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synced 2024-12-19 11:21:27 +00:00
281 lines
50 KiB
281 lines
50 KiB
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Ajeje Brazorf",
"Matma Rex",
"Matěj Suchánek",
"Minh Nguyen",
"Nemo bis",
"Rodney Araujo",
"Trizek (WMF)",
"Verdy p",
"echo-desc": "{{desc|name=Echo|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Echo}} The [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Notifications MediaWiki help] page gives notes on the terminology in this extension.",
"prefs-echo": "Name of preferences section for Echo notifications.\n{{Identical|Notification}}",
"prefs-description-echo": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]] for mobile to describe the Notifications section.",
"prefs-emailsettings": "Header for the section of preferences that deals with how often notification emails are sent out and what address they are sent to.\n{{Identical|E-mail option}}",
"prefs-echosubscriptions": "Header for the section of preferences that deals with which notifications the user receives",
"prefs-echocrosswiki": "Header for the section of preferences that deals with notifications from other wikis",
"prefs-blocknotificationslist": "Header for the section of preferences that deals with blocking notifications from certain users",
"prefs-mutedpageslist": "Header for the section of preferences that allows muting notifications for selected pages, currently only for page linked notification types.",
"prefs-echopollupdates": "Header for the section of preferences that deals with displaying visual cue and snippet of live notifications",
"echo-mobile-notifications-filter-title": "Title shown in the notifications filter page on click of the Filter button. It is also used for the filter button itself that opens it.",
"echo-pref-show-poll-updates": "Label for displaying visual cue and snippet of live notification",
"echo-pref-show-poll-updates-help": "Help message for detailed explanation of live notification preference",
"echo-pref-send-me": "Label for the following email delivery options:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-never}}\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately}} (default)\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-daily}}\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly}}",
"echo-pref-send-to": "Label for the address to send email notifications to.",
"echo-pref-email-format": "Label for individual email notification format, the label will be updated once HTML email is ready for email digest.\n\nUsed as label for the select box which has the following options:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-format-html}}\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-format-plain-text}}",
"echo-pref-web": "Label for list of notifications which are delivered on the web. In other words, on the wiki itself rather by email or another method. This should be kept very short.\n\nShould be worded similarly to the labels for the other columns:\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-email}}\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-push}}\n\n{{Identical|Web}}",
"echo-pref-email": "Label for list of notifications which are delivered via email. This should be kept very short.\n\nShould be worded similarly to the labels for the other columns:\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-web}}\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-push}}\n\n{{Identical|E-mail}}",
"echo-pref-push": "Heading label for the notification preferences column controlling which notifications should be delivered by push notification to Wikipedia mobile app installations for which the user has registered a push notification subscription.\n\nShould be worded similarly to the labels for the other columns:\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-web}}\n* {{msg-mw|echo-pref-email}}",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-never": "Option for users who don't want to receive any email notifications\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately}}\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-daily}}\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly}}",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately": "Option for users who want to receive email for each notification as it occurs",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-daily": "Option for users who want to receive a daily digest of email notifications",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly": "Option for users who want to receive a weekly digest of email notifications",
"echo-pref-email-format-html": "Option for users who want to receive HTML email notification.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-format}}\n{{Identical|HTML}}",
"echo-pref-email-format-plain-text": "Option for users who want to receive plain text email notification.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-pref-email-format}}\n{{Identical|Plain text}}",
"echo-pref-cross-wiki-notifications": "Label for a preference which enables notifications from other wikis. Only used if {{msg-mw|echo-pref-beta-feature-cross-wiki-message}} is not used.",
"echo-pref-notifications-blacklist": "Label for a preference which allows a user to block notifications from certain users.\n\nNote that the translatewiki.net tool may warn, if you alter the link to use an existing translated version linked from the English page at [[mw:Help:Notifications#mute]], such as [[mw:Help:Notifications/fr#mute]] for the French version.",
"echo-pref-notifications-page-linked-title-muted-list": "Label for a preference which allows a user to block page-linked type notifications for certain pages.\n\nNote that the translatewiki.net tool may warn, if you alter the link to use an existing translated version linked from the English page at [[mw:Help:Notifications#mute]], such as [[mw:Help:Notifications/fr#mute]] for the French version.",
