mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 11:21:27 +00:00

Changes to the use statements done automatically via script Addition of missing use statements done manually Change-Id: Iad87245bf8082193be72f7e482f29e9f1bad11fc
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Special;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\DataOutputFormatter;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\NotifUser;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\OOUI\LabelIconWidget;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\SeenTime;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPage;
use OOUI;
class SpecialNotifications extends SpecialPage {
* Number of notification records to display per page/load
private const DISPLAY_NUM = 20;
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct( 'Notifications' );
* @param string|null $par
public function execute( $par ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->setPageTitleMsg( $this->msg( 'echo-specialpage' ) );
$this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Notifications/Special:Notifications' );
$out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgNotificationsSpecialPageLinks', [
'preferences' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences', false, 'mw-prefsection-echo' )->getLinkURL(),
] );
$user = $this->getUser();
if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
// Redirect to login page and inform user of the need to login
$this->requireLogin( 'echo-notification-loginrequired' );
$out->addSubtitle( $this->buildSubtitle() );
$pager = new NotificationPager( $this->getContext() );
$pager->setOffset( $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'offset' ) );
$pager->setLimit( $this->getRequest()->getInt( 'limit', self::DISPLAY_NUM ) );
$notifications = $pager->getNotifications();
$noJSDiv = new OOUI\Tag();
$noJSDiv->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-nojs' ] );
// If there are no notifications, display a message saying so
if ( !$notifications ) {
// Wrap this with nojs so it is still hidden if JS is loading
new OOUI\LabelWidget( [ 'label' => $this->msg( 'echo-none' )->text() ] )
$out->addHTML( $noJSDiv );
$out->addModules( [ 'ext.echo.special' ] );
$notif = [];
foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) {
$output = DataOutputFormatter::formatOutput( $notification, 'special', $user, $this->getLanguage() );
if ( $output ) {
$notif[] = $output;
// Add the notifications to the page (interspersed with date headers)
$dateHeader = '';
$anyUnread = false;
$seenTime = SeenTime::newFromUser( $user )->getTime();
$notifArray = [];
foreach ( $notif as $row ) {
if ( !$row['*'] ) {
$classes = [ 'mw-echo-notification' ];
if ( $seenTime !== null && $row['timestamp']['mw'] > $seenTime ) {
$classes[] = 'mw-echo-notification-unseen';
// Output the date header if it has not been displayed
if ( $dateHeader !== $row['timestamp']['date'] ) {
$dateHeader = $row['timestamp']['date'];
// Collect unread IDs
if ( !isset( $row['read'] ) ) {
$classes[] = 'mw-echo-notification-unread';
$anyUnread = true;
$notifArray[ $dateHeader ][ 'unread' ][] = $row['id'];
$li = new OOUI\Tag( 'li' );
->addClasses( $classes )
->setAttributes( [
'data-notification-category' => $row['category'],
'data-notification-event' => $row['id'],
'data-notification-type' => $row['type']
] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $row['*'] ) );
// Store
$notifArray[ $dateHeader ][ 'notices' ][] = $li;
$markAllAsReadFormWrapper = '';
// Ensure there are some unread notifications
if ( $anyUnread ) {
$markReadSpecialPage = new SpecialNotificationsMarkRead();
$markReadSpecialPage->setContext( $this->getContext() );
$notifUser = NotifUser::newFromUser( $user );
$unreadCount = $notifUser->getAlertCount() + $notifUser->getMessageCount();
$markAllAsReadText = $this
->msg( 'echo-mark-all-as-read' )
->numParams( $unreadCount )
$markAllAsReadLabelIcon = new LabelIconWidget( [
'label' => $markAllAsReadText,
'icon' => 'checkAll',
] );
$markAllAsReadForm = $markReadSpecialPage->getMinimalForm(
[ 'ALL' ],
// First submission attempt
$formHtml = $markAllAsReadForm->prepareForm()->getHTML( false );
$markAllAsReadFormWrapper = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-markAllReadButton' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $formHtml ) );
// Build the list
$notices = new OOUI\Tag( 'ul' );
$notices->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-notifications' ] );
$markReadSpecialPage = new SpecialNotificationsMarkRead();
$markReadSpecialPage->setContext( $this->getContext() );
foreach ( $notifArray as $section => $data ) {
$heading = ( new OOUI\Tag( 'li' ) )->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-date-section' ] );
$dateTitle = new OOUI\LabelWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'mw-echo-date-section-text' ],
'label' => $section
] );
$heading->appendContent( $dateTitle );
// Mark all read button
if ( isset( $data[ 'unread' ] ) ) {
// tell the UI to show 'unread' notifications only (instead of 'all')
$out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgEchoReadState', 'unread' );
$markReadSectionText = $this->msg( 'echo-specialpage-section-markread' )->text();
$markAsReadLabelIcon = new LabelIconWidget( [
'label' => $markReadSectionText,
'icon' => 'checkAll',
] );
// There are unread notices. Add the 'mark section as read' button
$markSectionAsReadForm = $markReadSpecialPage->getMinimalForm(
$data[ 'unread' ],
// First submission attempt
$formHtml = $markSectionAsReadForm->prepareForm()->getHTML( false );
$formWrapper = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-markAsReadSectionButton' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $formHtml ) );
$heading->appendContent( $formWrapper );
// These two must be separate, because $data[ 'notices' ]
// is an array
->appendContent( $heading )
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset https://github.com/phan/phan/issues/4735
->appendContent( $data[ 'notices' ] );
$navBar = $pager->getNavigationBar();
$navTop = new OOUI\Tag();
$navBottom = new OOUI\Tag();
$container = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-navbar-top' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $navBar ) );
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-navbar-bottom' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $navBar ) );
// Put it all together
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-container' ] )
// Wrap with nojs div
$noJSDiv->appendContent( $container );
$out->addHTML( $noJSDiv );
$out->addModules( [ 'ext.echo.special' ] );
// For no-js support
$out->addModuleStyles( [
] );
* Build the subtitle (more info and preference links)
* @return string HTML for the subtitle
public function buildSubtitle() {
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
$subtitleLinks = [];
// Preferences link
$subtitleLinks[] = Html::element(
'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences', false, 'mw-prefsection-echo' )->getLinkURL(),
'id' => 'mw-echo-pref-link',
'class' => 'mw-echo-special-header-link',
'title' => $this->msg( 'preferences' )->text()
$this->msg( 'preferences' )->text()
// using pipeList to make it easier to add some links in the future
return $lang->pipeList( $subtitleLinks );
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'login';