showExportForm( $parts[1] ); } else { $this->showMainForm(); } } /** * Displays form showing the list of installed gadgets */ public function showMainForm() { global $wgContLang; $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->setHeaders(); $output->setPagetitle( $this->msg( 'gadgets-title' ) ); $output->addWikiMsg( 'gadgets-pagetext' ); $gadgets = GadgetRepo::singleton()->getStructuredList(); if ( !$gadgets ) { return; } $output->disallowUserJs(); $lang = $this->getLanguage(); $langSuffix = ""; if ( $lang->getCode() != $wgContLang->getCode() ) { $langSuffix = "/" . $lang->getCode(); } $listOpen = false; $editInterfaceMessage = $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'editinterface' ) ? 'edit' : 'viewsource'; foreach ( $gadgets as $section => $entries ) { if ( $section !== false && $section !== '' ) { $t = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Gadget-section-$section$langSuffix" ); $lnkTarget = $t ? Linker::link( $t, $this->msg( $editInterfaceMessage )->escaped(), array(), array( 'action' => 'edit' ) ) : htmlspecialchars( $section ); $lnk = "    [$lnkTarget]"; $ttext = $this->msg( "gadget-section-$section" )->parse(); if ( $listOpen ) { $output->addHTML( Xml::closeElement( 'ul' ) . "\n" ); $listOpen = false; } $output->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'h2', array(), $ttext . $lnk ) . "\n" ); } /** * @var $gadget Gadget */ foreach ( $entries as $gadget ) { $t = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Gadget-{$gadget->getName()}$langSuffix" ); if ( !$t ) { continue; } $links = array(); $links[] = Linker::link( $t, $this->msg( $editInterfaceMessage )->escaped(), array(), array( 'action' => 'edit' ) ); $links[] = Linker::link( $this->getPageTitle( "export/{$gadget->getName()}" ), $this->msg( 'gadgets-export' )->escaped() ); $ttext = $this->msg( "gadget-{$gadget->getName()}" )->parse(); if ( !$listOpen ) { $listOpen = true; $output->addHTML( Xml::openElement( 'ul' ) ); } $lnk = '  ' . $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $lang->pipeList( $links ) )->escaped(); $output->addHTML( Xml::openElement( 'li' ) . $ttext . $lnk . "
" . $this->msg( 'gadgets-uses' )->escaped() . $this->msg( 'colon-separator' )->escaped() ); $lnk = array(); foreach ( $gadget->getScriptsAndStyles() as $codePage ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $codePage ); if ( !$t ) { continue; } $lnk[] = Linker::link( $t, htmlspecialchars( $t->getText() ) ); } $output->addHTML( $lang->commaList( $lnk ) ); if ( $gadget->getLegacyScripts() ) { $output->addHTML( '
' . Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'class' => 'mw-gadget-legacy errorbox' ), $this->msg( 'gadgets-legacy' )->parse() ) ); } $rights = array(); foreach ( $gadget->getRequiredRights() as $right ) { $rights[] = '* ' . $this->msg( "right-$right" )->plain(); } if ( count( $rights ) ) { $output->addHTML( '
' . $this->msg( 'gadgets-required-rights', implode( "\n", $rights ), count( $rights ) )->parse() ); } $requiredSkins = $gadget->getRequiredSkins(); // $requiredSkins can be an array or true (if all skins are supported) if ( is_array( $requiredSkins ) ) { $skins = array(); $validskins = Skin::getSkinNames(); foreach ( $requiredSkins as $skinid ) { if ( isset( $validskins[$skinid] ) ) { $skins[] = $this->msg( "skinname-$skinid" )->plain(); } else { $skins[] = $skinid; } } if ( count( $skins ) ) { $output->addHTML( '
' . $this->msg( 'gadgets-required-skins', $lang->commaList( $skins ) ) ->numParams( count( $skins ) )->parse() ); } } if ( $gadget->isOnByDefault() ) { $output->addHTML( '
' . $this->msg( 'gadgets-default' )->parse() ); } $output->addHTML( Xml::closeElement( 'li' ) . "\n" ); } } if ( $listOpen ) { $output->addHTML( Xml::closeElement( 'ul' ) . "\n" ); } } /** * Exports a gadget with its dependencies in a serialized form * @param $gadget String Name of gadget to export */ public function showExportForm( $gadget ) { global $wgScript; $output = $this->getOutput(); try { $g = GadgetRepo::singleton()->getGadget( $gadget ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) { $output->showErrorPage( 'error', 'gadgets-not-found', array( $gadget ) ); return; } $this->setHeaders(); $output->setPagetitle( $this->msg( 'gadgets-export-title' ) ); $output->addWikiMsg( 'gadgets-export-text', $gadget, $g->getDefinition() ); $exportList = "MediaWiki:gadget-$gadget\n"; foreach ( $g->getScriptsAndStyles() as $page ) { $exportList .= "$page\n"; } $output->addHTML( Html::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript ) ) . Html::hidden( 'title', SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Export' )->getPrefixedDBKey() ) . Html::hidden( 'pages', $exportList ) . Html::hidden( 'wpDownload', '1' ) . Html::hidden( 'templates', '1' ) . Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'gadgets-export-download' )->text() ) . Html::closeElement( 'form' ) ); } protected function getGroupName() { return 'wiki'; } }