Stephane Bisson eb873aaa60 Include cross-wiki notifications in unread count
* Client-side only. The backend already counts those.

Bug: T124109
Change-Id: I62e49524bc8cea1ef2d77255e29ff8a919bd1ee7
2016-02-29 16:02:05 -05:00

1170 lines
41 KiB

use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
class EchoHooks {
const EMAIL_NEVER = -1; // Never send email notifications
const EMAIL_IMMEDIATELY = 0; // Send email notificaitons immediately as they come in
const EMAIL_DAILY_DIGEST = 1; // Send daily email digests
const EMAIL_WEEKLY_DIGEST = 7; // Send weekly email digests
const EMAIL_FORMAT_HTML = 'html';
const EMAIL_FORMAT_PLAIN_TEXT = 'plain-text';
* Initialize Echo extension with necessary data, this function is invoked
* from $wgExtensionFunctions
public static function initEchoExtension() {
global $wgEchoNotifications, $wgEchoNotificationCategories, $wgEchoNotificationIcons,
// allow extensions to define their own event
Hooks::run( 'BeforeCreateEchoEvent', array( &$wgEchoNotifications, &$wgEchoNotificationCategories, &$wgEchoNotificationIcons ) );
// turn schema off if eventLogging is not enabled
if ( !class_exists( 'EventLogging' ) ) {
foreach ( $wgEchoConfig['eventlogging'] as $schema => $property ) {
if ( $property['enabled'] ) {
$wgEchoConfig['eventlogging'][$schema]['enabled'] = false;
public static function getNotificationSenderName() {
global $wgNotificationSenderName;
if ( $wgNotificationSenderName === null ) {
$wgNotificationSenderName = wfMessage( 'emailsender' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
return $wgNotificationSenderName;
* ResourceLoaderTestModules hook handler
* @see
* @param array $testModules
* @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader
* @return bool
public static function onResourceLoaderTestModules( array &$testModules,
ResourceLoader $resourceLoader
) {
global $wgResourceModules;
$testModuleBoilerplate = array(
'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
'remoteExtPath' => 'Echo',
// find test files for every RL module
$prefix = 'ext.echo';
foreach ( $wgResourceModules as $key => $module ) {
if ( substr( $key, 0, strlen( $prefix ) ) === $prefix && isset( $module['scripts'] ) ) {
$testFiles = array();
foreach ( $module['scripts'] as $script ) {
$testFile = 'tests/qunit/' . dirname( $script ) . '/test_' . basename( $script );
// if a test file exists for a given JS file, add it
if ( file_exists( $testModuleBoilerplate['localBasePath'] . '/' . $testFile ) ) {
$testFiles[] = $testFile;
// if test files exist for given module, create a corresponding test module
if ( count( $testFiles ) > 0 ) {
$testModules['qunit']["$key.tests"] = $testModuleBoilerplate + array(
'dependencies' => array( $key ),
'scripts' => $testFiles,
return true;
public static function onEventLoggingRegisterSchemas( array &$schemas ) {
global $wgEchoConfig;
foreach ( $wgEchoConfig['eventlogging'] as $schema => $property ) {
if ( $property['enabled'] && $property['client'] ) {
$schemas[$schema] = $property['revision'];
* Handler for ResourceLoaderRegisterModules hook
public static function onResourceLoaderRegisterModules( ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) {
global $wgEchoConfig;
// ext.echo.logger is used by mobile notifications as well, so be sure not to add any
// dependencies that do not target mobile.
