getMainObjectStash(); } if ( !$cfg ) { $cfg = RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(); } $this->cache = $cache; $this->config = $cfg; if ( $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifySecretKey' ) !== null ) { $this->secret = $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifySecretKey' ); } else { $globalSecret = $this->config->get( 'SecretKey' ); $this->secret = hash( 'sha256', $globalSecret . 'LoginNotify' ); } $log = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'LoginNotify' ); $this->log = $log; $this->stats = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(); } /** * Set the logger. * @param LoggerInterface $logger The logger object. */ public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->log = $logger; } /** * Get just network part of an IP (assuming /24 or /64) * * @param string $ip Either IPv4 or IPv6 address * @return string Just the network part (e.g. 127.0.0.) * @throws UnexpectedValueException If given something not an IP * @throws Exception If regex totally fails (Should never happen) */ private function getIPNetwork( $ip ) { $ip = IPUtils::sanitizeIP( $ip ); if ( IPUtils::isIPv6( $ip ) ) { // Match against the /64 $subnetRegex = '/[0-9A-F]+:[0-9A-F]+:[0-9A-F]+:[0-9A-F]+$/i'; } elseif ( IPUtils::isIPv4( $ip ) ) { // match against the /24 $subnetRegex = '/\d+$/'; } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Unrecognized IP address: $ip" ); } $prefix = preg_replace( $subnetRegex, '', $ip ); if ( !is_string( $prefix ) ) { throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . " Regex failed on '$ip'!?" ); } return $prefix; } /** * Returns lazy-initialized salt * * @return string */ private function getSalt() { // Generate salt just once to avoid duplicate cookies if ( $this->salt === null ) { $this->salt = \Wikimedia\base_convert( MWCryptRand::generateHex( 8 ), 16, 36 ); } return $this->salt; } /** * Is the current computer known to be used by the current user (fast checks) * To be used for checks that are fast enough to be run at the moment the user logs in. * * @param User $user User in question * @param WebRequest $request * @return string One of USER_* constants */ private function isKnownSystemFast( User $user, WebRequest $request ) { $result = $this->userIsInCookie( $user, $request ); if ( $result !== self::USER_KNOWN ) { $result = $this->mergeResults( $result, $this->userIsInCache( $user, $request ) ); } $this->log->debug( 'Checking cookies and cache for {user}: {result}', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'user' => $user->getName(), 'result' => $result, ] ); return $result; } /** * Is the current computer known to be used by the current user (slow checks) * These checks are slow enough to be run via the job queue * * @param User $user User in question * @param string $subnet User's current subnet * @param string|null $resultSoFar Value returned by isKnownSystemFast() or null if * not available. * @return bool true if the user has used this computer before */ private function isKnownSystemSlow( User $user, $subnet, $resultSoFar = null ) { $result = $this->checkUserAllWikis( $user, $subnet ); $this->log->debug( 'Checking user {user} from {subnet} (result so far: {soFar}): {result}', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'user' => $user->getName(), 'subnet' => $subnet, 'result' => $result, 'soFar' => json_encode( $resultSoFar ), ] ); if ( $resultSoFar !== null ) { $result = $this->mergeResults( $result, $resultSoFar ); } // If we have no check user data for the user, and there was // no cookie supplied, just pass the user in, since we don't have // enough info to determine if from known ip. // FIXME: Does this make sense if ( $result === self::USER_NO_INFO ) { // We have to be careful here. Whether $cookieResult is // self::USER_NO_INFO, is under control of the attacker. // If checking CheckUser is disabled, then we should not // hit this branch. $this->log->info( "Assuming {user} is from known IP since no info available", [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'user' => $user->getName() ] ); return true; } return $result === self::USER_KNOWN; } /** * Check if we cached this user's ip address from last login. * * @param User $user User in question * @param WebRequest $request * @return string One of USER_* constants */ private function userIsInCache( User $user, WebRequest $request ) { $ipPrefix = $this->getIPNetwork( $request->getIP() ); $key = $this->getKey( $user, 'prevSubnet' ); $res = $this->cache->get( $key ); if ( $res !