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/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
* MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/jax.js
* Implements the HTML-CSS OutputJax that displays mathematics
* using HTML and CSS to position the characters from math fonts
* in their proper locations.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function (AJAX,HUB,HTMLCSS) {
var MML, isMobile = HUB.Browser.isMobile;
var MESSAGE = function () {
var data = [].slice.call(arguments,0);
data[0][0] = ["HTML-CSS",data[0][0]];
return MathJax.Message.Set.apply(MathJax.Message,data);
var FONTTEST = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
timeout: (isMobile? 15:8)*1000, // timeout for loading web fonts
FontInfo: {
STIX: {family: "STIXSizeOneSym", testString: "() {} []"},
TeX: {family: "MathJax_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"STIX-Web": {family: "STIXWeb_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"Asana-Math": {family: "AsanaMath_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"Gyre-Pagella": {family: "GyrePagella_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"Gyre-Termes": {family: "GyreTermes_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"Latin-Modern": {family: "LatinModern_Size1", testString: "() {} []"},
"Neo-Euler": {family: "NeoEuler_Size1", testString: "() {} []"}
comparisonFont: ["sans-serif","monospace","script","Times","Courier","Arial","Helvetica"],
testSize: ["40px","50px","60px","30px","20px"],
Init: function () {
this.div = MathJax.HTML.addElement(document.body,"div",{
id: "MathJax_Font_Test",
style: {position:"absolute", visibility:"hidden", top:0, left:0, width: "auto",
padding:0, border:0, margin:0, whiteSpace:"nowrap",
textAlign:"left", textIndent:0, textTransform:"none",
lineHeight:"normal", letterSpacing:"normal", wordSpacing:"normal",
fontSize:this.testSize[0], fontWeight:"normal", fontStyle:"normal",
this.text = this.div.firstChild;
findFont: function (fonts,pref) {
if (pref && this.testCollection(pref)) {return pref}
for (var i = 0, m = fonts.length; i < m; i++) {
if (fonts[i] === pref) continue;
if (this.testCollection(fonts[i])) {return fonts[i]}
return null;
testCollection: function (name) {return this.testFont(this.FontInfo[name])},
testFont: function (font) {
if (font.isWebFont && HTMLCSS.FontFaceBug) {
this.div.style.fontWeight = this.div.style.fontStyle = "normal";
} else {
this.div.style.fontWeight = (font.weight||"normal");
this.div.style.fontStyle = (font.style||"normal");
var W = this.getComparisonWidths(font.testString,font.noStyleChar);
if (W) {
this.div.style.fontFamily = "'"+font.family+"',"+this.comparisonFont[0];
if (this.div.offsetWidth == W[0]) {
this.div.style.fontFamily = "'"+font.family+"',"+this.comparisonFont[W[2]];
if (this.div.offsetWidth == W[1]) {return false}
if (this.div.offsetWidth != W[3] || this.div.offsetHeight != W[4]) {
if (font.noStyleChar || !HTMLCSS.FONTDATA || !HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.hasStyleChar) {return true}
for (var i = 0, m = this.testSize.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.testStyleChar(font,this.testSize[i])) {return true}}
return false;
styleChar: "\uEFFD", // width encodes style
versionChar: "\uEFFE", // width encodes version
compChar: "\uEFFF", // "standard" width to compare to
testStyleChar: function (font,size) {
var n = 3 + (font.weight ? 2 : 0) + (font.style ? 4 : 0);
var extra = "", dw = 0;
var SIZE = this.div.style.fontSize; this.div.style.fontSize = size;
if (HTMLCSS.msieItalicWidthBug && font.style === "italic") {
this.text.nodeValue = extra = this.compChar;
dw = this.div.offsetWidth;
if (HTMLCSS.safariTextNodeBug) {this.div.innerHTML = this.compChar+extra}
else {this.text.nodeValue = this.compChar+extra}
var W = this.div.offsetWidth-dw;
if (HTMLCSS.safariTextNodeBug) {this.div.innerHTML = this.styleChar+extra}
else {this.text.nodeValue = this.styleChar+extra}
var N = Math.floor((this.div.offsetWidth-dw)/W+.5);
if (N === n) {
if (HTMLCSS.safariTextNodeBug) {this.div.innerHTML = this.versionChar+extra}
else {this.text.nodeValue = this.versionChar+extra}
font.version = Math.floor((this.div.offsetWidth-dw)/W+1.5)/2;
this.div.style.fontSize = SIZE;
return (N === n);
getComparisonWidths: function (string,noStyleChar) {
if (HTMLCSS.FONTDATA && HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.hasStyleChar && !noStyleChar)
{string += this.styleChar + " " + this.compChar}
if (HTMLCSS.safariTextNodeBug) {this.div.innerHTML = string}
else {this.text.nodeValue = string}
this.div.style.fontFamily = this.comparisonFont[0];
var W = this.div.offsetWidth;
this.div.style.fontFamily = HTMLCSS.webFontDefault;
var sW = this.div.offsetWidth, sH = this.div.offsetHeight;
for (var i = 1, m = this.comparisonFont.length; i < m; i++) {
this.div.style.fontFamily = this.comparisonFont[i];
if (this.div.offsetWidth != W) {return [W,this.div.offsetWidth,i,sW,sH]}
return null;
loadWebFont: function (font) {
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - Web-Font "+HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"/"+font.directory);
var n = MESSAGE(["LoadWebFont","Loading web-font %1",HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"/"+font.directory]);
var done = MathJax.Callback({}); // called when font is loaded
var callback = MathJax.Callback(["loadComplete",this,font,n,done]);
return done;
loadComplete: function (font,n,done,status) {
if (status === AJAX.STATUS.OK) {this.webFontLoaded = true; done(); return}
if (HUB.Browser.isFirefox && HTMLCSS.allowWebFonts) {
var host = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname;
if (document.location.port != "") {host += ":" + document.location.port}
host += "/";
if (AJAX.fileURL(HTMLCSS.webfontDir).substr(0,host.length) !== host)
if (!this.webFontLoaded) {HTMLCSS.loadWebFontError(font,done)} else {done()}
loadError: function (font) {
MESSAGE(["CantLoadWebFont","Can't load web font %1",HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"/"+font.directory],null,2000);
HUB.Startup.signal.Post(["HTML-CSS Jax - web font error",HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"/"+font.directory,font]);
firefoxFontError: function (font) {
MESSAGE(["FirefoxCantLoadWebFont","Firefox can't load web fonts from a remote host"],null,3000);
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - Firefox web fonts on remote host error");
checkWebFont: function (check,font,callback) {
if (check.time(callback)) return;
if (HTMLCSS.Font.testFont(font)) {callback(check.STATUS.OK)}
else {setTimeout(check,check.delay)}
fontFace: function (name) {
var type = HTMLCSS.allowWebFonts;
if (HTMLCSS.msieFontCSSBug && !FONT.family.match(/-Web$/)) {FONT.family += "-Web"}
var dir = AJAX.fileURL(HTMLCSS.webfontDir+"/"+type);
var fullname = name.replace(/-b/,"-B").replace(/-i/,"-I").replace(/-Bold-/,"-Bold");
if (!fullname.match(/-/)) {fullname += "-Regular"}
if (type === "svg") {fullname += ".svg#"+fullname} else {fullname += "."+type}
var def = {
"font-family": FONT.family,
src: "url('"+dir+"/"+fullname+"')"
if (type === "otf") {
def.src += " format('opentype')";
dir = AJAX.fileURL(HTMLCSS.webfontDir+"/woff"); // add woff fonts as well
def.src = "url('"+dir+"/"+fullname.replace(/otf$/,"woff")+"') format('woff'), "+def.src;
} else if (type !== "eot") {def.src += " format('"+type+"')"}
if (!(HTMLCSS.FontFaceBug && FONT.isWebFont)) {
if (name.match(/-bold/)) {def["font-weight"] = "bold"}
if (name.match(/-italic/)) {def["font-style"] = "italic"}
return def;
var EVENT, TOUCH, HOVER; // filled in later
config: {
styles: {
".MathJax": {
"display": "inline",
"font-style": "normal",
"font-weight": "normal",
"line-height": "normal",
"font-size": "100%",
"text-indent": 0,
"text-align": "left",
"text-transform": "none",
"letter-spacing": "normal",
"word-spacing": "normal",
"word-wrap": "normal",
"white-space": "nowrap",
"float": "none",
"direction": "ltr",
border: 0, padding: 0, margin: 0
".MathJax_Display": {
position: "relative",
display: "block",
width: "100%"
".MathJax img, .MathJax nobr, .MathJax a": {
border: 0, padding: 0, margin: 0, "max-width": "none", "max-height": "none",
"vertical-align": 0, "line-height": "normal",
"text-decoration": "none"
"img.MathJax_strut": {
border:"0 !important", padding:"0 !important", margin: "0 !important",
"vertical-align": "0 !important"
".MathJax span": {
display: "inline", position: "static",
border: 0, padding: 0, margin: 0,
"vertical-align": 0, "line-height": "normal",
"text-decoration": "none"
".MathJax nobr": {
"white-space": "nowrap ! important"
".MathJax img": {
display: "inline ! important",
"float": "none ! important"
".MathJax *": {
transition: "none",
"-webkit-transition": "none",
"-moz-transition": "none",
"-ms-transition": "none",
"-o-transition": "none"
".MathJax_Processing": {
visibility: "hidden", position:"fixed",
width: 0, height: 0, overflow:"hidden"
".MathJax_Processed": {display:"none!important"},
".MathJax_ExBox": {
display:"block", overflow:"hidden",
width:"1px", height:"60ex"
".MathJax .MathJax_EmBox": {
display:"block", overflow:"hidden",
width:"1px", height:"60em"
".MathJax .MathJax_HitBox": {
cursor: "text",
background: "white",
opacity:0, filter:"alpha(opacity=0)"
".MathJax .MathJax_HitBox *": {
filter: "none", opacity:1, background:"transparent" // for IE
"#MathJax_Tooltip": {
position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0,
width: "auto", height: "auto",
display: "none"
"#MathJax_Tooltip *": {
filter: "none", opacity:1, background:"transparent" // for IE
// Used for testing web fonts against the default font used while
// web fonts are loading
"@font-face": {
"font-family": "MathJax_Blank",
"src": "url('about:blank')"
settings: HUB.config.menuSettings,
hideProcessedMath: true, // use display:none until all math is processed
Font: null, // created by Config() below
webFontDefault: "MathJax_Blank",
allowWebFonts: "otf", // assume browser can use OTF web fonts
maxStretchyParts: 1000, // limit the number of parts allowed for
// stretchy operators. See issue 366.
Config: function () {
if (!this.require) {this.require = []}
this.Font = FONTTEST();
this.SUPER(arguments).Config.call(this); var settings = this.settings;
if (this.adjustAvailableFonts) {this.adjustAvailableFonts(this.config.availableFonts)}
if (settings.scale) {this.config.scale = settings.scale}
if (settings.font && settings.font !== "Auto") {
if (settings.font === "TeXLocal") {this.config.availableFonts = ["TeX"]; this.config.preferredFont = "TeX"; this.config.webFont = "TeX"}
else if (settings.font === "TeXWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "TeX"}
else if (settings.font === "TeXimage") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = ""}
else if (settings.font === "STIXlocal") {this.config.availableFonts = ["STIX"]; this.config.preferredFont = "STIX"; this.config.webFont = "STIX-Web"}
else if (settings.font === "STIXWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "STIX-Web"}
else if (settings.font === "AsanaMathWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "Asana-Math"}
else if (settings.font === "GyrePagellaWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "Gyre-Pagella"}
else if (settings.font === "GyreTermesWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "Gyre-Termes"}
else if (settings.font === "LatinModernWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "Latin-Modern"}
else if (settings.font === "NeoEulerWeb") {this.config.availableFonts = []; this.config.preferredFont = ""; this.config.webFont = "Neo-Euler"}
var font = this.Font.findFont(this.config.availableFonts,this.config.preferredFont);
if (!font && this.allowWebFonts) {font = this.config.webFont; if (font) {this.webFonts = true}}
if (!font && this.config.imageFont) {font = this.config.imageFont; this.imgFonts = true}
if (font) {
this.fontInUse = font; this.fontDir += "/" + font; this.webfontDir += "/" + font;
if (this.imgFonts) {
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - using image fonts");
} else {
MESSAGE(["CantFindFontUsing","Can't find a valid font using %1",
"["+this.config.availableFonts.join(", ")+"]"],null,3000);
this.fontInUse = "generic";
this.FONTDATA = {
TeX_factor: 1, baselineskip: 1.2, lineH: .8, lineD: .2, ffLineH: .8,
FONTS: {},
"normal": {fonts:[]}, "-generic-variant": {fonts:[]},
"-largeOp": {fonts:[]}, "-smallOp": {fonts:[]}
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - no valid font");
Startup: function () {
// Set up event handling
EVENT = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event;
TOUCH = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Touch;
HOVER = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover;
this.ContextMenu = EVENT.ContextMenu;
this.Mousedown = EVENT.AltContextMenu;
this.Mouseover = HOVER.Mouseover;
this.Mouseout = HOVER.Mouseout;
this.Mousemove = HOVER.Mousemove;
// Make hidden div for when math is in a display:none block
this.hiddenDiv = this.Element("div",{
style:{visibility:"hidden", overflow:"hidden", position:"absolute", top:0,
height:"1px", width: "auto", padding:0, border:0, margin:0,
textAlign:"left", textIndent:0, textTransform:"none",
lineHeight:"normal", letterSpacing:"normal", wordSpacing:"normal"}
if (!document.body.firstChild) {document.body.appendChild(this.hiddenDiv)}
else {document.body.insertBefore(this.hiddenDiv,document.body.firstChild)}
this.hiddenDiv = this.addElement(this.hiddenDiv,"div",{id:"MathJax_Hidden"});
// Determine pixels per inch
var div = this.addElement(this.hiddenDiv,"div",{style:{width:"5in"}});
this.pxPerInch = div.offsetWidth/5; this.hiddenDiv.removeChild(div);
// Markers used by getW
this.startMarker = this.createStrut(this.Element("span"),10,true);
this.endMarker = this.addText(this.Element("span"),"x").parentNode;
// Used in getHD
this.HDspan = this.Element("span");
if (this.operaHeightBug) {this.createStrut(this.HDspan,0)}
if (this.msieInlineBlockAlignBug) {
this.HDimg = this.addElement(this.HDspan,"img",{style:{height:"0px", width:"1px"}});
try {this.HDimg.src = "about:blank"} catch(err) {}
} else {
this.HDimg = this.createStrut(this.HDspan,0);
// Used in preTranslate to get scaling factors
this.EmExSpan = this.Element("span",
// Used in preTranslate to get linebreak width
this.linebreakSpan = this.Element("span",null,
[["hr",{style: {width:"100%", size:1, padding:0, border:0, margin:0}}]]);
// Set up styles and preload web fonts
return AJAX.Styles(this.config.styles,["InitializeHTML",this]);
removeSTIXfonts: function (fonts) {
// Opera doesn't display large chunks of the STIX fonts, and
// Safari/Windows doesn't display Plane1,
// so disable STIX for these browsers.