"echo-pref-dont-email-read-notifications": "Label for a preference which hides notifications from daily or weekly digests if they have already been marked as read by the user.",
"echo-learn-more": "Text for link to more information about a topic.\n{{Identical|Learn more}}",
"echo-log": "Text for link to go to Special:Log",
"echo-new-messages": "Message to let the user know that they have new talk page messages, displayed in the personal menu (top-right corner on Vector and Monobook).\n\nKeep this message short. It '''should not''' end in a full stop.",
"echo-category-title-edit-user-talk": "'''When translating, please emphasize the distinction between “my user talk page” and “other talk pages”, to avoid confusion with {{msg-mw|echo-category-title-dt-subscription}}.'''\n\n{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-talk}}",
"echo-category-title-edit-user-page": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-page}}",
"echo-category-title-article-linked": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-article-linked}}",
"echo-category-title-reverted": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-reverted}}",
"echo-category-title-mention": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-mention}}\n{{Identical|Mention}}",
"echo-category-title-mention-failure": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-mention-failure}}",
"echo-category-title-mention-success": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-mention-success}}",
"echo-category-title-other": "{{doc-echo-category-title}}\n{{Identical|Other}}",
"echo-category-title-system": "{{doc-echo-category-title}}\n{{Identical|System}}",
"echo-category-title-system-noemail": "{{doc-echo-category-title}}\n{{Identical|System}}",
"echo-category-title-system-emailonly": "{{doc-echo-category-title}}\n{{Identical|System}}",
"echo-category-title-user-rights": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-user-rights}}",
"echo-category-title-emailuser": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-emailuser}}",
"echo-category-title-article-reminder": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-article-reminder}}",
"echo-category-title-thank-you-edit": "'''Note that this doesn't mean \"to edit milestones\", but \"milestones of editing\".'''\n\n{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-thank-you-edit}}",
"echo-category-title-watchlist": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-watchlist}}",
"echo-category-title-minor-watchlist": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-minor-watchlist}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-talk": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-edit-user-talk}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-page": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-edit-user-page}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-article-linked": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-article-linked}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-reverted": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-reverted}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-mention}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention-failure": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-mention-failure}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention-success": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-mention-success}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-user-rights": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-user-rights}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-emailuser": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-emailuser}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-article-reminder": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-article-reminder}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-thank-you-edit": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-thank-you-edit}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-watchlist": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-watchlist}}",
"echo-pref-tooltip-minor-watchlist": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-minor-watchlist}}",
"notifications": "{{doc-special|Notifications}}\n{{Identical|Notification}}",
"tooltip-pt-notifications-alert": "This is used for the title (mouseover text) of the alert notifications user tool.",
"tooltip-pt-notifications-notice": "This is used for the title (mouseover text) of the notice notifications user tool.",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration": "{{doc-special|DisplayNotificationsConfiguration}}\n\nThis could be rephrased as \"Display the configuration of Notifications\".",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-summary": "Summary of the DisplayNotificationsConfiguration special page",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-notifications-by-category-header": "Header on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration for a list of which notifications are in each category",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-sorting-by-section-header": "Header on [[Special:DisplayNotificationsConfiguration]] for a table of which section (alert/message) each type is in",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-sorting-by-section-legend": "Legend on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration for a table of which section (alert/message) each type is in",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-available-notification-methods-header": "Header on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration for section regarding methods the user can use to receive different kinds of