== false ) { return $res === $ipPrefix ? self::USER_KNOWN : self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } return self::USER_NO_INFO; } /** * Is the subnet of the current IP in the check user data for the user. * * If CentralAuth is installed, this will check not only the current wiki, * but also the ten wikis where user has most edits on. * * @param User $user User in question * @param string $subnet User's current subnet * @return string One of USER_* constants */ private function checkUserAllWikis( User $user, $subnet ) { Assert::parameter( $user->isRegistered(), '$user', 'User must be logged in' ); if ( !$this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyCheckKnownIPs' ) || !$this->isCheckUserInstalled() ) { // Checkuser checks disabled. // Note: It's important this be USER_NOT_KNOWN and not USER_NO_INFO. return self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $result = $this->checkUserOneWiki( $user->getId(), $subnet, $dbr ); if ( $result === self::USER_KNOWN ) { return $result; } if ( $result === self::USER_NO_INFO && $this->userHasCheckUserData( $user->getId(), $dbr ) ) { $result = self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } // Also check checkuser table on the top ten wikis where this user has // edited the most. We only do top ten, to limit the worst-case where the // user has accounts on 800 wikis. if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'CentralAuth' ) ) { $globalUser = CentralAuthUser::getInstance( $user ); if ( $globalUser->exists() ) { // This is expensive. However, On WMF wikis, probably // already done as part of password complexity check, and // will be cached. $info = $globalUser->queryAttached(); // already checked the local wiki. unset( $info[wfWikiID()] ); usort( $info, function ( $a, $b ) { // descending order return $b['editCount'] - $a['editCount']; } ); $count = 0; foreach ( $info as $localInfo ) { if ( !isset( $localInfo['id'] ) || !isset( $localInfo['wiki'] ) ) { break; } if ( $count > 10 || $localInfo['editCount'] < 1 ) { break; } $wiki = $localInfo['wiki']; $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getDBLoadBalancerFactory() ->getMainLB( $wiki ); $dbrLocal = $lb->getConnection( DB_REPLICA, [], $wiki ); if ( !$this->hasCheckUserTables( $dbrLocal ) ) { // Skip this wiki, no checkuser table. $lb->reuseConnection( $dbrLocal ); continue; } // FIXME The case where there are no CU entries for // this user. $res = $this->checkUserOneWiki( $localInfo['id'], $subnet, $dbrLocal ); if ( $res === self::USER_KNOWN ) { $lb->reuseConnection( $dbrLocal ); return $res; } if ( $result === self::USER_NO_INFO && $this->userHasCheckUserData( $user->getId(), $dbr ) ) { $result = self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } $lb->reuseConnection( $dbrLocal ); $count++; } } } return $result; } /** * Actually do the query of the check user table. * * @note This catches and ignores database errors. * @param int $userId User id number (Not necessarily for the local wiki) * @param string $ipFragment Prefix to match against cuc_ip (from $this->getIPNetwork()) * @param IDatabase $dbr A database connection (possibly foreign) * @return string One of USER_* constants */ private function checkUserOneWiki( $userId, $ipFragment, IDatabase $dbr ) { // For some unknown reason, the index is on // (cuc_user, cuc_ip, cuc_timestamp), instead of // cuc_ip_hex which would be ideal. // user-agent might also be good to look at, // but no index on that. $IPHasBeenUsedBefore = $dbr->selectField( 'cu_changes', '1', [ 'cuc_user' => $userId, 'cuc_ip ' . $dbr->buildLike( $ipFragment, $dbr->anyString() ) ], __METHOD__ ); return $IPHasBeenUsedBefore ? self::USER_KNOWN : self::USER_NO_INFO; } /** * Check if we have any check user info for this user * * If we have no info for user, we maybe don't treat it as * an unknown IP, since user has no known IPs. * * @todo FIXME Does this behaviour make sense, esp. with cookie check? * @param int $userId User id number (possibly on foreign wiki) * @param IDatabase $dbr DB connection (possibly to foreign wiki) * @return bool */ private function userHasCheckUserData( $userId, IDatabase $dbr ) { // Verify that we actually have IP info for // this user. // @todo: Should this instead be if we have a // a certain number of checkuser entries for this // user. Or maybe it should be if we have at least // 2 different IPs for this user. Or something else. $haveIPInfo = $dbr->selectField( 'cu_changes', '1', [ 'cuc_user' => $userId ], __METHOD__ ); return (bool)$haveIPInfo; } /** * Does this wiki have a checkuser table? * * @param IDatabase $dbr Database to check * @return bool */ private function hasCheckUserTables( IDatabase $dbr ) { if ( !