pageId = $pageId; $this->categoryManager = new CategoryManager(); } /** * Get a specific LintError by id * * @param int $id linter_id * @return bool|LintError */ public function getFromId( $id ) { $row = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->selectRow( 'linter', [ 'linter_cat', 'linter_params', 'linter_start', 'linter_end' ], [ 'linter_id' => $id, 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $row ) { $row->linter_id = $id; return $this->makeLintError( $row ); } else { return false; } } /** * Turn a database row into a LintError object * * @param \stdClass $row * @return LintError|bool false on error */ public static function makeLintError( $row ) { try { $name = ( new CategoryManager() )->getCategoryName( $row->linter_cat ); } catch ( MissingCategoryException $e ) { LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Linter' )->error( 'Could not find name for id: {linter_cat}', [ 'linter_cat' => $row->linter_cat ] ); return false; } return new LintError( $name, [ (int)$row->linter_start, (int)$row->linter_end ], $row->linter_params, $row->linter_cat, (int)$row->linter_id ); } /** * Get all the lint errors for a page * * @return LintError[] */ public function getForPage() { $rows = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->select( 'linter', [ 'linter_id', 'linter_cat', 'linter_start', 'linter_end', 'linter_params' ], [ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ], __METHOD__ ); $result = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $error = $this->makeLintError( $row ); if ( !$error ) { continue; } $result[$error->id()] = $error; } return $result; } /** * Convert a LintError object into an array for * inserting/querying in the database * * @param LintError $error * @return array */ private function serializeError( LintError $error ) { return [ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId, 'linter_cat' => $this->categoryManager->getCategoryId( $error->category, $error->catId ), 'linter_params' => FormatJson::encode( $error->params, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK ), 'linter_start' => $error->location[0], 'linter_end' => $error->location[1], ]; } /** * @param LintError[] $errors * @return array */ private function countByCat( array $errors ) { $count = []; foreach ( $errors as $error ) { if ( !isset( $count[$error->category] ) ) { $count[$error->category] = 1; } else { $count[$error->category] += 1; } } return $count; } /** * Save the specified lint errors in the * database * * @param LintError[] $errors * @return array [ 'deleted' => [ cat => count ], 'added' => [ cat => count ] ] */ public function setForPage( $errors ) { $previous = $this->getForPage(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY ); if ( !$previous && !$errors ) { return [ 'deleted' => [], 'added' => [] ]; } elseif ( !$previous && $errors ) { $toInsert = array_values( $errors ); $toDelete = []; } elseif ( $previous && !$errors ) { $dbw->delete( 'linter', [ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ], __METHOD__ ); return [ 'deleted' => $this->countByCat( $previous ), 'added' => [] ]; } else { $toInsert = []; $toDelete = $previous; // Diff previous and errors foreach ( $errors as $error ) { $uniqueId = $error->id(); if ( isset( $previous[$uniqueId] ) ) { unset( $toDelete[$uniqueId] ); } else { $toInsert[] = $error; } } } if ( $toDelete ) { $ids = []; foreach ( $toDelete as $lintError ) { if ( $lintError->lintId ) { $ids[] = $lintError->lintId; } } $dbw->delete( 'linter', [ 'linter_id' => $ids ], __METHOD__ ); } if ( $toInsert ) { // Insert into db, ignoring any duplicate key errors // since they're the same lint error $dbw->insert( 'linter', array_map( [ $this, 'serializeError' ], $toInsert ), __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); } return [ 'deleted' => $this->countByCat( $toDelete ), 'added' => $this->countByCat( $toInsert ), ]; } /** * @return int[] */ public function getTotalsForPage() { return $this->getTotalsAccurate( [ 'linter_page' => $this->pageId ] ); } /** * Get an estimate of how many rows are there for the * specified category with EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*). * If the category actually has no rows, then 0 will * be returned. * * @param int $catId * * @return int */ private function getTotalsEstimate( $catId ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); // First see if there are no rows, or a moderate number // within the limit specified by the MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT. // The distinction between 0, a few and a lot is important // to determine first, as estimateRowCount seem to never // return 0 or accurate low error counts. $rows = $dbr->selectRowCount( 'linter', '*', [ 'linter_cat' => $catId ], __METHOD__, // Select 1 more so we can see if we're over the max limit [ 'LIMIT' => self::MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT + 1 ] ); // Return an accurate count if the number of errors is // below the maximum accurate count limit if ( $rows <= self::MAX_ACCURATE_COUNT ) { return $rows; } // Now we can just estimate if the maximum accurate count limit // was returned, which isn't the actual count but the limit reached return $dbr->estimateRowCount( 'linter', '*', [ 'linter_cat' => $catId ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * This uses COUNT(*), which is accurate, but can be significantly * slower depending upon how many rows are in the database. * * @param array $conds * * @return int[] */ private function getTotalsAccurate( $conds = [] ) { $rows = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->select( 'linter', [ 'linter_cat', 'COUNT(*) AS count' ], $conds, __METHOD__, [ 'GROUP BY' => 'linter_cat' ] ); // Initialize zero values $ret = array_fill_keys( $this->categoryManager->getVisibleCategories(), 0 ); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { try { $catName = $this->categoryManager->getCategoryName( $row->linter_cat ); } catch ( MissingCategoryException $e ) { continue; } $ret[$catName] = (int)$row->count; } return $ret; } /** * @return int[] */ public function getTotals() { $ret = []; foreach ( $this->categoryManager->getVisibleCategories() as $cat ) { $id = $this->categoryManager->getCategoryId( $cat ); $ret[$cat] = $this->getTotalsEstimate( $id ); } return $ret; } }