Moriel Schottlender c5905962ab Only load ext.echo.ui if the user clicks the echo badge
There is no need to load the entire of Echo's ui module (especially
since that includes ooui widgets and their styles) on every page load.
There's only need to load the entire module if and when a user clicks
the Echo notification badge.

Also, make the model accept an external fetchNotifications
promise so we can send the API request alongside loading the echo UI
and "feed" it into the DM for processing.

CSS adjusted to make the "jump" between the nojs and the js buttons
seem less jumpy.

Bug: T112401
Change-Id: I516e655ffd198511d694489a0702c5c713a5fd68
2015-09-15 17:11:46 -07:00

98 lines
3.3 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
'use strict';
if ( mw.echo.Logger.static.clickThroughEnabled ) {
mw.loader.using( 'ext.eventLogging', function () {
mw.eventLog.setDefaults( 'EchoInteraction', {
version: mw.config.get( 'wgEchoConfig' ).version,
userId: +mw.config.get( 'wgUserId' ),
editCount: +mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount' )
} );
} );
mw.echo.apiCallParams = {
action: 'query',
meta: 'notifications',
// We have to send the API 'groupbysection' otherwise
// the 'messageunreadfirst' doesn't do anything.
// TODO: Fix the API.
notgroupbysection: 1,
notmessageunreadfirst: 1,
notformat: 'flyout',
notlimit: 25,
notprop: 'index|list|count',
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
// Activate ooui
$( document ).ready( function () {
var apiRequest, myWidget,
$existingAlertLink = $( '#pt-notifications-alert a' ),
$existingMessageLink = $( '#pt-notifications-message a' ),
numAlerts = $existingAlertLink.text(),
numMessages = $existingMessageLink.text(),
hasUnseenAlerts = $existingAlertLink.hasClass( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications' ),
hasUnseenMessages = $existingMessageLink.hasClass( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications' ),
// Store links
links = {
notifications: $( '#pt-notifications-alert a' ).attr( 'href' ),
preferences: $( '#pt-preferences a' ).attr( 'href' ) + '#mw-prefsection-echo'
// Respond to click on the notification button and load the UI on demand
$( '.mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs' ).click( function () {
var myType = $( this ).parent().prop( 'id' ) === 'pt-notifications-alert' ? 'alert' : 'message';
// Dim the button while we load
$( this ).addClass( 'mw-echo-notifications-badge-dimmed' );
// Fire the notification API requests
apiRequest = new mw.Api( { ajax: { cache: false } } ).get( $.extend( { notsections: myType }, mw.echo.apiCallParams ) );
// Load the ui
mw.loader.using( 'ext.echo.ui', function () {
// Load message button and popup if messages exist
if ( $existingMessageLink.length ) {
mw.echo.ui.messageWidget = new mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget( {
type: 'message',
markReadWhenSeen: false,
numItems: numMessages,
hasUnseen: hasUnseenMessages,
badgeIcon: 'speechBubble',
links: links
} );
// avoid late debouncedUpdateThemeClasses
// Replace the link button with the ooui button
$existingMessageLink.replaceWith( mw.echo.ui.messageWidget.$element );
// Load alerts popup and button
mw.echo.ui.alertWidget = new mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget( {
type: 'alert',
markReadWhenSeen: true,
numItems: numAlerts,
hasUnseen: hasUnseenAlerts,
badgeIcon: {
seen: 'bell',
unseen: 'bellOn'
links: links
} );
// avoid late debouncedUpdateThemeClasses
// Replace the link button with the ooui button
$existingAlertLink.replaceWith( mw.echo.ui.alertWidget.$element );
// HACK: Now that the module loaded, show the popup
myWidget = myType === 'alert' ? mw.echo.ui.alertWidget : mw.echo.ui.messageWidget;
myWidget.populateNotifications( apiRequest );
myWidget.popup.toggle( true );
} );
// Prevent default
return false;
} );
} );
} )( mediaWiki, jQuery );