notifications",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-available-notification-methods-by-category-legend": "Explanatory text on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration regarding which notification methods are available for each category",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-header": "Header on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration for section about which categories are enabled by default",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-existing-users-legend": "Explanatory text on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration regarding which notification methods for each category are enabled by default, for existing users",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-new-users-legend": "Explanatory text on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration regarding which notification methods for each category are enabled by default, for new users\n{{Identical|New user}}",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-mandatory-notification-methods-header": "Header on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration for section about which notification methods are required",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-mandatory-notification-methods-by-category-legend": "Explanatory text on DisplayNotificationsConfiguration regarding which notification methods are mandatory for each category",
"echo-specialpage": "Special page title for Special:Notifications.\n{{Identical|Notification}}",
"echo-specialpage-section-markread": "Label for the button to mark notifications in the given section as read in [[Special:Notifications]]",
"echo-specialpage-markasread": "Special page title for Special:NotificationsMarkRead for marking specific notification as read.",
"echo-specialpage-markasread-invalid-id": "Error message shown to users who try to mark a notification as read with an invalid event ID.",
"echo-specialpage-pagefilterwidget-aria-label": "Screen readers use this name to identify the recent activities (pages with unread notifications) wiki and pages grouped lists.",
"echo-specialpage-special-help-menu-widget-aria-label": "Screen readers use this label to identify the special help menu widget including the Notifications preferences.",
"echo-specialpage-pagination-numnotifications": "Label noting the number of notifications displayed in the page. This only appears if there is a single page of results.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of notifications in the page.\n{{Identical|Notification}}",
"echo-specialpage-pagination-range": "{{optional}}\nLabel noting the range of the notifications displayed in the page. This only appears if there are multiple pages of results available.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of the first item.\n* $2 - Number of the last item.",
"echo-specialpage-pagefilters-title": "Title of the page filter box in Special:Notifications page.",
"echo-specialpage-pagefilters-subtitle": "Subtitle of the page filter box in Special:Notifications page.",
"notificationsmarkread-legend": "Title for the form that marks a notification as read in [[Special:NotificationsMarkRead]]",
"echo-none": "Message shown to users who have no notifications. Also shown in the overlay.",
"echo-api-failure": "Label for the text that notes an error in retrieving notifications for the Echo popup.",
"echo-api-failure-cross-wiki": "Label for the api failure text for a failure to fetch cross-wiki notifications, but the remote server is not granted access.",
"echo-notification-placeholder": "Label for the text that appears if there are no notifications in the Echo popup.",
"echo-notification-placeholder-filters": "Label for the text that appears if there are no notifications in the Special:Notifications page with filters selected.",
"echo-notification-loginrequired": "Message that displays when an anonymous user attempts to view notifications and gets redirect to the login page.",
"echo-notification-popup-loginrequired": "Message that displays when an anonymous user attempts to view notifications in their popup after a session expired.",
"echo-notification-markasread": "Label for the button to mark the notification as read.",
"echo-notification-markasunread": "Label for the button to mark the notification as unread.",
"echo-notification-markasread-tooltip": "Tooltip for the button to mark the notification as read.",
"echo-notification-more-options-tooltip": "Tooltip for the button to show the hidden secondary actions.",
"notification-dynamic-actions-mute-page-linked": "Text for the action that offers the user to mute link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-mute-page-linked-confirmation": "Title for the confirmation text for muting link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-mute-page-linked-confirmation-description": "Description for the confirmation text for muting link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unmute-page-linked": "Text for the action offering the user to unmute link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unmute-page-linked-confirmation": "Title for the confirmation text for unmuting link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unmute-page-linked-confirmation-description": "Description for the confirmation text for unmuting link notifications for a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unwatch": "Text for the action that offers the user to unwatch a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unwatch-confirmation": "Title for the confirmation text for unwatching a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-unwatch-confirmation-description": "Description for the confirmation text for unwatching a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-watch": "Text for the action that offers the user to watch a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-watch-confirmation": "Title for the confirmation text for watching a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-dynamic-actions-watch-confirmation-description": "Description for the confirmation text for watching a page from within a notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Page name\n* $2 - Page URL\n* $3 - Current username for gender purposes\n\n{{related|Notification-dynamic}}",
