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* MediaWiki math extension
* @copyright 2002-2015 various MediaWiki contributors
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math;
use Exception;
use Hooks;
use Html;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use SpecialPage;
use StatusValue;
use stdClass;
use Title;
use Xml;
use XmlTypeCheck;
* Converts LaTeX to MathML using the mathoid-server
class MathMathML extends MathRenderer {
/** @var string[] */
protected $defaultAllowedRootElements = [ 'math' ];
/** @var string[] */
protected $restbaseInputTypes = [ 'tex', 'inline-tex', 'chem' ];
/** @var string[] */
protected $restbaseRenderingModes = [ MathConfig::MODE_MATHML, MathConfig::MODE_PNG ];
/** @var string[] */
protected $allowedRootElements = [];
/** @var string */
protected $host;
/** @var LoggerInterface */
protected $logger;
/** @var bool if false MathML output is not validated */
private $XMLValidation = true;
* @var string|bool
private $svgPath = false;
/** @var string|false */
private $pngPath = false;
/** @var string|null */
private $mathoidStyle;
public function __construct( $tex = '', $params = [] ) {
global $wgMathMathMLUrl;
parent::__construct( $tex, $params );
$this->setMode( MathConfig::MODE_MATHML );
$this->host = $wgMathMathMLUrl;
if ( isset( $params['type'] ) ) {
$allowedTypes = [ 'pmml', 'ascii', 'chem' ];
if ( in_array( $params['type'], $allowedTypes ) ) {
$this->inputType = $params['type'];
if ( $params['type'] == 'pmml' ) {
$this->setMathml( '<math>' . $tex . '</math>' );
if ( !isset( $params['display'] ) && $this->getMathStyle() == 'inlineDisplaystyle' ) {
// default preserve the (broken) layout as it was
$this->tex = '{\\displaystyle ' . $tex . '}';
$this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' );
* @inheritDoc
public function addTrackingCategories( $parser ) {
parent::addTrackingCategories( $parser );
if ( $this->hasWarnings() ) {
foreach ( $this->warnings as $warning ) {
if ( isset( $warning->type ) ) {
switch ( $warning->type ) {
case 'mhchem-deprecation':
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecation' );
case 'texvc-deprecation':
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecation' );
* @param MathRenderer[] $renderers
public static function batchEvaluate( array $renderers ) {
$rbis = [];
foreach ( $renderers as $key => $renderer ) {
$rbi = new MathRestbaseInterface( $renderer->getTex(), $renderer->getInputType() );
$renderer->setRestbaseInterface( $rbi );
$rbis[] = $rbi;
MathRestbaseInterface::batchEvaluate( $rbis );
* Gets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have.
* @return string[]
public function getAllowedRootElements() {
if ( $this->allowedRootElements ) {
return $this->allowedRootElements;
} else {
return $this->defaultAllowedRootElements;
* Sets the XML validation.
* If set to false the output of MathML is not validated.
* @param bool $validation
public function setXMLValidation( $validation = true ) {
$this->XMLValidation = $validation;
* Sets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have.
* An empty value indicates to use the default settings.
* @param string[] $settings
public function setAllowedRootElements( $settings ) {
$this->allowedRootElements = $settings;
public function render() {
global $wgMathFullRestbaseURL;
try {
if ( in_array( $this->inputType, $this->restbaseInputTypes ) &&
in_array( $this->mode, $this->restbaseRenderingModes )
) {
if ( !$this->rbi ) {
$this->rbi =
new MathRestbaseInterface( $this->getTex(), $this->getInputType() );
$this->rbi->setPurge( $this->isPurge() );
$rbi = $this->rbi;
if ( $rbi->getSuccess() ) {
$this->mathml = $rbi->getMathML();
$this->mathoidStyle = $rbi->getMathoidStyle();
$this->svgPath = $rbi->getFullSvgUrl();
$this->pngPath = $rbi->getFullPngUrl();
$this->warnings = $rbi->getWarnings();
} elseif ( $this->lastError === '' ) {
$this->changed = false;
return $rbi->getSuccess();
if ( $this->renderingRequired() ) {
$renderResult = $this->doRender();
if ( !$renderResult->isGood() ) {
// TODO: this is a hacky hack, lastError will not exist soon.