for (var i = 0, m = fonts.length; i < m; i++)
{if (fonts[i] === "STIX") {fonts.splice(i,1); m--; i--;}}
if (this.config.preferredFont === "STIX") {this.config.preferredFont = fonts[0]}
PreloadWebFonts: function () {
if (!HTMLCSS.allowWebFonts || !HTMLCSS.config.preloadWebFonts) return;
for (var i = 0, m = HTMLCSS.config.preloadWebFonts.length; i < m; i++) {
var FONT = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.FONTS[HTMLCSS.config.preloadWebFonts[i]];
if (!FONT.available) {HTMLCSS.Font.testFont(FONT)}
// Handle initialization that requires styles to be set up
InitializeHTML: function () {
// Get the default sizes (need styles in place to do this)
this.defaultEx = this.EmExSpan.firstChild.offsetHeight/60;
this.defaultEm = this.EmExSpan.lastChild.firstChild.offsetHeight/60;
this.defaultWidth = this.linebreakSpan.firstChild.offsetWidth;
preTranslate: function (state) {
var scripts = state.jax[this.id], i, m = scripts.length,
script, prev, span, div, test, jax, ex, em, scale, maxwidth, relwidth = false,
linebreak = this.config.linebreaks.automatic, width = this.config.linebreaks.width;
if (linebreak) {
relwidth = (width.match(/^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)?%\s*)?container\s*$/) != null);
if (relwidth) {width = width.replace(/\s*container\s*/,"")}
else {maxwidth = this.defaultWidth}
if (width === "") {width = "100%"}
} else {maxwidth = 100000} // a big width, so no implicit line breaks
// Loop through the scripts
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
// Remove any existing output
prev = script.previousSibling;
if (prev && String(prev.className).match(/^MathJax(_Display)?( MathJax_Processing)?$/))
// Add the span, and a div if in display mode,
// then set the role and mark it as being processed
jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
jax.HTMLCSS = {display: (jax.root.Get("display") === "block")}
span = div = this.Element("span",{
className:"MathJax", id:jax.inputID+"-Frame", isMathJax:true, jaxID:this.id,
oncontextmenu:EVENT.Menu, onmousedown: EVENT.Mousedown,
onmouseover:EVENT.Mouseover, onmouseout:EVENT.Mouseout, onmousemove:EVENT.Mousemove,
onclick:EVENT.Click, ondblclick:EVENT.DblClick
if (HUB.Browser.noContextMenu) {
span.ontouchstart = TOUCH.start;
span.ontouchend = TOUCH.end;
if (jax.HTMLCSS.display) {
div = this.Element("div",{className:"MathJax_Display"});
} else if (this.msieDisappearingBug) {span.style.display = "inline-block"}
// Mark math for screen readers
// (screen readers don't know about role="math" yet, so use "textbox" instead)
div.setAttribute("role","textbox"); div.setAttribute("aria-readonly","true");
div.className += " MathJax_Processing";
// Add the test span for determining scales and linebreak widths
if (relwidth) {div.parentNode.insertBefore(this.linebreakSpan.cloneNode(true),div)}
// Determine the scaling factors for each script
// (this only requires one reflow rather than a reflow for each equation)
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
test = script.previousSibling; div = test.previousSibling;
jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
ex = test.firstChild.offsetHeight/60;
em = test.lastChild.firstChild.offsetHeight/60;
if (relwidth) {maxwidth = div.previousSibling.firstChild.offsetWidth}
if (ex === 0 || ex === "NaN") {
// can't read width, so move to hidden div for processing
// (this will cause a reflow for each math element that is hidden)
jax.HTMLCSS.isHidden = true;
ex = this.defaultEx; em = this.defaultEm;
if (relwidth) {maxwidth = this.defaultWidth}
scale = (this.config.matchFontHeight ? ex/this.TeX.x_height/em : 1);
scale = Math.floor(Math.max(this.config.minScaleAdjust/100,scale)*this.config.scale);
jax.HTMLCSS.scale = scale/100; jax.HTMLCSS.fontSize = scale+"%";
jax.HTMLCSS.em = jax.HTMLCSS.outerEm = em; this.em = em * scale/100; jax.HTMLCSS.ex = ex;
jax.HTMLCSS.lineWidth = (linebreak ? this.length2em(width,1,maxwidth/this.em) : 1000000);
// Remove the test spans used for determining scales and linebreak widths
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue;
test = scripts[i].previousSibling;
jax = scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax; if (!jax) continue;
if (relwidth) {
span = test.previousSibling;
if (!jax.HTMLCSS.isHidden) {span = span.previousSibling}
// Set state variables used for displaying equations in chunks
state.HTMLCSSeqn = state.HTMLCSSlast = 0; state.HTMLCSSi = -1;
state.HTMLCSSchunk = this.config.EqnChunk;
state.HTMLCSSdelay = false;
Translate: function (script,state) {
if (!script.parentNode) return;
// If we are supposed to do a chunk delay, do it
if (state.HTMLCSSdelay) {
state.HTMLCSSdelay = false;
// Get the data about the math
var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax, math = jax.root,
span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame"),
div = (jax.HTMLCSS.display ? span.parentNode : span);
// Set the font metrics
this.em = MML.mbase.prototype.em = jax.HTMLCSS.em * jax.HTMLCSS.scale;
this.outerEm = jax.HTMLCSS.em; this.scale = jax.HTMLCSS.scale;
this.linebreakWidth = jax.HTMLCSS.lineWidth;
if (this.scale !== 1) {span.style.fontSize = jax.HTMLCSS.fontSize}
// Typeset the math
try {math.toHTML(span,div)} catch (err) {
if (err.restart) {while (span.firstChild) {span.removeChild(span.firstChild)}}
throw err;
// Put it in place, and remove the processing marker
if (jax.HTMLCSS.isHidden) {script.parentNode.insertBefore(div,script)}
div.className = div.className.split(/ /)[0];
// Check if we are hiding the math until more is processed
if (this.hideProcessedMath) {
// Hide the math and don't let its preview be removed
div.className += " MathJax_Processed";
if (script.MathJax.preview) {
jax.HTMLCSS.preview = script.MathJax.preview;
delete script.MathJax.preview;
// Check if we should show this chunk of equations
state.HTMLCSSeqn += (state.i - state.HTMLCSSi); state.HTMLCSSi = state.i;
if (state.HTMLCSSeqn >= state.HTMLCSSlast + state.HTMLCSSchunk) {
state.HTMLCSSchunk = Math.floor(state.HTMLCSSchunk*this.config.EqnChunkFactor);
state.HTMLCSSdelay = true; // delay if there are more scripts
postTranslate: function (state,partial) {
var scripts = state.jax[this.id];
if (!this.hideProcessedMath) return;
// Reveal this chunk of math
for (var i = state.HTMLCSSlast, m = state.HTMLCSSeqn; i < m; i++) {
var script = scripts[i];
if (script && script.MathJax.elementJax) {
// Remove the processed marker
script.previousSibling.className = script.previousSibling.className.split(/ /)[0];
var data = script.MathJax.elementJax.HTMLCSS;
// Remove the preview, if any
if (data.preview) {
data.preview.innerHTML = "";
script.MathJax.preview = data.preview;
delete data.preview;
if (this.forceReflow) {
// WebKit can misplace some elements that should wrap to the next line
// but gets them right on a reflow, so force reflow by toggling a stylesheet
var sheet = (document.styleSheets||[])[0]||{};
sheet.disabled = true; sheet.disabled = false;
// Save our place so we know what is revealed
state.HTMLCSSlast = state.HTMLCSSeqn;
getJaxFromMath: function (math) {
if (math.parentNode.className === "MathJax_Display") {math = math.parentNode}
do {math = math.nextSibling} while (math && math.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script");
return HUB.getJaxFor(math);
getHoverSpan: function (jax,math) {return jax.root.HTMLspanElement()},
getHoverBBox: function (jax,span,math) {
var bbox = span.bbox, em = jax.HTMLCSS.outerEm;
var BBOX = {w:bbox.w*em, h:bbox.h*em, d:bbox.d*em};
if (bbox.width) {BBOX.width = bbox.width}
return BBOX;
Zoom: function (jax,span,math,Mw,Mh) {
// Re-render at larger size
span.className = "MathJax";
span.style.fontSize = jax.HTMLCSS.fontSize;
// get em sizes (taken from HTMLCSS.preTranslate)
var emex = span.appendChild(this.EmExSpan.cloneNode(true));
var em = emex.lastChild.firstChild.offsetHeight/60;
this.em = MML.mbase.prototype.em = em;
this.outerEm = em / jax.HTMLCSS.scale;
this.idPostfix = "-zoom"; jax.root.toHTML(span,span); this.idPostfix = "";
var width = jax.root.HTMLspanElement().bbox.width;
if (width) {
// Handle full-width displayed equations
// FIXME: this is a hack for now
span.style.width = Math.floor(Mw-1.5*HTMLCSS.em)+"px"; span.style.display="inline-block";
var id = (jax.root.id||"MathJax-Span-"+jax.root.spanID)+"-zoom";
var child = document.getElementById(id).firstChild;
while (child && child.style.width !== width) {child = child.nextSibling}
if (child) {child.style.width = "100%"}
// Get height and width of zoomed math and original math
span.style.position = "absolute";
if (!width) {math.style.position = "absolute"}
var zW = span.offsetWidth, zH = span.offsetHeight,
mH = math.offsetHeight, mW = math.offsetWidth;
if (mW === 0) {mW = math.parentNode.offsetWidth}; // IE7 gets mW == 0?