$definition = array(
'position' => 'top',
'scripts' => array(
'dependencies' => array(
'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/modules',
'remoteExtPath' => 'Echo/modules',
'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ),
$hasSchemas = false;
foreach ( $wgEchoConfig['eventlogging'] as $schema => $property ) {
if ( $property['enabled'] && $property['client'] ) {
$definition['dependencies'][] = 'schema.' . $schema;
$hasSchemas = true;
if ( $hasSchemas ) {
$definition['dependencies'][] = 'ext.eventLogging';
$resourceLoader->register( 'ext.echo.logger', $definition );
* @param $updater DatabaseUpdater object
public static function onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates( DatabaseUpdater $updater ) {
global $wgEchoCluster;
if ( $wgEchoCluster !== false ) {
// DatabaseUpdater does not support other databases, so skip
$dir = __DIR__;
$baseSQLFile = "$dir/echo.sql";
$updater->addExtensionTable( 'echo_event', $baseSQLFile );
$updater->addExtensionTable( 'echo_email_batch', "$dir/db_patches/echo_email_batch.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionTable( 'echo_target_page', "$dir/db_patches/echo_target_page.sql" );
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() === 'sqlite' ) {
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_agent', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_agent-split.sqlite.sql" );
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_variant', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_variant_nullability.sqlite.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionField( 'echo_target_page', 'etp_id', "$dir/db_patches/patch-multiple_target_pages.sqlite.sql" );
// There is no need to run the patch-event_extra-size or patch-event_agent_ip-size because
// sqlite ignores numeric arguments in parentheses that follow the type name (ex: VARCHAR(255))
// see Section 2.2 for more info
} else {
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_agent', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_agent-split.sql" );
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_variant', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_variant_nullability.sql" );
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_extra', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_extra-size.sql" );
$updater->modifyExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_agent_ip', "$dir/db_patches/patch-event_agent_ip-size.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionField( 'echo_target_page', 'etp_id', "$dir/db_patches/patch-multiple_target_pages.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionField( 'echo_notification', 'notification_bundle_base',
"$dir/db_patches/patch-notification-bundling-field.sql" );
// This index was renamed twice, first from type_page to event_type and later from event_type to echo_event_type
if ( $updater->getDB()->indexExists( 'echo_event', 'type_page', __METHOD__ ) ) {
$updater->addExtensionIndex( 'echo_event', 'event_type', "$dir/db_patches/patch-alter-type_page-index.sql" );
$updater->dropTable( 'echo_subscription' );
$updater->dropExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-drop-echo_event-event_timestamp.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionField( 'echo_email_batch', 'eeb_event_hash',
"$dir/db_patches/patch-email_batch-new-field.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionField( 'echo_event', 'event_page_id', "$dir/db_patches/patch-add-echo_event-event_page_id.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionIndex( 'echo_event', 'echo_event_type', "$dir/db_patches/patch-alter-event_type-index.sql" );
$updater->addExtensionIndex( 'echo_notification', 'echo_user_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-alter-user_timestamp-index.sql" );
* Handler for EchoGetBundleRule hook, which defines the bundle rule for each notification
* @param $event EchoEvent
* @param $bundleString string Determines how the notification should be bundled, for example,
* talk page notification is bundled based on namespace and title, the bundle string would be
* 'edit-user-talk-' + namespace + title, email digest/email bundling would use this hash as
* a key to identify bundle-able event. For web bundling, we bundle further based on user's
* visit to the overlay, we would generate a display hash based on the hash of $bundleString
* @return bool
public static function onEchoGetBundleRules( $event, &$bundleString ) {
switch ( $event->getType() ) {
case 'edit-user-talk':
$bundleString = 'edit-user-talk';
if ( $event->getTitle() ) {
$bundleString .= '-' . $event->getTitle()->getNamespace()
. '-' . $event->getTitle()->getDBkey();
case 'page-linked':
$bundleString = 'page-linked';
if ( $event->getTitle() ) {
$bundleString .= '-' . $event->getTitle()->getNamespace()
. '-' . $event->getTitle()->getDBkey();
return true;
* Handler for the GetBetaFeaturePreferences hook.
* @see
* @param $user User to get preferences for
* @param &$preferences Preferences array
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function getBetaFeaturePreferences( User $user, array &$preferences ) {
global $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgEchoUseCrossWikiBetaFeature;
if ( $wgEchoUseCrossWikiBetaFeature ) {
$preferences['echo-cross-wiki-notifications'] = array(
'label-message' => 'echo-pref-beta-feature-cross-wiki-message',
'desc-message' => 'echo-pref-beta-feature-cross-wiki-description',
// Paths to images that represents the feature.
'screenshot' => array(
'rtl' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/Echo/images/betafeatures-icon-notifications-rtl.svg",
'ltr' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/Echo/images/betafeatures-icon-notifications-ltr.svg",
'info-link' => '',
// Link to discussion about the feature - talk pages might work
'discussion-link' => '',
return true;
* Handler for GetPreferences hook.