"notification-link-text-expand-all": "Label for the button that expands a bundled notification.\n{{Identical|Expand}}",
"notification-link-text-expand-alert-count": "Label for the button that expands a bundled alert notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The count of messages that the bundle holds.\n{{Identical|View alert}}",
"notification-link-text-expand-notice-count": "Label for the button that expands a bundled notice notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The count of messages that the bundle holds.",
"notification-link-text-expand-all-count": "Label for the button that expands a bundled notification.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The count of messages that the bundle holds.\n{{Identical|View notification}}",
"notification-link-text-collapse-all": "Label for the button that collapses a bundled notification.\n{{Identical|Collapse}}",
"notification-link-text-view-message": "Label for button that links to a message on your talk page.\n{{Identical|View message}}",
"notification-link-text-view-mention": "Label for button that links to a discussion where you were mentioned.",
"notification-link-text-view-mention-failure": "Label for button that links to a discussion where your mentions failed.\n* $1 - The number of failed mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL",
"notification-link-text-view-changes": "Label for button that links to a \"diff\" view showing changes made to a page. Parameters:\n* $1 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER.\n{{Identical|View changes}}",
"notification-link-text-view-page": "Label for button that links to a page.\n{{Identical|View page}}",
"notification-header-edit-user-page": "Notification header of a user page being edited.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-edit-user-talk": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notification header of a user talk page being edited.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-edit-user-talk-with-section": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notification header of a user talk page being edited with a new section or new comment.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - the raw section title text",
"notification-compact-header-edit-user-page": "Flyout-specific format for displaying compact notification header of a user page being edited.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-compact-header-edit-user-talk": "Flyout-specific format for displaying compact notification header of a user talk page being edited.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-compact-header-edit-user-talk-with-section": "Flyout-specific format for displaying compact notification header of a user talk page being edited with a new section or new comment.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - the raw section title text",
"notification-body-edit-user-talk-with-section": "{{optional}}\nFlyout-specific format for displaying notification body of a user talk page being edited with a new section or new comment.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - comment left on the user talk page.",
"notification-header-page-linked": "Notification header message for articles being linked.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who linked the page. \n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - the page being linked\n* $4 - the page linked from\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-page-linked-email-subject}}",
"notification-compact-header-page-linked": "Notification compact header message for articles being linked.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the page linked from.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-page-linked-email-subject}}",
"notification-bundle-header-page-linked": "Bundled message for page-linked notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who linked the page. \n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - the page being linked\n* $4 - the page linked from\n* $5 - The number of other pages that link to this page, except that if the count is greater than 99, this value will be 100; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-page-linked-email-subject}}\n{{Related|Notification-bundle}}",
"notification-header-article-reminder": "Message for page-reminder notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user who requested the reminder. \n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - the formatted page title of the article the user requested.",
"notification-link-text-what-links-here": "Label for link to the WhatLinksHere special page for the page being linked in this notification.",
"notification-body-mention": "{{notranslate}}",
"notification-header-mention-other": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user in a section on a page that is not an article talk page or a user talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the page they were mentioned in (with namespace).\n* $5 - name of the section they were mentioned in",
"notification-header-mention-other-nosection": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user on a page that is not an article talk page or a user talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the page they were mentioned in (with namespace)",