span.style.position = math.style.position = "";
return {Y:-EVENT.getBBox(span).h, mW:mW, mH:mH, zW:zW, zH:zH};
initImg: function (span) {},
initHTML: function (math,span) {},
initFont: function (name) {
if (AVAIL && AVAIL.length && HTMLCSS.Font.testFont(FONTS[name]))
{FONTS[name].available = true; return null}
if (!this.allowWebFonts) {return null}
FONTS[name].isWebFont = true;
if (HTMLCSS.FontFaceBug) {
FONTS[name].family = name;
if (HTMLCSS.msieFontCSSBug) {FONTS[name].family += "-Web"}
return AJAX.Styles({"@font-face":this.Font.fontFace(name)});
Remove: function (jax) {
var span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame");
if (span) {
if (jax.HTMLCSS.display) {span = span.parentNode}
delete jax.HTMLCSS;
getHD: function (span) {
var position = span.style.position;
span.style.position = "absolute";
this.HDimg.style.height = "0px";
var HD = {h:span.offsetHeight};
this.HDimg.style.height = HD.h+"px";
HD.d = span.offsetHeight - HD.h; HD.h -= HD.d;
HD.h /= this.em; HD.d /= this.em;
span.style.position = position;
return HD;
getW: function (span) {
var W, H, w = (span.bbox||{}).w, start = span;
if (span.bbox && span.bbox.exactW) {return w}
if ((span.bbox && w >= 0 && !this.initialSkipBug) || this.negativeBBoxes || !span.firstChild) {
W = span.offsetWidth; H = span.parentNode.offsetHeight;
} else if (span.bbox && w < 0 && this.msieNegativeBBoxBug) {
W = -span.offsetWidth, H = span.parentNode.offsetHeight;
} else {
// IE can't deal with a space at the beginning, so put something else first
if (this.initialSkipBug) {
var position = span.style.position; span.style.position = "absolute";
start = this.startMarker; span.insertBefore(start,span.firstChild)
W = this.endMarker.offsetLeft - start.offsetLeft;
if (this.initialSkipBug) {span.removeChild(start); span.style.position = position}
if (H != null) {span.parentNode.HH = H/this.em}
return W/this.em;
Measured: function (span,parent) {
var bbox = span.bbox;
if (bbox.width == null && bbox.w && !bbox.isMultiline) {
var w = this.getW(span);
bbox.rw += w - bbox.w;
bbox.w = w; bbox.exactW = true;
if (!parent) {parent = span.parentNode}
if (!parent.bbox) {parent.bbox = bbox}
return span;
Remeasured: function (span,parent) {
parent.bbox = this.Measured(span,parent).bbox;
MeasureSpans: function (SPANS) {
var spans = [], span, i, m, bbox, start, end, W, parent;
// Insert the needed markers
for (i = 0, m = SPANS.length; i < m; i++) {
span = SPANS[i]; if (!span) continue;
bbox = span.bbox; parent = this.parentNode(span);
if (bbox.exactW || bbox.width || bbox.w === 0 || bbox.isMultiline) {
if (!parent.bbox) {parent.bbox = bbox}
if (this.negativeBBoxes || !span.firstChild || (bbox.w >= 0 && !this.initialSkipBug) ||
(bbox.w < 0 && this.msieNegativeBBoxBug)) {
} else if (this.initialSkipBug) {
start = this.startMarker.cloneNode(true); end = this.endMarker.cloneNode(true);
span.insertBefore(start,span.firstChild); span.appendChild(end);
spans.push([span,start,end,span.style.position]); span.style.position = "absolute";
} else {
end = this.endMarker.cloneNode(true);
span.appendChild(end); spans.push([span,null,end]);
// Read the widths and heights
for (i = 0, m = spans.length; i < m; i++) {
span = spans[i][0]; bbox = span.bbox; parent = this.parentNode(span);
if ((bbox.w >= 0 && !this.initialSkipBug) || this.negativeBBoxes || !span.firstChild) {
W = span.offsetWidth; parent.HH = parent.offsetHeight/this.em;
} else if (bbox.w < 0 && this.msieNegativeBBoxBug) {
W = -span.offsetWidth, parent.HH = parent.offsetHeight/this.em;
} else {
W = spans[i][2].offsetLeft - ((spans[i][1]||{}).offsetLeft||0);
W /= this.em;
bbox.rw += W - bbox.w;
bbox.w = W; bbox.exactW = true;
if (!parent.bbox) {parent.bbox = bbox}
// Remove markers
for (i = 0, m = spans.length; i < m; i++) {
span = spans[i];
if (span[1]) {span[1].parentNode.removeChild(span[1]), span[0].style.position = span[3]}
if (span[2]) {span[2].parentNode.removeChild(span[2])}
Em: function (m) {
if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) {return "0em"}
return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "em";
EmRounded: function (m) {
m = (Math.round(m*HTMLCSS.em)+.05)/HTMLCSS.em;
if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) {return "0em"}
return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "em";
unEm: function (m) {
return parseFloat(m);
Px: function (m) {
m *= this.em; var s = (m < 0? "-" : "");
return s+Math.abs(m).toFixed(1).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "px";
unPx: function (m) {
return parseFloat(m)/this.em;
Percent: function (m) {
return (100*m).toFixed(1).replace(/\.?0+$/,"") + "%";
length2em: function (length,mu,size) {
if (typeof(length) !== "string") {length = length.toString()}
if (length === "") {return ""}
if (length === MML.SIZE.NORMAL) {return 1}
if (length === MML.SIZE.BIG) {return 2}
if (length === MML.SIZE.SMALL) {return .71}
if (length === "infinity") {return HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN}
var factor = this.FONTDATA.TeX_factor;
if (length.match(/mathspace$/)) {return HTMLCSS.MATHSPACE[length]*factor}
var match = length.match(/^\s*([-+]?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?(pt|em|ex|mu|px|pc|in|mm|cm|%)?/);
var m = parseFloat(match[1]||"1"), unit = match[2];
if (size == null) {size = 1}; if (mu == null) {mu = 1}
if (unit === "em") {return m * factor}
if (unit === "ex") {return m * HTMLCSS.TeX.x_height * factor}
if (unit === "%") {return m / 100 * size}
if (unit === "px") {return m / HTMLCSS.em}
if (unit === "pt") {return m / 10 * factor} // 10 pt to an em
if (unit === "pc") {return m * 1.2 * factor} // 12 pt to a pc
if (unit === "in") {return m * this.pxPerInch / HTMLCSS.em}
if (unit === "cm") {return m * this.pxPerInch / HTMLCSS.em / 2.54} // 2.54 cm to an inch
if (unit === "mm") {return m * this.pxPerInch / HTMLCSS.em / 25.4} // 10 mm to a cm
if (unit === "mu") {return m / 18 * factor * mu} // 18mu to an em for the scriptlevel
return m*factor*size; // relative to given size (or 1em as default)
thickness2em: function (length,mu) {
var thick = HTMLCSS.TeX.rule_thickness;
if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.MEDIUM) {return thick}
if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.THIN) {return .67*thick}
if (length === MML.LINETHICKNESS.THICK) {return 1.67*thick}
return this.length2em(length,mu,thick);
getPadding: function (span) {
var padding = {top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0}, has = false;
for (var id in padding) {if (padding.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var pad = span.style["padding"+id.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+id.substr(1)];
if (pad) {padding[id] = this.length2em(pad); has = true;}
return (has ? padding : false);
getBorders: function (span) {
var border = {top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0}, css = {}, has = false;
for (var id in border) {if (border.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var ID = "border"+id.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+id.substr(1);
var style = span.style[ID+"Style"];
if (style) {
has = true;
border[id] = this.length2em(span.style[ID+"Width"]);
css[ID] = [span.style[ID+"Width"],span.style[ID+"Style"],span.style[ID+"Color"]].join(" ");
border.css = css;
return (has ? border : false);
setBorders: function (span,borders) {
if (borders) {
for (var id in borders.css) {if (borders.css.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
span.style[id] = borders.css[id];
createStrut: function (span,h,before) {
var strut = this.Element("span",{
isMathJax: true,
style:{display:"inline-block", overflow:"hidden", height:h+"px",
width:"1px", marginRight:"-1px"}
if (before) {span.insertBefore(strut,span.firstChild)} else {span.appendChild(strut)}
return strut;
createBlank: function (span,w,before) {
var blank = this.Element("span",{
isMathJax: true,
style: {display:"inline-block", overflow:"hidden", height:"1px", width:this.Em(w)}
if (before) {span.insertBefore(blank,span.firstChild)} else {span.appendChild(blank)}
return blank;
createShift: function (span,w,before) {
var space = this.Element("span",{style:{marginLeft:this.Em(w)}, isMathJax:true});
if (before) {span.insertBefore(space,span.firstChild)} else {span.appendChild(space)}
return space;
createSpace: function (span,h,d,w,color,isSpace) {
if (h < -d) {d = -h} // make sure h is above d
var H = this.Em(h+d), D = this.Em(-d);
if (this.msieInlineBlockAlignBug) {D = this.Em(HTMLCSS.getHD(span.parentNode).d-d)}
if (span.isBox || isSpace) {
var scale = (span.scale == null ? 1 : span.scale);
span.bbox = {exactW: true, h: h*scale, d: d*scale, w: w*scale, rw: w*scale, lw: 0};
span.style.height = H; span.style.verticalAlign = D;
span.HH = (h+d)*scale;
} else {
span = this.addElement(span,"span",{style: {height:H, verticalAlign:D}, isMathJax:true});
if (w >= 0) {
span.style.width = this.Em(w);
span.style.display = "inline-block";
span.style.overflow = "hidden"; // for IE in quirks mode
} else {
if (this.msieNegativeSpaceBug) {span.style.height = ""}
span.style.marginLeft = this.Em(w);
if (HTMLCSS.safariNegativeSpaceBug && span.parentNode.firstChild == span)
if (color && color !== MML.COLOR.TRANSPARENT) {
span.style.backgroundColor = color;
span.style.position = "relative"; // make sure it covers earlier items
return span;
createRule: function (span,h,d,w,color) {
if (h < -d) {d = -h} // make sure h is above d
var min = HTMLCSS.TeX.min_rule_thickness, f = 1;
// If rule is very thin, make it at least min_rule_thickness so it doesn't disappear
if (w > 0 && w*this.em < min) {w = min/this.em}
if (h+d > 0 && (h+d)*this.em < min) {f = 1/(h+d)*(min/this.em); h *= f; d *= f}
if (!color) {color = "solid"} else {color = "solid "+color}
color = this.Em(w)+" "+color;
var H = (f === 1 ? this.Em(h+d) : min+"px"), D = this.Em(-d);
var rule = this.addElement(span,"span",{
style: {borderLeft: color, display: "inline-block", overflow:"hidden",
width:0, height:H, verticalAlign:D},
bbox: {h:h, d:d, w:w, rw:w, lw:0, exactW:true}, noAdjust:true, HH:h+d, isMathJax:true
if (w > 0 && rule.offsetWidth == 0) {rule.style.width = this.Em(w)}
if (span.isBox || span.className == "mspace") {span.bbox = rule.bbox, span.HH = h+d}
return rule;
createFrame: function (span,h,d,w,t,style) {
if (h < -d) {d = -h} // make sure h is above d
var T = 2*t;
if (this.msieFrameSizeBug) {if (w < T) {w = T}; if (h+d < T) {h = T-d}}
if (this.msieBorderWidthBug) {T = 0}
var H = this.Em(h+d-T), D = this.Em(-d-t), W = this.Em(w-T);
var B = this.Em(t)+" "+style;
var frame = this.addElement(span,"span",{
style: {border: B, display:"inline-block", overflow:"hidden", width:W, height:H},
bbox: {h:h, d:d, w:w, rw:w, lw:0, exactW:true}, noAdjust: true, HH:h+d, isMathJax:true
if (D) {frame.style.verticalAlign = D}
return frame;
// Find parent span (skipping over <a> tags)
parentNode: function (span) {
var parent = span.parentNode;
if (parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") {parent = parent.parentNode}
return parent;
createStack: function (span,nobbox,w) {
if (this.msiePaddingWidthBug) {this.createStrut(span,0)}
var relativeW = String(w).match(/%$/);
var W = (!relativeW && w != null ? w : 0);
span = this.addElement(span,"span",{
noAdjust: true, HH: 0, isMathJax: true,
style: {display:"inline-block", position:"relative",
width:(relativeW ? "100%" : this.Em(W)), height:0}
if (!nobbox) {
span.parentNode.bbox = span.bbox = {
exactW: true,
h: -this.BIGDIMEN, d: -this.BIGDIMEN,
w:W, lw: this.BIGDIMEN, rw: (!relativeW && w != null ? w : -this.BIGDIMEN)
if (relativeW) {span.bbox.width = w}
return span;
createBox: function (span,w) {
var box = this.addElement(span,"span",{style:{position:"absolute"}, isBox: true, isMathJax:true});
if (w != null) {box.style.width = w}
return box;
addBox: function (span,box) {
box.style.position = "absolute"; box.isBox = box.isMathJax = true;
return span.appendChild(box);
placeBox: function (span,x,y,noclip) {
span.isMathJax = true;
var parent = HTMLCSS.parentNode(span), bbox = span.bbox, BBOX = parent.bbox;
if (this.msiePlaceBoxBug) {this.addText(span,this.NBSP)}
if (this.imgSpaceBug) {this.addText(span,this.imgSpace)}
// Place the box
var HH, dx = 0;
if (span.HH != null) {HH = span.HH}
else if (bbox) {HH = Math.max(3,bbox.h+bbox.d)}
else {HH = span.offsetHeight/this.em}
if (!span.noAdjust) {
HH += 1;
HH = Math.round(HH*this.em)/this.em; // make this an integer number of pixels (for Chrome)
if (this.msieInlineBlockAlignBug) {
className:"MathJax_strut", border:0, src:"about:blank", isMathJax:true,
} else {
isMathJax: true, style:{display:"inline-block",width:0,height:this.Em(HH)}
if (HTMLCSS.chromeHeightBug)
{HH -= (span.lastChild.offsetHeight - Math.round(HH*this.em))/this.em}
// Clip so that bbox doesn't include extra height and depth
if (bbox) {
if (this.initialSkipBug) {
if (bbox.lw < 0) {dx = bbox.lw; HTMLCSS.createBlank(span,-dx,true)}
if (bbox.rw > bbox.w) {HTMLCSS.createBlank(span,bbox.rw-bbox.w+.1)}
if (!this.msieClipRectBug && !bbox.noclip && !noclip) {
var dd = 3/this.em;
var H = (bbox.H == null ? bbox.h : bbox.H), D = (bbox.D == null ? bbox.d : bbox.D);
var t = HH - H - dd, b = HH + D + dd, l = bbox.lw - 3*dd, r = 1000;
if (this.initialSkipBug && bbox.lw < 0) {l = -3*dd}
if (bbox.isFixed) {r = bbox.width-l}
span.style.clip = "rect("+this.Em(t)+" "+this.Em(r)+" "+this.Em(b)+" "+this.Em(l)+")";
// Place the box
span.style.top = this.Em(-y-HH);
span.style.left = this.Em(x+dx);
// Update the bounding box
if (bbox && BBOX) {
if (bbox.H != null && (BBOX.H == null || bbox.H + y > BBOX.H)) {BBOX.H = bbox.H + y}
if (bbox.D != null && (BBOX.D == null || bbox.D - y > BBOX.D)) {BBOX.D = bbox.D - y}
if (bbox.h + y > BBOX.h) {BBOX.h = bbox.h + y}
if (bbox.d - y > BBOX.d) {BBOX.d = bbox.d - y}
