"math_bad_output":"Cannot write to or create math output directory",
"math_bad_tmpdir":"Cannot write to or create math temp directory",
"math_failure":"Failed to parse",
"math_image_error":"PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex and dvipng (or dvips + gs + convert)",
"math_invalidjson":"$1 server response is invalid JSON.",
"math_invalidresponse":"$1: Invalid response (\"$3\") from server \"$2\":",
"math_invalidxml":"MathML or SVG is invalid XML.",
"math_lexing_error":"lexing error",
"math_mathoid_error":"Conversion error. Server (\"$1\") reported: \"$2\"",
"math_notexvc":"Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.",
"math_output_error":"Cannot store math image on filesystem.",
"math_sample":"Insert formula here",
"math-status-introduction":"This page displays information about the enabled math rendering modes.\n\nThe following rendering {{PLURAL:$1|mode is|modes are}} enabled:",
"math_syntax_error":"syntax error",
"math_timeout":"$1 timeout from \"$2\".",
"math-test-end":"Backend tests for rendering mode ''$1'' completed.",