\shortparallel \\sigma \\Sigma \\sim ' .
'\\simeq \\smallfrown \\smallsetminus \\smallsmile \\smile ' .
'\\spadesuit \\sphericalangle \\sqcap \\sqcup \\sqsubset ' .
'\\sqsubseteq \\sqsupset \\sqsupseteq \\square \\star ' .
'\\subset \\Subset \\subseteq \\subseteqq \\subsetneq ' .
'\\subsetneqq \\succ \\succapprox \\succcurlyeq \\succeq ' .
'\\succnapprox \\succneqq \\succnsim \\succsim \\sum ' .
'\\supset \\Supset \\supseteq \\supseteqq \\supsetneq ' .
'\\supsetneqq \\surd \\swarrow \\tau \\textstyle ' .
'\\therefore \\theta \\Theta ' .
'\\thickapprox \\thicksim \\times \\to \\top \\triangle ' .
'\\triangledown \\triangleleft \\trianglelefteq \\triangleq ' .
'\\triangleright \\trianglerighteq ' .
'\\upharpoonleft \\upharpoonright \\uplus \\upsilon ' .
'\\Upsilon \\upuparrows \\varDelta \\varepsilon \\varGamma ' .
'\\varinjlim \\varkappa \\varLambda \\varliminf \\varlimsup ' .
'\\varnothing \\varOmega \\varphi \\varPhi \\varpi \\varPhi ' .
'\\varprojlim \\varpropto \\varrho \\varsigma \\varSigma ' .
'\\varsubsetneq \\varsubsetneqq \\varsupsetneq ' .
'\\varsupsetneqq \\vartheta \\varTheta \\vartriangle ' .
'\\vartriangleleft \\vartriangleright \\varUpsilon \\varXi ' .
'\\vdash \\Vdash \\vDash \\vdots \\vee ' .
'\\veebar \\vline \\Vvdash \\wedge ' .
'\\wp \\wr \\xi \\Xi \\zeta '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\AA\\Coppa\\coppa\\Digamma\\euro\\geneuro\\geneuronarrow' .
'\\geneurowide\\Koppa\\koppa\\officialeuro\\Sampi\\sampi' .
'output' =>
'\\mbox{\\AA} \\mbox{\\Coppa} \\mbox{\\coppa} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Digamma} \\mbox{\\euro} \\mbox{\\geneuro} ' .
'\\mbox{\\geneuronarrow} \\mbox{\\geneurowide} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Koppa} \\mbox{\\koppa} \\mbox{\\officialeuro} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Sampi} \\mbox{\\sampi} \\mbox{\\Stigma} ' .
'\\mbox{\\stigma} \\mbox{\\textvisiblespace} ' .
'\\mbox{\\varstigma} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (2\')' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
/* We can parse what we emit (but the ocaml version can't) */
'input' =>
'\\mbox{\\AA} \\mbox{\\Coppa} \\mbox{\\coppa} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Digamma} \\mbox{\\euro} \\mbox{\\geneuro} ' .
'\\mbox{\\geneuronarrow} \\mbox{\\geneurowide} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Koppa} \\mbox{\\koppa} \\mbox{\\officialeuro} ' .
'\\mbox{\\Sampi} \\mbox{\\sampi} \\mbox{\\Stigma} ' .
'\\mbox{\\stigma} \\mbox{\\textvisiblespace} ' .
'\\mbox{\\varstigma} ',
'skipOcaml' => true
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (2) MJ' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'usemathrm' => true,
'input' =>
'\\AA\\Coppa\\coppa\\Digamma\\euro\\geneuro\\geneuronarrow' .
'\\geneurowide\\Koppa\\koppa\\officialeuro\\Sampi\\sampi' .
'output' =>
'\\mathrm {\\AA} \\mathrm {\\Coppa} \\mathrm {\\coppa} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Digamma} \\mathrm {\\euro} \\mathrm {\\geneuro} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\geneuronarrow} \\mathrm {\\geneurowide} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Koppa} \\mathrm {\\koppa} \\mathrm {\\officialeuro} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Sampi} \\mathrm {\\sampi} \\mathrm {\\Stigma} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\stigma} \\mathrm {\\textvisiblespace} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\varstigma} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (2\') MJ' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'usemathrm' => true,
/* We can parse what we emit (but the ocaml version can't) */
'input' =>
'\\mathrm {\\AA} \\mathrm {\\Coppa} \\mathrm {\\coppa} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Digamma} \\mathrm {\\euro} \\mathrm {\\geneuro} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\geneuronarrow} \\mathrm {\\geneurowide} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Koppa} \\mathrm {\\koppa} \\mathrm {\\officialeuro} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\Sampi} \\mathrm {\\sampi} \\mathrm {\\Stigma} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\stigma} \\mathrm {\\textvisiblespace} ' .
