* Use message prefixes to keep namespaces clean: 'gadget-' for gadget name and code, 'gadget-section-' for gadget sections
* Make link behavior consistent with capitallinks off
* Put headings outside the list in Special:Gadgets
* Some general code cleanup (ditch references, etc)
* Fixes and additions to 52 extensions for ar, cs, es, fi, frp, hsb, hu, la, nl, oc, pl, sk, tet
* change indentation for export of a few extension's messages in Translate/MessageGroups.php
* Fixes and additions to 45 extensions for pl, pms, pt, ro, sk, sr-ec, sr-el, su, sv, tet, tr, vi, wa, yue, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk
* export format in extension Translate and indentation changed in a few i18n files (BookInformation, Patroller, SpamBlacklist, SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi, UsernameBlacklist, WebStore)
* Fixes and additions to 40 extensions for gl, hsb, id, is, it, ja, kk-kz, kk-tr, nl, no, oc
* export format in extension Translate and indentation changed in: GiveRollback, ImageMap, Newuserlog, OggHandler, Oversight, ParserFunctions, ProofreadPage, Resign/SpecialResign
* Fixes and additions to 34 extensions for fr
* export format for ContributorsMessageGroup, FancyCaptchaMessageGroup, MediaFunctionsMessageGroup, PicturePopupMessageGroup, ProfileMonitorMessageGroup changed
* indentation for Contributors.i18n.php, FancyCaptcha.i18n.php, MediaFunctions.i18n.php, PicturePopup.i18n.php, ProfileMonitor.i18n.php changed