mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 07:55:31 +00:00
* The linter write code for linter_tag field and linter_template field are constrained by the database schema to 32 characters for the tag field and 255 characters for the template field. In some anomalous circumstances parsoid can report tag and or template fields in the linter_params object that exceed those character limits. This code truncates these anomalous strings to protect the database update code from a length exceeded error. Bug: T328979 Change-Id: I057ae2e32a9e1a7735b5300409e5693e8db5c764
648 lines
19 KiB
648 lines
19 KiB
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* @file
namespace MediaWiki\Linter;
use FormatJson;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use stdClass;
use WikiMap;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\SelectQueryBuilder;
* Database logic
class Database {
* Maximum number of errors to save per category,
* for a page, the rest are just dropped
public const MAX_PER_CAT = 20;
public const MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT = 20;
* The linter_tag field has a maximum length of 32 characters, linter_template field a maximum of 255 characters
* so to ensure the length is not exceeded, the tag and template strings are truncated a few bytes below that limit
public const MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 30;
public const MAX_TEMPLATE_LENGTH = 250;
* @var int
private $pageId;
* During the addition of this column to the table, the initial value of null allows the migrate stage code to
* determine the needs to fill in the field for that record, as the record was created prior to
* the write stage code being active and filling it in during record creation. Once the migrate code runs once
* no nulls should exist in this field for any record, and if the migrate code times out during execution,
* can be restarted and continue without duplicating work. The final code that enables the use of this field
* during records search will depend on this fields index being valid for all records.
* @var int|null
private $namespaceID;
* @var CategoryManager
private $categoryManager;
* @param int $pageId
* @param int|null $namespaceID
public function __construct( $pageId, $namespaceID = null ) {
$this->pageId = $pageId;
$this->namespaceID = $namespaceID;
$this->categoryManager = new CategoryManager();
* @param int $mode DB_PRIMARY or DB_REPLICA
* @return DBConnRef
public static function getDBConnectionRef( int $mode ): DBConnRef {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer()->getConnectionRef( $mode );
* Get a specific LintError by id
* @param int $id linter_id
* @return bool|LintError
public function getFromId( $id ) {
$row = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA )->selectRow(
[ 'linter_cat', 'linter_params', 'linter_start', 'linter_end' ],
[ 'linter_id' => $id, 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ],
if ( $row ) {
$row->linter_id = $id;
return $this->makeLintError( $row );
} else {
return false;
* Turn a database row into a LintError object
* @param stdClass $row
* @return LintError|bool false on error
public static function makeLintError( $row ) {
try {
$name = ( new CategoryManager() )->getCategoryName( $row->linter_cat );
} catch ( MissingCategoryException $e ) {
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Linter' )->error(
'Could not find name for id: {linter_cat}',
[ 'linter_cat' => $row->linter_cat ]
return false;
return new LintError(
[ (int)$row->linter_start, (int)$row->linter_end ],
* Get all the lint errors for a page
* @return LintError[]
public function getForPage() {
$rows = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA )->select(
'linter_id', 'linter_cat', 'linter_start',
'linter_end', 'linter_params'
[ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ],
$result = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$error = self::makeLintError( $row );
if ( !$error ) {
$result[$error->id()] = $error;
return $result;
* Convert a LintError object into an array for
* inserting/querying in the database
* @param LintError $error
* @return array
private function serializeError( LintError $error ) {
$mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$config = $mwServices->getMainConfig();
$result = [