$renderError = $renderResult->getErrors()[0];
$this->lastError = $this->getError( $renderError['message'], ...$renderError['params'] );
return $renderResult->isGood();
return true;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_mathoid_error',
$wgMathFullRestbaseURL, $e->getMessage() );
$this->logger->error( $e->getMessage(), [ $e, $this ] );
return false;
* Helper function to checks if the math tag must be rendered.
* @return bool
private function renderingRequired() {
if ( $this->isPurge() ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'Rerendering was requested.' );
return true;
$dbres = $this->isInDatabase();
if ( $dbres ) {
if ( $this->isValidMathML( $this->getMathml() ) ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'Valid MathML entry found in database.' );
if ( $this->getSvg( 'cached' ) ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'SVG-fallback found in database.' );
return false;
} else {
$this->logger->debug( 'SVG-fallback missing.' );
return true;
} else {
$this->logger->debug( 'Malformatted entry found in database' );
return true;
} else {
$this->logger->debug( 'No entry found in database.' );
return true;
* Performs a HTTP Post request to the given host.
* Uses $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout as timeout.
* @return StatusValue result with response body as a value
public function makeRequest() {
// TODO: Change the timeout mechanism.
global $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout;
$post = $this->getPostData();
$options = [ 'method' => 'POST', 'postData' => $post, 'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout ];
$req = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHttpRequestFactory()->create( $this->host, $options );
$status = $req->execute();
if ( $status->isGood() ) {
return StatusValue::newGood( $req->getContent() );
} else {
if ( $status->hasMessage( 'http-timed-out' ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Math service request timeout', [
'post' => $post,
'host' => $this->host,
'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout
] );
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_timeout', $this->getModeName(), $this->host );
} else {
$errormsg = $req->getContent();
$this->logger->warning( 'Math service request failed', [
'post' => $post,
'host' => $this->host,
'errormsg' => $errormsg
] );
return StatusValue::newFatal(
* Calculates the HTTP POST Data for the request. Depends on the settings
* and the input string only.
* @return string HTTP POST data
public function getPostData() {
$input = $this->getTex();
if ( $this->inputType == 'pmml' ||
$this->getMode() == MathConfig::MODE_LATEXML && $this->getMathml() ) {
$out = 'type=mml&q=' . rawurlencode( $this->getMathml() );
} elseif ( $this->inputType == 'ascii' ) {
$out = 'type=asciimath&q=' . rawurlencode( $input );
} else {
if ( $this->getMathStyle() === 'inlineDisplaystyle' ) {
// default preserve the (broken) layout as it was
$out = 'type=inline-TeX&q=' . rawurlencode( '{\\displaystyle ' . $input . '}' );
} elseif ( $this->getMathStyle() === 'inline' ) {
$out = 'type=inline-TeX&q=' . rawurlencode( $input );
} else {
$out = 'type=tex&q=' . rawurlencode( $input );
$this->logger->debug( 'Get post data: ' . $out );
return $out;
* Does the actual web request to convert TeX to MathML.