* @see
* @param $user User to get preferences for
* @param &$preferences Preferences array
* @throws MWException
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function getPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) {
global $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes, $wgAuth, $wgEchoEnableEmailBatch,
$wgEchoNotifiers, $wgEchoNotificationCategories, $wgEchoNotifications,
$wgEchoNewMsgAlert, $wgAllowHTMLEmail;
// Show email frequency options
$never = wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-frequency-never' )->plain();
$immediately = wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately' )->plain();
$freqOptions = array(
$never => self::EMAIL_NEVER,
$immediately => self::EMAIL_IMMEDIATELY,
// Only show digest options if email batch is enabled
if ( $wgEchoEnableEmailBatch ) {
$daily = wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-frequency-daily' )->plain();
$weekly = wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly' )->plain();
$freqOptions += array(
$daily => self::EMAIL_DAILY_DIGEST,
$weekly => self::EMAIL_WEEKLY_DIGEST
$preferences['echo-email-frequency'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'label-message' => 'echo-pref-send-me',
'section' => 'echo/emailsettings',
'options' => $freqOptions
// Display information about the user's currently set email address
$prefsTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences', false, 'mw-prefsection-echo' );
$link = Linker::link(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ChangeEmail' ),
wfMessage( $user->getEmail() ? 'prefs-changeemail' : 'prefs-setemail' )->escaped(),
array( 'returnto' => $prefsTitle->getFullText() )
$emailAddress = $user->getEmail() ? htmlspecialchars( $user->getEmail() ) : '';
if ( $wgAuth->allowPropChange( 'emailaddress' ) ) {
if ( $emailAddress === '' ) {
$emailAddress .= $link;
} else {
$emailAddress .= wfMessage( 'word-separator' )->escaped()
. wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $link )->escaped();
$preferences['echo-emailaddress'] = array(
'type' => 'info',
'raw' => true,
'default' => $emailAddress,
'label-message' => 'echo-pref-send-to',
'section' => 'echo/emailsettings'
// Only show this option if html email is allowed, otherwise it is always plain text format
if ( $wgAllowHTMLEmail ) {
// Email format
$preferences['echo-email-format'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'label-message' => 'echo-pref-email-format',
'section' => 'echo/emailsettings',
'options' => array(
wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-format-html' )->plain() => self::EMAIL_FORMAT_HTML,
wfMessage( 'echo-pref-email-format-plain-text' )->plain() => self::EMAIL_FORMAT_PLAIN_TEXT
// Sort notification categories by priority
$categoriesAndPriorities = array();
foreach ( $wgEchoNotificationCategories as $category => $categoryData ) {
// See if the category is not dismissable at all. Must do strict
// comparison to true since no-dismiss can also be an array
if ( isset( $categoryData['no-dismiss'] ) && in_array( 'all', $categoryData['no-dismiss'] ) ) {
$attributeManager = EchoAttributeManager::newFromGlobalVars();
// See if user is eligible to recieve this notification (per user group restrictions)
if ( $attributeManager->getCategoryEligibility( $user, $category ) ) {
$categoriesAndPriorities[$category] = $attributeManager->getCategoryPriority( $category );
asort( $categoriesAndPriorities );
$validSortedCategories = array_keys( $categoriesAndPriorities );
// Show subscription options. IMPORTANT: 'echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk' is a
// virtual option, its value is saved to existing talk page notification option
// 'enotifusertalkpages', see onUserLoadOptions() and onUserSaveOptions() for more
// information on how it is handled. Doing it in this way, we can avoid keeping running
// massive data migration script to keep these two options synced when echo is enabled on
// new wikis or Echo is disabled and re-enabled for some reason. We can update the name
// if Echo is ever merged to core
// Build the columns (output formats)
$columns = array();
foreach ( $wgEchoNotifiers as $notifierType => $notifierData ) {
$formatMessage = wfMessage( 'echo-pref-' . $notifierType )->escaped();
$columns[$formatMessage] = $notifierType;
// Build the rows (notification categories)
$rows = array();
$tooltips = array();
foreach ( $validSortedCategories as $category ) {
$categoryMessage = wfMessage( 'echo-category-title-' . $category )->numParams( 1 )->escaped();
$rows[$categoryMessage] = $category;
if ( isset( $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['tooltip'] ) ) {
$tooltips[$categoryMessage] = wfMessage( $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['tooltip'] )->text();
// Figure out the individual exceptions in the matrix and make them disabled
$forceOptionsOff = $forceOptionsOn = array();
foreach ( $wgEchoNotifiers as $notifierType => $notifierData ) {
foreach ( $validSortedCategories as $category ) {
// See if this output format is non-dismissable
if ( isset( $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['no-dismiss'] )
&& in_array( $notifierType, $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['no-dismiss'] )
) {
$forceOptionsOn[] = "$notifierType-$category";
// Make sure this output format is possible for this notification category
if ( isset( $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes[$category] ) ) {
if ( !$wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes[$category][$notifierType] ) {
$forceOptionsOff[] = "$notifierType-$category";
} elseif ( !$wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes['all'][$notifierType] ) {
$forceOptionsOff[] = "$notifierType-$category";
$invalid = array_intersect( $forceOptionsOff, $forceOptionsOn );
if ( $invalid ) {
throw new MWException( sprintf(
'The following notifications are both forced and removed: %s',
implode( ', ', $invalid )
) );
$preferences['echo-subscriptions'] = array(
'class' => 'HTMLCheckMatrix',
'section' => 'echo/echosubscriptions',
'rows' => $rows,
'columns' => $columns,
'prefix' => 'echo-subscriptions-',
'force-options-off' => $forceOptionsOff,
'force-options-on' => $forceOptionsOn,
'tooltips' => $tooltips,
if ( $wgEchoNewMsgAlert ) {
$preferences['echo-show-alert'] = array(
'type' => 'toggle',
'label-message' => 'echo-pref-new-message-indicator',
'section' => 'echo/newmessageindicator',
// If we're using Echo to handle user talk page post notifications,
// hide the old (non-Echo) preference for this. If Echo is moved to core
// we'll want to remove this old user option entirely. For now, though,
// we need to keep it defined in case Echo is ever uninstalled.