'linter_page' => $this->pageId,
'linter_cat' => $this->categoryManager->getCategoryId( $error->category, $error->catId ),
'linter_params' => FormatJson::encode( $error->params, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK ),
'linter_start' => $error->location[ 0 ],
'linter_end' => $error->location[ 1 ]
// To enable 756101
$enableWriteNamespaceColumn = $config->get( 'LinterWriteNamespaceColumnStage' );
if ( $enableWriteNamespaceColumn && $this->namespaceID !== null ) {
$result[ 'linter_namespace' ] = $this->namespaceID;
// To enable 720130
$enableWriteTagAndTemplateColumns = $config->get( 'LinterWriteTagAndTemplateColumnsStage' );
if ( $enableWriteTagAndTemplateColumns ) {
$templateInfo = $error->templateInfo ?? '';
if ( is_array( $templateInfo ) ) {
if ( isset( $templateInfo[ 'multiPartTemplateBlock' ] ) ) {
$templateInfo = 'multi-part-template-block';
} else {
$templateInfo = $templateInfo[ 'name' ] ?? '';
$templateInfo = mb_strcut( $templateInfo, 0, self::MAX_TEMPLATE_LENGTH );
$result[ 'linter_template' ] = $templateInfo;
$error->tagInfo = mb_strcut( $error->tagInfo, 0, self::MAX_TAG_LENGTH );
$result[ 'linter_tag' ] = $error->tagInfo ?? '';
return $result;
* @param LintError[] $errors
* @return array
private function countByCat( array $errors ) {
$count = [];
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
if ( !isset( $count[$error->category] ) ) {
$count[$error->category] = 1;
} else {
$count[$error->category] += 1;
return $count;
* Save the specified lint errors in the
* database
* @param LintError[] $errors
* @return array [ 'deleted' => [ cat => count ], 'added' => [ cat => count ] ]
public function setForPage( $errors ) {
$previous = $this->getForPage();
$dbw = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_PRIMARY );
if ( !$previous && !$errors ) {
return [ 'deleted' => [], 'added' => [] ];
} elseif ( !$previous && $errors ) {
$toInsert = array_values( $errors );
$toDelete = [];
} elseif ( $previous && !$errors ) {
[ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ],
return [ 'deleted' => $this->countByCat( $previous ), 'added' => [] ];
} else {
$toInsert = [];
$toDelete = $previous;
// Diff previous and errors
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
$uniqueId = $error->id();
if ( isset( $previous[$uniqueId] ) ) {
unset( $toDelete[$uniqueId] );
} else {
$toInsert[] = $error;
if ( $toDelete ) {
$ids = [];
foreach ( $toDelete as $lintError ) {
if ( $lintError->lintId ) {
$ids[] = $lintError->lintId;
[ 'linter_id' => $ids ],
if ( $toInsert ) {
// Insert into db, ignoring any duplicate key errors
// since they're the same lint error
array_map( [ $this, 'serializeError' ], $toInsert ),
[ 'IGNORE' ]
return [
'deleted' => $this->countByCat( $toDelete ),
'added' => $this->countByCat( $toInsert ),
* @return int[]
public function getTotalsForPage() {
return $this->getTotalsAccurate( [ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ] );
* Get an estimate of how many rows are there for the
* specified category with EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*).
* If the category actually has no rows, then 0 will
* be returned.
* @param int $catId
* @return int
private function getTotalsEstimate( $catId ) {
$dbr = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA );
// First see if there are no rows, or a moderate number
// within the limit specified by the MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT.
// The distinction between 0, a few and a lot is important
// to determine first, as estimateRowCount seem to never
// return 0 or accurate low error counts.
$rows = $dbr->selectRowCount(
[ 'linter_cat' => $catId ],
// Select 1 more so we can see if we're over the max limit
[ 'LIMIT' => self::MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT + 1 ]
// Return an accurate count if the number of errors is
// below the maximum accurate count limit
if ( $rows <= self::MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT ) {
return $rows;
// Now we can just estimate if the maximum accurate count limit
// was returned, which isn't the actual count but the limit reached
return $dbr->estimateRowCount(
[ 'linter_cat' => $catId ],
* This uses COUNT(*), which is accurate, but can be significantly
* slower depending upon how many rows are in the database.