'\\mathrm {\\varstigma} ',
'skipOcaml' => true
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Literals (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'oldtexvc' => true,
'input' =>
'\\C\\H\\N\\Q\\R\\Z\\alef\\alefsym\\Alpha\\and\\ang\\Beta' .
'\\bull\\Chi\\clubs\\cnums\\Complex\\Dagger\\diamonds\\Doteq' .
'\\doublecap\\doublecup\\empty\\Epsilon\\Eta\\exist\\ge' .
'\\gggtr\\hArr\\harr\\Harr\\hearts\\image\\infin\\Iota\\isin' .
'\\Kappa\\larr\\Larr\\lArr\\le\\lrarr\\Lrarr\\lrArr\\Mu' .
'\\natnums\\ne\\Nu\\O\\omicron\\Omicron\\or\\part\\plusmn' .
'\\rarr\\Rarr\\rArr\\real\\reals\\Reals\\restriction\\Rho' .
'\\sdot\\sect\\spades\\sub\\sube\\supe\\Tau\\thetasym' .
'output' =>
'\\mathbb {C} \\mathbb {H} \\mathbb {N} \\mathbb {Q} ' .
'\\mathbb {R} \\mathbb {Z} \\aleph \\aleph \\mathrm {A} ' .
'\\land \\angle \\mathrm {B} \\bullet \\mathrm {X} ' .
'\\clubsuit \\mathbb {C} \\mathbb {C} \\ddagger ' .
'\\diamondsuit \\doteqdot \\Cap \\Cup \\emptyset ' .
'\\mathrm {E} \\mathrm {H} \\exists \\geq \\ggg ' .
'\\Leftrightarrow \\leftrightarrow \\Leftrightarrow ' .
'\\heartsuit \\Im \\infty \\mathrm {I} \\in \\mathrm {K} ' .
'\\leftarrow \\Leftarrow \\Leftarrow \\leq ' .
'\\leftrightarrow \\Leftrightarrow \\Leftrightarrow ' .
'\\mathrm {M} \\mathbb {N} \\neq \\mathrm {N} \\emptyset ' .
'oO\\lor \\partial \\pm ' .
'\\rightarrow \\Rightarrow \\Rightarrow \\Re \\mathbb {R} ' .
'\\mathbb {R} \\upharpoonright \\mathrm {P} \\cdot ' .
'\\S \\spadesuit \\subset \\subseteq \\supseteq ' .
'\\mathrm {T} \\vartheta \\mbox{\\coppa} \\wp \\mathrm {Z} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Big' => [ self::bigs( $DELIMITERS1, $DELIMITERS2 ),
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Delimiters (1)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => implode( '', $DELIMITERS1 ) . implode( ' ', $DELIMITERS2 ) . ' '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Delimiters (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'output' =>
'\\downarrow \\Downarrow \\Downarrow \\langle \\rangle ' .
'\\uparrow \\Uparrow \\Uparrow '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Delimiters (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\left' . implode( '\\left', $DELIMITERS1 ) .
'\\right' . implode( '\\right', array_reverse( $DELIMITERS1 ) )
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Delimiters (4)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\left' . implode( ' \\left', $DELIMITERS2 ) .
' \\right' . implode( ' \\right', array_reverse( $DELIMITERS2 ) ) . ' '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Delimiters (5)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\left\\darr \\left\\dArr \\left\\Darr \\left\\lang ' .
'\\right\\rang \\right\\uarr \\right\\uArr \\right\\Uarr ',
'output' =>
'\\left\\downarrow \\left\\Downarrow \\left\\Downarrow ' .
'\\left\\langle \\right\\rangle ' .
'\\right\\uparrow \\right\\Uparrow \\right\\Uparrow '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\acute{A}\\bar{A}\\bcancel{A}\\bmod{A}\\boldsymbol{A}' .
'\\breve{A}\\cancel{A}\\check{A}\\ddot{A}\\dot{A}\\emph{A}' .
'\\grave{A}\\hat{A}\\hphantom{A}\\mathbb{A}\\mathbf{A}' .
'\\mathcal{A}\\mathclose{A}\\mathfrak{A}\\mathit{A}' .
'\\mathop{A}\\mathopen{A}\\mathord{A}\\mathpunct{A}' .
'\\mathrm{A}\\mathsf{A}\\mathtt{A}' .
'\\operatorname{A}\\overleftarrow{A}\\overleftrightarrow{A}' .
'\\overline{A}\\overrightarrow{A}\\phantom{A}\\pmod{A}\\sqrt{A}' .