// Otherwise, that preference could be lost entirely. This hiding logic
// is not abstracted since there is only a single preference in core
// that is potentially made obsolete by Echo.
if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications['edit-user-talk'] ) ) {
$preferences['enotifusertalkpages']['type'] = 'hidden';
unset( $preferences['enotifusertalkpages']['section'] );
return true;
* Handler for ArticleSaveComplete hook
* @see
* @param $article Article edited
* @param $user User who edited
* @param $text string New article text
* @param $summary string Edit summary
* @param $minoredit bool Minor edit or not
* @param $watchthis bool Watch this article?
* @param $sectionanchor string Section that was edited
* @param $flags int Edit flags
* @param $revision Revision that was created
* @param $status Status
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onArticleSaved( &$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, $watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision, &$status ) {
global $wgEchoNotifications, $wgRequest;
if ( !$revision ) {
return true;
// unless status is "good" (not only ok, also no warnings or errors), we
// probably shouldn't process it at all (e.g. null edits)
if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
return true;
$title = $article->getTitle();
// Try to do this after the HTTP response
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $revision ) {
EchoDiscussionParser::generateEventsForRevision( $revision );
} );
// If the user is not an IP and this is not a null edit,
// test for them reaching a congratulatory threshold
$thresholds = [ 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 ];
if ( $user->isLoggedIn() && $status->value['revision'] ) {
// This edit hasn't been added to the edit count yet
$editCount = $user->getEditCount() + 1;
if ( in_array( $editCount, $thresholds ) ) {
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Echo' )->debug(
'Thanking {user} (id: {id}) for their {count} edit',
'user' => $user->getName(),
'id' => $user->getId(),
'count' => $editCount,
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $user, $title, $editCount ) {
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'thank-you-edit',
'title' => $title,
'agent' => $user,
// Edit threshold notifications are sent to the agent
'extra' => array(
'notifyAgent' => true,
'editCount' => $editCount,
} );
// Handle the case of someone undoing an edit, either through the
// 'undo' link in the article history or via the API.
if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications['reverted'] ) ) {
$undidRevId = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpUndidRevision' );
if ( $undidRevId ) {
$undidRevision = Revision::newFromId( $undidRevId );
if ( $undidRevision && $undidRevision->getTitle()->equals( $title ) ) {
$victimId = $undidRevision->getUser();
if ( $victimId ) { // No notifications for anonymous users
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'reverted',
'title' => $title,
'extra' => array(
'revid' => $revision->getId(),
'reverted-user-id' => $victimId,
'reverted-revision-id' => $undidRevId,
'method' => 'undo',
'summary' => $summary,
'agent' => $user,
) );
return true;
* Handler for EchoAbortEmailNotification hook
* @param $user User
* @param $event EchoEvent
* @return bool true - send email, false - do not send email
public static function onEchoAbortEmailNotification( $user, $event ) {
if ( $event->getType() === 'edit-user-talk' ) {
$extra = $event->getExtra();
if ( !empty( $extra['minoredit'] ) ) {
global $wgEnotifMinorEdits;
if ( !$wgEnotifMinorEdits || !$user->getOption( 'enotifminoredits' ) ) {
// Do not send talk page notification email
return false;
// Proceed to send talk page notification email
return true;
* Handler for AddNewAccount hook.
* @see
* @param $user User object that was created.
* @param $byEmail bool True when account was created "by email".
