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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Api;
use ApiQuery;
use ApiQueryBase;
use ApiUsageException;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\DbFactory;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\NotifUser;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Services;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageRecord;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageStore;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFactory;
use MediaWiki\WikiMap\WikiMap;
use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\ParamValidator;
use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\TypeDef\IntegerDef;
class ApiEchoUnreadNotificationPages extends ApiQueryBase {
use ApiCrossWiki;
* @var bool
protected $crossWikiSummary = false;
* @var PageStore
private $pageStore;
* @var TitleFactory
private $titleFactory;
* @param ApiQuery $query
* @param string $moduleName
* @param PageStore $pageStore
* @param TitleFactory $titleFactory
public function __construct( $query, $moduleName, PageStore $pageStore, TitleFactory $titleFactory ) {
parent::__construct( $query, $moduleName, 'unp' );
$this->pageStore = $pageStore;
$this->titleFactory = $titleFactory;
* @throws ApiUsageException
public function execute() {
// To avoid API warning, register the parameter used to bust browser cache
$this->getMain()->getVal( '_' );
if ( !$this->getUser()->isRegistered() ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-mustbeloggedin-generic', 'login-required' );
$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
$result = [];
if ( in_array( WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId(), $this->getRequestedWikis() ) ) {
$result[WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId()] = $this->getFromLocal( $params['limit'], $params['grouppages'] );
if ( $this->getRequestedForeignWikis() ) {
$result += $this->getUnreadNotificationPagesFromForeign();
$apis = $this->getForeignNotifications()->getApiEndpoints( $this->getRequestedWikis() );
foreach ( $result as $wiki => $data ) {
$result[$wiki]['source'] = $apis[$wiki];
$result[$wiki]['pages'] = $data['pages'] ?: [];
$this->getResult()->addValue( 'query', $this->getModuleName(), $result );
* @param int $limit
* @param bool $groupPages
* @return array
* @phan-return array{pages:array[],totalCount:int}
protected function getFromLocal( $limit, $groupPages ) {
$attributeManager = Services::getInstance()->getAttributeManager();
$enabledTypes = $attributeManager->getUserEnabledEvents( $this->getUser(), 'web' );
$dbr = DbFactory::newFromDefault()->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA );
// If $groupPages is true, we need to fetch all pages and apply the ORDER BY and LIMIT ourselves
// after grouping.
$extraOptions = $groupPages ? [] : [ 'ORDER BY' => 'count DESC', 'LIMIT' => $limit ];
$rows = $dbr->select(
[ 'echo_event', 'echo_notification' ],
[ 'event_page_id', 'count' => 'COUNT(*)' ],
'notification_user' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
'notification_read_timestamp' => null,
'event_deleted' => 0,
'event_type' => $enabledTypes,
'GROUP BY' => 'event_page_id',
] + $extraOptions,
[ 'echo_notification' => [ 'INNER JOIN', 'notification_event = event_id' ] ]
if ( $rows === false ) {
return [
'pages' => [],
'totalCount' => 0,
$nullCount = 0;
$pageCounts = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $row->event_page_id !== null ) {
$pageCounts[(int)$row->event_page_id] = intval( $row->count );
} else {
$nullCount = intval( $row->count );
$titles = $this->pageStore
->wherePageIds( array_keys( $pageCounts ) )
->caller( __METHOD__ )
$groupCounts = [];
/** @var PageRecord $title */
foreach ( $titles as $title ) {
$title = $this->titleFactory->castFromPageIdentity( $title );
if ( $groupPages ) {
// If $title is a talk page, add its count to its subject page's count
$pageName = $title->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedText();
} else {
$pageName = $title->getPrefixedText();
$count = $pageCounts[$title->getArticleID()] ?? 0;
if ( isset( $groupCounts[$pageName] ) ) {
$groupCounts[$pageName] += $count;
} else {
$groupCounts[$pageName] = $count;
$userPageName = $this->getUser()->getUserPage()->getPrefixedText();
if ( $nullCount > 0 && $groupPages ) {
// Add the count for NULL (not associated with any page) to the count for the user page
if ( isset( $groupCounts[$userPageName] ) ) {
$groupCounts[$userPageName] += $nullCount;
} else {
$groupCounts[$userPageName] = $nullCount;
arsort( $groupCounts );
if ( $groupPages ) {
$groupCounts = array_slice( $groupCounts, 0, $limit );
$result = [];
foreach ( $groupCounts as $pageName => $count ) {
if ( $groupPages ) {
$title = Title::newFromText( $pageName );
$pages = [ $title->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedText() ];
if ( $title->canHaveTalkPage() ) {
$pages[] = $title->getTalkPage()->getPrefixedText();
if ( $pageName === $userPageName ) {
$pages[] = null;
$pageDescription = [
'ns' => $title->getNamespace(),
'title' => $title->getPrefixedText(),
'unprefixed' => $title->getText(),
'pages' => $pages,
} else {
$pageDescription = [ 'title' => $pageName ];
$result[] = $pageDescription + [
'count' => $count,
if ( !$groupPages && $nullCount > 0 ) {
$result[] = [
'title' => null,
'count' => $nullCount,
return [
'pages' => $result,
'totalCount' => NotifUser::newFromUser( $this->getUser() )->getLocalNotificationCount(),
* @return array[]
protected function getUnreadNotificationPagesFromForeign() {
$result = [];
foreach ( $this->getFromForeign() as $wiki => $data ) {
if ( isset( $data['query'][$this->getModuleName()][$wiki] ) ) {
$result[$wiki] = $data['query'][$this->getModuleName()][$wiki];
} else {
# Usually an error or it is some malformed response
# T273479
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Echo' )->warning(
__METHOD__ . ': Unexpected API response from {wiki}',
'wiki' => $wiki,
'data' => $data,
return $result;
* @return array[]
public function getAllowedParams() {
$maxUpdateCount = $this->getConfig()->get( 'EchoMaxUpdateCount' );
return $this->getCrossWikiParams() + [
'grouppages' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'boolean',
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => false,
'limit' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit',
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => 10,
IntegerDef::PARAM_MIN => 1,
IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX => $maxUpdateCount,
IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX2 => $maxUpdateCount,
// there is no `offset` or `continue` value: the set of possible
// notifications is small enough to allow fetching all of them at
// once, and any sort of fetching would be unreliable because
// they're sorted based on count of notifications, which could
// change in between requests
* @see ApiBase::getExamplesMessages()
* @return string[]
protected function getExamplesMessages() {
return [
'action=query&meta=unreadnotificationpages' => 'apihelp-query+unreadnotificationpages-example-1',
public function getHelpUrls() {
return 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Echo_(Notifications)/API';