if (BBOX.H != null && BBOX.H <= BBOX.h) {delete BBOX.H}
if (BBOX.D != null && BBOX.D <= BBOX.d) {delete BBOX.D}
if (bbox.w + x > BBOX.w) {
BBOX.w = bbox.w + x;
if (BBOX.width == null) {parent.style.width = this.Em(BBOX.w)}
if (bbox.rw + x > BBOX.rw) {BBOX.rw = bbox.rw + x}
if (bbox.lw + x < BBOX.lw) {BBOX.lw = bbox.lw + x}
if (bbox.width != null && !bbox.isFixed) {
if (BBOX.width == null) {
parent.style.width = BBOX.width = "100%";
if (bbox.minWidth) {parent.style.minWidth = BBOX.minWidth = bbox.minWidth}
span.style.width = bbox.width;
alignBox: function (span,align,y) {
this.placeBox(span,0,y); // set y position (and left aligned)
var bbox = span.bbox; if (bbox.isMultiline) return;
var isRelative = bbox.width != null && !bbox.isFixed;
var r = 0, c = -bbox.w/2, l = "50%";
if (this.initialSkipBug) {r = bbox.w-bbox.rw-.1; c += bbox.lw}
if (this.msieMarginScaleBug) {c = (c*this.em) + "px"} else {c = this.Em(c)}
if (isRelative) {c = ""; l = (50 - parseFloat(bbox.width)/2) + "%"}
right: {left:"", right: this.Em(r)},
center: {left:l, marginLeft: c}
setStackWidth: function (span,w) {
if (typeof(w) === "number") {
span.style.width = this.Em(Math.max(0,w));
var bbox = span.bbox; if (bbox) {bbox.w = w; bbox.exactW = true};
bbox = span.parentNode.bbox; if (bbox) {bbox.w = w; bbox.exactW = true};
} else {
span.style.width = span.parentNode.style.width = "100%";
if (span.bbox) {span.bbox.width = w}
if (span.parentNode.bbox) {span.parentNode.bbox.width = w}
createDelimiter: function (span,code,HW,scale,font) {
if (!code) {
span.bbox = {h:0, d:0, w:this.TeX.nulldelimiterspace, lw: 0};
span.bbox.rw = span.bbox.w;
if (!scale) {scale = 1};
if (!(HW instanceof Array)) {HW = [HW,HW]}
var hw = HW[1]; HW = HW[0];
var delim = {alias: code};
while (delim.alias) {
code = delim.alias; delim = this.FONTDATA.DELIMITERS[code];
if (!delim) {delim = {HW: [0,this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[MML.VARIANT.NORMAL]]}}
if (delim.load) {HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(this.fontDir+"/fontdata-"+delim.load+".js"))}
for (var i = 0, m = delim.HW.length; i < m; i++) {
if (delim.HW[i][0]*scale >= HW-.01 || (i == m-1 && !delim.stretch)) {
if (delim.HW[i][2]) {scale *= delim.HW[i][2]}
if (delim.HW[i][3]) {code = delim.HW[i][3]}
var chr = this.addElement(span,"span");
span.bbox = chr.bbox;
span.offset = .65 * span.bbox.w;
span.scale = scale;
if (delim.stretch) {this["extendDelimiter"+delim.dir](span,hw,delim.stretch,scale,font)}
extendDelimiterV: function (span,H,delim,scale,font) {
var stack = this.createStack(span,true);
var top = this.createBox(stack), bot = this.createBox(stack);
var ext = {bbox:{w:0,lw:0,rw:0}}, mid = ext, EXT;
var h = top.bbox.h + top.bbox.d + bot.bbox.h + bot.bbox.d;
var y = -top.bbox.h; this.placeBox(top,0,y,true); y -= top.bbox.d;
if (delim.mid) {
mid = this.createBox(stack); this.createChar(mid,delim.mid,scale,font);
h += mid.bbox.h + mid.bbox.d;
if (delim.min && H < h*delim.min) {H = h*delim.min}
if (H > h) {
ext = this.Element("span"); this.createChar(ext,delim.ext,scale,font);
var eH = ext.bbox.h + ext.bbox.d, eh = eH - .05, n, N, k = (delim.mid ? 2 : 1);
N = n = Math.min(Math.ceil((H-h)/(k*eh)), this.maxStretchyParts);
if (!delim.fullExtenders) {eh = (H-h)/(k*n)}
var dy = (n/(n+1))*(eH - eh); eh = eH - dy; y += dy + eh - ext.bbox.h;
while (k-- > 0) {
while (n-- > 0) {
if (!this.msieCloneNodeBug) {EXT = ext.cloneNode(true)}
else {EXT = this.Element("span"); this.createChar(EXT,delim.ext,scale,font)}
EXT.bbox = ext.bbox;
y -= eh; this.placeBox(this.addBox(stack,EXT),0,y,true);
y += dy - ext.bbox.d;
if (delim.mid && k) {
this.placeBox(mid,0,y-mid.bbox.h,true); n = N;
y += -(mid.bbox.h + mid.bbox.d) + dy + eh - ext.bbox.h;
} else {
y += (h - H)/2;
if (delim.mid) {this.placeBox(mid,0,y-mid.bbox.h,true); y += -(mid.bbox.h + mid.bbox.d)}
y += (h - H)/2;
this.placeBox(bot,0,y-bot.bbox.h,true); y -= bot.bbox.h + bot.bbox.d;
span.bbox = {
w: Math.max(top.bbox.w,ext.bbox.w,bot.bbox.w,mid.bbox.w),
lw: Math.min(top.bbox.lw,ext.bbox.lw,bot.bbox.lw,mid.bbox.lw),
rw: Math.max(top.bbox.rw,ext.bbox.rw,bot.bbox.rw,mid.bbox.rw),
h: 0, d: -y, exactW: true
span.scale = scale;
span.offset = .55 * span.bbox.w;
span.isMultiChar = true;
extendDelimiterH: function (span,W,delim,scale,font) {
var stack = this.createStack(span,true);
var left = this.createBox(stack), right = this.createBox(stack);
var rep = this.Element("span"); this.createChar(rep,delim.rep,scale,font);
var mid = {bbox: {h:-this.BIGDIMEN, d:-this.BIGDIMEN}}, REP;
var w = (left.bbox.rw - left.bbox.lw) + (right.bbox.rw - right.bbox.lw) - .05,
x = left.bbox.rw - left.bbox.lw - .025, dx;
if (delim.mid) {
mid = this.createBox(stack); this.createChar(mid,delim.mid,scale,font);
w += mid.bbox.w;
if (delim.min && W < w*delim.min) {W = w*delim.min}
if (W > w) {
var rW = rep.bbox.rw-rep.bbox.lw, rw = rW - .05, n, N, k = (delim.mid ? 2 : 1);
N = n = Math.min(Math.ceil((W-w)/(k*rw)), this.maxStretchyParts);
if (!delim.fillExtenders) {rw = (W-w)/(k*n)}
dx = (n/(n+1))*(rW - rw); rw = rW - dx; x -= rep.bbox.lw + dx;
while (k-- > 0) {
while (n-- > 0) {
if (!this.cloneNodeBug) {REP = rep.cloneNode(true)}
else {REP = this.Element("span"); this.createChar(REP,delim.rep,scale,font)}
REP.bbox = rep.bbox;
this.placeBox(this.addBox(stack,REP),x,0,true); x += rw;
if (delim.mid && k) {this.placeBox(mid,x,0,true); x += mid.bbox.w - dx; n = N}
} else {
x -= (w - W)/2;
if (delim.mid) {this.placeBox(mid,x,0,true); x += mid.bbox.w};
x -= (w - W)/2;
span.bbox = {
w: x+right.bbox.rw, lw: 0, rw: x+right.bbox.rw,
H: Math.max(left.bbox.h,rep.bbox.h,right.bbox.h,mid.bbox.h),
D: Math.max(left.bbox.d,rep.bbox.d,right.bbox.d,mid.bbox.d),
h: rep.bbox.h, d: rep.bbox.d, exactW: true
span.scale = scale;
span.isMultiChar = true;
createChar: function (span,data,scale,font) {
span.isMathJax = true;
var SPAN = span, text = "", variant = {fonts: [data[1]], noRemap:true};
if (font && font === MML.VARIANT.BOLD) {variant.fonts = [data[1]+"-bold",data[1]]}
if (typeof(data[1]) !== "string") {variant = data[1]}
if (data[0] instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0, m = data[0].length; i < m; i++) {text += String.fromCharCode(data[0][i])}
} else {text = String.fromCharCode(data[0])}
if (data[4]) {scale *= data[4]}
if (scale !== 1 || data[3]) {
SPAN = this.addElement(span,"span",{style:{fontSize: this.Percent(scale)}, scale:scale, isMathJax:true});
span.bbox = SPAN.bbox;
} else {this.handleVariant(span,variant,text)}
if (data[2]) {span.style.marginLeft = this.Em(data[2])} // x offset
if (data[3]) { // y offset
span.firstChild.style.verticalAlign = this.Em(data[3]);
span.bbox.h += data[3]; if (span.bbox.h < 0) {span.bbox.h = 0}
if (data[5]) {span.bbox.h += data[5]} // extra height
if (data[6]) {span.bbox.d += data[6]} // extra depth
// Handle combining characters by adding a non-breaking space so it shows up
if (this.AccentBug && span.bbox.w === 0) {SPAN.firstChild.nodeValue += this.NBSP}
positionDelimiter: function (span,h) {
h -= span.bbox.h; span.bbox.d -= h; span.bbox.h += h;
if (h) {
if (this.safariVerticalAlignBug || this.konquerorVerticalAlignBug ||
(this.operaVerticalAlignBug && span.isMultiChar)) {
if (span.firstChild.style.display === "" && span.style.top !== "")
{span = span.firstChild; h -= HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.top)}
span.style.position = "relative";
span.style.top = this.Em(-h);
} else {
span.style.verticalAlign = this.Em(h);
if (HTMLCSS.ffVerticalAlignBug) {HTMLCSS.createRule(span.parentNode,span.bbox.h,0,0)}
handleVariant: function (span,variant,text) {
var newtext = "", n, c, font, VARIANT, SPAN = span, force = !!span.style.fontFamily;
if (text.length === 0) return;
if (!span.bbox) {
span.bbox = {
w: 0, h: -this.BIGDIMEN, d: -this.BIGDIMEN,
rw: -this.BIGDIMEN, lw: this.BIGDIMEN
if (!variant) {variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[MML.VARIANT.NORMAL]}
VARIANT = variant;
for (var i = 0, m = text.length; i < m; i++) {
variant = VARIANT;
n = text.charCodeAt(i); c = text.charAt(i);
if (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDBFF) {
i++; n = (((n-0xD800)<<10)+(text.charCodeAt(i)-0xDC00))+0x10000;
if (this.FONTDATA.RemapPlane1) {
var nv = this.FONTDATA.RemapPlane1(n,variant);
n = nv.n; variant = nv.variant;
} else {
for (id = 0, M = RANGES.length; id < M; id++) {
if (RANGES[id].name === "alpha" && variant.noLowerCase) continue;
var N = variant["offset"+RANGES[id].offset];
if (N && n >= RANGES[id].low && n <= RANGES[id].high) {
if (RANGES[id].remap && RANGES[id].remap[n]) {
n = N + RANGES[id].remap[n];
} else {
n = n - RANGES[id].low + N;
if (RANGES[id].add) {n += RANGES[id].add}
if (variant["variant"+RANGES[id].offset])
{variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[variant["variant"+RANGES[id].offset]]}
if (variant.remap && variant.remap[n]) {
if (variant.remap[n] instanceof Array) {
var remap = variant.remap[n];
n = remap[0]; variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[remap[1]];
} else if (typeof(variant.remap[n]) === "string") {
text = variant.remap[n]+text.substr(i+1);
i = 0; m = text.length; n = text.charCodeAt(0);
} else {
n = variant.remap[n];
if (variant.remap.variant) {variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[variant.remap.variant]}
if (this.FONTDATA.REMAP[n] && !variant.noRemap) {
n = this.FONTDATA.REMAP[n];
if (n instanceof Array) {variant = this.FONTDATA.VARIANT[n[1]]; n = n[0]}
if (typeof(n) === "string") {
text = n+text.substr(i+1);
i = 0; m = text.length; n = n.charCodeAt(0);
font = this.lookupChar(variant,n); c = font[n];
if (force || (!this.checkFont(font,SPAN.style) && !c[5].img)) {
if (newtext.length) {this.addText(SPAN,newtext); newtext = ""};
var addSpan = !!SPAN.style.fontFamily || !!span.style.fontStyle ||
!!span.style.fontWeight || !font.directory || force; force = false;
if (SPAN !== span) {addSpan = !this.checkFont(font,span.style); SPAN = span}
if (addSpan) {SPAN = this.addElement(span,"span",{isMathJax:true, subSpan:true})}
this.handleFont(SPAN,font,SPAN !== span);
newtext = this.handleChar(SPAN,font,c,n,newtext);
if (!(c[5]||{}).space) {
if (c[0]/1000 > span.bbox.h) {span.bbox.h = c[0]/1000}
if (c[1]/1000 > span.bbox.d) {span.bbox.d = c[1]/1000}
if (span.bbox.w + c[3]/1000 < span.bbox.lw) {span.bbox.lw = span.bbox.w + c[3]/1000}
if (span.bbox.w + c[4]/1000 > span.bbox.rw) {span.bbox.rw = span.bbox.w + c[4]/1000}
span.bbox.w += c[2]/1000;
if (newtext.length) {this.addText(SPAN,newtext)}
if (span.scale && span.scale !== 1) {
span.bbox.h *= span.scale; span.bbox.d *= span.scale;
span.bbox.w *= span.scale; span.bbox.lw *= span.scale; span.bbox.rw *= span.scale;
if (text.length == 1 && font.skew && font.skew[n]) {span.bbox.skew = font.skew[n]}
checkFont: function (font,style) {
var weight = (style.fontWeight||"normal");
if (weight.match(/^\d+$/)) {weight = (parseInt(weight) >= 600 ? "bold" : "normal")}
return (font.family.replace(/'/g,"") === style.fontFamily.replace(/'/g,"") &&
(font.style||"normal") === (style.fontStyle||"normal") &&
(font.weight||"normal") === weight);
handleFont: function (span,font,force) {
span.style.fontFamily = font.family;
if (!font.directory) {span.style.fontSize = Math.floor(100/HTMLCSS.scale+.5) + "%"}
if (!(HTMLCSS.FontFaceBug && font.isWebFont)) {
var style = font.style || "normal", weight = font.weight || "normal";
if (style !== "normal" || force) {span.style.fontStyle = style}
if (weight !== "normal" || force) {span.style.fontWeight = weight}
handleChar: function (span,font,c,n,text) {
var C = c[5];
if (C.space) {
if (text.length) {this.addText(span,text)}
return "";
if (C.img) {return this.handleImg(span,font,c,n,text)}
if (C.isUnknown && this.FONTDATA.DELIMITERS[n]) {
if (text.length) {this.addText(span,text)}
var scale = span.scale;
if (this.FONTDATA.DELIMITERS[n].dir === "V") {
span.style.verticalAlign = this.Em(span.bbox.d);
span.bbox.h += span.bbox.d; span.bbox.d = 0;
span.scale = scale;
c[0] = span.bbox.h*1000; c[1] = span.bbox.d*1000;
c[2] = span.bbox.w*1000; c[3] = span.bbox.lw*1000; c[4] = span.bbox.rw*1000;
return "";
if (C.c == null) {
if (n <= 0xFFFF) {C.c = String.fromCharCode(n)} else {
var N = n - 0x10000;
C.c = String.fromCharCode((N>>10)+0xD800)
+ String.fromCharCode((N&0x3FF)+0xDC00);
if (C.rfix) {this.addText(span,text+C.c); HTMLCSS.createShift(span,C.rfix/1000); return ""}
if (c[2] || !this.msieAccentBug || text.length) {return text + C.c}
// Handle IE accent clipping bug
return "";
handleImg: function (span,font,c,n,text) {return text}, // replaced by imageFont extension
lookupChar: function (variant,n) {
var i, m;
if (!variant.FONTS) {
var fonts = (variant.fonts || this.FONTDATA.VARIANT.normal.fonts);
if (!(fonts instanceof Array)) {fonts = [fonts]}
if (variant.fonts != fonts) {variant.fonts = fonts}
variant.FONTS = [];
for (i = 0, m = fonts.length; i < m; i++) {
if (FONTS[fonts[i]]) {
FONTS[fonts[i]].name = fonts[i]; // FIXME: should really be in the font files
for (i = 0, m = variant.FONTS.length; i < m; i++) {
var font = variant.FONTS[i];
if (typeof(font) === "string") {
delete variant.FONTS; this.loadFont(font);
if (font[n]) {
if (font[n].length === 5) {font[n][5] = {}}
if (HTMLCSS.allowWebFonts && !font.available)
{this.loadWebFont(font)} else {return font}
} else {this.findBlock(font,n)}
return this.unknownChar(variant,n);
unknownChar: function (variant,n) {
var unknown = (variant.defaultFont || {family:HTMLCSS.config.undefinedFamily});
if (variant.bold) {unknown.weight = "bold"}; if (variant.italic) {unknown.style = "italic"}
if (!unknown[n]) {unknown[n] = [800,200,500,0,500,{isUnknown:true}]} // [h,d,w,lw,rw,{data}]
HUB.signal.Post(["HTML-CSS Jax - unknown char",n,variant]);
return unknown;
findBlock: function (font,c) {
if (font.Ranges) {
// FIXME: do binary search?