"notification-header-mention-user-talkpage-v2": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user in a section on a user talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - formatted name of the user whose talk page you are mentioned in.\n* $5 - name of the user whose talk page you are mentioned in, can be used for GENDER\n* $6 - name of the section they were mentioned in",
"notification-header-mention-user-talkpage-nosection": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user on a user talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the user whose talk page you are mentioned in\n* $5 - name of the user whose talk page you are mentioned in, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-mention-agent-talkpage": "{{doc-singularthey}}\nHeader text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user in a section on their talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the section they were mentioned in",
"notification-header-mention-agent-talkpage-nosection": "{{doc-singularthey}}\nHeader text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user on their talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-mention-article-talkpage": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user in a section on an article talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the article whose talk page you are mentioned in (without namespace).\n* $5 - name of the section they were mentioned in",
"notification-header-mention-article-talkpage-nosection": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user on an article talk page.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the article whose talk page you are mentioned in (without namespace)",
"notification-header-mention-failure-user-unknown": "Header text for a notification when your mention has failed because the user was not found.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - username that was not found.",
"notification-header-mention-failure-user-anonymous": "Header text for a notification when your mention has failed because the user is an anonymous IP.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - username that is anonymous.",
"notification-header-mention-failure-too-many": "Header text for a notification when your mention has failed because you tried to mention too many users.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.<br /> (not clear: is it \"you\" or the mentioned user when there's only one?)</strong>\n* $3 - max number of mentions allowed; uses standard number formatting",
"notification-header-mention-failure-bundle": "Header text for a bundled notification when multiple mentions failed.\n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - number of mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL.\n* $4 - talk page title.",
"notification-compact-header-mention-failure-user-unknown": "Compact header text for a notification when your mention has failed because the user was not found.\n* $1 - username that was not found.",
"notification-compact-header-mention-failure-user-anonymous": "Compact header text for a notification when your mention has failed because the user is an anonymous IP.\n* $1 - username that is anonymous.",
"notification-header-mention-success": "Header text for a notification when your mention was successful.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - username that was mentioned, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-header-mention-success-bundle": "Header text for a bundled notification when multiple mentions succeeded.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - number of mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL.\n* $4 - talk page title.",
"notification-compact-header-mention-success": "Compact header text for a notification when your mention was successful.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - username that was mentioned.",
"notification-header-mention-status-bundle": "Header text for a bundled notification when some mentions failed and some succeeded.\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - number of mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL.\n* $4 - talk page title.\n* $5 - number of failed mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL.\n* $6 - number of successful mentions; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL.",
"notification-header-user-rights-add-only": "Notifications header message when a user is added to groups. Parameters:\n* $1 - the raw username of the person who made the user rights change, can be used for GENDER support\n* $2 - a localized list of the groups that were added\n* $3 - the number of groups that were added, can be used for PLURAL\n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-user-rights-remove-only": "Notifications header message when a user is removed from groups. Parameters:\n* $1 - the raw username of the person who made the user rights change, can be used for GENDER support\n* $2 - a localized list of the groups that were removed\n* $3 - the number of groups that were removed, can be used for PLURAL\n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-user-rights-add-and-remove": "Notifications header message when a user is added to groups and removed from groups. Parameters:\n* $1 - the raw username of the person who made the user rights change, can be used for GENDER support\n* $2 - a localized list of the groups that were added\n* $3 - the number of groups that were added, can be used for PLURAL\n* $4 - a localized list of the groups that were removed\n* $5 - the number of groups that were removed, can be used for PLURAL\n* $6 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-user-rights-expiry-change": "Notifications header message when a user's group membership is extended or reduced in duration. Parameters:\n* $1 - the raw username of the person who made the user rights change, can be used for GENDER support\n* $2 - a localized list of the groups for which the expiry was changed\n* $3 - the number of groups that were changed, can be used for PLURAL\n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER",