* @return StatusValue
protected function doRender(): StatusValue {
if ( $this->isEmpty() ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'Rendering was requested, but no TeX string is specified.' );
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_empty_tex' );
$requestStatus = $this->makeRequest();
if ( $requestStatus->isGood() ) {
$jsonResult = json_decode( $requestStatus->getValue() );
if ( $jsonResult && json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
if ( $jsonResult->success ) {
return $this->processJsonResult( $jsonResult, $this->host );
} else {
$serviceLog = $jsonResult->log ?? wfMessage( 'math_unknown_error' )
$this->logger->warning( 'Mathoid conversion error', [
'post' => $this->getPostData(),
'host' => $this->host,
'result' => $requestStatus->getValue(),
'service_log' => $serviceLog
] );
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_mathoid_error', $this->host, $serviceLog );
} else {
$this->logger->error( 'MathML invalid JSON', [
'post' => $this->getPostData(),
'host' => $this->host,
'res' => $requestStatus->getValue(),
] );
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_invalidjson', $this->host );
} else {
return $requestStatus;
* Checks if the input is valid MathML,
* and if the root element has the name math
* @param string $XML
* @return bool
public function isValidMathML( $XML ) {
$out = false;
if ( !$this->XMLValidation ) {
return true;
$xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $XML, null, false );
if ( !$xmlObject->wellFormed ) {
'XML validation error: ' . var_export( $XML, true ) );
} else {
$name = $xmlObject->getRootElement();
$elementSplit = explode( ':', $name );
$localName = end( $elementSplit );
if ( in_array( $localName, $this->getAllowedRootElements() ) ) {
$out = true;
} else {
$this->logger->error( "Got wrong root element: $name" );
return $out;
* @param bool $noRender
* @return Title|string
private function getFallbackImageUrl( $noRender = false ) {
if ( $this->getMode() === MathConfig::MODE_PNG && $this->pngPath ) {
return $this->pngPath;
if ( $this->svgPath ) {
return $this->svgPath;
return SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MathShowImage' )->getLocalURL( [
'hash' => $this->getMd5(),
'mode' => $this->getMode(),
'noRender' => $noRender
* Helper function to correct the style information for a
* linked SVG image.
* @param string &$style current style information to be updated
public function correctSvgStyle( &$style ) {
if ( preg_match( '/style="([^"]*)"/', $this->getSvg(), $styles ) ) {
$style .= ' ' . $styles[1]; // merge styles
if ( $this->getMathStyle() === 'display' ) {
// TODO: Improve style cleaning
$style = preg_replace(
'/margin\-(left|right)\:\s*\d+(\%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\;/', '', $style
$style = trim( preg_replace( '/position:\s*absolute;\s*left:\s*0px;/', '', $style ),
"; \t\n\r\0\x0B" ) . '; ';
// TODO: Figure out if there is a way to construct
// a SVGReader from a string that represents the SVG
// content
if ( preg_match( "/height=\"(.*?)\"/", $this->getSvg(), $matches ) ) {
$style .= 'height: ' . $matches[1] . '; ';
if ( preg_match( "/width=\"(.*?)\"/", $this->getSvg(), $matches ) ) {
$style .= 'width: ' . $matches[1] . ';';
* Gets img tag for math image
* @param bool $noRender if true no rendering will be performed
* if the image is not stored in the database
* @param false|string $classOverride if classOverride
* is false the class name will be calculated by getClassName
* @return string XML the image html tag
protected function getFallbackImage( $noRender = false, $classOverride = false ) {
$attribs = [
'src' => $this->getFallbackImageUrl( $noRender )
if ( $classOverride === false ) { // $class = '' suppresses class attribute
$class = $this->getClassName( true );
} else {
$class = $classOverride;
if ( !$this->mathoidStyle ) {
$this->correctSvgStyle( $this->mathoidStyle );
if ( $class ) {
$attribs['class'] = $class;
return Html::element( 'img', $this->getAttributes( 'span', $attribs, [
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
'style' => $this->mathoidStyle,
'alt' => $this->tex
] ) );
* @return string
protected function getMathTableName() {
return 'mathoid';
* Calculates the default class name for a math element
* @param bool $fallback
* @return string the class name
private function getClassName( $fallback = false ) {
$class = 'mwe-math-';
if ( $fallback ) {
$class .= 'fallback-image-';
} else {
$class .= 'mathml-';
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == 'display' ) {
$class .= 'display';
} else {
$class .= 'inline';
if ( !$fallback ) {
$class .= ' mwe-math-mathml-a11y';
return $class;
* @return string Html output that is embedded in the page
public function getHtmlOutput() {
$config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig();
$enableLinks = $config->get( "MathEnableFormulaLinks" );
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == 'display' ) {
$element = 'div';
} else {
$element = 'span';
$attribs = [ 'class' => 'mwe-math-element' ];
if ( $this->getID() !== '' ) {
$attribs['id'] = $this->getID();
$hyperlink = null;
if ( isset( $this->params['qid'] ) && preg_match( '/Q\d+/', $this->params['qid'] ) ) {
$attribs['data-qid'] = $this->params['qid'];
// TODO: SpecialPage::getTitleFor uses the depcrated method Title::newFromTitleValue and
// declares a never thrown MWException. Once this SpecialPage is updated, update the next line.