for (var i = 0, m = font.Ranges.length; i < m; i++) {
if (c < font.Ranges[i][0]) return;
if (c <= font.Ranges[i][1]) {
var file = font.Ranges[i][2];
for (var j = font.Ranges.length-1; j >= 0; j--)
{if (font.Ranges[j][2] == file) {font.Ranges.splice(j,1)}}
loadFont: function (file) {
var queue = MathJax.Callback.Queue();
if (this.imgFonts) {
if (!MathJax.isPacked) {file = file.replace(/\/([^\/]*)$/,HTMLCSS.imgPacked+"/$1")}
loadWebFont: function (font) {
font.available = font.isWebFont = true;
if (HTMLCSS.FontFaceBug) {
font.family = font.name;
if (HTMLCSS.msieFontCSSBug) {font.family += "-Web"}
loadWebFontError: function (font,done) {
// After the first web font fails to load, switch to image fonts, if possible
// otherwise, give up on web fonts all together
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - disable web fonts");
font.isWebFont = false;
if (this.config.imageFont && this.config.imageFont === this.fontInUse) {
this.imgFonts = true;
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - switch to image fonts");
HUB.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS Jax - using image fonts");
MESSAGE(["WebFontNotAvailable","Web-Fonts not available -- using image fonts instead"],null,3000);
} else {
this.allowWebFonts = false;
Element: MathJax.HTML.Element,
addElement: MathJax.HTML.addElement,
TextNode: MathJax.HTML.TextNode,
addText: MathJax.HTML.addText,
ucMatch: MathJax.HTML.ucMatch,
BIGDIMEN: 10000000,
ID: 0, idPostfix: "",
GetID: function () {this.ID++; return this.ID},
veryverythinmathspace: 1/18,
verythinmathspace: 2/18,
thinmathspace: 3/18,
mediummathspace: 4/18,
thickmathspace: 5/18,
verythickmathspace: 6/18,
veryverythickmathspace: 7/18,
negativeveryverythinmathspace: -1/18,
negativeverythinmathspace: -2/18,
negativethinmathspace: -3/18,
negativemediummathspace: -4/18,
negativethickmathspace: -5/18,
negativeverythickmathspace: -6/18,
negativeveryverythickmathspace: -7/18
TeX: {
x_height: .430554,
quad: 1,
num1: .676508,
num2: .393732,
num3: .44373,
denom1: .685951,
denom2: .344841,
sup1: .412892,
sup2: .362892,
sup3: .288888,
sub1: .15,
sub2: .247217,
sup_drop: .386108,
sub_drop: .05,
delim1: 2.39,
delim2: 1.0,
axis_height: .25,
rule_thickness: .06,
big_op_spacing1: .111111,
big_op_spacing2: .166666,
big_op_spacing3: .2,
big_op_spacing4: .6,
big_op_spacing5: .1,
scriptspace: .1,
nulldelimiterspace: .12,
delimiterfactor: 901,
delimitershortfall: .1, // originally .3,
min_rule_thickness: 1.25 // in pixels
NBSP: "\u00A0",
rfuzz: 0 // adjustment to rule placements in roots
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("mml Jax Ready",function () {
MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span); if (this.type != "mrow") {span = this.HTMLhandleSize(span)}
for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toHTML(span)}}
var stretchy = this.HTMLcomputeBBox(span);
var h = span.bbox.h, d = span.bbox.d;
for (i = 0, m = stretchy.length; i < m; i++) {stretchy[i].HTMLstretchV(span,h,d)}
if (stretchy.length) {this.HTMLcomputeBBox(span,true)}
if (this.HTMLlineBreaks(span)) {span = this.HTMLmultiline(span)}
return span;
HTMLlineBreaks: function () {return false},
HTMLmultiline: function () {MML.mbase.HTMLautoloadFile("multiline")},
HTMLcomputeBBox: function (span,full,i,m) {
if (i == null) {i = 0}; if (m == null) {m = this.data.length}
var BBOX = span.bbox = {exactW: true}, stretchy = [];
while (i < m) {
var core = this.data[i]; if (!core) continue;
if (!full && core.HTMLcanStretch("Vertical"))
{stretchy.push(core); core = (core.CoreMO()||core)}
this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(core,BBOX); i++;
return stretchy;
HTMLcombineBBoxes: function (core,BBOX) {
if (BBOX.w == null) {this.HTMLemptyBBox(BBOX)}
var child = (core.bbox ? core : core.HTMLspanElement());
if (!child || !child.bbox) return;
var bbox = child.bbox;
if (bbox.d > BBOX.d) {BBOX.d = bbox.d}
if (bbox.h > BBOX.h) {BBOX.h = bbox.h}
if (bbox.D != null && bbox.D > BBOX.D) {BBOX.D = bbox.D}
if (bbox.H != null && bbox.H > BBOX.H) {BBOX.H = bbox.H}
if (child.style.paddingLeft) {BBOX.w += HTMLCSS.unEm(child.style.paddingLeft)*(child.scale||1)}
if (BBOX.w + bbox.lw < BBOX.lw) {BBOX.lw = BBOX.w + bbox.lw}
if (BBOX.w + bbox.rw > BBOX.rw) {BBOX.rw = BBOX.w + bbox.rw}
BBOX.w += bbox.w;
if (child.style.paddingRight) {BBOX.w += HTMLCSS.unEm(child.style.paddingRight)*(child.scale||1)}
if (bbox.width) {BBOX.width = bbox.width; BBOX.minWidth = bbox.minWidth}
if (bbox.ic) {BBOX.ic = bbox.ic} else {delete BBOX.ic}
if (BBOX.exactW && !bbox.exactW) {delete BBOX.exactW}
HTMLemptyBBox: function (BBOX) {
return BBOX;
HTMLcleanBBox: function (BBOX) {
if (BBOX.h === this.BIGDIMEN)
{BBOX.h = BBOX.d = BBOX.H = BBOX.D = BBOX.w = BBOX.rw = BBOX.lw = 0}
if (BBOX.D <= BBOX.d) {delete BBOX.D}; if (BBOX.H <= BBOX.h) {delete BBOX.H}
HTMLzeroBBox: function () {return {h:0, d:0, w:0, lw: 0, rw:0}},
HTMLcanStretch: function (direction) {
if (this.isEmbellished()) {
var core = this.Core();
if (core && core !== this) {return core.HTMLcanStretch(direction)}
return false;
HTMLstretchH: function (box,W) {return this.HTMLspanElement()},
HTMLstretchV: function (box,h,d) {return this.HTMLspanElement()},
HTMLnotEmpty: function (data) {
while (data) {
if ((data.type !== "mrow" && data.type !== "texatom") ||
data.data.length > 1) {return true}
data = data.data[0];
return false;
HTMLmeasureChild: function (n,box) {
if (this.data[n]) {HTMLCSS.Measured(this.data[n].toHTML(box),box)}
else {box.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
HTMLboxChild: function (n,box) {
if (!this.data[n]) {this.SetData(n,MML.mrow())}
return this.data[n].toHTML(box);
HTMLcreateSpan: function (span) {
if (this.spanID) {
var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement();
if (SPAN && (SPAN.parentNode === span || (SPAN.parentNode||{}).parentNode === span)) {
while (SPAN.firstChild) {SPAN.removeChild(SPAN.firstChild)}
SPAN.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox();
SPAN.scale = 1; SPAN.isMultChar = SPAN.HH = null;
SPAN.style.cssText = "";
return SPAN;
if (this.href) {span = HTMLCSS.addElement(span,"a",{href:this.href, isMathJax:true})}
span = HTMLCSS.addElement(span,"span",{className: this.type, isMathJax:true});
if (HTMLCSS.imgHeightBug) {span.style.display = "inline-block"}
if (this["class"]) {span.className += " "+this["class"]}
if (!this.spanID) {this.spanID = HTMLCSS.GetID()}
span.id = (this.id || "MathJax-Span-"+this.spanID) + HTMLCSS.idPostfix;
span.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox(); this.styles = {};
if (this.style) {
span.style.cssText = this.style;
if (span.style.fontSize) {this.mathsize = span.style.fontSize; span.style.fontSize = ""}
this.styles = {border:HTMLCSS.getBorders(span), padding:HTMLCSS.getPadding(span)}
if (this.styles.border) {span.style.border = ""} // IE needs "0px none"?