"notification-header-welcome": "Text of the welcome notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the name of the new user.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Guidedtour-tour-gettingstarted-start-title}}",
"notification-header-mention-summary": "Header text for a notification when you are mentioned by another user in an edit summary.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\n* $4 - name of the page they were mentioned in (with namespace)",
"notification-header-watchlist-changed": "Text of a notification when another user changes a page on your watchlist.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the page that was changed (with namespace) \n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $5 - Number of times the page has been changed.",
"notification-header-watchlist-created": "Text of a notification when another user creates a page on your watchlist.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the page that was created (with namespace) \n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $5 - Number of times the page has been created.",
"notification-header-watchlist-deleted": "Text of a notification when another user deletes a page on your watchlist.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the page that was deleted (with namespace)) \n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $5 - Number of times the page has been deleted.",
"notification-header-watchlist-moved": "Text of a notification when another user moves a page on your watchlist.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the page that was moved (with namespace) \n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $5 - Number of times the page has been moved.",
"notification-header-watchlist-restored": "Text of a notification when another user restores a page on your watchlist.\n* $1 - user's name (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - user's name for use in GENDER.\n* $3 - name of the page that was restored (with namespace) \n* $4 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $5 - Number of times the page has been restored.",
"notification-header-watchlist-multiuser-changed": "Text of a notification when multiple different users change pages on your watchlist.\n* $1 - name of the page that was changed (with namespace) \n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $3 - Number of times the page has been changed. (Always greater than one).",
"notification-header-watchlist-multiuser-created": "Text of a notification when multiple different users create pages on your watchlist.\n* $1 - name of the page that was created (with namespace) \n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $3 - Number of times the page has been created. (Always greater than one)",
"notification-header-watchlist-multiuser-deleted": "Text of a notification when multiple different users delete pages on your watchlist.\n* $1 - name of the page that was deleted (with namespace) \n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $3 - Number of times the page has been deleted. (Always greater than one)",
"notification-header-watchlist-multiuser-moved": "Text of a notification when multiple different users move pages on your watchlist.\n* $1 - name of the page that was moved (with namespace) \n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $3 - Number of times the page has been moved. (Always greater than one)",
"notification-header-watchlist-multiuser-restored": "Text of a notification when multiple different users restore pages on your watchlist.\n* $1 - name of the page that was restored (with namespace) \n* $2 - name of the user viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER \n* $3 - Number of times the page has been restored. (Always greater than one)",
"notification-body-watchlist-once": "Text added to email notifications of watchlist changes to specify that no further emails will be sent for that page until it is visited. \n* $1 - user's name for use in GENDER",
"notification-welcome-link": "{{notranslate}}",
"notification-welcome-linktext": "Link text for link to the wiki's welcome or introduction page.\n{{Identical|Welcome}}",
"notification-header-thank-you-1-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their first edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the new user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-10-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their tenth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-100-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their hundredth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-1000-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their thousandth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-10000-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their ten thousandth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-100000-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their hundred thousandth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-1000000-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their millionth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-header-thank-you-10000000-edit": "Text of the editor welcome notification for their ten millionth edit.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the user\n* $2 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-link-thank-you-edit": "Label for the link to the user's edit which triggered a threshold congratulations message.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username for gender purposes",
