15, "LoginNotifyExpiryKnownIP" => 604800, "LoginNotifyAttemptsNewIP" => 5, "LoginNotifyExpiryNewIP" => 1209600, "LoginNotifyCheckKnownIPs" => true, "LoginNotifyEnableOnSuccess" => true, "LoginNotifyEnableForPriv" => [ "editinterface", "userrights" ], "LoginNotifySecretKey" => "Secret Stuff!", "LoginNotifyCookieExpire" => 15552000, "LoginNotifyCookieDomain" => null, "LoginNotifyMaxCookieRecords" => 6, "LoginNotifyCacheLoginIPExpiry" => 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 ] ); $this->inst = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( new LoginNotify( $config, new HashBagOStuff ) ); $this->inst->setLogger( new NullLogger ); } public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->setUpLoginNotify(); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetIPNetwork */ public function testGetIPNetwork( $ip, $expected ) { $actual = $this->inst->getIPNetwork( $ip ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual ); } public function provideGetIPNetwork() { return [ [ '', '127.0.0.' ], [ '', '118.221.191.' ], [ '::1', '0:0:0:0:' ], [ '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8', '1:2:3:4:' ], [ '1:ffe1::7:8', '1:FFE1:0:0:' ], [ 'd3::1:2:3:4:5:6', 'D3:0:1:2:' ] ]; } public function testGetIPNetworkInvalid() { $this->expectException( UnexpectedValueException::class ); $this->inst->getIPNetwork( 'localhost' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGenerateUserCookieRecord */ public function testGenerateUserCookieRecord( $username, $year, $salt, $expected ) { $actual = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( $username, $year, $salt ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } public function provideGenerateUserCookieRecord() { return [ [ 'Foo', 2011, 'a4321f', '2011-a4321f-8oerxg4l59zpiu0by7m2to1b4cjeer4' ], [ 'Foo', 2011, 'A4321f', '2011-A4321f-in65gc2i9czojfopkeieijc0ek8j5vu' ], [ 'Foo', 2015, 'a4321f', '2015-a4321f-2hf2zh9h3afv79b1u4l474ozc0by2xe' ], [ 'FOo', 2011, 'a4321f', '2011-a4321f-d0dhdzxg3te3yd3np6xdfrwdrckop7m' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideIsUserRecordGivenCookie */ public function testIsUserRecordGivenCookie( User $user, $cookieRecord, $expected, $desc ) { $actual = $this->inst->isUserRecordGivenCookie( $user, $cookieRecord ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, "For {$user->getName()} on test $desc." ); } public function provideIsUserRecordGivenCookie() { $this->setUpLoginNotify(); $u = User::newFromName( 'Foo', false ); $cookie1 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo2' ); $cookie2 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo' ); $cookie3 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo', gmdate( 'Y' ) - 2 ); $cookie4 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo', gmdate( 'Y' ), 'RAND' ); $cookie5 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo', gmdate( 'Y' ) - 4 ); return [ [ $u, '2015-in65gc2i9czojfopkeieijc0ek8j5vu', false, "no salt" ], [ $u, '2011-A4321f-in65gc2i9czojfopkeieijc0ek8j5vu', false, "too old" ], [ $u, $cookie1, false, "name mismatch" ], [ $u, $cookie2, true, "normal" ], [ $u, $cookie3, true, "2 year old" ], [ $u, $cookie4, true, "Specific salt" ], [ $u, $cookie5, false, "4 year old" ], ]; } public function testGetPrevLoginCookie() { $req = new FauxRequest(); $res1 = $this->inst->getPrevLoginCookie( $req ); $this->assertSame( '', $res1, "no cookie set" ); $req->setCookie( 'loginnotify_prevlogins', 'foo', '' ); $res2 = $this->inst->getPrevLoginCookie( $req ); $this->assertEquals( 'foo', $res2, "get dummy cookie" ); } public function testGetKey() { $user1 = User::newFromName( 'Foo_bar' ); // Make sure proper normalization happens. $user2 = User::newFromName( 'Foo__bar' ); $user3 = User::newFromName( 'Somebody' ); $this->assertEquals( 'global:loginnotify:new:ok2qitd5efi25tzjy2l3el4n57g6l3l', $this->inst->getKey( $user1, 'new' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'global:loginnotify:known:ok2qitd5efi25tzjy2l3el4n57g6l3l', $this->inst->getKey( $user1, 'known' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'global:loginnotify:new:ok2qitd5efi25tzjy2l3el4n57g6l3l', $this->inst->getKey( $user2, 'new' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'global:loginnotify:new:tuwpi7e2h9pidovmaxxswk6aq327ewg', $this->inst->getKey( $user3, 'new' ) ); } public function testCheckAndIncKey() { $key = 'global:loginnotify:new:tuwpi7e2h9pidovmaxxswk6aq327ewg'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) { $res = $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 5, 3600 ); $this->assertFalse( $res, "key check numb $i" ); } $this->assertEquals( 5, $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 5, 3600 ) ); for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) { $res = $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 5, 3600 ); $this->assertFalse( $res, "key check numb $i+5" ); } $this->assertEquals( 10, $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 5, 3600 ) ); $key2 = 'global:loginnotify:known:tuwpi7e2h9pidovmaxxswk6aq327ewg'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) { $res = $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key2, 1, 3600 ); $this->assertEquals( $i, $res, "key check interval 1 numb $i" ); } } /** * @dataProvider provideClearCounters */ public function testClearCounters( $key ) { $user = User::newFromName( "Fred" ); $key = $this->inst->getKey( $user, $key ); $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 1, 3600 ); $res = $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 1, 3600 ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $res, "prior to clear" ); $this->inst->clearCounters( $user ); $res = $this->inst->checkAndIncKey( $key, 1, 3600 ); $this->assertSame( 1, $res, "after clear" ); } public function provideClearCounters() { return [ [ 'new' ], [ 'known' ], ]; } /** * @note Expected new cookie does not include first record, as * first record depends on random numbers. * @dataProvider provideCheckAndGenerateCookie */ public function testCheckAndGenerateCookie( User $user, $cookie, $expectedSeenBefore, $expectedNewCookie, $desc ) { list( $actualSeenBefore, $actualNewCookie ) = $this->inst->checkAndGenerateCookie( $user, $cookie ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedSeenBefore, $actualSeenBefore, "[Seen before] $desc" ); $newCookieParts = explode( '.', $actualNewCookie, 2 ); if ( !isset( $newCookieParts[1] ) ) { $newCookieParts[1] = ''; } $this->assertTrue( $this->inst->isUserRecordGivenCookie( $user, $newCookieParts[0] ), "[Cookie new entry] $desc" ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedNewCookie, $newCookieParts[1], "[Cookie] $desc" ); } public function provideCheckAndGenerateCookie() { $this->setUpLoginNotify(); $y = gmdate( 'Y' ); $oldYear = $y - 4; $u1 = User::newFromName( 'Foo' ); $cookie1 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo' ); $cookie2 = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo' ); $cookieOld = $this->inst->generateUserCookieRecord( 'Foo', 2001 ); $cookieOtherUser = "$y-1veusdo-tr049njztrrvkkz4tk3kre8rm1zb134"; return [ [ $u1, '', false, '', "no cookie" ], [ $u1, "$cookieOtherUser", false, "$cookieOtherUser", "not in cookie" ], [ $u1, "$cookieOtherUser.$y-.$y-abcdefg-8oerxg4l59zpiu0by7m2to1b4cjeer4.$oldYear-" . "1234567-tpnsk00419wba6vjh1upif21qtst1cv", false, "$cookieOtherUser.$y-abcdefg-8oerxg4l59zpiu0by7m2to1b4cjeer4", "old values in cookie" ], [ $u1, $cookieOld, false, "", "Only old value" ], [ $u1, $cookie1, true, "", "Normal success" ], [ $u1, "$cookieOtherUser.$cookie1.$cookie2." . "$y-1234567-tpnsk00419wba6vjh1upif21qtst1cv.$cookie1", true, "$cookieOtherUser.$y-1234567-tpnsk00419wba6vjh1upif21qtst1cv", "Remove all of current user." ], [ $u1, "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser", false, "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser." . "$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser.$cookieOtherUser", "Limit max number of records." ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideValidateCookieRecord */ public function testValidateCookieRecord( $cookie, $expected ) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->inst->validateCookieRecord( $cookie ) ); } public function provideValidateCookieRecord() { $y = gmdate( 'Y' ); return [ [ 'fdakslnknfaknasf', false ], [ '--', false ], [ '91-ffff-fdaskfjlasflasd', false ], [ '2011-ffff-fdaskfjlasflasd', false ], [ "$y-1veusdo-tr049njztrrvkkz4tk3kre8rm1zb134", true ], [ "1991-1veusdo-tr049njztrrvkkz4tk3kre8rm1zb134", false ], ]; } public function testUserIsInCache() { $u = User::newFromName( 'Xyzzy' ); $this->assertSame( LoginNotify::USER_NO_INFO, $this->inst->userIsInCache( $u, new FauxRequest() ) ); $this->inst->cacheLoginIP( $u ); $this->assertSame( LoginNotify::USER_KNOWN, $this->inst->userIsInCache( $u, new FauxRequest() ) ); $request = new FauxRequest(); $request->setIP( '' ); $this->assertSame( LoginNotify::USER_NOT_KNOWN, $this->inst->userIsInCache( $u, $request ) ); } }