* @return bool
public static function onAccountCreated( $user, $byEmail ) {
// new users get echo preferences set that are not the default settings for existing users
$user->setOption( 'echo-subscriptions-web-reverted', false );
$user->setOption( 'echo-subscriptions-email-reverted', false );
$user->setOption( 'echo-subscriptions-web-article-linked', true );
$user->setOption( 'echo-subscriptions-email-mention', true );
$user->setOption( 'echo-subscriptions-email-article-linked', true );
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'welcome',
'agent' => $user,
// Welcome notification is sent to the agent
'extra' => array(
'notifyAgent' => true
) );
return true;
* Handler for UserGroupsChanged hook.
* @see
* @param User $user user that was changed
* @param string[] $add strings corresponding to groups added
* @param string[] $remove strings corresponding to groups removed
* @param User|bool $performer
* @param string|bool $reason Reason given by the user changing the rights
* @return bool
public static function onUserGroupsChanged( $user, $add, $remove, $performer, $reason ) {
if ( !$performer ) {
// TODO: Implement support for autopromotion
return true;
if ( !$user instanceof User ) {
// TODO: Support UserRightsProxy
return true;
if ( $user->equals( $performer ) ) {
// Don't notify for self changes
return true;
if ( $add || $remove ) {
'type' => 'user-rights',
'title' => Title::newMainPage(),
'extra' => array(
'user' => $user->getID(),
'add' => $add,
'remove' => $remove,
'reason' => $reason,
'agent' => $performer,
return true;
* Handler for LinksUpdateAfterInsert hook.
* @see
* @param $linksUpdate LinksUpdate
* @param $table string
* @param $insertions array
* @return bool
public static function onLinksUpdateAfterInsert( $linksUpdate, $table, $insertions ) {
global $wgRequest;
// FIXME: This doesn't work in 1.27+
// Rollback or undo should not trigger link notification
// @Todo Implement a better solution so it doesn't depend on the checking of
// a specific set of request variables
if ( $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpUndidRevision' ) || $wgRequest->getVal( 'action' ) == 'rollback' ) {
return true;
// Handle only
// 1. inserts to pagelinks table &&
// 2. content namespace pages &&
// 3. non-transcluding pages &&
// 4. non-redirect pages
if ( $table !== 'pagelinks' || !MWNamespace::isContent( $linksUpdate->mTitle->getNamespace() )
|| !$linksUpdate->mRecursive || $linksUpdate->mTitle->isRedirect()
) {
return true;
if ( is_callable( array( $linksUpdate, 'getTriggeringUser' ) ) ) {
$user = $linksUpdate->getTriggeringUser();
} else {
global $wgUser;
$user = $wgUser;
// link notification is boundless as you can include infinite number of links in a page
// db insert is expensive, limit it to a reasonable amount, we can increase this limit
// once the storage is on Redis
$max = 10;
// Only create notifications for links to content namespace pages
// @Todo - use one big insert instead of individual insert inside foreach loop
foreach ( $insertions as $page ) {
if ( MWNamespace::isContent( $page['pl_namespace'] ) ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle( $page['pl_namespace'], $page['pl_title'] );
if ( $title->isRedirect() ) {
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'page-linked',
'title' => $title,
'agent' => $user,
'extra' => array(
'link-from-page-id' => $linksUpdate->mTitle->getArticleId(),
) );
if ( $max < 0 ) {
return true;
* Handler for BeforePageDisplay hook.
* @see
* @param $out OutputPage object
* @param $skin Skin being used.
* @return bool true in all cases
static function beforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ) {
if ( $out->getUser()->isLoggedIn() && $skin->getSkinName() !== 'minerva' ) {
// Load the module for the Notifications flyout
$out->addModules( array( 'ext.echo.init' ) );
// Load the styles for the Notifications badge
$out->addModuleStyles( array(
) );
return true;
* Handler for PersonalUrls hook.
* Add a "Notifications" item to the user toolbar ('personal URLs').
* @see
* @param &$personal_urls Array of URLs to append to.
* @param &$title Title of page being visited.
