msg( 'linter-form-exact-match' )->escaped() => true, (string)$this->msg( 'linter-form-prefix-match' )->escaped() => false, ]; $namespaces = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getVal( "wpNamespaceRestrictions" ); $fields = [ 'NamespaceRestrictions' => [ 'type' => 'namespacesmultiselect', 'label' => $this->msg( 'linter-form-namespace' )->text(), 'exists' => true, 'cssclass' => 'mw-block-partial-restriction', 'default' => $namespaces, 'input' => [ 'autocomplete' => false ] ], 'titlefield' => [ 'type' => 'title', 'name' => $titleLabel, 'label-message' => 'linter-form-title-prefix', 'exists' => true, 'required' => false ], 'exactmatchradio' => [ 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'exactmatch', 'options' => $selectOptions, 'label-message' => 'linter-form-exact-or-prefix', 'default' => true ] ]; $mwServices = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $config = $mwServices->getMainConfig(); $enableUserInterfaceTagAndTemplateStage = $config->get( 'LinterUserInterfaceTagAndTemplateStage' ); if ( $enableUserInterfaceTagAndTemplateStage ) { $selectTemplateOptions = [ (string)$this->msg( 'linter-form-template-option-all' )->escaped() => 'all', (string)$this->msg( 'linter-form-template-option-with' )->escaped() => 'with', (string)$this->msg( 'linter-form-template-option-without' )->escaped() => 'without', ]; $htmlTags = new HtmlTags( $this ); $tagAndTemplateFields = [ 'tag' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'tag', 'label-message' => 'linter-form-tag', 'options' => $htmlTags->getAllowedHTMLTags() ], 'template' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'template', 'label-message' => 'linter-form-template', 'options' => $selectTemplateOptions ] ]; $fields = array_merge( $fields, $tagAndTemplateFields ); } $form = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $fields, $this->getContext() ); $form->setWrapperLegend( true ); if ( $this->category !== null ) { $form->addHeaderHtml( $this->msg( "linter-category-{$this->category}-desc" )->parse() ); } $form->setMethod( 'get' ); $form->prepareForm()->displayForm( false ); } /** * cleanTitle parses a title and handles a malformed titles, namespaces that are mismatched * and exact title searches that find no matching records, and produce appropriate error messages * * @param string $title * @param array $namespaces * @return array */ public function cleanTitle( string $title, $namespaces ): array { // Check all titles for malformation regardless of exact match or prefix match try { $titleElements = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTitleParser()->parseTitle( $title ); } catch ( MalformedTitleException $e ) { return [ 'titlefield' => null, 'error' => 'linter-invalid-title' ]; } // The drop-down namespace defaults to 'all' which is returned as a null, indicating match all namespaces. // If 'main' is selected in the drop-down, int 0 is returned. Other namespaces are returned as int values > 0. // // If the user does not specify a namespace in the title text box, parseTitle sets it to int 0 as the default. // If the user entered ':' (main) namespace as the namespace prefix of a title such as ":MyPageTitle", // parseTitle will also return int 0 as the namespace. Other valid system namespaces entered as prefixes // in the title text box are returned by parseTitle as int values > 0. // To determine if the user entered the ':' (main) namespace when int 0 is returned, a separate check for // the substring ':' at offset 0 must be performed. $titleNamespace = $titleElements->getNamespace(); // Determine if the user entered ':' (resolves to main) as the namespace part of the title, // or was it was set by default by parseTitle() to 0, but the user intended to search across 'all' namespaces. if ( $titleNamespace === 0 && $title[0] !== ':' ) { $titleNamespace = null; } if ( $namespaces && $titleNamespace !== null && !in_array( $titleNamespace, $namespaces ) ) { // Show the namespace mismatch error if the namespaces specified in drop-down and title text do not match. return [ 'titlefield' => null, 'error' => 'linter-namespace-mismatch' ]; } // If no namespaces are selected (null), return the namespace from the title text $namespaces = $namespaces ?: [ $titleNamespace ]; return [ 'titlefield' => $titleElements->getDBkey(), 'namespace' => $namespaces ]; } /** * @param OutputPage $out * @param string|null $message */ private function displayError( $out, $message ) { $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'error' ], $this->msg( $message )->text() ) ); } /** * Extract namespace settings from the request object, * returning an array of namespace id numbers * * @param WebRequest $request * @return array */ protected function findNamespaces( $request ) { $namespaces = []; $activeNamespaces = array_keys( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->getCanonicalNamespaces() ); // Remove -2 = "media" and -1 = "Special" namespace elements $activeNamespaces = array_filter( $activeNamespaces, static function ( $x ) { return $x >= 0; } ); if ( $request->getCheck( 'wpNamespaceRestrictions' ) ) { $namespaceRequestValues = $request->getRawVal( 'wpNamespaceRestrictions' ); $namespaceIDs = array_map( 'intval', explode( "\n", $namespaceRequestValues ) ); // Security measure: only allow active namespace IDs to reach the query $namespaces = array_values( array_intersect( $activeNamespaces, $namespaceIDs ) ); } return $namespaces; } /** * @param string|null $par */ public function execute( $par ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $params = $request->getQueryValues(); $this->setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader( $par || isset( $params[ 'titlesearch' ] ) ? 