$dbr->tableExists( 'cu_changes', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->log->warning( "LoginNotify: No checkuser table on {wikiId}", [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'wikiId' => $dbr->getDomainID() ] ); return false; } return true; } /** * Whether CheckUser extension is installed * @return bool */ private function isCheckUserInstalled() { return ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'CheckUser' ); } /** * Give the user a cookie saying that they've previously logged in from this computer. * * @note If user already has a cookie, this will refresh it. * @param User $user User in question who just logged in. */ private function setLoginCookie( User $user ) { $cookie = $this->getPrevLoginCookie( $user->getRequest() ); list( , $newCookie ) = $this->checkAndGenerateCookie( $user, $cookie ); $expire = time() + $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyCookieExpire' ); $resp = $user->getRequest()->response(); $resp->setCookie( self::COOKIE_NAME, $newCookie, $expire, [ 'domain' => $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyCookieDomain' ), // Allow sharing this cookie between wikis 'prefix' => '' ] ); } /** * Give the user a cookie and cache address in memcache * * It is expected this be called upon successful log in. * * @param User $user The user in question. */ public function setCurrentAddressAsKnown( User $user ) { $this->cacheLoginIP( $user ); $this->setLoginCookie( $user ); $this->log->debug( 'Recording user {user} as known', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); } /** * Cache the current IP subnet as being a known location for the given user. * * @param User $user The user. */ private function cacheLoginIP( User $user ) { // For simplicity, this only stores the last IP subnet used. // Its assumed that most of the time, we'll be able to rely on // the cookie or checkuser data. $expiry = $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyCacheLoginIPExpiry' ); if ( $expiry !== false ) { $ipPrefix = $this->getIPNetwork( $user->getRequest()->getIP() ); $key = $this->getKey( $user, 'prevSubnet' ); $this->cache->set( $key, $ipPrefix, $expiry ); } } /** * Merges results of various isKnownSystem*() checks * * @param string $x One of USER_* constants * @param string $y One of USER_* constants * @return string */ private function mergeResults( $x, $y ) { if ( $x === self::USER_KNOWN || $y === self::USER_KNOWN ) { return self::USER_KNOWN; } if ( $x === self::USER_NOT_KNOWN || $y === self::USER_NOT_KNOWN ) { return self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } return self::USER_NO_INFO; } /** * Check if a certain user is in the cookie. * * @param User $user User in question * @param WebRequest $request * @return string One of USER_* constants */ private function userIsInCookie( User $user, WebRequest $request ) { $cookie = $this->getPrevLoginCookie( $request ); // FIXME, does this really make sense? if ( $cookie === '' ) { $result = self::USER_NO_INFO; } else { list( $userKnown, ) = $this->checkAndGenerateCookie( $user, $cookie ); $result = $userKnown ? self::USER_KNOWN : self::USER_NOT_KNOWN; } return $result; } /** * Get the cookie with previous login names in it * * @param WebRequest $req * @return string The cookie. Empty string if no cookie. */ private function getPrevLoginCookie( WebRequest $req ) { return $req->getCookie( self::COOKIE_NAME, '', '' ); } /** * Check if user is in cookie, and generate a new cookie with user record * * When generating a new cookie, it will add the current user to the top, * remove any previous instances of the current user, and remove older user * references, if there are too many records. * * @param User $user User that person is attempting to log in as. * @param string $cookie A cookie, which has records separated by '.'. * @return array Element 0 is boolean (user seen before?), 1 is the new cookie value. */ private function checkAndGenerateCookie( User $user, $cookie ) { $userSeenBefore = false; if ( $cookie === '' ) { $cookieRecords = []; } else { $cookieRecords = explode( '.', $cookie ); } $newCookie = $this->generateUserCookieRecord( $user->getName() ); $maxCookieRecords = $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyMaxCookieRecords' ); $totalCookieRecord = count( $cookieRecords ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $totalCookieRecord; $i++ ) { if ( !$this->validateCookieRecord( $cookieRecords[$i] ) ) { // Skip invalid or old cookie records. continue; } $curUser = $this->isUserRecordGivenCookie( $user, $cookieRecords[$i] ); $userSeenBefore = $userSeenBefore || $curUser; if ( $i < $maxCookieRecords && !$curUser ) { $newCookie .