'\\textbf{A}\\textit{A}\\textrm{A}\\textsf{A}\\texttt{A}' .
'\\tilde{A}\\underline{A}\\vec{A}\\vphantom{A}\\widehat{A}' .
'output' =>
'{\\acute {A}}{\\bar {A}}{\\bcancel {A}}{\\bmod {A}}' .
'{\\boldsymbol {A}}{\\breve {A}}{\\cancel {A}}{\\check {A}}' .
'{\\ddot {A}}{\\dot {A}}{\\emph {A}}{\\grave {A}}{\\hat {A}}' .
'{\\hphantom {A}}\\mathbb {A} \\mathbf {A} {\\mathcal {A}}' .
'{\\mathclose {A}}{\\mathfrak {A}}{\\mathit {A}}' .
'\\mathop {A} {\\mathopen {A}}{\\mathord {A}}' .
'{\\mathpunct {A}}\\mathrm {A} {\\mathsf {A}}' .
'{\\mathtt {A}}\\operatorname {A} {\\overleftarrow {A}}' .
'{\\overleftrightarrow {A}}{\\overline {A}}' .
'{\\overrightarrow {A}}{\\phantom {A}}{\\pmod {A}}{\\sqrt {A}}' .
'{\\textbf {A}}{\\textit {A}}{\\textrm {A}}{\\textsf {A}}' .
'{\\texttt {A}}{\\tilde {A}}{\\underline {A}}{\\vec {A}}' .
'{\\vphantom {A}}{\\widehat {A}}{\\widetilde {A}}{\\xcancel {A}}',
'skipOcaml' => 'double spacing and extra braces',
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1NB (1)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\operatorname {sin} ',
'skipOcaml' => 'missing space'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1NB (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\mathbb {A} \\mathbf {B} \\mathrm {C} ',
'skipOcaml' => 'extra braces'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1NB (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\overbrace {A} _{b}^{c}\\underbrace {C} _{d}^{e}',
'skipOcaml' => 'ocaml bug'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1NB (4)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\xleftarrow{A}\\xrightarrow{A}',
'output' => '\\xleftarrow {A} \\xrightarrow {A} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1NB (5)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\mathrel{A}\\mathbin{A}',
'output' => '\\mathrel {A} \\mathbin {A} '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR1OPT' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\sqrt{2}\\sqrt[3]{2}' .
'\\xleftarrow{above}\\xleftarrow[below]{above}' .
'output' =>
'{\\sqrt {2}}{\\sqrt[{3}]{2}}' .
'\\xleftarrow {above} {\\xleftarrow[{below}]{above}}' .
'\\xrightarrow {above} {\\xrightarrow[{below}]{above}}',
'skipOcaml' => 'spacing'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR2' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\binom{A}{B}\\cancelto{A}{B}\\cfrac{A}{B}\\dbinom{A}{B}' .
'\\dfrac{A}{B}\\frac{A}{B}\\overset{A}{B}\\stackrel{A}{B}' .
'output' =>
'{\\binom {A}{B}}{\\cancelto {A}{B}}{\\cfrac {A}{B}}' .
'{\\dbinom {A}{B}}{\\dfrac {A}{B}}{\\frac {A}{B}}' .
'{\\overset {A}{B}}{\\stackrel {A}{B}}{\\tbinom {A}{B}}' .
'{\\tfrac {A}{B}}{\\underset {A}{B}}',
'skipOcaml' => 'double spacing'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_AR2nb' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\sideset{_\\dagger^*}{_\\dagger^*}\\prod',
'output' => '\\sideset {_{\\dagger }^{*}}{_{\\dagger }^{*}}\\prod '
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_INFIX (1)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\left({a\\atop 1}{b\\atop m}{c\\atop n}\\right)',
'output' => '\\left({a \\atop 1}{b \\atop m}{c \\atop n}\\right)'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_INFIX (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '{1\\,0\\choose0\\,1}',
'output' => '{1\\,0 \\choose 0\\,1}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_INFIX (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '{a\\over b}',
'output' => '{a \\over b}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'FUN_INFIX (4)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => 'a\\over b',
'output' => '{a \\over b}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'DECLh' => [ [
'input' => '{abc \\rm def \\it ghi \\cal jkl \\bf mno}',
'output' => '{abc{\\rm {def{\\it {ghi{\\cal {jkl{\\bf {mno}}}}}}}}}'
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'litsq_zq' => [ [
'input' => ']^2',
'output' => ']^{2}'
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Matrices' => [ self::matrices(),
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Matrices (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '{\\begin{array}{|c|}\\hline {\\!n\\!}\\\\\\hline \\end{array}}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Matrices (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\begin{alignedat} { 3 } a & b & c \\end{alignedat}',
'output' => '{\\begin{alignedat}{3}a&b&c\\end{alignedat}}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Color (1)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' => '\\definecolor {mycolor}{rgb}{0.1,.2,0.}\\color {mycolor}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Color (2)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\color {blue}\\color [named]{blue}\\color [gray]{0.5}' .