* @param array $conds
* @return int[]
private function getTotalsAccurate( $conds = [] ) {
$rows = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA )->select(
[ 'linter_cat', 'COUNT(*) AS count' ],
[ 'GROUP BY' => 'linter_cat' ]
// Initialize zero values
$ret = array_fill_keys( $this->categoryManager->getVisibleCategories(), 0 );
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
try {
$catName = $this->categoryManager->getCategoryName( $row->linter_cat );
} catch ( MissingCategoryException $e ) {
$ret[$catName] = (int)$row->count;
return $ret;
* @return int[]
public function getTotals() {
$ret = [];
foreach ( $this->categoryManager->getVisibleCategories() as $cat ) {
$id = $this->categoryManager->getCategoryId( $cat );
$ret[$cat] = $this->getTotalsEstimate( $id );
return $ret;
* Send stats to statsd and update totals cache
* @param array $changes
public function updateStats( array $changes ) {
$mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$totalsLookup = new TotalsLookup(
new CategoryManager(),
$linterStatsdSampleFactor = $mwServices->getMainConfig()->get( 'LinterStatsdSampleFactor' );
if ( $linterStatsdSampleFactor === false ) {
// Don't send to statsd, but update cache with $changes
$raw = $changes['added'];
foreach ( $changes['deleted'] as $cat => $count ) {
if ( isset( $raw[$cat] ) ) {
$raw[$cat] -= $count;
} else {
// Negative value
$raw[$cat] = 0 - $count;
foreach ( $raw as $cat => $count ) {
if ( $count != 0 ) {
// There was a change in counts, invalidate the cache
$totalsLookup->touchCategoryCache( $cat );
} elseif ( mt_rand( 1, $linterStatsdSampleFactor ) != 1 ) {
$totals = $this->getTotals();
$wiki = WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId();
$stats = $mwServices->getStatsdDataFactory();
foreach ( $totals as $name => $count ) {
$stats->gauge( "linter.category.$name.$wiki", $count );
$stats->gauge( "linter.totals.$wiki", array_sum( $totals ) );
* This code migrates namespace ID identified by the Linter records linter_page
* field and populates the new linter_namespace field if it is unpopulated.
* This code is intended to be run once though it could be run multiple times
* using `--force` if needed via the maintenance script.
* It is safe to run more than once, and will quickly exit if no records need updating.
* @param int $pageBatchSize
* @param int $linterBatchSize
* @param int $sleep
* @param bool $bypassConfig
* @return int number of pages updated, each with one or more linter records
public static function migrateNamespace( int $pageBatchSize,
int $linterBatchSize,
int $sleep,
bool $bypassConfig = false ): int {
// code used by phpunit test, bypassed when run as a maintenance script
if ( !$bypassConfig ) {
$mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$config = $mwServices->getMainConfig();
$enableMigrateNamespaceStage = $config->get( 'LinterMigrateNamespaceStage' );
if ( !$enableMigrateNamespaceStage ) {
return 0;
if ( gettype( $sleep ) !== 'integer' || $sleep < 0 ) {
$sleep = 0;
$logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'MigrateNamespaceChannel' );
$lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
$dbw = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_PRIMARY );
$dbread = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA );
$logger->info( "Migrate namespace starting\n" );
$updated = 0;
$lastElement = 0;
do {
// Gather some unique pageId values in linter table records into an array
$linterPages = [];
$queryLinterTable = new SelectQueryBuilder( $dbw );
->select( 'DISTINCT linter_page' )
->from( 'linter' )
->where( [ 'linter_namespace IS NULL', 'linter_page > ' . $lastElement ] )
->orderBy( 'linter_page' )
->limit( $linterBatchSize )
->caller( __METHOD__ );
$result = $queryLinterTable->fetchResultSet();
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$lastElement = intval( $row->linter_page );
$linterPages[] = $lastElement;
$linterPagesLength = count( $linterPages );
$pageStartIndex = 0;
do {
$pageIdBatch = array_slice( $linterPages, $pageStartIndex, $pageBatchSize );
if ( count( $pageIdBatch ) > 0 ) {
$queryPageTable = new SelectQueryBuilder( $dbread );
->fields( [ 'page_id', 'page_namespace' ] )
->from( 'page' )
->where( [ 'page_id' => $pageIdBatch ] )
->caller( __METHOD__ );
$pageResults = $queryPageTable->fetchResultSet();
foreach ( $pageResults as $pageRow ) {
$pageId = intval( $pageRow->page_id );
$namespaceID = intval( $pageRow->page_namespace );
// If a record about to be updated has been removed by another process,
// the update will not error, and continue updating the existing records.