= '.' . $cookieRecords[$i]; } } return [ $userSeenBefore, $newCookie ]; } /** * See if a specific cookie record is for a specific user. * * Cookie record format is: Year - 32-bit salt - hash * where hash is sha1-HMAC of username + | + year + salt * Salt and hash is base 36 encoded. * * The point of the salt is to ensure that a given user creates * different cookies on different machines, so that nobody * can after the fact figure out a single user has used both * machines. * * @param User $user * @param string $cookieRecord * @return bool */ private function isUserRecordGivenCookie( User $user, $cookieRecord ) { if ( !$this->validateCookieRecord( $cookieRecord ) ) { // Most callers will probably already check this, but // doesn't hurt to be careful. return false; } $parts = explode( "-", $cookieRecord, 3 ); $hash = $this->generateUserCookieRecord( $user->getName(), $parts[0], $parts[1] ); return hash_equals( $hash, $cookieRecord ); } /** * Check if cookie is valid (Is not too old, has 3 fields) * * @param string $cookieRecord Cookie record * @return bool true if valid */ private function validateCookieRecord( $cookieRecord ) { $parts = explode( "-", $cookieRecord, 3 ); if ( count( $parts ) !== 3 || strlen( $parts[0] ) !== 4 ) { $this->log->warning( "Got cookie with invalid format", [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'cookieRecord' => $cookieRecord ] ); return false; } if ( (int)$parts[0] < (int)gmdate( 'Y' ) - 3 ) { // Record is too old. If user hasn't logged in from this // computer in two years, should probably not consider it trusted. return false; } return true; } /** * Generate a single record for use in the previous login cookie * * The format is YYYY-SSSSSSS-HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH * where Y is the year, S is a 32-bit salt, H is an sha1-hmac. * Both S and H are base-36 encoded. The actual cookie consists * of several of these records separated by a ".". * * When checking if a hash is valid, provide all three arguments. * When generating a new hash, only use the first argument. * * @param string $username Username, * @param string|false $year [Optional] Year. Default to current year * @param string|false $salt [Optional] Salt (expected to be base-36 encoded) * @return string A record for the cookie */ private function generateUserCookieRecord( $username, $year = false, $salt = false ) { if ( $year === false ) { $year = gmdate( 'Y' ); } if ( $salt === false ) { $salt = $this->getSalt(); } // FIXME Maybe shorten, e.g. User only half the hash? $res = hash_hmac( 'sha1', $username . '|' . $year . $salt, $this->secret ); if ( !is_string( $res ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Hash failed" ); } $encoded = $year . '-' . $salt . '-' . \Wikimedia\base_convert( $res, 16, 36 ); return $encoded; } /** * Get the cache key for the counter. * * @param User $user * @param string $type 'known' or 'new' * @return string The cache key */ private function getKey( User $user, $type ) { $userHash = \Wikimedia\base_convert( sha1( $user->getName() ), 16, 36, 31 ); return $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( 'loginnotify', $type, $userHash ); } /** * Increment hit counters for a failed login from an unknown computer. * * If a sufficient number of hits have accumulated, send an echo notice. * * @param User $user */ private function recordLoginFailureFromUnknownSystem( User $user ) { $key = $this->getKey( $user, 'new' ); $count = $this->checkAndIncKey( $key, $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyAttemptsNewIP' ), $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyExpiryNewIP' ) ); $message = '{count} failed login attempts for {user} from an unknown system'; if ( $count ) { $this->incrStats( 'fail.unknown.notifications' ); $this->sendNotice( $user, 'login-fail-new', $count ); $message .= ', sending notification'; } $this->log->debug( $message, [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'count' => $count, 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); } /** * Increment hit counters for a failed login from a known computer. * * If a sufficient number of hits have accumulated, send an echo notice. * * @param User $user */ private function recordLoginFailureFromKnownSystem( User $user ) { $key = $this->getKey( $user, 'known' ); $count = $this->checkAndIncKey( $key, $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyAttemptsKnownIP' ), $this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyExpiryKnownIP' ) ); if ( $count ) { $this->incrStats( 'fail.known.notifications' ); $this->sendNotice( $user, 'login-fail-known', $count ); } } /** * Send a notice about login attempts * * @param User $user The account in question * @param string $type 'login-fail-new' or 'login-fail-known' * @param int|null $count [Optional] How many failed attempts */ private function sendNotice( User $user, $type, $count = null ) { $extra = []; if ( $count !