* @param SkinTemplate $sk
* @return bool true in all cases
static function onPersonalUrls( &$personal_urls, &$title, $sk ) {
global $wgEchoNewMsgAlert;
$user = $sk->getUser();
if ( $user->isAnon() ) {
return true;
// Attempt to mark a notification as read when visiting a page,
// ideally this should be deferred to end of request and update
// the notification count accordingly
// @Fixme - Find a better place to put this code
if ( $title->getArticleID() ) {
$mapper = new EchoTargetPageMapper();
$targetPages = $mapper->fetchByUserPageId( $user, $title->getArticleID() );
if ( $targetPages ) {
$eventIds = array_keys( $targetPages );
$notifUser = MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user );
$notifUser->markRead( $eventIds );
// Add a "My notifications" item to personal URLs
$notifUser = MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user );
$msgCount = $notifUser->getMessageCount();
$alertCount = $notifUser->getAlertCount();
$msgNotificationTimestamp = $notifUser->getLastUnreadMessageTime();
$alertNotificationTimestamp = $notifUser->getLastUnreadAlertTime();
$seenAlertTime = EchoSeenTime::newFromUser( $user )->getTime( 'alert' );
$seenMsgTime = EchoSeenTime::newFromUser( $user )->getTime( 'message' );
$sk->getOutput()->addJsConfigVars( 'wgEchoSeenTime', array(
'alert' => $seenAlertTime,
'message' => $seenMsgTime
) );
$msgText = EchoNotificationController::formatNotificationCount( $msgCount );
$alertText = EchoNotificationController::formatNotificationCount( $alertCount );
$url = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Notifications' )->getLocalURL();
// HACK: inverted icons only work in the "MediaWiki" OOUI theme
// Avoid flashes in skins that don't use it (T111821)
$sk->getOutput()->setupOOUI( strtolower( $sk->getSkinName() ), $sk->getOutput()->getLanguage()->getDir() );
$oouiImageClass = get_class( OOUI\Theme::singleton() ) === 'OOUI\\MediaWikiTheme'
? 'oo-ui-image-invert'
: '';
$msgLinkClasses = array( "mw-echo-notifications-badge mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs $oouiImageClass oo-ui-iconElement oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-icon-speechBubbles" );
$alertLinkClasses = array( "mw-echo-notifications-badge mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs $oouiImageClass oo-ui-iconElement oo-ui-iconElement-icon" );
$hasUnseen = false;
if (
$msgCount != 0 && // no unread notifications
$msgNotificationTimestamp !== false && // should already always be false if count === 0
( $seenMsgTime === null || $seenMsgTime < $msgNotificationTimestamp->getTimestamp( TS_MW ) ) // there are no unseen notifications
) {
$msgLinkClasses[] = 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications';
$hasUnseen = true;
$alertIcon = "bell";
if (
$alertCount != 0 && // no unread notifications
$alertNotificationTimestamp !== false && // should already always be false if count === 0
( $seenAlertTime === null || $seenAlertTime < $alertNotificationTimestamp->getTimestamp( TS_MW ) ) // all notifications have already been seen
) {
$alertLinkClasses[] = 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications';
$alertIcon = "bellOn";
$hasUnseen = true;
$alertLinkClasses[] = 'oo-ui-icon-' . $alertIcon;
$alertLink = array(
'href' => $url,
'text' => $alertText,
'active' => ( $url == $title->getLocalUrl() ),
'class' => $alertLinkClasses,
$insertUrls = array(
'notifications-alert' => $alertLink,
$msgLink = array(
'href' => $url,
'text' => $msgText,
'active' => ( $url == $title->getLocalUrl() ),
'class' => $msgLinkClasses,
$insertUrls['notifications-message'] = $msgLink;
$personal_urls = wfArrayInsertAfter( $personal_urls, $insertUrls, 'userpage' );
if ( $hasUnseen ) {
// Record that the user is going to see an indicator that they have unread notifications
RequestContext::getMain()->getStats()->increment( 'echo.unseen' );
// If the user has new messages, display a talk page alert
// We need to check:
// * Orange alert is enabled in configuration
// * Enabled in user preferences
// * User actually has new messages
// * User is not viewing their user talk page, as user_newtalk
// will not have been cleared yet. (bug T107655).
if ( $wgEchoNewMsgAlert && $user->getOption( 'echo-show-alert' )
&& $user->getNewtalk() && !$user->getTalkPage()->equals( $title )
) {
$personal_urls['mytalk']['text'] = $sk->msg( 'echo-new-messages' )->text();
$personal_urls['mytalk']['class'] = array( 'mw-echo-alert' );
$sk->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'ext.echo.styles.alert' );
return true;
* Handler for AbortTalkPageEmailNotification hook.
* @see
* @param $targetUser User
* @param $title Title
* @return bool
static function onAbortTalkPageEmailNotification( $targetUser, $title ) {
global $wgEchoNotifications;
// Send legacy talk page email notification if
// 1. echo is disabled for them or
// 2. echo talk page notification is disabled
if ( !isset( $wgEchoNotifications['edit-user-talk'] ) ) {
// Legacy talk page email notification
return true;
// Echo talk page email notification
return false;
* Handler for AbortWatchlistEmailNotification hook.