if (this.styles.padding) {span.style.padding = ""}
if (this.href) {span.parentNode.bbox = span.bbox}
return span;
HTMLspanElement: function () {
if (!this.spanID) {return null}
return document.getElementById((this.id||"MathJax-Span-"+this.spanID)+HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
HTMLhandleVariant: function (span,variant,text) {HTMLCSS.handleVariant(span,variant,text)},
HTMLhandleSize: function (span) {
if (!span.scale) {
span.scale = this.HTMLgetScale();
if (span.scale !== 1) {span.style.fontSize = HTMLCSS.Percent(span.scale)}
return span;
HTMLhandleDir: function (span) {
var dir = this.Get("dir",true); // only get value if not the default
if (dir) {span.dir = dir}
return span;
HTMLhandleColor: function (span) {
var values = this.getValues("mathcolor","color");
if (this.mathbackground) {values.mathbackground = this.mathbackground}
if (this.background) {values.background = this.background}
if (this.style && span.style.backgroundColor) {
values.mathbackground = span.style.backgroundColor;
span.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
var borders = (this.styles||{}).border, padding = (this.styles||{}).padding;
if (values.color && !this.mathcolor) {values.mathcolor = values.color}
if (values.background && !this.mathbackground) {values.mathbackground = values.background}
if (values.mathcolor) {span.style.color = values.mathcolor}
if ((values.mathbackground && values.mathbackground !== MML.COLOR.TRANSPARENT) ||
borders || padding) {
var bbox = span.bbox, dd = (bbox.exact ? 0 : 1/HTMLCSS.em), lW = 0, rW = 0,
lpad = span.style.paddingLeft, rpad = span.style.paddingRight;
if (this.isToken) {lW = bbox.lw; rW = bbox.rw - bbox.w}
if (lpad !== "") {lW += HTMLCSS.unEm(lpad)*(span.scale||1)}
if (rpad !== "") {rW -= HTMLCSS.unEm(rpad)*(span.scale||1)}
var dw = (HTMLCSS.PaddingWidthBug || bbox.keepPadding || bbox.exactW ? 0 : rW - lW);
var W = Math.max(0,HTMLCSS.getW(span) + dw);
var H = bbox.h + bbox.d, D = -bbox.d, lp = 0, rp = 0;
if (W > 0) {W += 2*dd; lW -= dd}; if (H > 0) {H += 2*dd; D -= dd}; rW = -W-lW;
if (borders) {
rW -= borders.right; D -= borders.bottom; lp += borders.left; rp += borders.right;
bbox.h += borders.top; bbox.d += borders.bottom;
bbox.w += borders.left + borders.right;
bbox.lw -= borders.left; bbox.rw += borders.right;
if (padding) {
H += padding.top + padding.bottom; W += padding.left + padding.right;
rW -= padding.right; D -= padding.bottom; lp += padding.left; rp += padding.right;
bbox.h += padding.top; bbox.d += padding.bottom;
bbox.w += padding.left + padding.right;
bbox.lw -= padding.left; bbox.rw += padding.right;
if (rp) {span.style.paddingRight = HTMLCSS.Em(rp)}
var frame = HTMLCSS.Element("span",{
id:"MathJax-Color-"+this.spanID+HTMLCSS.idPostfix, isMathJax: true,
style:{display:"inline-block", backgroundColor:values.mathbackground,
width: HTMLCSS.Em(W), height:HTMLCSS.Em(H), verticalAlign: HTMLCSS.Em(D),
marginLeft: HTMLCSS.Em(lW), marginRight: HTMLCSS.Em(rW)}
if (bbox.width) {frame.style.width = bbox.width; frame.style.marginRight = "-"+bbox.width}
if (HTMLCSS.msieInlineBlockAlignBug) {
// FIXME: handle variable width background
frame.style.position = "relative"; frame.style.width = frame.style.height = 0;
frame.style.verticalAlign = frame.style.marginLeft = frame.style.marginRight = "";
frame.style.border = frame.style.padding = "";
if (borders && HTMLCSS.msieBorderWidthBug)
{H += borders.top + borders.bottom; W += borders.left + borders.right}
frame.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em(lp+dd);
noAdjust: true, isMathJax: true,
style: {display:"inline-block", position:"absolute", overflow:"hidden",
width: HTMLCSS.Em(W), height: HTMLCSS.Em(H)}
if (HTMLCSS.msieColorPositionBug) {span.style.position = "relative"}
return frame;
return null;
HTMLremoveColor: function () {
var color = document.getElementById("MathJax-Color-"+this.spanID+HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
if (color) {color.parentNode.removeChild(color)}
HTMLhandleSpace: function (span) {
if (this.useMMLspacing) {
if (this.type !== "mo") return;
var values = this.getValues("scriptlevel","lspace","rspace");
if (values.scriptlevel <= 0 || this.hasValue("lspace") || this.hasValue("rspace")) {
var mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
values.lspace = Math.max(0,HTMLCSS.length2em(values.lspace,mu));
values.rspace = Math.max(0,HTMLCSS.length2em(values.rspace,mu));
var core = this, parent = this.Parent();
while (parent && parent.isEmbellished() && parent.Core() === core)
{core = parent; parent = parent.Parent(); span = core.HTMLspanElement()}
if (values.lspace) {span.style.paddingLeft = HTMLCSS.Em(values.lspace)}
if (values.rspace) {span.style.paddingRight = HTMLCSS.Em(values.rspace)}
} else {
var space = this.texSpacing();
if (space !== "") {
space = HTMLCSS.length2em(space,this.HTMLgetScale())/(span.scale||1);
if (span.style.paddingLeft) {space += HTMLCSS.unEm(span.style.paddingLeft)}
span.style.paddingLeft = HTMLCSS.Em(space);
HTMLgetScale: function () {
var scale = 1, values = this.getValues("mathsize","scriptlevel","fontsize");
if (this.style) {
var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
if (span.style.fontSize != "") {values.fontsize = span.style.fontSize}
if (values.fontsize && !this.mathsize) {values.mathsize = values.fontsize}
if (values.scriptlevel !== 0) {
if (values.scriptlevel > 2) {values.scriptlevel = 2}
scale = Math.pow(this.Get("scriptsizemultiplier"),values.scriptlevel);
values.scriptminsize = HTMLCSS.length2em(this.Get("scriptminsize"));
if (scale < values.scriptminsize) {scale = values.scriptminsize}
if (this.isToken) {scale *= HTMLCSS.length2em(values.mathsize)}
return scale;
HTMLgetMu: function (span) {
var mu = 1, values = this.getValues("scriptlevel","scriptsizemultiplier");
if (span.scale && span.scale !== 1) {mu = 1/span.scale}
if (values.scriptlevel !== 0) {
if (values.scriptlevel > 2) {values.scriptlevel = 2}
mu = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(values.scriptsizemultiplier,values.scriptlevel));
return mu;
HTMLgetVariant: function () {
var values = this.getValues("mathvariant","fontfamily","fontweight","fontstyle");
values.hasVariant = this.Get("mathvariant",true); // null if not explicitly specified
if (!values.hasVariant) {
values.family = values.fontfamily;
values.weight = values.fontweight;
values.style = values.fontstyle;
if (this.style) {
var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
if (!values.family && span.style.fontFamily) {values.family = span.style.fontFamily}
if (!values.weight && span.style.fontWeight) {values.weight = span.style.fontWeight}
if (!values.style && span.style.fontStyle) {values.style = span.style.fontStyle}
if (values.weight && values.weight.match(/^\d+$/))
{values.weight = (parseInt(values.weight) > 600 ? "bold" : "normal")}
var variant = values.mathvariant; if (this.variantForm) {variant = "-"+HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"-variant"}
if (values.family && !values.hasVariant) {
if (!values.weight && values.mathvariant.match(/bold/)) {values.weight = "bold"}
if (!values.style && values.mathvariant.match(/italic/)) {values.style = "italic"}
return {FONTS:[], fonts:[], noRemap:true,
defaultFont: {family:values.family, style:values.style, weight:values.weight}};
if (values.weight === "bold") {
variant = {
} else if (values.weight === "normal") {
variant = {
bold:MML.VARIANT.normal, "bold-italic":MML.VARIANT.ITALIC,
"bold-fraktur":MML.VARIANT.FRAKTUR, "bold-script":MML.VARIANT.SCRIPT,
if (values.style === "italic") {
variant = {
} else if (values.style === "normal") {
variant = {
if (!(variant in HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.VARIANT)) {
// If the mathvariant value is invalid or not supported by this
// font, fallback to normal. See issue 363.
variant = "normal";
HTMLautoload: function () {
var file = HTMLCSS.autoloadDir+"/"+this.type+".js";
HTMLautoloadFile: function (name) {
var file = HTMLCSS.autoloadDir+"/"+name+".js";
HTMLstretchH: function (box,w) {
return this.toHTML(box,w);
HTMLstretchV: function (box,h,d) {
return this.toHTML(box,h,d);
toHTML: function (span,variant,remap,chars) {
var text = this.data.join("").replace(/[\u2061-\u2064]/g,""); // remove invisibles
if (remap) {text = remap(text,chars)}
if (variant.fontInherit) {
var scale = Math.floor(100/HTMLCSS.scale+.5) + "%";
if (variant.bold) {span.lastChild.style.fontWeight = "bold"}
if (variant.italic) {span.lastChild.style.fontStyle = "italic"}
var HD = HTMLCSS.getHD(span), W = HTMLCSS.getW(span);
span.bbox = {h:HD.h, d:HD.d, w:W, lw:0, rw:W, exactW: true};
} else {
toHTML: function (span,variant,remap,chars) {
var text = this.toString().replace(/[\u2061-\u2064]/g,""); // remove invisibles
if (remap) {text = remap(text,chars)}
if (variant.fontInherit) {
var scale = Math.floor(100/HTMLCSS.scale+.5) + "%";
if (variant.bold) {span.lastChild.style.fontWeight = "bold"}
if (variant.italic) {span.lastChild.style.fontStyle = "italic"}
var HD = HTMLCSS.getHD(span), W = HTMLCSS.getW(span);
span.bbox = {h:HD.h, d:HD.d, w:W, lw:0, rw:W, exactW: true};
} else {
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLhandleSize(this.HTMLcreateSpan(span)); span.bbox = null;
var variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toHTML(span,variant)}}
if (!span.bbox) {span.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
var text = this.data.join(""), bbox = span.bbox;
if (bbox.skew && text.length !== 1) {delete bbox.skew}
if (bbox.rw > bbox.w && text.length === 1 && !variant.noIC) {
bbox.ic = bbox.rw - bbox.w;
bbox.w = bbox.rw;
return span;
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLhandleSize(this.HTMLcreateSpan(span)); span.bbox = null;
var variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toHTML(span,variant)}}
if (!span.bbox) {span.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
if (this.data.join("").length !== 1) {delete span.bbox.skew}
return span;
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLhandleSize(this.HTMLcreateSpan(span));
if (this.data.length == 0) {return span} else {span.bbox = null}
var text = this.data.join("");
// Get the variant, and check for operator size
var variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
var values = this.getValues("largeop","displaystyle");
if (values.largeop)
{variant = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.VARIANT[values.displaystyle ? "-largeOp" : "-smallOp"]}
// Get character translation for superscript and accents
var parent = this.CoreParent(),
isScript = (parent && parent.isa(MML.msubsup) && this !== parent.data[parent.base]),
mapchars = (isScript?this.HTMLremapChars:null);
if (text.length === 1 && parent && parent.isa(MML.munderover) &&
this.CoreText(parent.data[parent.base]).length === 1) {
var over = parent.data[parent.over], under = parent.data[parent.under];
if (over && this === over.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accent")) {mapchars = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENT}
else if (under && this === under.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accentunder")) {mapchars = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENTUNDER}
// STIX and TeX fonts need quotes from variant font
if (isScript && text.match(/['`"\u00B4\u2032-\u2037\u2057]/))
{variant = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.VARIANT["-"+HTMLCSS.fontInUse+"-variant"]}
// Typeset contents
for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toHTML(span,variant,this.HTMLremap,mapchars)}}
if (!span.bbox) {span.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
if (text.length !== 1) {delete span.bbox.skew}
// Handle combining characters by adding a non-breaking space and removing that width
if (HTMLCSS.AccentBug && span.bbox.w === 0 && text.length === 1 && span.firstChild) {
span.firstChild.nodeValue += HTMLCSS.NBSP;
// Handle large operator centering
if (values.largeop) {
var p = (span.bbox.h - span.bbox.d)/2 - HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height*span.scale;
if (HTMLCSS.safariVerticalAlignBug && span.lastChild.nodeName === "IMG") {
span.lastChild.style.verticalAlign =
} else if (HTMLCSS.konquerorVerticalAlignBug && span.lastChild.nodeName === "IMG") {
span.style.position = "relative";
span.lastChild.style.top = HTMLCSS.Em(p/span.scale);
} else {
span.style.verticalAlign = HTMLCSS.Em(-p/span.scale);
span.bbox.h -= p; span.bbox.d += p;
if (span.bbox.rw > span.bbox.w) {
span.bbox.ic = span.bbox.rw-span.bbox.w;
span.bbox.w = span.bbox.rw;
// Finish up
return span;
CoreParent: function () {
var parent = this;
while (parent && parent.isEmbellished() &&
parent.CoreMO() === this && !parent.isa(MML.math)) {parent = parent.Parent()}
return parent;
CoreText: function (parent) {
if (!parent) {return ""}
if (parent.isEmbellished()) {return parent.CoreMO().data.join("")}
while ((parent.isa(MML.mrow) || parent.isa(MML.TeXAtom) ||
parent.isa(MML.mstyle) || parent.isa(MML.mphantom)) &&
parent.data.length === 1 && parent.data[0]) {parent = parent.data[0]}
if (!parent.isToken) {return ""} else {return parent.data.join("")}
HTMLremapChars: {
HTMLremap: function (text,map) {
text = text.replace(/-/g,"\u2212");
if (map) {
text = text.replace(/'/g,"\u2032").replace(/`/g,"\u2035");
if (text.length === 1) {text = map[text]||text}
return text;
HTMLcanStretch: function (direction) {
if (!this.Get("stretchy")) {return false}
var c = this.data.join("");
if (c.length > 1) {return false}
var parent = this.CoreParent();
if (parent && parent.isa(MML.munderover) &&
this.CoreText(parent.data[parent.base]).length === 1) {
var over = parent.data[parent.over], under = parent.data[parent.under];
if (over && this === over.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accent")) {c = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENT[c]||c}
else if (under && this === under.CoreMO() && parent.Get("accentunder")) {c = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.REMAPACCENTUNDER[c]||c}
return (c && c.dir == direction.substr(0,1));
HTMLstretchV: function (box,h,d) {
var values = this.getValues("symmetric","maxsize","minsize");
var span = this.HTMLspanElement(), mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span), H;
var axis = HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height, scale = span.scale;
if (values.symmetric) {H = 2*Math.max(h-axis,d+axis)} else {H = h + d}
values.maxsize = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.maxsize,mu,span.bbox.h+span.bbox.d);
values.minsize = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.minsize,mu,span.bbox.h+span.bbox.d);
H = Math.max(values.minsize,Math.min(values.maxsize,H));
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(box); // clear contents and attributes
if (values.symmetric) {H = (span.bbox.h + span.bbox.d)/2 + axis}
else {H = (span.bbox.h + span.bbox.d) * h/(h + d)}
this.HTMLhandleSpace(span); // add in lspace/rspace, if any
return span;
HTMLstretchH: function (box,W) {
var values = this.getValues("maxsize","minsize","mathvariant","fontweight");
// FIXME: should take style="font-weight:bold" into account as well
if ((values.fontweight === "bold" || parseInt(values.fontweight) >= 600) &&
!this.Get("mathvariant",true)) {values.mathvariant = MML.VARIANT.BOLD}
var span = this.HTMLspanElement(), mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span), scale = span.scale;
values.maxsize = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.maxsize,mu,span.bbox.w);
values.minsize = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.minsize,mu,span.bbox.w);
W = Math.max(values.minsize,Math.min(values.maxsize,W));
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(box); // clear contents and attributes
this.HTMLhandleSpace(span); // add in lspace/rspace, if any
return span;
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLhandleSize(this.HTMLcreateSpan(span));
var variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
// Avoid setting the font style for error text or if mtextFontInherit is set
if (HTMLCSS.config.mtextFontInherit || this.Parent().type === "merror")
{variant = {bold:variant.bold, italic:variant.italic, fontInherit: true}}
for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++)
{if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toHTML(span,variant)}}
if (!span.bbox) {span.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
if (this.data.join("").length !== 1) {delete span.bbox.skew}
return span;
toHTML: function (span) {
// Width doesn't include padding and border, so use an extra inline block
// element to capture it.
