bsitu d44ed993a2 Add email bundling function to Echo notification
* This patch needs intensive testing on Redis delayed job queue
* This patch is -2 mainly for redis/phpredis are not ready on test/test2/mediawiki

To test this locally, you need to:
* set up Redis and phpredis locally
* add the following to localSettings.php
    $wgJobTypeConf['MWEchoNotificationEmailBundleJob'] = array(
        'class'       => 'JobQueueRedis',
        'redisServer' => '',
        'redisConfig' => array( 'connectTimeout' => 1 ),
        'claimTTL'    => 3600,
        'checkDelay'  => true
* set $wgMainCacheType to CACHE_DB or memcache
* set $wgEchoBundleEmailInterval to smaller number for testing purpose, 0 to disable email bundling

Change-Id: I9313e7f6ed3e13478cec294b5b8408fe8e941faf
2013-04-11 11:25:14 -07:00

289 lines
8.2 KiB

* Handle user email batch ( daily/ weekly )
abstract class MWEchoEmailBatch {
// the user to be notified
protected $mUser;
// list of email content
protected $content = array();
// the last notification event of this batch
protected $lastEvent;
// the event count, this count is supported up to self::$displaySize + 1
protected $count = 0;
// number of bundle events to include in an email, we couldn't include
// all events in a batch email
protected static $displaySize = 20;
* @param $user User
public function __construct( User $user ) {
$this->mUser = $user;
* Factory method to determine whether to create a batch instance for this
* user based on the user setting, this assumes the following value for
* member setting for echo-email-frequency
* -1 - no email
* 0 - instant
* 1 - once everyday
* 7 - once every 7 days
* @param $userId int
* @return MWEchoEmailBatch/false
public static function newFromUserId( $userId ) {
$batchClassName = self::getEmailBatchClass();
$user = User::newFromId( intval( $userId ) );
$userEmailSetting = intval( $user->getOption( 'echo-email-frequency' ) );
// clear all existing events if user decides not to receive emails
if ( $userEmailSetting == -1 ) {
$emailBatch = new $batchClassName( $user );
return false;
// @Todo - There may be some items idling in the queue, eg, a bundle job is lost
// and there is not never another message with the same hash or a user switches from
// digest to instant. We should check the first item in the queue, if it doesn't
// have either web or email bundling or created long ago, then clear it, this will
// prevent idling item queuing up.
// user has instant email delivery
if ( $userEmailSetting == 0 ) {
return false;
$userLastBatch = $user->getOption( 'echo-email-last-batch' );
// send email batch, if
// 1. it has been long enough since last email batch based on frequency
// 2. there is no last batch timestamp recorded for the user
// 3. user has switched from batch to instant email, send events left in the queue
if ( $userLastBatch ) {
// use 20 as hours per day to get estimate
$nextBatch = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $userLastBatch ) + $userEmailSetting * 20 * 60 * 60;
if ( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $nextBatch ) > wfTimestampNow() ) {
return false;
return new $batchClassName( $user );
* Get the name of the email batch class
* @return string
* @throws MWException
private static function getEmailBatchClass() {
global $wgEchoBackendName;
$className = 'MW' . $wgEchoBackendName . 'EchoEmailBatch';
if ( !class_exists( $className ) ) {
throw new MWException( "$wgEchoBackendName email batch is not supported!" );
return $className;
* Wrapper function that calls other functions required to process email batch
public function process() {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
// if there is no event for this user, exist the process
if ( !$this->setLastEvent() ) {
// get valid events
$events = $this->getEvents();
if ( $events ) {
foreach( $events as $row ) {
if ( $this->count > self::$displaySize ) {
$event = EchoEvent::newFromRow( $row );
$this->appendContent( $event, $row->eeb_event_hash );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* Set the last event of this batch, this is a cutoff point for clearing
* processed/invalid events
* @return bool true if event exists false otherwise
abstract protected function setLastEvent();
* Update the user's last batch timestamp after a successful batch
protected function updateUserLastBatchTimestamp() {
$this->mUser->setOption( 'echo-email-last-batch', wfTimestampNow() );
* Get the events queued for the current user
* @return array
abstract protected function getEvents();
* Add individual event template to the big email content
protected function appendContent( $event, $hash ) {
// get the category for this event
$category = $event->getCategory();
$event->setBundleHash( $hash );
$email = EchoNotificationController::formatNotification( $event, $this->mUser, 'email', 'email' );
if ( !isset( $this->content[$category] ) ) {
$this->content[$category] = array();
$this->content[$category][] = $email['batch-body'];
* Concatenate the list of contents with 'echo-email-batch-separator'
* grouped by category
* @return string
protected function listToText() {
if ( !$this->content ) {
return '';
$result = array();
// build the text section for each category
foreach( $this->content as $category => $notifs ) {
$output = wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-category-header' )
->numParams( count( $notifs ) )
// Messages that can be used here:
// * echo-category-title-system
// * echo-category-title-other
// * echo-category-title-edit-user-talk
// * echo-category-title-reverted
// * echo-category-title-article-linked
// * echo-category-title-mention
->params( wfMessage( 'echo-category-title-' . $category )->text() )
->text() . "\n";
foreach( $notifs as $notif ) {
$output .= "\n " . wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-bullet' )->text() . ' ' . $notif;
$result[] = $output;
// for prepending and appending 'echo-email-batch-separator'
$result = array_merge( array( '' ), $result, array( '' ) );
return trim(
"\n\n" . wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-separator' )->text() . "\n\n",
* Clear "processed" events in the queue, processed could be: email sent, invalid, users do not want to receive emails
abstract public function clearProcessedEvent();
* Send the batch email
public function sendEmail() {
global $wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName, $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress;
// global email footer
$footer = wfMessage( 'echo-email-footer-default' )
->inLanguage( $this->mUser->getOption( 'language' ) )
->params( $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress, '' )
// @Todo - replace them with the CONSTANT in 33810 once it is merged
if ( $this->mUser->getOption( 'echo-email-frequency' ) == 7 ) {
$frequency = 'weekly';
} else {
$frequency = 'daily';
// email subject
if ( $this->count > self::$displaySize ) {
$count = wfMessage( 'echo-notification-count' )->params( self::$displaySize )->text();
} else {
$count = $this->count;
$subject = wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-subject-' . $frequency )->params( $count, $this->count )->text();
$body = wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-body-' . $frequency )->params(
$adminAddress = new MailAddress( $wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName );
$address = new MailAddress( $this->mUser );
// @Todo Push the email to job queue or just send it out directly?
UserMailer::send( $address, $adminAddress, $subject, $body );
* Insert notification event into email queue
* @param $userId int
* @param $eventId int
* @param $priority int
* @param $hash string
public static function addToQueue( $userId, $eventId, $priority, $hash ) {
$batchClassName = self::getEmailBatchClass();
if ( !method_exists( $batchClassName, 'actuallyAddToQueue' ) ) {
throw new MWException( "$batchClassName must implement method actuallyAddToQueue()" );
$batchClassName::actuallyAddToQueue( $userId, $eventId, $priority, $hash );
* Get a list of users to be notified for the batch
* @param $startUserId int
* @param $batchSize int
public static function getUsersToNotify( $startUserId, $batchSize ) {
$batchClassName = self::getEmailBatchClass();
if ( !method_exists( $batchClassName, 'actuallyGetUsersToNotify' ) ) {
throw new MWException( "$batchClassName must implement method actuallyGetUsersToNotify()" );
return $batchClassName::actuallyGetUsersToNotify( $startUserId, $batchSize );