$titleObj = Title::newFromLinkTarget( SpecialPage::getTitleValueFor( 'MathWikibase' ) );
$hyperlink = $titleObj->getLocalURL( [ 'qid' => $this->params['qid'] ] );
$output = Html::openElement( $element, $attribs );
if ( $hyperlink && $enableLinks ) {
$output .= Html::openElement( 'a', [ 'href' => $hyperlink, 'style' => 'color:inherit;' ] );
// MathML has to be wrapped into a div or span in order to be able to hide it.
// Remove displayStyle attributes set by the MathML converter
// (Beginning from Mathoid 0.2.5 block is the default layout.)
$mml = preg_replace(
'/(<math[^>]*)(display|mode)=["\'](inline|block)["\']/', '$1', $this->getMathml()
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == 'display' ) {
$mml = preg_replace( '/<math/', '<math display="block"', $mml );
$output .= Xml::tags( $element, [
'class' => $this->getClassName(), 'style' => 'display: none;'
], $mml );
$output .= $this->getFallbackImage();
if ( $hyperlink && $enableLinks ) {
$output .= Html::closeElement( 'a' );
$output .= Html::closeElement( $element );
return $output;
protected function dbOutArray() {
$out = parent::dbOutArray();
if ( $this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) {
$out['math_input'] = $out['math_inputtex'];
unset( $out['math_inputtex'] );
$out['math_png'] = $this->png;
return $out;
protected function dbInArray() {
$out = parent::dbInArray();
if ( $this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) {
$out = array_diff( $out, [ 'math_inputtex' ] );
$out[] = 'math_input';
return $out;
protected function initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ) {
// mathoid allows different input formats
// therefore the column name math_inputtex was changed to math_input
if ( $this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' && !empty( $rpage->math_input ) ) {
$this->userInputTex = $rpage->math_input;
parent::initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage );
* @param stdClass $jsonResult json result
* @param string $host name
* @return StatusValue
protected function processJsonResult( $jsonResult, $host ): StatusValue {
if ( $this->getMode() == MathConfig::MODE_LATEXML || $this->inputType == 'pmml' ||
$this->isValidMathML( $jsonResult->mml )
) {
if ( isset( $jsonResult->svg ) ) {
$xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $jsonResult->svg, null, false );
if ( !$xmlObject->wellFormed ) {
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_invalidxml', $host );
} else {
$this->setSvg( $jsonResult->svg );
} else {
$this->logger->error( 'Missing SVG property in JSON result.' );
if ( $this->getMode() != MathConfig::MODE_LATEXML && $this->inputType != 'pmml' ) {
$this->setMathml( $jsonResult->mml );
// Avoid PHP 7.1 warning from passing $this by reference
$renderer = $this;
Hooks::run( 'MathRenderingResultRetrieved',
[ &$renderer, &$jsonResult ]
); // Enables debugging of server results
return StatusValue::newGood(); // FIXME: empty?
} else {
return StatusValue::newFatal( 'math_unknown_error', $host );
* @return bool
protected function isEmpty() {
return $this->userInputTex === '';