var SPAN = MathJax.HTML.addElement(span,"span",{style:{display:"inline-block"}});
span = this.SUPER(arguments).toHTML.call(this,SPAN);
SPAN.bbox = {h:HD.h, d:HD.d, w:W, lw:0, rw:W, exactW: true};
SPAN.id = span.id; span.id = null;
return SPAN;
MML.ms.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
MML.mglyph.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
var values = this.getValues("height","depth","width");
var mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
values.mathbackground = this.mathbackground;
if (this.background && !this.mathbackground) {values.mathbackground = this.background}
var h = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.height,mu),
d = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.depth,mu),
w = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.width,mu);
return span;
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data[0] != null) {
var box = this.data[0].toHTML(span);
if (D != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchV(span,HW,D),span)}
else if (HW != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchH(span,HW),span)}
else {box = HTMLCSS.Measured(box,span)}
span.bbox = {w: box.bbox.w, h: box.bbox.h, d: box.bbox.d, lw: 0, rw: 0, exactW: true};
for (var i = 0, m = span.childNodes.length; i < m; i++)
{span.childNodes[i].style.visibility = "hidden"}
return span;
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data[0] != null) {
var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span,true);
var box = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
var child = this.data[0].toHTML(box);
if (D != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchV(box,HW,D),box)}
else if (HW != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchH(box,HW),box)}
else {HTMLCSS.Measured(child,box)}
var values = this.getValues("height","depth","width","lspace","voffset"),
x = 0, y = 0, mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
if (values.lspace) {x = this.HTMLlength2em(box,values.lspace,mu)}
if (values.voffset) {y = this.HTMLlength2em(box,values.voffset,mu)}
span.bbox = {
h: box.bbox.h, d: box.bbox.d, w: box.bbox.w, exactW: true,
lw: Math.min(0,box.bbox.lw+x), rw: Math.max(box.bbox.w,box.bbox.rw+x),
H: Math.max((box.bbox.H == null ? -HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN : box.bbox.H),box.bbox.h+y),
D: Math.max((box.bbox.D == null ? -HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN : box.bbox.D),box.bbox.d-y)
if (values.height !== "") {span.bbox.h = this.HTMLlength2em(box,values.height,mu,"h",0)}
if (values.depth !== "") {span.bbox.d = this.HTMLlength2em(box,values.depth,mu,"d",0)}
if (values.width !== "") {span.bbox.w = this.HTMLlength2em(box,values.width,mu,"w",0)}
if (span.bbox.H <= span.bbox.h) {delete span.bbox.H}
if (span.bbox.D <= span.bbox.d) {delete span.bbox.D}
var dimen = /^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\s*(pt|em|ex|mu|px|pc|in|mm|cm)\s*$/
span.bbox.exact = !!((this.data[0] && this.data[0].data.length == 0) ||
dimen.exec(values.height) || dimen.exec(values.width) || dimen.exec(values.depth));
return span;
HTMLlength2em: function (span,length,mu,d,m) {
if (m == null) {m = -HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN}
var match = String(length).match(/width|height|depth/);
var size = (match ? span.bbox[match[0].charAt(0)] : (d ? span.bbox[d] : 0));
var v = HTMLCSS.length2em(length,mu,size);
if (d && String(length).match(/^\s*[-+]/))
{return Math.max(m,span.bbox[d]+v)} else {return v}
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
HTMLlineBreaks: function (span) {
if (!this.parent.linebreakContainer) {return false}
return (HTMLCSS.config.linebreaks.automatic &&
span.bbox.w > HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) || this.hasNewline();
HTMLstretchH: function (box,w) {
var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
return span;
HTMLstretchV: function (box,h,d) {
var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
return span;
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data[0] != null) {
var SPAN = this.data[0].toHTML(span);
if (D != null) {this.data[0].HTMLstretchV(span,HW,D)}
else if (HW != null) {this.data[0].HTMLstretchH(span,HW)}
span.bbox = SPAN.bbox;
return span;
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
var frac = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
var num = HTMLCSS.createBox(frac), den = HTMLCSS.createBox(frac);
var values = this.getValues("displaystyle","linethickness","numalign","denomalign","bevelled");
var scale = this.HTMLgetScale(), isDisplay = values.displaystyle;
var a = HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height * scale;
if (values.bevelled) {
var delta = (isDisplay ? .4 : .15);
var H = Math.max(num.bbox.h+num.bbox.d,den.bbox.h+den.bbox.d)+2*delta;
var bevel = HTMLCSS.createBox(frac);
} else {
var W = Math.max(num.bbox.w,den.bbox.w);
var t = HTMLCSS.thickness2em(values.linethickness,scale), p,q, u,v;
var mt = HTMLCSS.TeX.min_rule_thickness/this.em;
if (isDisplay) {u = HTMLCSS.TeX.num1; v = HTMLCSS.TeX.denom1}
else {u = (t === 0 ? HTMLCSS.TeX.num3 : HTMLCSS.TeX.num2); v = HTMLCSS.TeX.denom2}
u *= scale; v *= scale;
if (t === 0) {// \atop
p = Math.max((isDisplay ? 7 : 3) * HTMLCSS.TeX.rule_thickness, 2*mt); // force to at least 2 px
q = (u - num.bbox.d) - (den.bbox.h - v);
if (q < p) {u += (p - q)/2; v += (p - q)/2}
} else {// \over
p = Math.max((isDisplay ? 2 : 0) * mt + t, t/2 + 1.5*mt); // force to be at least 1.5px
q = (u - num.bbox.d) - (a + t/2); if (q < p) {u += p - q}
q = (a - t/2) - (den.bbox.h - v); if (q < p) {v += p - q}
var rule = HTMLCSS.createBox(frac);
return span;
HTMLcanStretch: function (direction) {return false},
HTMLhandleSpace: function (span) {
if (!this.texWithDelims) {
var space = (this.useMMLspacing ? 0 : HTMLCSS.length2em(this.texSpacing()||0)) + .12;
span.style.paddingLeft = HTMLCSS.Em(space);
span.style.paddingRight = HTMLCSS.Em(.12);
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
var sqrt = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
var base = HTMLCSS.createBox(sqrt),
rule = HTMLCSS.createBox(sqrt),
surd = HTMLCSS.createBox(sqrt);
var scale = this.HTMLgetScale();
var t = HTMLCSS.TeX.rule_thickness * scale, p,q, H, W;
if (this.Get("displaystyle")) {p = HTMLCSS.TeX.x_height * scale} else {p = t}
q = Math.max(t + p/4,1.5*HTMLCSS.TeX.min_rule_thickness/this.em); // force to be at least 1px
var BASE = this.HTMLboxChild(0,base);
H = BASE.bbox.h + BASE.bbox.d + q + t;
W = BASE.bbox.w;
var x = 0;
if (surd.isMultiChar || (HTMLCSS.AdjustSurd && HTMLCSS.imgFonts)) {surd.bbox.w *= .95}
if (surd.bbox.h + surd.bbox.d > H) {q = ((surd.bbox.h+surd.bbox.d) - (H-t))/2}
if (!ruleC || W < ruleC.HW[0][0]*scale || scale < .75) {
} else {
H = BASE.bbox.h + q + t;
q = H*HTMLCSS.rfuzz; if (surd.isMultiChar) {q = HTMLCSS.rfuzz}
x = this.HTMLaddRoot(sqrt,surd,x,surd.bbox.h+surd.bbox.d-H,scale);
return span;
HTMLaddRoot: function (sqrt,surd,x,d,scale) {return x}
toHTML: MML.msqrt.prototype.toHTML,
HTMLaddRoot: function (sqrt,surd,x,d,scale) {
var box = HTMLCSS.createBox(sqrt);
if (this.data[1]) {
var root = this.data[1].toHTML(box);
root.style.paddingRight = root.style.paddingLeft = ""; // remove extra padding, if any
} else {box.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
var h = this.HTMLrootHeight(surd.bbox.h+surd.bbox.d,scale,box)-d;
var w = Math.min(box.bbox.w,box.bbox.rw); // remove extra right-hand padding, if any
x = Math.max(w,surd.offset);
return x - surd.offset;
HTMLrootHeight: function (d,scale,root) {
return .45*(d-.9*scale)+.6*scale + Math.max(0,root.bbox.d-.075);
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data.open) {this.data.open.toHTML(span)}
if (this.data[0] != null) {this.data[0].toHTML(span)}
for (var i = 1, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
if (this.data[i]) {
if (this.data["sep"+i]) {this.data["sep"+i].toHTML(span)}
if (this.data.close) {this.data.close.toHTML(span)}
var stretchy = this.HTMLcomputeBBox(span);
var h = span.bbox.h, d = span.bbox.d;
for (i = 0, m = stretchy.length; i < m; i++) {stretchy[i].HTMLstretchV(span,h,d)}
if (stretchy.length) {this.HTMLcomputeBBox(span,true)}
return span;
HTMLcomputeBBox: function (span,full) {
var BBOX = span.bbox = {}, stretchy = [];
for (var i = 1, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
if (this.data[i]) {
return stretchy;
HTMLcheckStretchy: function (core,BBOX,stretchy,full) {
if (core) {
if (!full && core.HTMLcanStretch("Vertical"))
{stretchy.push(core); core = (core.CoreMO()||core)}
MML.menclose.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
MML.maction.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data[0] != null) {
var SPAN = this.data[0].toHTML(span);
if (D != null) {this.data[0].HTMLstretchV(span,HW,D)}
else if (HW != null) {this.data[0].HTMLstretchH(span,HW)}
span.bbox = SPAN.bbox;
return span;
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
var values = this.getValues("displaystyle","accent","accentunder","align");
if (!values.displaystyle && this.data[this.base] != null &&
{return MML.msubsup.prototype.toHTML.call(this,span)}
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span); var scale = this.HTMLgetScale();
var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
var boxes = [], children = [], stretch = [], box, i, m;
for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
if (this.data[i] != null) {
box = boxes[i] = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
children[i] = this.data[i].toHTML(box);
if (i == this.base) {
if (D != null) {this.data[this.base].HTMLstretchV(box,HW,D)}
else if (HW != null) {this.data[this.base].HTMLstretchH(box,HW)}
stretch[i] = (D == null && HW != null ? false :
} else {
stretch[i] = this.data[i].HTMLcanStretch("Horizontal");
for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
if (this.data[i]) {
if (boxes[i].bbox.w > WW) {WW = boxes[i].bbox.w}
if (!stretch[i] && WW > W) {W = WW}
if (D == null && HW != null) {W = HW} else if (W == -HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN) {W = WW}
for (i = WW = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.data[i]) {
box = boxes[i];
if (stretch[i]) {box.bbox = this.data[i].HTMLstretchH(box,W).bbox}
if (box.bbox.w > WW) {WW = box.bbox.w}
var t = HTMLCSS.TeX.rule_thickness, factor = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.TeX_factor;
var base = boxes[this.base] || {bbox: this.HTMLzeroBBox()};
var x, y, z1, z2, z3, dw, k, delta = 0;
if (base.bbox.ic) {delta = 1.3*base.bbox.ic + .05} // adjust faked IC to be more in line with expeted results
for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
if (this.data[i] != null) {
box = boxes[i];
z3 = HTMLCSS.TeX.big_op_spacing5 * scale;
var accent = (i != this.base && values[this.ACCENTS[i]]);
if (accent && box.bbox.w <= 1/HTMLCSS.em+.0001) { // images can get the width off by 1px
box.bbox.w = box.bbox.rw - box.bbox.lw; box.bbox.noclip = true;
if (box.bbox.lw)
dw = {left:0, center:(WW-box.bbox.w)/2, right:WW-box.bbox.w}[values.align];
x = dw; y = 0;
if (i == this.over) {
if (accent) {
k = Math.max(t * scale * factor,2.5/this.em); z3 = 0;
if (base.bbox.skew) {x += base.bbox.skew}
} else {
z1 = HTMLCSS.TeX.big_op_spacing1 * scale * factor;
z2 = HTMLCSS.TeX.big_op_spacing3 * scale * factor;
k = Math.max(z1,z2-Math.max(0,box.bbox.d));
k = Math.max(k,1.5/this.em); // force to be at least 1.5px
x += delta/2; y = base.bbox.h + box.bbox.d + k;
box.bbox.h += z3;
} else if (i == this.under) {
if (accent) {
k = 3*t * scale * factor; z3 = 0;
} else {
z1 = HTMLCSS.TeX.big_op_spacing2 * scale * factor;
z2 = HTMLCSS.TeX.big_op_spacing4 * scale * factor;
k = Math.max(z1,z2-box.bbox.h);
k = Math.max(k,1.5/this.em); // force to be at least 1.5px
x -= delta/2; y = -(base.bbox.d + box.bbox.h + k);
box.bbox.d += z3;
return span;
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
toHTML: function (span,HW,D) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
var scale = this.HTMLgetScale(), mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span), values, children = [];
var base = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
if (this.data[this.base]) {
if (D != null) {this.data[this.base].HTMLstretchV(base,HW,D)}
else if (HW != null) {this.data[this.base].HTMLstretchH(base,HW)}
} else {base.bbox = this.HTMLzeroBBox()}
var x_height = HTMLCSS.TeX.x_height * scale,
s = HTMLCSS.TeX.scriptspace * scale * .75; // FIXME: .75 can be removed when IC is right?
