{ "comment": "Filter errors by details (T175177)", "before": { "name": "linter", "columns": [ { "name": "linter_id", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true, "autoincrement": true } }, { "name": "linter_page", "comment": "page id", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_namespace", "comment": "page namespace", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": false } }, { "name": "linter_cat", "comment": "error category (see CategoryManager::$categoryIds)", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_start", "comment": "end positions of where the error is located", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_end", "comment": "end positions of where the error is located", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_params", "comment": "extra parameters about the error, JSON encoded", "type": "blob", "options": { "length": 65530, "notnull": false } } ], "indexes": [ { "name": "linter_page", "comment": "Query by page", "columns": [ "linter_page" ], "unique": false }, { "name": "linter_cat_namespace", "comment": "Query by category and namespace", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_namespace" ], "unique": false }, { "name": "linter_cat_page_position", "comment": "Unique index for lint errors, also covers linter_cat for query by category", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_page", "linter_start", "linter_end" ], "unique": true } ], "pk": [ "linter_id" ] }, "after": { "name": "linter", "columns": [ { "name": "linter_id", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true, "autoincrement": true } }, { "name": "linter_page", "comment": "page id", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_namespace", "comment": "page namespace", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": false, "unsigned": false } }, { "name": "linter_cat", "comment": "error category (see CategoryManager::$categoryIds)", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_start", "comment": "end positions of where the error is located", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_end", "comment": "end positions of where the error is located", "type": "integer", "options": { "notnull": true, "unsigned": true } }, { "name": "linter_params", "comment": "extra parameters about the error, JSON encoded", "type": "blob", "options": { "length": 65530, "notnull": false } }, { "name": "linter_template", "comment": "name of a template if used or empty", "type": "binary", "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 255, "default": "" } }, { "name": "linter_tag", "comment": "name of tag if used or empty", "type": "binary", "options": { "notnull": true, "length": 32, "default": "" } } ], "indexes": [ { "name": "linter_page", "comment": "Query by page", "columns": [ "linter_page" ], "unique": false }, { "name": "linter_cat_namespace", "comment": "Query by category and namespace", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_namespace" ], "unique": false }, { "name": "linter_cat_page_position", "comment": "Unique index for lint errors, also covers linter_cat for query by category", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_page", "linter_start", "linter_end" ], "unique": true }, { "name": "linter_cat_template", "comment": "Query by template", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_template" ], "unique": false }, { "name": "linter_cat_tag", "comment": "Query by tag", "columns": [ "linter_cat", "linter_tag" ], "unique": false } ], "pk": [ "linter_id" ] } }