'disable-summary' : '' ); $namespaces = $this->findNamespaces( $request ); $exactMatch = $request->getBool( 'exactmatch', true ); $tagName = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'tag' ); // map command line tag name through an associative array to protect request from an SQL injection security risk $htmlTags = new HtmlTags( $this ); $allowedHtmlTags = $htmlTags->getAllowedHTMLTags(); $tag = $allowedHtmlTags[ $tagName ] ?? 'all'; $template = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'template' ); // If the request contains a 'titlesearch' parameter, then the user entered a page title // or just the first few characters of the title. They also may have entered the first few characters // of a custom namespace (just the text before a ':') to search for and pressed the associated Submit button. // Added the pageback parameter to inform the code that the '<- Special:LintErrors' link had been used to allow // the UI to redisplay with previous form values, instead of just resubmitting the query. if ( $par === null && isset( $params[ 'titlesearch' ] ) && !isset( $params[ 'pageback'] ) ) { unset( $params[ 'title' ] ); $params = array_merge( [ 'pageback' => true ], $params ); $out->addBacklinkSubtitle( $this->getPageTitle(), $params ); $title = $request->getText( 'titlesearch' ); $titleSearch = $this->cleanTitle( $title, $namespaces ); if ( $titleSearch[ 'titlefield' ] !== null ) { $out->setPageTitleMsg( $this->msg( 'linter-prefix-search-subpage', $titleSearch[ 'titlefield' ] ) ); $catManager = new CategoryManager(); $pager = new LintErrorsPager( $this->getContext(), null, $this->getLinkRenderer(), $catManager, $namespaces, $exactMatch, $titleSearch[ 'titlefield' ], $template, $tag ); $out->addParserOutput( $pager->getFullOutput() ); } else { $this->displayError( $out, $titleSearch[ 'error' ] ); } return; } $catManager = new CategoryManager(); if ( in_array( $par, $this->getSubpagesForPrefixSearch() ) ) { $this->category = $par; } if ( !$this->category ) { $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Extension:Linter' ); $this->showCategoryListings( $catManager ); } else { $this->addHelpLink( "Help:Lint_errors/{$this->category}" ); $out->setPageTitleMsg( $this->msg( 'linterrors-subpage', $this->msg( "linter-category-{$this->category}" )->text() ) ); $out->addBacklinkSubtitle( $this->getPageTitle() ); $title = $request->getText( 'titlecategorysearch' ); // For category-based searches, allow an undefined title to display all records if ( $title === '' ) { $titleCategorySearch = [ 'titlefield' => '', 'namespace' => $namespaces, 'pageid' => null ]; } else { $titleCategorySearch = $this->cleanTitle( $title, $namespaces ); } if ( $titleCategorySearch[ 'titlefield' ] !== null ) { $this->showFilterForm( 'titlecategorysearch' ); $pager = new LintErrorsPager( $this->getContext(), $this->category, $this->getLinkRenderer(), $catManager, $namespaces, $exactMatch, $titleCategorySearch[ 'titlefield' ], $template, $tag ); $out->addParserOutput( $pager->getFullOutput() ); } else { $this->displayError( $out, $titleCategorySearch[ 'error' ] ); } } } /** * @param string $priority * @param int[] $totals name => count * @param string[] $categories */ private function displayList( $priority, $totals, array $categories ) { $out = $this->getOutput(); $msgName = 'linter-heading-' . $priority . '-priority'; $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', [], $this->msg( $msgName )->text() ) ); $out->addHTML( $this->buildCategoryList( $categories, $totals ) ); } /** */ private function displaySearchPage() { $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', [], $this->msg( "linter-lints-prefix-search-page-desc" )->text() ) ); $this->showFilterForm( 'titlesearch' ); } /** * @param CategoryManager $catManager */ private function showCategoryListings( CategoryManager $catManager ) { $lookup = new TotalsLookup( $catManager, MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache() ); $totals = $lookup->getTotals(); // Display lint issues by priority $this->displayList( 'high', $totals, $catManager->getHighPriority() ); $this->displayList( 'medium', $totals, $catManager->getMediumPriority() ); $this->displayList( 'low', $totals, $catManager->getLowPriority() ); $this->displaySearchPage(); } /** * @param string[] $cats * @param int[] $totals name => count * @return string */ private function buildCategoryList( array $cats, array $totals ) { $linkRenderer = $this->getLinkRenderer(); $html = Html::openElement( 'ul' ) . "\n"; foreach ( $cats as $cat ) { $html .= Html::rawElement( 'li', [], $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $this->getPageTitle( $cat ), $this->msg( "linter-category-$cat" )->text() ) . ' ' . Html::element( 'bdi', [], $this->msg( "linter-numerrors" )->numParams( $totals[$cat] )->text() ) ) . "\n"; } $html .= Html::closeElement( 'ul' ); return $html; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getGroupName() { return 'maintenance'; } /** * @return string[] */ protected function getSubpagesForPrefixSearch() { $categoryManager = new CategoryManager(); return array_merge( $categoryManager->getVisibleCategories(), $categoryManager->getInvisibleCategories() ); } }