"notification-link-text-view-edit": "Label for button that links to a \"diff\" view showing an edit made to a page. This is an alternative to the wording in {{msg-mw|notification-link-text-view-changes}}, which serves essentially the same function.",
"notification-link-article-reminder": "Label for the link to the article the user requested to be reminded about",
"notification-header-reverted": "Notification header of a user's edit has being reverted by other user.\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who reverted the edit, using the undo or rollback features (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 - the page that was reverted, formatted\n* $4 - the number of edits that were reverted\n\nWhen the notified user clicks on the notification message, this appoint to a diff page.\n{{Related|Notification-reverted}}",
"notification-body-reverted": "{{notranslate}}",
"notification-header-emailuser": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notifications of user has sent an email to another user.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who sent the email.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.",
"notification-body-emailuser": "{{notranslate}}",
"notification-edit-user-page-email-subject": "Email subject. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-edit-talk-page-email-subject2": "Email subject. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-page-linked-email-subject": "E-mail subject Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-reverted-email-subject2": "Email subject. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who reverted the edit (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.\n* $4 - the number of reverts\n{{Related|Notification-reverted}}",
"notification-mention-email-subject": "Email subject. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who edited (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-user-rights-email-subject": "E-mail subject for user rights notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the person who made the user rights change (not suitable for GENDER).\n* $2 - the username for GENDER.\n* $3 - username of the current user, can be used for GENDER.",
"notification-timestamp-ago-seconds": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is under a minute. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of seconds",
"notification-timestamp-ago-minutes": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is in order of minutes. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of minutes",
"notification-timestamp-ago-hours": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is in order of hours. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of hours",
"notification-timestamp-ago-days": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is in order of days. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of days",
"notification-timestamp-ago-months": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is in order of months. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of months",
"notification-timestamp-ago-years": "Label for the amount of time since a notification has arrived in the case where it is in order of years. This should be a very short string. $1 - Number of years",
"notification-timestamp-today": "Label for a group of notifications that arrived today.\n{{Identical|Today}}",
"notification-timestamp-yesterday": "Label for a group of notifications that arrived yesterday.\n{{Identical|Yesterday}}",
"notification-inbox-filter-read": "Label for the button that shows only read notification.\n{{Identical|Read}}",
"notification-inbox-filter-unread": "Label for the button that shows only unread notification.\n{{Identical|Unread}}",
"notification-inbox-filter-all": "Label for the button that shows all notification.\n{{Identical|All}}",
"echo-specialmute-label-mute-notifications": "Label for the checkbox that mutes/unmutes notifications on [[Special:Mute]] from the specified user. Parameters:\n* $1 - the name of the user being addressed, used for GENDER",
"echo-email-plain-footer": "Footer content for Echo text e-mail notifications. Parameters:\n* $1 - the name of the user being addressed, used for GENDER\n\nFor HTML version, see {{msg-mw|echo-email-html-footer-with-link}}.",
"echo-email-html-footer-preference-link-text": "Text of link to the preference page in the footer of HTML emails. Parameters:\n* $1 - the name of the user being addressed, used for GENDER",
"echo-email-html-footer-with-link": "Footer content of the HTML email. Parameters:\n* $1 - complete HTML link to the preference page. $2 - the name of the user being addressed, used for GENDER\n\nSee {{msg-mw|echo-email-html-footer-preference-link-text}} for the text of the link.",
"echo-notification-alert": "Label for alert notifications (= non discussion notifications) tab in Echo overlay. Parameters:\n* $1 - the number of unread alerts. The number cannot be higher than 100.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-notification-notice}}\n{{Identical|Alert}}",
"echo-notification-notice": "Label for notice notifications tab in Echo overlay. Parameters:\n* $1 - the number of unread notices. The number cannot be higher than 100.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-notification-notice}}\n{{Identical|Notice}}",
"echo-notification-alert-text-only": "Label for alert notifications (= non discussion notifications) tab in Echo overlay without alert notification count next to it\n{{Identical|Alert}}",
"echo-notification-notice-text-only": "Label for notice notifications tab in Echo overlay without notice notification count next to it. That label groups all notifications less important than the ones displayed in \"alerts\".\n{{Identical|Notice}}",
