{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Brad Jorsch", "Haikal Izzuddin", "Kunal Mehta", "xyx_is" ] }, "apihelp-query+linterrors-summary": "Get a list of lint errors", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-categories": "Categories of lint errors", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-invisible-categories": "Invisible categories of lint errors", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-limit": "Number of results to query", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-from": "Lint ID to start querying from", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-namespace": "Only include lint errors from the specified namespaces", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-pageid": "Only include lint errors from the specified page IDs", "apihelp-query+linterrors-param-title": "Only include lint errors from the specified page title", "apihelp-query+linterrors-example-1": "Get all lint errors of the obsolete-tag category", "apihelp-query+linterstats-summary": "Get number of lint errors in each category", "apihelp-query+linterstats-example-1": "Get number of lint errors in each category" }