[ 'type check callback', * 'type name' [, 'member type check callback', 'member type name'] ] */ protected static $propertyValidation = [ 'settings' => [ 'is_array', 'array' ], 'settings.actions' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.categories' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.category' => [ 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.contentModels' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.default' => [ 'is_bool', 'boolean' ], 'settings.hidden' => [ 'is_bool', 'boolean' ], 'settings.namespaces' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_int', 'integer' ], 'settings.package' => [ 'is_bool', 'boolean' ], 'settings.requiresES6' => [ 'is_bool', 'boolean' ], 'settings.rights' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.skins' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'settings.supportsUrlLoad' => [ 'is_bool', 'boolean' ], 'module' => [ 'is_array', 'array' ], 'module.dependencies' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'module.messages' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'module.pages' => [ 'is_array', 'array', [ __CLASS__, 'isValidTitleSuffix' ], '.js, .css or .json page' ], 'module.peers' => [ 'is_array', 'array', 'is_string', 'string' ], 'module.type' => [ [ __CLASS__, 'isValidType' ], 'general or styles' ], ]; public static function isValidTitleSuffix( string $title ): bool { return str_ends_with( $title, '.js' ) || str_ends_with( $title, '.css' ) || str_ends_with( $title, '.json' ); } public static function isValidType( string $type ): bool { return $type === '' || $type === 'general' || $type === 'styles'; } /** * Check the validity of the given properties array * @param array $properties Return value of FormatJson::decode( $blob, true ) * @param bool $tolerateMissing If true, don't complain about missing keys * @return Status object with error message if applicable */ public function validate( array $properties, $tolerateMissing = false ) { foreach ( self::$propertyValidation as $property => $validation ) { $path = explode( '.', $property ); $val = $properties; // Walk down and verify that the path from the root to this property exists foreach ( $path as $p ) { if ( !array_key_exists( $p, $val ) ) { if ( $tolerateMissing ) { // Skip validation of this property altogether continue 2; } return Status::newFatal( 'gadgets-validate-notset', $property ); } $val = $val[$p]; } // Do the actual validation of this property $func = $validation[0]; if ( !call_user_func( $func, $val ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'gadgets-validate-wrongtype', $property, $validation[1], gettype( $val ) ); } if ( isset( $validation[2] ) && isset( $validation[3] ) && is_array( $val ) ) { // Descend into the array and check the type of each element $func = $validation[2]; foreach ( $val as $i => $v ) { if ( !call_user_func( $func, $v ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'gadgets-validate-wrongtype', "{$property}[{$i}]", $validation[3], gettype( $v ) ); } } } } return Status::newGood(); } }