"echo-overlay-link": "Link to \"all notifications\" at the bottom of the overlay.\n{{Identical|All notifications}}",
"echo-overlay-title": "Title at the top of the notifications overlay. Should include bold tags.\n{{Identical|Notification}}",
"echo-mark-all-as-read": "Text for button that marks all unread notifications as read. Keep this as short as possible.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The number of unread notifications\n{{Identical|Mark all as read}}",
"echo-mark-all-as-read-confirmation": "Text for the confirmation message that appers after the user marks all unread notifications as read, as used on mobile. Keep this as short as possible\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The number of notifications that were marked as read",
"echo-mark-wiki-as-read": "Text for button that marks all unread notifications as read in a specific wiki. Keep this as short as possible.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - The human readable name of the selected wiki\n* $2 - The number of unread notifications",
"echo-displaysnippet-title": "The header text for notification snippets displayed in a corner of the screen when the user receives a new notification",
"echo-date-today": "The header text for today's notification section.\n{{Identical|Today}}",
"echo-date-yesterday": "The header text for yesterday's notification section.\n{{Identical|Yesterday}}",
"notification-bundle-header-edit-user-page": "Bundled header message for edit-user-page notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the number of new messages, except that if the count is greater than 99, this value will be 100; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL\n* $2 - the name of the user being addressed, can be used for GENDER\n{{Related|Notification-bundle}}",
"notification-bundle-header-edit-user-talk-v2": "Bundled header message for edit-user-talk notification. Parameters:\n* $1 - the number of new messages, except that if the count is greater than 99, this value will be 100; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL\n* $2 - Unused\n* $3 - the name of the user being addressed, can be used for GENDER\n{{Related|Notification-bundle}}",
"echo-email-batch-bullet": "{{optional}}",
"echo-email-batch-subject-daily": "Daily email batch subject.\n* $1 - (Unused, Compatibility) Same as $2. \n* $2 - a numeric count, this is used for plural support\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-email-batch-subject-weekly}}",
"echo-email-batch-subject-weekly": "Weekly email batch subject. Parameters:\n* $1 - (Unused, Compatibility) Same as $2\n* $2 - a numeric count, this is used for plural support\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-email-batch-subject-daily}}",
"echo-email-batch-body-intro-daily": "Introduction text for daily email digest. Parameters:\n* $1 - a username\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-email-batch-body-intro-weekly}}",
"echo-email-batch-body-intro-weekly": "Introduction text for weekly email digest. Parameters:\n* $1 - a username\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Echo-email-batch-body-intro-daily}}",
"echo-email-batch-link-text-view-all-notifications": "The link text for the primary action in daily and weekly email digest",
"notification-header-foreign-alert": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notification header of having alert notifications on foreign wikis.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the current user.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 (deprecated) - 1 of the foreign wikis you have notifications on\n* $4 (deprecated) - the number of remaining other wikis you have notifications on\n*$5 - the number of other wikis you have notifications on",
"notification-header-foreign-notice": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notification header of having notice notifications on foreign wikis.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the current user.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 (deprecated) - 1 of the foreign wikis you have notifications on\n* $4 (deprecated) - the number of remaining other wikis you have notifications on\n*$5 - the number of other wikis you have notifications on",
"notification-header-foreign-all": "Flyout-specific format for displaying notification header of having notifications (combined alerts and messages) on foreign wikis.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the formatted username of the current user.\n* $2 - the username for GENDER\n* $3 (deprecated) - 1 of the foreign wikis you have notifications on\n* $4 (deprecated) - the number of remaining other wikis you have notifications on\n*$5 - the number of other wikis you have notifications on",
"notification-body-foreign": "{{notranslate}}",
"echo-foreign-wiki-lang": "{{optional}}\nTitle of the wiki for which you're seeing foreign notifications:\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the name of the site (e.g. 'Wikipedia', 'Wikiversity', ...)\n* $2 - the language of the website (e.g. 'English', 'Deutsch', ...)",
"echo-badge-count": "{{optional}}\nUsed only for the two Echo badges shown on the personal toolbar.\nParameters:\n* $1 - Formatted notification count. However, for 100 or greater, 100 will be passed.",
"echo-blacklist": "{{ignored}} Site-wide list of accounts that cannot trigger notifications. Can be overridden by users at [[Special:MyPage/Echo-whitelist]].",
"right-manage-all-push-subscriptions": "{{doc-right|manage-all-push-subscriptions}}",
"action-manage-all-push-subscriptions": "{{doc-action|manage-all-push-subscriptions}}",
"group-push-subscription-manager": "{{doc-group|push-subscription-manager}}",
"group-push-subscription-manager-member": "{{doc-group|push-subscription-manager|member}}",
"grouppage-push-subscription-manager": "{{doc-group|push-subscription-manager|page}}"