'linter_namespace' => $namespaceID
[ 'linter_namespace IS NULL', 'linter_page = ' . $pageId ],
// Sleep between batches for replication to catch up
sleep( $sleep );
$pageStartIndex += $pageBatchSize;
} while ( $linterPagesLength > $pageStartIndex );
$logger->info( 'Migrated ' . $updated . " page IDs\n" );
} while ( $linterPagesLength > 0 );
$logger->info( "Migrate namespace finished!\n" );
return $updated;
* This code migrates the content of Linter record linter_params to linter_template and
* linter_tag fields if they are unpopulated or stale.
* This code should only be run once and thereafter disabled but must run to completion.
* It can be restarted if interrupted and will pick up where new divergences are found.
* Note: When linter_params are not set, the content is set to '[]' indicating no content
* and the code also handles a null linter_params field if found.
* This code is only run once by maintenance script migrateTagTemplate.php
* @param int $batchSize
* @param int $sleep
* @param bool $bypassConfig
* @return int
public static function migrateTemplateAndTagInfo( int $batchSize,
int $sleep,
bool $bypassConfig = false
): int {
// code used by phpunit test, bypassed when run as a maintenance script
if ( !$bypassConfig ) {
$mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$config = $mwServices->getMainConfig();
$enableMigrateTagAndTemplateColumnsStage = $config->get( 'LinterMigrateTagAndTemplateColumnsStage' );
if ( !$enableMigrateTagAndTemplateColumnsStage ) {
return 0;
if ( gettype( $sleep ) !== 'integer' || $sleep < 0 ) {
$sleep = 0;
$logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'MigrateTagAndTemplateChannel' );
$lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
$dbw = self::getDBConnectionRef( DB_PRIMARY );
$logger->info( "Migration of linter_params field to linter_tag and linter_template fields starting\n" );
$updated = 0;
$lastElement = 0;
do {
$queryLinterTable = new SelectQueryBuilder( $dbw );
->table( 'linter' )
->fields( [ 'linter_id', 'linter_params', 'linter_template', 'linter_tag' ] )
->where( [ 'linter_params != \'[]\'', 'linter_params IS NOT NULL', 'linter_id > ' . $lastElement ] )
->orderBy( 'linter_id', selectQueryBuilder::SORT_ASC )
->limit( $batchSize )
->caller( __METHOD__ );
$results = $queryLinterTable->fetchResultSet();
$linterBatchLength = 0;
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
$linter_id = intval( $row->linter_id );
$lastElement = $linter_id;
$linter_params = FormatJson::decode( $row->linter_params );
$templateInfo = $linter_params->templateInfo ?? '';
if ( is_object( $templateInfo ) ) {
if ( isset( $templateInfo->multiPartTemplateBlock ) ) {
$templateInfo = 'multi-part-template-block';
} else {
$templateInfo = $templateInfo->name ?? '';
$tagInfo = $linter_params->name ?? '';
// compare the content of linter_params to the template and tag field contents
// and if they diverge, update the field with the correct template and tag info.
// This behavior allows this function to be restarted should it be interrupted
// and avoids repeating database record updates that are already correct due to
// having been populated when the error record was created with the new recordLintError
// write code that populates the template and tag fields, or for records populated
// during a previous but interrupted run of this migrate code.
if ( $templateInfo != $row->linter_template || $tagInfo != $row->linter_tag ) {
// If the record about to be updated has been removed by another process,
// the update will not do anything and just return with no records updated.
'linter_template' => $templateInfo, 'linter_tag' => $tagInfo
[ 'linter_id' => $linter_id ],
// Sleep between batches for replication to catch up
if ( $sleep > 0 ) {
sleep( $sleep );
$logger->info( 'Migrated ' . $updated . " linter IDs\n" );
} while ( $linterBatchLength > 0 );
$logger->info( "Migrate linter_params to linter_tag and linter_template fields finished!\n" );
return $updated;