'Gadgets', 'version' => preg_replace('/^.* (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d) .*$/', '\1', '$LastChangedDate$'), #just the date of the last change 'author' => 'Daniel Kinzler', 'url' => 'http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Gadgets', 'description' => 'lets users select custom javascript gadgets', 'descriptionmsg' => 'gadgets-desc', ); $wgHooks['InitPreferencesForm'][] = 'wfGadgetsInitPreferencesForm'; $wgHooks['RenderPreferencesForm'][] = 'wfGadgetsRenderPreferencesForm'; $wgHooks['ResetPreferences'][] = 'wfGadgetsResetPreferences'; $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'wfGadgetsBeforePageDisplay'; $wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 'wfGadgetsArticleSaveComplete'; $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['Gadgets'] = $dir . 'Gadgets.i18n.php'; $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialGadgets'] = $dir . 'SpecialGadgets.php'; $wgSpecialPages['Gadgets'] = 'SpecialGadgets'; function wfGadgetsArticleSaveComplete( &$article, &$wgUser, &$text ) { //update cache if MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition was edited $title = $article->mTitle; if( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI && $title->getText() == 'Gadgets-definition' ) { wfLoadGadgetsStructured( $text ); } return true; } function wfLoadGadgets() { static $gadgets = NULL; if ( $gadgets !== NULL ) return $gadgets; $struct = wfLoadGadgetsStructured(); if ( !$struct ) { $gadgets = $struct; return $gadgets; } $gadgets = array(); foreach ( $struct as $section => $entries ) { $gadgets = array_merge( $gadgets, $entries ); } return $gadgets; } function wfLoadGadgetsStructured( $forceNewText = NULL ) { global $wgContLang; global $wgMemc, $wgDBname; static $gadgets = NULL; if ( $gadgets !== NULL && $forceNewText !== NULL ) return $gadgets; $key = "$wgDBname:gadgets-definition"; if ( $forceNewText == NULL ) { //cached? $gadgets = $wgMemc->get( $key ); if ( $gadgets !== NULL ) return $gadgets; $g = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( "gadgets-definition" ); if ( wfEmptyMsg( "gadgets-definition", $g ) ) { $gadgets = false; return $gadgets; } } else { $g = $forceNewText; } $g = preg_replace( '//s', '', $g ); $g = preg_split( '/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/', $g ); $gadgets = array(); $section = ''; foreach ( $g as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^==+ *([^*:\s|]+?)\s*==+\s*$/', $line, $m ) ) { $section = $m[1]; } else if ( preg_match( '/^\*+ *([a-zA-Z](?:[-_:.\w\d ]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)\s*((\|[^|]*)+)\s*$/', $line, $m ) ) { //NOTE: the gadget name is used as part of the name of a form field, // and must follow the rules defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-cdata // Also, title-normalization applies. $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $m[1] ); $code = preg_split( '/\s*\|\s*/', $m[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); if ( $code ) { $gadgets[$section][$name] = $code; } } } //cache for a while. gets purged automatically when MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition is edited $wgMemc->set( $key, $gadgets, 900 ); wfDebug("wfLoadGadgetsStructured: MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition parsed, cache entry $key updated\n"); return $gadgets; } function wfGadgetsInitPreferencesForm( &$prefs, &$request ) { $gadgets = wfLoadGadgets(); if ( !$gadgets ) return true; foreach ( $gadgets as $gname => $code ) { $tname = "gadget-$gname"; $prefs->mToggles[$tname] = $request->getCheck( "wpOp$tname" ) ? 1 : 0; } return true; } function wfGadgetsResetPreferences( &$prefs, &$user ) { $gadgets = wfLoadGadgets(); if ( !$gadgets ) return true; foreach ( $gadgets as $gname => $code ) { $tname = "gadget-$gname"; $prefs->mToggles[$tname] = $user->getOption( $tname ); } return true; } function wfGadgetsRenderPreferencesForm( &$prefs, &$out ) { $gadgets = wfLoadGadgetsStructured(); if ( !$gadgets ) return true; wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'Gadgets' ); $out->addHtml( "\n
\n\n" ); return true; } function wfGadgetsBeforePageDisplay( &$out ) { global $wgUser, $wgTitle; if ( !$wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) return true; //disable all gadgets on Special:Preferences if ( $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) { $name = SpecialPage::resolveAlias( $wgTitle->getText() ); if ( $name == "Preferences" ) return true; } $gadgets = wfLoadGadgets(); if ( !$gadgets ) return true; $done = array(); foreach ( $gadgets as $gname => $code ) { $tname = "gadget-$gname"; if ( $wgUser->getOption( $tname ) ) { wfApplyGadgetCode( $code, $out, $done ); } } return true; } function wfApplyGadgetCode( $code, &$out, &$done ) { global $wgSkin, $wgJsMimeType; //FIXME: stuff added via $out->addScript appears below usercss and userjs in the head tag. // but we'd want it to appear above explicit user stuff, so it can be overwritten. foreach ( $code as $codePage ) { //include only once if ( isset( $done[$codePage] ) ) continue; $done[$codePage] = true; $t = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Gadget-$codePage" ); if ( !$t ) continue; if ( preg_match( '/\.js/', $codePage ) ) { $u = $t->getLocalURL( 'action=raw&ctype=' . $wgJsMimeType ); $out->addScript( '' . "\n" ); } else if ( preg_match( '/\.css/', $codePage ) ) { $u = $t->getLocalURL( 'action=raw&ctype=text/css' ); $out->addScript( '' . "\n" ); } } }