*/ /** * Special:GadgetUsage - Lists all the gadgets on the wiki along with number of users. * @ingroup SpecialPage */ class SpecialGadgetUsage extends QueryPage { function __construct( $name = 'GadgetUsage' ) { parent::__construct( $name ); $this->limit = 1000; // Show all gadgets $this->shownavigation = false; } public function isExpensive() { return true; } public function getQueryInfo() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); return array( 'tables' => array( 'user_properties' ), 'fields' => array( 'title' => 'up_property', 'value' => 'SUM( up_value )', 'namespace' => NS_GADGET ), 'conds' => array( 'up_property' . $dbr->buildLike( 'gadget-', $dbr->anyString() ) ), 'options' => array( 'GROUP BY' => array( 'up_property' ) ) ); } public function getOrderFields() { return array( 'up_property' ); } /** * Output the start of the table * Including opening , and first with column headers. */ protected function outputTableStart() { $html = Html::openElement( 'table', array( 'class' => array( 'sortable', 'wikitable' ) ) ); $html .= Html::openElement( 'tr', array() ); $headers = array( 'gadgetusage-gadget', 'gadgetusage-usercount' ); foreach( $headers as $h ) { $html .= Html::element( 'th', array(), $this->msg( $h )->text() ); } $html .= Html::closeElement( 'tr' ); $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $html ); } /** * @param Skin $skin * @param object $result Result row * @return string|bool String of HTML */ public function formatResult( $skin, $result ) { $gadgetTitle = substr( $result->title, 7 ); $gadgetUserCount = $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $result->value ); if ( $gadgetTitle ) { $html = Html::openElement( 'tr', array() ); $html .= Html::element( 'td', array(), $gadgetTitle ); $html .= Html::element( 'td', array(), $gadgetUserCount ); $html .= Html::closeElement( 'tr' ); return $html; } return false; } /** * Format and output report results using the given information plus * OutputPage * * @param OutputPage $out OutputPage to print to * @param Skin $skin User skin to use * @param IDatabase $dbr Database (read) connection to use * @param ResultWrapper $res Result pointer * @param int $num Number of available result rows * @param int $offset Paging offset */ protected function outputResults( $out, $skin, $dbr, $res, $num, $offset ) { if ( $num > 0 ) { $this->outputTableStart(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $line = $this->formatResult( $skin, $row ); if ( $line ) { $out->addHTML( $line ); } } // Close table element $out->addHtml( Html::closeElement( 'table' ) ); } else { $out->addHtml( $this->msg( 'gadgetusage-noresults' )->parseAsBlock() ); } } protected function getGroupName() { return 'wiki'; } }