linkRenderer = $linkRenderer; $this->jobQueueGroup = $jobQueueGroup; $this->wikiPageFactory = $wikiPageFactory; $this->parserOutputAccess = $parserOutputAccess; $this->categoryManager = $categoryManager; $this->totalsLookup = $totalsLookup; $this->database = $database; $this->parseOnDerivedDataUpdates = $config->get( 'LinterParseOnDerivedDataUpdate' ); } /** * Hook: BeforePageDisplay * * If there is a lintid parameter, look up that error in the database * and setup and output our client-side helpers * * @param OutputPage $out * @param Skin $skin */ public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void { $request = $out->getRequest(); $lintId = $request->getInt( 'lintid' ); if ( !$lintId ) { return; } $title = $out->getTitle(); if ( !$title ) { return; } $lintError = $this->database->getFromId( $lintId ); if ( !$lintError ) { // Already fixed or bogus URL parameter? return; } $out->addJsConfigVars( [ 'wgLinterErrorCategory' => $lintError->category, 'wgLinterErrorLocation' => $lintError->location, ] ); $out->addModules( 'ext.linter.edit' ); } /** * Hook: WikiPageDeletionUpdates * * Remove entries from the linter table upon page deletion * * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param Content $content * @param array &$updates */ public function onWikiPageDeletionUpdates( $wikiPage, $content, &$updates ) { // The article id of the title is set to 0 when the page is deleted so // capture it before creating the callback. $id = $wikiPage->getId(); $ns = $wikiPage->getNamespace(); $updates[] = new MWCallableUpdate( function () use ( $id, $ns ) { $this->totalsLookup->updateStats( $this->database->setForPage( $id, $ns, [] ) ); }, __METHOD__ ); } /** * This should match Parsoid's PageConfig::hasLintableContentModel() */ public const LINTABLE_CONTENT_MODELS = [ CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'proofread-page' ]; /** * Hook: RevisionFromEditComplete * * Remove entries from the linter table upon page content model change away from wikitext * * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param RevisionRecord $newRevisionRecord * @param bool|int $originalRevId * @param UserIdentity $user * @param string[] &$tags */ public function onRevisionFromEditComplete( $wikiPage, $newRevisionRecord, $originalRevId, $user, &$tags ) { // This is just a stop-gap to deal with callers that aren't complying // with the advertised hook signature. if ( !is_array( $tags ) ) { return; } if ( in_array( "mw-blank", $tags ) || ( in_array( "mw-contentmodelchange", $tags ) && !in_array( $wikiPage->getContentModel(), self::LINTABLE_CONTENT_MODELS ) ) ) { $this->totalsLookup->updateStats( $this->database->setForPage( $wikiPage->getId(), $wikiPage->getNamespace(), [] ) ); } } /** * Hook: APIQuerySiteInfoGeneralInfo * * Expose categories via action=query&meta=siteinfo * * @param ApiQuerySiteInfo $api * @param array &$data */ public function onAPIQuerySiteInfoGeneralInfo( $api, &$data ) { $data['linter'] = [ 'high' => $this->categoryManager->getHighPriority(), 'medium' => $this->categoryManager->getMediumPriority(), 'low' => $this->categoryManager->getLowPriority(), ]; } /** * Hook: InfoAction * * Display quick summary of errors for this page on ?action=info * * @param IContextSource $context * @param array &$pageInfo */ public function onInfoAction( $context, &$pageInfo ) { $title = $context->getTitle(); $pageId = $title->getArticleID(); if ( !$pageId ) { return; } $totals = array_filter( $this->database->getTotalsForPage( $pageId ) ); if ( !$totals ) { // No errors, yay! return; } foreach ( $totals as $name => $count ) { $pageInfo['linter'][] = [ $context->msg( "linter-category-$name" ), htmlspecialchars( (string)$count ) ]; } $pageInfo['linter'][] = [ 'below', $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'LintErrors' ), $context->msg( 'pageinfo-linter-moreinfo' )->text(), [], [ 'wpNamespaceRestrictions' => $title->getNamespace(), 'titlesearch' => $title->getText(), 'exactmatch' => 1 ] ), ]; } /** * Hook: ParserLogLinterData * * To record a lint errors. * * @param string $page * @param int $revision * @param array[] $data * @return bool */ public function onParserLogLinterData( string $page, int $revision, array $data ): bool { $errors = []; $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); if ( !$title || !$title->getArticleID() || $title->getLatestRevID() != $revision ) { return false; } $catCounts = []; foreach ( $data as $info ) { if ( $this->categoryManager->isKnownCategory( $info['type'] ) ) { // NOTE: Redundant with RecordLintJob, but why even create the job if ( !$this->categoryManager->isEnabled( $info['type'] ) ) { // Drop lints of these types for now continue; } $info[ 'dbid' ] = null; } elseif ( !isset( $info[ 'dbid' ] ) ) { continue; } $count = $catCounts[$info['type']] ?? 0; if ( $count > Database::MAX_PER_CAT ) { // Drop continue; } $catCounts[$info['type']] = $count + 1; if ( !isset( $info['dsr'] ) ) { LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Linter' )->warning( 'dsr for {page} @ rev {revid}, for lint: {lint} is missing', [ 'page' => $page, 'revid' => $revision, 'lint' => $info['type'], ] ); continue; } $info['location'] = array_slice( $info['dsr'], 0, 2 ); if ( !isset( $info['params'] ) ) { $info['params'] = []; } if ( isset( $info['templateInfo'] ) && $info['templateInfo'] ) { $info['params']['templateInfo'] = $info['templateInfo']; } $errors[] = $info; } LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Linter' )->debug( '{method}: Recording {numErrors} errors for {page}', [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'numErrors' => count( $errors ), 'page' => $page ] ); $job = new RecordLintJob( $title, [ 'errors' => $errors, 'revision' => $revision ], $this->totalsLookup, $this->database, $this->categoryManager ); try { $this->jobQueueGroup->push( $job ); } catch ( JobQueueError $e ) { // Since linting is currently tied up with read views, // don't let a failure to enqueue block a parse. LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Linter' )->debug( '{method}: Failed to inject job: "{msg}"!', [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'msg' => $e->getMessage(), ] ); } return true; } /** * @param Title $title * @param RenderedRevision $renderedRevision * @param DeferrableUpdate[] &$updates */ public function onRevisionDataUpdates( $title, $renderedRevision, &$updates ) { if ( !$this->parseOnDerivedDataUpdates ) { return; } if ( $renderedRevision->getOptions()->getUseParsoid() ) { // Parsoid was already used for the canonical parse, nothing to do: // onParserLogLinterData was already called. // This will be the case when parsoid page views are enabled. // Eventually, ParserLogLinterData will probably go away and we'll // have the lint data in the ParserOutput. We'll then just use // that data to create a RecordLintJob. return; } if ( !in_array( $title->getContentModel(), self::LINTABLE_CONTENT_MODELS ) ) { return; } $updates[] = new LintUpdate( $this->wikiPageFactory, $this->parserOutputAccess, $renderedRevision, ); } }