'\\color [rgb]{0,1,0}\\color [cmyk]{1,0,0,0}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Color (3)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\pagecolor {blue}\\pagecolor [named]{blue}' .
'\\pagecolor [gray]{0.5}\\pagecolor [rgb]{0,1,0}' .
'\\pagecolor [cmyk]{1,0,0,0}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Color (4)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'output' =>
'\\definecolor {mycolor}{rgb}{0.1,.2,0.}\\color [cmyk]{0,1,0,1}'
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
'Color (5)' => [
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
'input' =>
'\\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{255,102,51}' .
'\\pagecolor [RGB]{51,102,255}',
'output' =>
'\\definecolor {mycolor}{rgb}{1,0.4,0.2}' .
'\\pagecolor [rgb]{0.2,0.4,1}'
private static function bigs( $DELIMITERS1, $DELIMITERS2 ) {
$bigs = explode( '\\', '\\big\\Big\\bigg\\Bigg\\biggl\\Biggl\\biggr\\Biggr' .
'\\bigl\\Bigl\\bigr\\Bigr' );
array_shift( $bigs );
$BIGS = $bigs;
$DELIMITERS = array_merge( $DELIMITERS1, $DELIMITERS2, [ '\\darr', '\\uarr' ] );
$input = implode( '', array_map( static function ( $b ) use ( $DELIMITERS ) {
return implode( '', array_map( static function ( $d ) use ( $DELIMITERS, $b ) {
return '\\' . $b . $d;
}, $BIGS ) );
$output = implode( '', array_map( static function ( $b ) use ( $DELIMITERS ) {
return implode( '', array_map( static function ( $d ) use ( $DELIMITERS, $b ) {
if ( $d === '\\darr' ) {
$d = '\\downarrow';
if ( $d === '\\uarr' ) {
$d = '\\uparrow';
if ( substr( $d, 0, 1 ) === '\\' && strlen( $d ) > 2 ) {
$d = $d . ' ';
return '{\\' . $b . ' ' . $d . '}';
}, $BIGS ) );
return [ 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output ];
private static function argi( $env ) {
switch ( $env ) {
case 'array':
return '{|c||c|}';
case 'alignedat':
case 'alignat':
return '{3}';
return '';
private static function matrices() {
$ENV = [ 'matrix', 'pmatrix', 'bmatrix', 'Bmatrix', 'vmatrix', 'Vmatrix',
'array', 'align', 'alignat', 'smallmatrix', 'cases' ];
$input = implode( '', array_map( static function ( $env ) {
return '\\begin{' . $env . '}' . AllTest::argi( $env ) . ' a & b \\\\\\hline c & d \\end{' . $env . '}';
}, $ENV ) );
$output = implode( '', array_map( static function ( $env ) {
if ( $env === 'align' ) {
$env = 'aligned';
if ( $env === 'alignat' ) {
$env = 'alignedat';
return '{\\begin{' . $env . '}' . AllTest::argi( $env ) . 'a&b\\\\\\hline c&d\\end{' . $env . '}}';
}, $ENV ) );
return [ 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output ];
* @dataProvider provideTestCases
2022-12-28 08:46:07 +00:00
public function testRunCases( $tc ) {
2022-10-10 14:03:14 +00:00
$tc['output'] = $tc['output'] ?? $tc['input'];
if ( !array_key_exists( 'skipJs', $tc ) || !$tc['skipJs'] ) {
$message = 'output should be correct';
$result = $this->texVC->check( $tc['input'], [
'debug' => true,
'usemathrm' => $tc['usemathrm'] ?? false,
'oldtexvc' => $tc['oldtexvc'] ?? false
] );
$this->assertEquals( '+', $result['status'], $message );
$this->assertEquals( $result['output'], $tc['output'], $message );
if ( !array_key_exists( 'skipReparse', $tc ) || !$tc['skipReparse'] ) {
// verify that the output doesn't change if we feed it
// through again.
$message = 'should parse its own output';
$result1 = $this->texVC->check( $tc['output'], [ 'debug' => true ] );
$result2 = $this->texVC->check( $result1['output'], [ 'debug' => true ] );
$this->assertEquals( '+', $result2['status'], $message );
$this->assertEquals( $result2['output'], $result1['output'], $message );