bsitu d44ed993a2 Add email bundling function to Echo notification
* This patch needs intensive testing on Redis delayed job queue
* This patch is -2 mainly for redis/phpredis are not ready on test/test2/mediawiki

To test this locally, you need to:
* set up Redis and phpredis locally
* add the following to localSettings.php
    $wgJobTypeConf['MWEchoNotificationEmailBundleJob'] = array(
        'class'       => 'JobQueueRedis',
        'redisServer' => '',
        'redisConfig' => array( 'connectTimeout' => 1 ),
        'claimTTL'    => 3600,
        'checkDelay'  => true
* set $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_DB or memcache
* set $wgEchoBundleEmailInterval to smaller number for testing purpose, 0 to disable email bundling

Change-Id: I9313e7f6ed3e13478cec294b5b8408fe8e941faf
2013-04-11 11:25:14 -07:00

43 lines
2.5 KiB

-- Database Schema for Echo notification system
CREATE TABLE /*_*/echo_event (
event_id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
event_type varchar(64) binary not null,
event_variant varchar(64) binary null,
event_agent_id int unsigned null, -- The user who triggered it, if any
event_agent_ip varchar(39) binary null, -- IP address who triggered it, if any
event_page_namespace int unsigned null,
event_page_title varchar(255) binary null,
event_extra BLOB NULL
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/event_type ON /*_*/echo_event (event_type);
CREATE TABLE /*_*/echo_notification (
notification_event int unsigned not null,
notification_user int unsigned not null,
notification_timestamp binary(14) not null,
notification_read_timestamp binary(14) null,
notification_bundle_base boolean not null default 1,
notification_bundle_hash varchar(32) binary not null, -- The hash for bundling notifications regardless of timestamp
notification_bundle_display_hash varchar(32) binary not null -- The hash for displaying bundle notifications with regard to timestamp, this is is a subset of notification_bundle_hash
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE INDEX /*i*/user_timestamp ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user,notification_timestamp);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/user_event ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user,notification_event);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/echo_notification_user_base_read_timestamp ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user, notification_bundle_base, notification_read_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/echo_notification_user_base_timestamp ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user, notification_bundle_base, notification_timestamp, notification_event);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/echo_notification_user_hash_timestamp ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user, notification_bundle_hash, notification_timestamp);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/echo_notification_user_hash_base_timestamp ON /*_*/echo_notification (notification_user, notification_bundle_display_hash, notification_bundle_base, notification_timestamp);
CREATE TABLE /*_*/echo_email_batch (
eeb_id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
eeb_user_id int unsigned not null,
eeb_event_priority tinyint unsigned not null default 10, -- event priority
eeb_event_id int unsigned not null,
eeb_event_hash varchar(32) binary not null
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/echo_email_batch_user_event ON /*_*/echo_email_batch (eeb_user_id,eeb_event_id);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/echo_email_batch_user_hash_priority ON /*_*/echo_email_batch (eeb_user_id, eeb_event_hash, eeb_event_priority);