== null ) { $extra['count'] = $count; } EchoEvent::create( [ 'type' => $type, 'extra' => $extra, 'agent' => $user, ] ); $this->log->info( 'Sending a {notificationtype} notification to {user}', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'notificationtype' => $type, 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); } /** * Check if we've reached limit, and increment cache key. * * @param string $key cache key * @param int $interval The interval of one to send notice * @param int $expiry When to expire cache key. * @return false|int false to not send notice, or number of hits */ private function checkAndIncKey( $key, $interval, $expiry ) { $cache = $this->cache; $cur = $cache->incrWithInit( $key, $expiry ); if ( $cur % $interval === 0 ) { return $cur; } return false; } /** * Clear attempt counter for user. * * When a user successfully logs in, we start back from 0, as * otherwise a mistake here and there will trigger the warning. * * @param User $user The user for whom to clear the attempt counter. */ public function clearCounters( User $user ) { $cache = $this->cache; $keyKnown = $this->getKey( $user, 'known' ); $keyNew = $this->getKey( $user, 'new' ); $cache->delete( $keyKnown ); $cache->delete( $keyNew ); } /** * On login failure, record failure and maybe send notice * * @param User $user User in question */ public function recordFailure( User $user ) { $this->incrStats( '' ); if ( $user->isAnon() ) { // Login failed because user doesn't exist // skip this user. $this->log->debug( "Skipping recording failure for {user} - no account", [ 'user' => $user->getName() ] ); return; } $known = $this->isKnownSystemFast( $user, $user->getRequest() ); if ( $known === self::USER_KNOWN ) { $this->recordLoginFailureFromKnownSystem( $user ); } else { $this->createJob( DeferredChecksJob::TYPE_LOGIN_FAILED, $user, $user->getRequest(), $known ); } } /** * Asynchronous part of recordFailure(), to be called from DeferredChecksJob * * @param User $user User in question * @param string $subnet User's current subnet * @param string $resultSoFar Value returned by isKnownSystemFast() */ public function recordFailureDeferred( User $user, $subnet, $resultSoFar ) { $isKnown = $this->isKnownSystemSlow( $user, $subnet, $resultSoFar ); if ( !$isKnown ) { $this->recordLoginFailureFromUnknownSystem( $user ); } } /** * Send a notice on successful login from an unknown IP * * @param User $user User account in question. */ public function sendSuccessNotice( User $user ) { if ( !$this->config->get( 'LoginNotifyEnableOnSuccess' ) ) { return; } $this->incrStats( '' ); $result = $this->isKnownSystemFast( $user, $user->getRequest() ); if ( $result !== self::USER_KNOWN ) { $this->createJob( DeferredChecksJob::TYPE_LOGIN_SUCCESS, $user, $user->getRequest(), $result ); } } /** * Asynchronous part of sendSuccessNotice(), to be called from DeferredChecksJob * * @param User $user User in question * @param string $subnet User's current subnet * @param string $resultSoFar Value returned by isKnownSystemFast() */ public function sendSuccessNoticeDeferred( User $user, $subnet, $resultSoFar ) { $isKnown = $this->isKnownSystemSlow( $user, $subnet, $resultSoFar ); if ( $isKnown ) { $this->log->debug( 'Found data for user {user} from {subnet}', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'user' => $user->getName(), 'subnet' => $subnet, ] ); } else { $this->incrStats( 'success.notifications' ); $this->sendNotice( $user, 'login-success' ); } } /** * Creates and enqueues a job to do asynchronous processing of user login success/failure * * @param string $type Job type, one of DeferredChecksJob::TYPE_* constants * @param User $user User in question * @param WebRequest $request * @param string $resultSoFar Value returned by isKnownSystemFast() */ private function createJob( $type, User $user, WebRequest $request, $resultSoFar ) { $subnet = $this->getIPNetwork( $request->getIP() ); $job = new JobSpecification( 'LoginNotifyChecks', [ 'checkType' => $type, 'userId' => $user->getId(), 'subnet' => $subnet, 'resultSoFar' => $resultSoFar, ] ); JobQueueGroup::singleton()->lazyPush( $job ); $this->log->debug( 'Login {status}, creating a job to verify {user}, result so far: {result}', [ 'function' => __METHOD__, 'status' => $type, 'user' => $user->getName(), 'result' => $resultSoFar, ] ); } /** * Increments the given statistic * * @param string $metric */ private function incrStats( $metric ) { $this->stats->increment( "loginnotify.$metric" ); } }