* @see
* @param $targetUser User
* @param $title Title
* @param $emailNotification EmailNotification The email notification object that sends non-echo notifications
* @return bool
static function onSendWatchlistEmailNotification( $targetUser, $title, $emailNotification ) {
// If a user is watching his/her own talk page, do not send talk page watchlist
// email notification if the user is receiving Echo talk page notification
if ( $title->isTalkPage() && $targetUser->getTalkPage()->equals( $title ) ) {
$attributeManager = EchoAttributeManager::newFromGlobalVars();
$events = $attributeManager->getUserEnabledEvents( $targetUser, 'email' );
if ( in_array( 'edit-user-talk', $events ) ) {
// Do not send watchlist email notification, the user will receive an Echo notification
return false;
// Proceed to send watchlist email notification
return true;
* Handler for MakeGlobalVariablesScript hook.
* @see
* @param &$vars array Variables to be added into the output
* @param $outputPage OutputPage instance calling the hook
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function makeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $outputPage ) {
global $wgEchoConfig;
$user = $outputPage->getUser();
// Provide info for the Overlay
if ( $user->isLoggedIn() ) {
$vars['wgEchoConfig'] = $wgEchoConfig;
} elseif (
$outputPage->getTitle()->equals( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'JavaScriptTest', 'qunit' ) ) ||
// Also if running from /plain or /export
$outputPage->getTitle()->isSubpageOf( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'JavaScriptTest', 'qunit' ) )
) {
// For testing purposes
$vars['wgEchoConfig'] = array(
'eventlogging' => array(
'EchoInteraction' => array(),
return true;
* Handler for UnitTestsList hook.
* @see
* @param &$files Array of unit test files
* @return bool true in all cases
static function getUnitTests( &$files ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$directoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__ . '/tests/phpunit/' );
* @var SplFileInfo $fileInfo
$ourFiles = array();
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $directoryIterator ) as $fileInfo ) {
if ( substr( $fileInfo->getFilename(), -8 ) === 'Test.php' ) {
$ourFiles[] = $fileInfo->getPathname();
$files = array_merge( $files, $ourFiles );
return true;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Handler for GetNewMessagesAlert hook.
* We're using the GetNewMessagesAlert hook instead of the
* ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk hook since we still want the user_newtalk data
* to be updated and availble to client-side tools and the API.
* @see
* @param &$newMessagesAlert String An alert that the user has new messages
* or an empty string if the user does not (empty by default)
* @param $newtalks Array This will be empty if the user has no new messages
* or an Array containing links and revisions if there are new messages
* @param $user User The user who is loading the page
* @param $out Output object
* @return bool Should return false to prevent the new messages alert (OBOD)
* or true to allow the new messages alert
static function abortNewMessagesAlert( &$newMessagesAlert, $newtalks, $user, $out ) {
global $wgEchoNotifications;
// If the user has the notifications flyout turned on and is receiving
// notifications for talk page messages, disable the new messages alert.
if ( $user->isLoggedIn()
&& isset( $wgEchoNotifications['edit-user-talk'] )
) {
// hide new messages alert
return false;
} else {
// show new messages alert
return true;
* Handler for ArticleRollbackComplete hook.
* @see
* @param $page WikiPage The article that was edited
* @param $agent User The user who did the rollback
* @param $newRevision Revision The revision the page was reverted back to
* @param $oldRevision Revision The revision of the top edit that was reverted
* @return bool true in all cases
static function onRollbackComplete( $page, $agent, $newRevision, $oldRevision ) {
$victimId = $oldRevision->getUser();
if (
$victimId && // No notifications for anonymous users
!$oldRevision->getContent()->equals( $newRevision->getContent() ) // No notifications for null rollbacks
) {
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'reverted',
'title' => $page->getTitle(),
'extra' => array(
'revid' => $page->getRevision()->getId(),
'reverted-user-id' => $victimId,
'reverted-revision-id' => $oldRevision->getId(),
'method' => 'rollback',
'agent' => $agent,
) );
return true;
* Handler for UserSaveSettings hook.
* @see
* @param $user User whose settings were saved
* @return bool true in all cases
static function onUserSaveSettings( $user ) {
// Extensions like AbuseFilter might create an account, but
// the tables we need might not exist. Bug 57335
if ( !defined( 'MW_UPDATER' ) ) {
// Reset the notification count since it may have changed due to user
// option changes. This covers both explicit changes in the preferences
// and changes made through the options API (since both call this hook).
MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user )->resetNotificationCount();
return true;
* Handler for UserLoadOptions hook.
* @see
* @param $user User whose options were loaded
* @param $options Options can be modified
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onUserLoadOptions( $user, &$options ) {
// Use existing enotifusertalkpages option for echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk
if ( isset( $options['enotifusertalkpages'] ) ) {
$options['echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk'] = $options['enotifusertalkpages'];
return true;
* Handler for UserSaveOptions hook.
* @see
* @param $user User whose options are being saved
* @param $options Options can be modified
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onUserSaveOptions( $user, &$options ) {
// echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk is just a virtual option,
// save the value in the real option enotifusertalkpages
if ( isset( $options['echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk'] ) ) {
$options['enotifusertalkpages'] = $options['echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk'];
unset( $options['echo-subscriptions-email-edit-user-talk'] );
return true;
* Handler for UserClearNewTalkNotification hook.
* @see
* @param $user User whose talk page notification should be marked as read
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onUserClearNewTalkNotification( User $user ) {
if ( !$user->isAnon() ) {
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $user ) {
MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user )->clearTalkNotification();
} );
return true;
* Handler for ParserTestTables hook, makes sure that Echo's tables are present during tests
* @see
* @param array $tables List of DB tables to be used for parser tests
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onParserTestTables( &$tables ) {
$tables[] = 'echo_event';
$tables[] = 'echo_notification';
$tables[] = 'echo_email_batch';
return true;
* Handler for EmailUserComplete hook.
* @see
* @param $address MailAddress Adress of receiving user
* @param $from MailAddress Adress of sending user
* @param $subject string Subject of the mail
* @param $text string Text of the mail
* @return bool true in all cases
public static function onEmailUserComplete( $address, $from, $subject, $text ) {
global $wgContLang;
if ( $from->name === $address->name ) {
// nothing to notify
return true;
$userTo = User::newFromName( $address->name );
$userFrom = User::newFromName( $from->name );
$autoSubject = wfMessage( 'defemailsubject', $from->name )->inContentLanguage()->text();
if ( $subject === $autoSubject ) {
$autoFooter = "\n\n-- \n" . wfMessage( 'emailuserfooter', $from->name, $address->name )->inContentLanguage()->text();
$textWithoutFooter = preg_replace( '/' . preg_quote( $autoFooter, '/' ) . '$/', '', $text );
$preview = $wgContLang->truncate( $textWithoutFooter, 125 );
} else {
$preview = $subject;
EchoEvent::create( array(
'type' => 'emailuser',
'extra' => array(
'to-user-id' => $userTo->getId(),
'preview' => $preview,
'agent' => $userFrom,
) );
return true;
* For integration with the UserMerge extension.
* @param array $updateFields
* @return bool
public static function onUserMergeAccountFields( &$updateFields ) {
// array( tableName, idField, textField )
$dbw = MWEchoDbFactory::newFromDefault()->getEchoDb( DB_MASTER );
$updateFields[] = array( 'echo_event', 'event_agent_id', 'db' => $dbw );
$updateFields[] = array( 'echo_notification', 'notification_user', 'db' => $dbw, 'options' => array( 'IGNORE' ) );
$updateFields[] = array( 'echo_email_batch', 'eeb_user_id', 'db' => $dbw, 'options' => array( 'IGNORE' ) );
$updateFields[] = array( 'echo_target_page', 'etp_user', 'db' => $dbw, 'options' => array( 'IGNORE' ) );
return true;
public static function onMergeAccountFromTo( User &$oldUser, User &$newUser ) {
MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $oldUser )->resetNotificationCount( DB_MASTER );
if ( !$newUser->isAnon() ) {
MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $newUser )->resetNotificationCount( DB_MASTER );
return true;
public static function onUserMergeAccountDeleteTables( &$tables ) {
$dbw = MWEchoDbFactory::newFromDefault()->getEchoDb( DB_MASTER );
$tables['echo_notification'] = array( 'notification_user', 'db' => $dbw );
$tables['echo_email_batch'] = array( 'eeb_user_id', 'db' => $dbw );
$tables['echo_target_page'] = array( 'etp_user', 'db' => $dbw );
return true;
// Sets custom login message for redirect from notification page
public static function onLoginFormValidErrorMessages( &$messages ) {
$messages[] = 'echo-notification-loginrequired';
return true;
public static function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( &$vars ) {
global $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount;
$vars['wgEchoMaxNotificationCount'] = $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount;
return true;