categoryManager = $categoryManager; $this->linkCache = $linkCache; $this->linkRenderer = $linkRenderer; $this->permissionManager = $permissionManager; $this->category = $category; if ( $category !== null ) { $this->categoryId = $categoryManager->getCategoryId( $category ); } else { $this->categoryId = null; } $this->namespaces = $namespaces; $this->exactMatch = $exactMatch; $this->title = $title; $this->throughTemplate = $throughTemplate ?: 'all'; $this->tag = $tag ?: 'all'; parent::__construct( $context ); } private function fillQueryBuilder( SelectQueryBuilder $queryBuilder ): void { $mainConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); $queryBuilder ->table( 'page' ) ->join( 'linter', null, 'page_id=linter_page' ) ->fields( LinkCache::getSelectFields() ) ->fields( [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'linter_id', 'linter_params', 'linter_start', 'linter_end', 'linter_cat' ] ); if ( $this->categoryId !== null ) { $queryBuilder->where( [ 'linter_cat' => $this->categoryId ] ); } if ( $this->title !== '' ) { $namespaces = $this->namespaces ?: [ NS_MAIN ]; // Specify page_namespace so that the index can be used (T360865) $queryBuilder->where( [ 'page_namespace' => $namespaces ] ); if ( $mainConfig->get( 'LinterUseNamespaceColumnStage' ) ) { // Also put a condition on linter_namespace, in case the DB // decides to put the linter table first $queryBuilder->where( [ 'linter_namespace' => $namespaces ] ); } if ( $this->exactMatch ) { $queryBuilder->where( [ 'page_title' => $this->title ] ); } else { $queryBuilder->where( $this->mDb->expr( 'page_title', IExpression::LIKE, new LikeValue( $this->title, $this->mDb->anyString() ) ) ); } } elseif ( $this->namespaces ) { $namespaceCol = $mainConfig->get( 'LinterUseNamespaceColumnStage' ) ? "linter_namespace" : "page_namespace"; $queryBuilder->where( [ $namespaceCol => $this->namespaces ] ); } if ( $mainConfig->get( 'LinterUserInterfaceTagAndTemplateStage' ) ) { if ( $this->throughTemplate !== 'all' ) { $op = ( $this->throughTemplate === 'with' ) ? '!=' : '='; $queryBuilder->where( $this->mDb->expr( 'linter_template', $op, '' ) ); } if ( $this->tag !== 'all' && ( new HtmlTags( $this ) )->checkAllowedHTMLTags( $this->tag ) ) { $queryBuilder->where( [ 'linter_tag' => $this->tag ] ); } } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getQueryInfo() { $queryBuilder = $this->mDb->newSelectQueryBuilder(); $this->fillQueryBuilder( $queryBuilder ); return $queryBuilder->getQueryInfo(); } protected function doBatchLookups() { foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) { $titleValue = new TitleValue( (int)$row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $this->linkCache->addGoodLinkObjFromRow( $titleValue, $row ); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function isFieldSortable( $field ) { return false; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return string * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function formatValue( $name, $value ) { $row = $this->mCurrentRow; // To support multiple lint errors of varying types for a single page, the // category is set each time based on the category set in the lint error $row // not by the class when lints are being reported by type for many pages $category = $this->category; if ( $category === null && $row->linter_cat !== null ) { $category = $this->categoryManager->getCategoryName( $row->linter_cat ); } else { $row->linter_cat = $this->categoryId; } $lintError = Database::makeLintError( $this->categoryManager, $row ); if ( !$lintError ) { return ''; } switch ( $name ) { case 'title': $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $viewLink = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $title ); $editMsgKey = $this->permissionManager->quickUserCan( 'edit', $this->getUser(), $title ) ? 'linter-page-edit' : 'linter-page-viewsource'; $editLink = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $title, $this->msg( $editMsgKey )->text(), [], [ 'action' => 'edit', 'lintid' => $lintError->lintId, ] ); $historyLink = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $title, $this->msg( 'linter-page-history' )->text(), [], [ 'action' => 'history' ] ); $editHistLinks = $this->getLanguage()->pipeList( [ $editLink, $historyLink ] ); return $this->msg( 'linter-page-title-edit' ) ->rawParams( $viewLink, $editHistLinks ) ->escaped(); case 'details': if ( $category !== null && $this->categoryManager->hasNameParam( $category ) && isset( $lintError->params['name'] ) ) { return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['name'] ); } elseif ( $category === 'bogus-image-options' && isset( $lintError->params['items'] ) ) { $list = array_map( static function ( $in ) { return Html::element( 'code', [], $in ); }, $lintError->params['items'] ); return $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $list ); } elseif ( $category === 'pwrap-bug-workaround' && isset( $lintError->params['root'] ) && isset( $lintError->params['child'] ) ) { return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['root'] . " > " . $lintError->params['child'] ); } elseif ( $category === 'tidy-whitespace-bug' && isset( $lintError->params['node'] ) && isset( $lintError->params['sibling'] ) ) { return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['node'] . " + " . $lintError->params['sibling'] ); } elseif ( $category === 'multi-colon-escape' && isset( $lintError->params['href'] ) ) { return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['href'] ); } elseif ( $category === 'multiline-html-table-in-list' ) { /* ancestor and name will be set */ return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['ancestorName'] . " > " . $lintError->params['name'] ); } elseif ( $category === 'misc-tidy-replacement-issues' ) { /* There will be a 'subtype' param to disambiguate */ return Html::element( 'code', [], $lintError->params['subtype'] ); } return ''; case 'template': if ( !$lintError->templateInfo ) { return '—'; } if ( isset( $lintError->templateInfo['multiPartTemplateBlock'] ) ) { return $this->msg( 'multi-part-template-block' )->escaped(); } else { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable Null checked above $templateName = $lintError->templateInfo['name']; // Parsoid provides us with fully qualified template title // So, fallback to the default main namespace $templateTitle = Title::newFromText( $templateName ); if ( !$templateTitle ) { // Shouldn't be possible...??? return '—'; } } return $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $templateTitle ); case 'category': return Html::element( 'code', [], $category ?? '' ); default: throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unexpected name: $name" ); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getDefaultSort() { return 'linter_id'; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getFieldNames() { $names = [ 'title' => $this->msg( 'linter-pager-title-header' )->text(), ]; if ( !$this->category ) { $names['category'] = $this->msg( 'linter-pager-category-header' )->text(); $names['details'] = $this->msg( "linter-pager-details-header" )->text(); } elseif ( !$this->categoryManager->hasNoParams( $this->category ) ) { $names['details'] = $this->msg( "linter-pager-{$this->category}-details" )->text(); } $names['template'] = $this->msg( "linter-pager-template-header" )->text(); return $names; } }