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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Api;
// @phan-file-suppress PhanUndeclaredMethod This is a trait, and phan is confused by $this
use Exception;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\ForeignNotifications;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\ForeignWikiRequest;
use MediaWiki\WikiMap\WikiMap;
use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\ParamValidator;
* Trait that adds cross-wiki functionality to an API module. For mixing into ApiBase subclasses.
* In addition to mixing in this trait, you have to do the following in your API module:
* - In your getAllowedParams() method, merge in the return value of getCrossWikiParams()
* - In your execute() method, call getFromForeign() somewhere and do something with the result
* - Optionally, override getForeignQueryParams() to customize what is sent to the foreign wikis
trait ApiCrossWiki {
* @var ForeignNotifications
protected $foreignNotifications;
* This will take the current API call (with all of its params) and execute
* it on all foreign wikis, returning an array of results per wiki.
* @param array|null $wikis List of wikis to query. Defaults to the result of getRequestedForeignWikis().
* @param array $paramOverrides Request parameter overrides
* @return array[]
* @throws Exception
protected function getFromForeign( array $wikis = null, array $paramOverrides = [] ) {
$wikis ??= $this->getRequestedForeignWikis();
if ( $wikis === [] ) {
return [];
$tokenType = $this->needsToken();
$foreignReq = new ForeignWikiRequest(
$paramOverrides + $this->getForeignQueryParams(),
$this->getModulePrefix() . 'wikis',
$tokenType !== false ? $tokenType : null
return $foreignReq->execute( $this->getRequest() );
* Get the query parameters to use for the foreign API requests.
* Implementing classes should override this if they need to customize
* the parameters.
* @return array Query parameters
protected function getForeignQueryParams() {
return $this->getRequest()->getValues();
* @return bool
protected function allowCrossWikiNotifications() {
global $wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications;
return $wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications;
* This is basically equivalent to $params['wikis'], but some added checks:
* - `*` will expand to "all wikis with unread notifications"
* - if `$wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications` is off, foreign wikis will be excluded
* @return string[]
protected function getRequestedWikis() {
$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
// if wiki is omitted from params, that's because crosswiki is/was not
// available, and it'll default to current wiki
$wikis = $params['wikis'] ?? [ WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId() ];
if ( in_array( '*', $wikis ) ) {
// expand `*` to all foreign wikis with unread notifications + local
$wikis = array_merge(
[ WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId() ],
if ( !$this->allowCrossWikiNotifications() ) {
// exclude foreign wikis if x-wiki is not enabled
$wikis = array_intersect_key( [ WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId() ], $wikis );
return $wikis;
* @return string[] Wiki names
protected function getRequestedForeignWikis() {
return array_diff( $this->getRequestedWikis(), [ WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId() ] );
* @return ForeignNotifications
protected function getForeignNotifications() {
if ( $this->foreignNotifications === null ) {
$this->foreignNotifications = new ForeignNotifications( $this->getUser() );
return $this->foreignNotifications;
* @return string[] Wiki names
protected function getForeignWikisWithUnreadNotifications() {
return $this->getForeignNotifications()->getWikis();
* @return array[]
public function getCrossWikiParams() {
global $wgConf;
$params = [];
if ( $this->allowCrossWikiNotifications() ) {
$params += [
// fetch notifications from multiple wikis
'wikis' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId(),
// `*` will let you immediately fetch from all wikis that have
// unread notifications, without having to look them up first
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => array_unique(
[ WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId(), '*' ]
return $params;