{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Brian Wolff", "MusikAnimal" ] }, "loginnotify-desc": "Notify users about suspicious logins", "echo-category-title-login-fail": "Failed login attempts", "echo-pref-tooltip-login-fail": "Notify me when there have been multiple failed attempts to log in to my account.", "echo-category-title-login-success": "Login from new computer", "echo-pref-tooltip-login-success": "Notify me whenever somebody logs into my account from a computer I have not used before.", "loginnotify-login-fail": "There have been several failed attempts to log in to your account", "notification-loginnotify-login-fail-email-subject": "{{PLURAL:$2|Failed attempt|Multiple failed attempts}} to log in to {{SITENAME}} as $1", "notification-loginnotify-login-success-email-subject": "Login to {{SITENAME}} as $1 from a computer you have not recently used", "notification-header-login-fail-known": "There {{PLURAL:$3|has been '''one failed attempt'''|have been '''$3 failed attempts'''}} to log in to your account since the last time you logged in. If this was you, then you can disregard this message. If it wasn't, please make sure your account has a strong password.", "notification-header-login-fail-new": "There {{PLURAL:$3|has been '''one failed attempt'''|have been '''$3 failed attempts'''}} to log in to your account since the last time you logged in. If this was you, then you can disregard this message. If it wasn't, please make sure your account has a strong password.", "notification-header-login-success": "Someone has successfully logged into your account from a computer which you have not edited from recently.", "notification-loginnotify-login-fail-new-emailbatch": "There {{PLURAL:$2|has been a failed attempt|have been $2 failed attempts}} to log in to your account '$1' on {{SITENAME}}. If this was you, then you can disregard this message. If it wasn't, please make sure your account has a strong password.", "notification-loginnotify-login-fail-known-emailbatch": "There {{PLURAL:$2|has been a failed attempt|have been $2 failed attempts}} to log in to your account, '$1' on {{SITENAME}}. If this was you, then you can disregard this message. If it wasn't, please make sure your account has a strong password.", "notification-loginnotify-login-success-emailbatch": "Someone has successfully logged into your account '$1' on {{SITENAME}} from a computer which you have not edited from recently." }