var sup, sub;
if (this.HTMLnotEmpty(this.data[this.sup]))
{sup = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack); children.push(this.data[this.sup].toHTML(sup))}
if (this.HTMLnotEmpty(this.data[this.sub]))
{sub = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack); children.push(this.data[this.sub].toHTML(sub))}
if (sup) {sup.bbox.w += s; sup.bbox.rw = Math.max(sup.bbox.w,sup.bbox.rw)}
if (sub) {sub.bbox.w += s; sub.bbox.rw = Math.max(sub.bbox.w,sub.bbox.rw)}
var sscale;
if (sup) {
sscale = this.data[this.sup].HTMLgetScale();
} else if (sub) {
sscale = this.data[this.sub].HTMLgetScale();
} else {
sscale = this.HTMLgetScale();
var q = HTMLCSS.TeX.sup_drop * sscale, r = HTMLCSS.TeX.sub_drop * sscale;
var u = base.bbox.h - q, v = base.bbox.d + r, delta = 0, p;
if (base.bbox.ic) {
base.bbox.w -= base.bbox.ic; // remove IC (added by mo and mi)
delta = 1.3*base.bbox.ic + .05; // adjust faked IC to be more in line with expected results
if (this.data[this.base] &&
(this.data[this.base].type === "mi" || this.data[this.base].type === "mo")) {
if (this.data[this.base].data.join("").length === 1 && base.bbox.scale === 1 &&
!this.data[this.base].Get("largeop")) {u = v = 0}
var min = this.getValues("subscriptshift","superscriptshift");
min.subscriptshift = (min.subscriptshift === "" ? 0 : HTMLCSS.length2em(min.subscriptshift,mu));
min.superscriptshift = (min.superscriptshift === "" ? 0 : HTMLCSS.length2em(min.superscriptshift,mu));
if (!sup) {
if (sub) {
v = Math.max(v,HTMLCSS.TeX.sub1*scale,sub.bbox.h-(4/5)*x_height,min.subscriptshift);
} else {
if (!sub) {
values = this.getValues("displaystyle","texprimestyle");
p = HTMLCSS.TeX[(values.displaystyle ? "sup1" : (values.texprimestyle ? "sup3" : "sup2"))];
u = Math.max(u,p*scale,sup.bbox.d+(1/4)*x_height,min.superscriptshift);
} else {
v = Math.max(v,HTMLCSS.TeX.sub2*scale);
var t = HTMLCSS.TeX.rule_thickness * scale;
if ((u - sup.bbox.d) - (sub.bbox.h - v) < 3*t) {
v = 3*t - u + sup.bbox.d + sub.bbox.h;
q = (4/5)*x_height - (u - sup.bbox.d);
if (q > 0) {u += q; v -= q}
return span;
HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH,
HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV
MML.mmultiscripts.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
MML.mtable.Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
MML["annotation-xml"].Augment({toHTML: MML.mbase.HTMLautoload});
toHTML: function (span,node) {
var alttext = this.Get("alttext");
if (alttext && alttext !== "") {node.setAttribute("aria-label",alttext)}
var nobr = HTMLCSS.addElement(span,"nobr",{isMathJax: true});
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(nobr);
var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span), box = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack), math;
// Move font-size from outer span to stack to avoid line separation
// problem in strict HTML mode
stack.style.fontSize = nobr.parentNode.style.fontSize; nobr.parentNode.style.fontSize = "";
if (this.data[0] != null) {
if (HTMLCSS.msieColorBug) {
if (this.background) {this.data[0].background = this.background; delete this.background}
if (this.mathbackground) {this.data[0].mathbackground = this.mathbackground; delete this.mathbackground}
MML.mbase.prototype.displayAlign = HUB.config.displayAlign;
MML.mbase.prototype.displayIndent = HUB.config.displayIndent;
var html = this.data[0].toHTML(box); html.bbox.exactW = false; // force remeasure just to be sure
math = HTMLCSS.Measured(html,box);
// Get width right if minimum font size is set:
// Round to nearest pixel (plus a small amount), and convert back to outer-em's.
// Add the width to the span (outside the MathJax class, so uses outer em size,
// which makes it work even when minimum font size is in effect).
span.style.width = HTMLCSS.Em((Math.round(math.bbox.w*this.em)+.25)/HTMLCSS.outerEm);
span.style.display = "inline-block";
// Adjust bbox to match outer em-size
var p = 1/HTMLCSS.em, f = HTMLCSS.em / HTMLCSS.outerEm; HTMLCSS.em /= f;
span.bbox.h *= f; span.bbox.d *= f; span.bbox.w *= f;
span.bbox.lw *= f; span.bbox.rw *= f;
if (math && math.bbox.width != null) {
span.style.minWidth = (math.bbox.minWidth || span.style.width);
span.style.width = stack.style.width = math.bbox.width;
box.style.width = "100%";
// Add color (if any)
// Make math span be the correct height and depth
if (math) {HTMLCSS.createRule(span,(math.bbox.h+p)*f,(math.bbox.d+p)*f,0)}
// Handle indentalign and indentshift for single-line display equations
if (!this.isMultiline && this.Get("display") === "block" && span.bbox.width == null) {
var values = this.getValues("indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst","indentalign","indentshift");
if (values.indentalignfirst !== MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {values.indentalign = values.indentalignfirst}
if (values.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {values.indentalign = this.displayAlign}
node.style.textAlign = values.indentalign;
if (values.indentshiftfirst !== MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {values.indentshift = values.indentshiftfirst}
if (values.indentshift === "auto") {values.indentshift = this.displayIndent}
if (values.indentshift && values.indentalign !== MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) {
span.style[{left:"marginLeft",right:"marginRight"}[values.indentalign]] =
return span;
HTMLspanElement: MML.mbase.prototype.HTMLspanElement
toHTML: function (span) {
span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
if (this.data[0] != null) {
if (this.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.VCENTER) {
var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
var box = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
// FIXME: should the axis height be scaled?
} else {
span.bbox = this.data[0].toHTML(span).bbox;
return span;
// Loading isn't complete until the element jax is modified,
// but can't call loadComplete within the callback for "mml Jax Ready"
// (it would call HTMLCSS's Require routine, asking for the mml jax again)
// so wait until after the mml jax has finished processing.
// We also need to wait for the onload handler to run, since the loadComplete
// will call Config and Startup, which need to modify the body.
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("onLoad",function () {
HUB.Register.StartupHook("End Config",function () {
// Handle browser-specific setup
MSIE: function (browser) {
var mode = (document.documentMode || 0);
var isIE7 = browser.versionAtLeast("7.0");
var isIE8 = browser.versionAtLeast("8.0") && mode > 7;
var quirks = (document.compatMode === "BackCompat");
if (mode < 9) {
// IE doesn't do mouse events on trasparent objects,
// so give a background color, but opacity makes it transparent
HTMLCSS.config.styles[".MathJax .MathJax_HitBox"]["background-color"] = "white";
HTMLCSS.config.styles[".MathJax .MathJax_HitBox"].opacity = 0
HTMLCSS.config.styles[".MathJax .MathJax_HitBox"].filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";
// FIXME: work out tests for these?
PaddingWidthBug: true,
msieAccentBug: true,
msieColorBug: true,
msieColorPositionBug: true, // needs position:relative to put color behind text
msieRelativeWidthBug: quirks,
msieDisappearingBug: (mode >= 8), // inline math disappears
msieMarginScaleBug: (mode < 8), // relative margins are not scaled properly by font-size
msiePaddingWidthBug: true,
msieBorderWidthBug: quirks,
msieFrameSizeBug: (mode <= 8), // crashes if size of box isn't big enough for border
msieInlineBlockAlignBug: (!isIE8 || quirks),
msiePlaceBoxBug: (isIE8 && !quirks),
msieClipRectBug: !isIE8,
msieNegativeSpaceBug: quirks,
cloneNodeBug: (isIE8 && browser.version === "8.0"),
initialSkipBug: (mode < 8), // confused by initial left-margin values
msieNegativeBBoxBug: (mode >= 8), // negative bboxes have positive widths
msieIE6: !isIE7,
msieItalicWidthBug: true,
FontFaceBug: true,
msieFontCSSBug: browser.isIE9,
allowWebFonts: (mode >= 9 ? "woff" : "eot")
Firefox: function (browser) {
var webFonts = false;
if (browser.versionAtLeast("3.5")) {
var root = String(document.location).replace(/[^\/]*$/,"");
if (document.location.protocol !== "file:" || HUB.config.root.match(/^https?:\/\//) ||
(HUB.config.root+"/").substr(0,root.length) === root) {webFonts = "otf"}
ffVerticalAlignBug: true,
AccentBug: true,
allowWebFonts: webFonts
Safari: function (browser) {
var v3p0 = browser.versionAtLeast("3.0");
var v3p1 = browser.versionAtLeast("3.1");
var trueSafari = navigator.appVersion.match(/ Safari\/\d/) &&
navigator.appVersion.match(/ Version\/\d/) &&
var android = (navigator.appVersion.match(/ Android (\d+)\.(\d+)/));
var forceImages = (v3p1 && browser.isMobile && (
(navigator.platform.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/) && !browser.versionAtLeast("5.0")) ||
(android != null && (android[1] < 2 || (android[1] == 2 && android[2] < 2)))
config: {
styles: {
".MathJax img, .MathJax nobr, .MathJax a": {
// "none" seems to work like "0px" when width is initially 0
"max-width": "5000em", "max-height": "5000em"
rfuzz: .011,
AccentBug: true,
AdjustSurd: true,
negativeBBoxes: true,
safariNegativeSpaceBug: true,
safariVerticalAlignBug: !v3p1,
safariTextNodeBug: !v3p0,
forceReflow: true,
allowWebFonts: (v3p1 && !forceImages ? "otf" : false)
if (trueSafari) {
webFontDefault: (browser.isMobile ? "sans-serif" : "serif")
if (browser.isPC) {
adjustAvailableFonts: HTMLCSS.removeSTIXfonts, // can't access plane1
checkWebFontsTwice: true // bug in Safari/Win that doesn't update font test div properly
if (forceImages) {
// Force image mode for iOS prior to 4.2 and Droid prior to 2.2
var config = HUB.config["HTML-CSS"];
if (config) {config.availableFonts = []; config.preferredFont = null}
else {HUB.config["HTML-CSS"] = {availableFonts: [], preferredFont: null}}
Chrome: function (browser) {
Em: HTMLCSS.EmRounded, // vertical alignment needs help (since around v20)
cloneNodeBug: true, // Chrome gets heights wrong with the cloned ones
rfuzz: .011,
AccentBug: true,
AdjustSurd: true,
negativeBBoxes: true,
safariNegativeSpaceBug: true,
safariWebFontSerif: [""],
forceReflow: true,
allowWebFonts: (browser.versionAtLeast("4.0") ? "otf" : "svg")
Opera: function (browser) {
browser.isMini = (navigator.appVersion.match("Opera Mini") != null);
HTMLCSS.config.styles[".MathJax .merror"]["vertical-align"] = null;
HTMLCSS.config.styles[".MathJax span"]["z-index"] = 0;
operaHeightBug: true,
operaVerticalAlignBug: true,
operaFontSizeBug: browser.versionAtLeast("10.61"),
initialSkipBug: true,
FontFaceBug: true,
PaddingWidthBug: true,
allowWebFonts: (browser.versionAtLeast("10.0") && !browser.isMini ? "otf" : false),
adjustAvailableFonts: HTMLCSS.removeSTIXfonts
Konqueror: function (browser) {
konquerorVerticalAlignBug: true
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Cookie", function () {
if (HUB.config.menuSettings.zoom !== "None")
})(MathJax.Ajax, MathJax.Hub, MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"]);